• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,654 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

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Chapter Twelve - Quite the news buzz

Level walked into Toll’s office and smiled. The chair was still there. Out of everything else they’d taken from the office, the chair...and desk, were still there. Honestly, they’d been the best parts of this room. Especially when his boss was here.

Sadly, he couldn’t take too much time to admire the furniture: he had a company to pull back together. Walking from the offices to the place where all the actual work got done, Level cleared his throat and got the attention of what few employees had remained, along with those that had come in to apply for their suddenly very many openings.

“The rumors you’re hearing and spreading are all based in some kernel of truth,” Ledger said. “Toll Taker is gone, along with all her corruption. In her place, I will be the new head of the company, and we are going to return to being the best shipping company of Las Pegasus.”

He paused for a moment to let others interject, but when there was a lack of that happening, the unicorn continued. “However, we have quite the reputation to clean up, so on the side, we will be gathering any, any, information about anything criminal going on and reporting all such activities to the Guard if we hear of it.”

“Such as?” Starsight interjected. “Uh, sorry boss... but most of us are new in town. We have no idea what’s going on.”

“The biggest fish in the pond just got yanked out,” Ledger said for their benefit. “So all the little ones will be looking to establish this place as ‘theirs’ now. We should stop that from happening to the best of our ability, even if it ends up being nothing more than us gathering scraps of clues for the Guard. Otherwise it’ll be anarchy in the streets.” He paused for a second to consider what he’d just said. “Well, moreso.”

Another pony stepped forward and raised a hoof. “Hey, Ledge-uh, I mean, New Boss. What about... that rumour?”

“I’m not psychic,” Ledger deadpanned.

“W-well,” he stepped closer. “The rumor that Old Boss was employing... changelings.” A chorus of whispers echoed from the crowd, well, the pony crowd at least.

“Ah, well, that one I can confirm,” Ledger said with a sigh, even as the whispers got louder. “She hired six changelings to act as decoys so that the guard wouldn’t know if they got ‘her’ or not and planned to run. Fortunately, they were all taken care of before that plot came to fruition.”

The whispers turned to gasps of shock, but quickly died down.

“So what’s first?” one pony said. “We ain’t got no shipping contracts anymore. Legal or otherwise.”

“We still have some bits, though,” Ledger pointed out. “Enough to last us until we do get some contracts, and I’m going to send some messages out to some of Toll’s more legal partners. Once we get our hooves back under us, I have a plan, stallions and mares.”

The one griffon in the group huffed and folded his arms.

“So what’s the plan, New Boss?” Starsight asked, using Level’s new nickname.

“Once we have the bits to, we’re going to find out all of Las Pegasus’ legal vices...and then become the only legal supplier of those vices to the city,” Ledger said with a genuine smile. “That’s definitely a long-term goal, though. So while I send out messages to the few ponies and others that might talk to us, I want all of you to do the same. We need contracts, we need recognition, and we need to wipe out what Toll did!”

“Sir!” most saluted and smiled. At least he was nicer than Toll. Still...

“What about our pay?” one asked.

“Your pay will not change from its base salary, whatever that was, so you’ll still be able to live here,” Level said. “But for every contract you get for the company, you will get a bonus. And once we get shipping lines open again, I’ll open up options for the movers and lifters to get them as well.”

The crowd cheered again. It seemed he had his head screwed on right. But until they got contracts, there wouldn’t be much work.

At least until three mares walked into the building, all identical and all with lovely violet-coloured eyes.

A lot of stallions, (and some mares) wolf-whistled and the triplets winked and shook their flanks a little. The one in the middle turned to Ledger and smiled.

“Oh, just the stallion we were looking for. May we... talk in private?”

“Ladies,” Ledger said as he showed them the hallway that led to his office. “Remember: while I’m technically paying you to sit around right now, I’d really rather you didn’t!” he called out to his workers before joining the triplets in his office. Just as a riveting musical number about, ‘Let’s Clean This Shed’, started.

“I will never get used to that,” One Violet remarked as they followed Level.

They looked around his barren office and sighed. “Oh dear, you really do have terrible decor skills. Perhaps that delicious bat of yours can decorate this a little.”

“It’s not my fault they confiscated everything but the chair and the desk itself as evidence,” Ledger replied. “Anyways, ladies, while it’s always nice to see you…” he left off, waiting for them to fill in the gap.

“Yes, the pleasantries will have to come later,” the lead one stated.

“I bet that’s not the only thing that comes lately,” another giggled.

“Moving on,” the lead sighed, though a small smile graced her muzzle. “We have a business proposition for you.”

“Yep,” the lewd one of the trio spoke up. “We finally get to proposition you~”

“Pretty sure Midnight wouldn’t appreciate that,” Level said with barely a flinch at the thought. “What is this deal you’re proposing?”

“Well, the club we acquired? Turns out it’s quite popular with the pony folk,” the lead said. “And those ponies sure like their drink. Amongst... other things. Turns out, that our supplier recently increased their prices due to... company inflation.”

“They felt they could get away with it and are testing the waters,” Ledger translated. “What without her and all. Okay, that’s about normal. Question is, what do you want me to do?”

“Toll, if anything, was efficient,” Violet said. “You will need to compete on a level playing field, and all your opponents will cheat to win. That is what you are up against.” She stepped forward and placed a small stack of papers on his desk. “This is a contract to provide the...” here she paused and sighed. “‘The Love Shack,’” They really needed to change that name. “With all it’s beverage and ingredients. Also, we require things like building supplies, fabrics, bedding and the like.”

“In essence, you need good contracts with every supplier of raw materials in the city, who could probably use good contracts with us in turn, with the hiccup in service,” Ledger mused, the gears already turning. “We...could probably do this. Scratch that, we can definitely do this.” He was starting to smile. “If we can get them to sign at a...very nice rate for them, as long as they agree to supply you with your needs as well, that should satisfy both parties of this arrangement. My only real questions are, do you know the suppliers for the ingredients for your club’s booze, and do you think you can point me in the direction of a nice distillery?”

The mares giggled, two of them blushing lightly. This was too easy.

“So, you wanna do it huh?” one asked coyly.

“We definitely know what we need~” another chimed in.

Ledger just shot a deadpan look at the middle mare in response. She sighed and shrugged her shoulders.

“What do you expect? We’re Violets. In Las Pegasus.” She just gave the others a shake of her head and continued. “But yes, we have all the contacts you require. But you’ll need to work out a fair deal with them as well. Think you’re up for the challenge Level?”

“Oh don’t worry,” Ledger said as he pulled the relevant information from the pile with a grin that spoke volumes. “They tried to cut you out? We’re cutting them out. It’s why I asked about a distillery, ladies. We’re cutting out the middle-pony and you’re going to brew your own booze.”

“Can... we do that?” Violet asked. Her sisters blinked and stared at the mad-stallion. “We have no knowledge on how to do something like that.”

Ledger shrugged. “There are books in the library, for griffons, minotaurs, and ponies who intend to take it up as a hobby or are having difficulty with it for whatever reason. Haven’t read them myself. Best option is to ask the other Silver in town about it and apprentice one of the younger nymphs or drones under the ones running it. Oh, and this’ll give us freedom to experiment with the brews...including attempting to infuse emotions into it. Which ponies find delicious, by the way.”

The three mares shuddered when they recalled the drinks that Midnight had made them. “You are the luckiest drone in the city, I hope you realise?” Violet said with a low purr. “Still, you raise an interesting point. And by offering something unique, we can raise our annual turnovers, our customer flow and get even more emotion.”

“Cider Falls Brewery,” one said. “It’s in the farming district of all places, run by an Apple mare from what I heard. Cider is her specialty.”

“That’s not her only specialty,” the third purred.

“Well, I think today has been quite interesting,” Violet said with a smile. “So what say you Level Ledger?”

Ledger gave the rest of the contracts, each one with a list of objectives added to the top, back to the ladies and motioned to the door. “Pass those out to the workers...you might have to ask the newbie drones politely,” he mused on that for a moment. “I’ll handle the brewery personally.”

One violet giggled and fluttered her eyes at him. “Oh? Are you gonna use that... special gift of yours~?”

“I’m not going to screw the owner,” Ledger deadpanned. “If anything, I’m going to use my silver tongue.” He blinked for a moment before looking at the nymphs. “And...how do you know anything about my anatomy to begin with?”

“Oh, so somepony likes oral huh?” one teased. “And we know many things Level Ledger, your lovely marefriend is... very thorough when storytelling.” All three gave another pleasured shudder.

“...She is going to have a lot of talking to do,” Ledger sighed before opening the door with a small application of his magic. “Take care you three...and tell the others not to scare the newbies off.”

“We’ll do our best,” Violet winked, leading her sisters out into the shed. One gave him a small wink and her tail flicked to one side for a moment before leaving.

“Aaaand suddenly glad Midnight wasn’t here,” Ledger muttered as he began writing up a note. “She’d either punch me for looking, or join in the teasing.” Giving it a once over to make sure he’d said everything he needed to, he walked out into the sudden flurry of activity and snagged a worker.

“Midnight Song,” he said, giving the scroll over. “Thestral, day guard, will likely be out and about looking for trouble. Extra pay if you find her and deliver this.”

“Yessir!” the disguised drone said before snagging ahold of the scroll, tucking it away, and walking off into the city.

Midnight walked the streets of Las Pegasus. Scope Lens keeping pace, but her gait still had a slight limp to it. Honestly, the two had absolutely no idea where to start looking for the Pink changeling, and it wasn’t like hey could simply ask somepony.

Or maybe they could. Midnight recalled the bar they went to, and wondered if the Changeling’s were still there. Level Ledger had mentioned that the meetings were always in different places... but it was the only lead they had to go on.

Scope Lens was a little more concerned. Changelings that were on good terms with Level Ledger, meant that they weren’t on good terms with her.

“Perhaps it might be best if I return home Mistress,” she said quietly. Midnight turned to look at her and blinked.

“Are you feeling alright? Does your leg hurt?”

“It’s fine, I just don’t think I’ll be too welcome at wherever it is you plan on going.”

Midnight sighed as she placed a hoof on her back. “Look, you don’t need to worry about that. If anypony says anything, then I’ll back you up.” That said, Midnight might have only been okay because she was with Level. She trusted him... and Scopey was alright. But other Changelings? That was still to be seen.

Scope could sense her hesitation, but said nothing. She knew better than anyone that the Thestral could handle herself.

“Well... let’s go pay a visit to my new friends!” Midnight said after a moment's contemplation. “They shouldn’t do anything drastic... or I will do something drastic.”

“Please don’t,” Scope shuddered.

“Fine,” Midnight replied. A sound coming towards her caused her ear to flick as she turned to see a pony running straight at her. Her combat instincts kicked in as he got closer, as she extended her hoof and grabbed his, flipping the stallion over her shoulder and onto the pavement with a hard thud.

“And that is how you handle a mugger,” Midnight explained to Scope. The stallion groaned from the ground and held up a scroll with one hoof.

“Message...for you,” he managed to get out.

“A...a message?” Midnight suddenly blushed with embarrassment as she took the scroll meekly. “Uh, hehe... whoops?”


There’s a lot of reasons I’m doing this. First, to see how well such a messaging service might work in this city. Clearly if you’re reading it, the answer is: decently enough.

Second, here’s a bit of news for you: it’s only been a few days since Toll was taken out of the picture, and already some other companies are trying to raise extra funds...by jacking up their prices. Specifically on alcohol. Not sure what it means yet, but money is power.

And third, I’m going to be dealing with an Apple mare regarding the use of her distillery so the ‘lings won’t have to deal with the brewers, and instead can make their own alcohol. This...will probably cut into my lunch time. Sorry in advance if that turns out to be the case.


Level Ledger.

P.S. If you’re looking for some local ‘lings to help you find others, The Love Shack is a good first step.

Midnight blinked at the post script and snorted. How in the hay does he do that? Was she that predictable? She looked down at the pained stallion and chuckled nervously again.

“Uh, sorry about that,” she said, helping him up. “Guess I’ve been a little on edge... um...” She took out piece of paper and wrote something down, before placing it in his bag. “There, that should help you out. I’m really sorry... but you really shouldn’t run at a Guard like that with such an expression on your face. Leads to things that might hurt...”

“Not a problem,” the stallion said as he shakily got to his hooves. “Boss better deliver on that extra pay, though…”

“Give him that note and he will...” Midnight sighed as the stallion wobbled off. She looked to Scope, who wore an expression of amusement and exasperation. “What?”

“Nothing... just glad I’m not on the receiving end this time,” the mare responded.

“You are never going to drop that huh?”

“Like you dropped me?”


Level double-checked the address and nodded to himself. This was the place...as evidenced by the small orchard of apple trees the mare kept around. Probably to both feed herself and distill into beverages for the town. He trotted up to the house and rapped on the door with one hoof.

There was the sound of something breaking, and some frantic clattering before a dishevelled Earth Pony mare answered the door. She had a cyan-blue coat and a shining blonde mane. Her cutie Mark was of a mug of cider and she stared at the Unicorn with bloodshot eyes.

“C-can I help you...?”

“Apple Cider?” Ledger asked the mare with a raised eyebrow. The mare winced and put a hoof to her head in response.

“Ah, not so loud,” she hissed. “Who wants to know?”

“Perhaps we should talk inside,” Ledger observed as he lowered the volume of his voice a touch. “The things I have to talk about aren’t things others need to hear about.”

“Right, right,” the mare turned and walked back inside. “Make... yourself at home. I’ll go and freshen up... also, don’t drink that cider on the table, packs one hell of a punch.”

Ledger walked in and looked at the decidedly messy house before sighting the couch. With a sigh, the stallion lit up his horn and began organizing the debris from...he couldn’t even begin to imagine how long ago. If there was something that grated on his nerves, it was a messy home.

One the kitchen was much tidier, a small chuckle came from the doorway. “So? Is this how you impress the mares? Come into their home and clean it without permission?” Apple Cider was standing there, looking like a new pony. Her coat was shiny and her mane was much neater. The bloodshot, bleary eyes were now sparkling and attentive.

“Well I do like to have things a bit more orderly than ‘the floor is a giant shelf, use it,’” Ledger commented as he sat himself down on the couch that he’d unearthed.

“Eheh, well... I was testing a new blend last night,” she looked at the formerly destroyed room. “Guess I got a teensy bit carried away.” She walked over to the stove and gave it a light kick, causing it to fire up. Within moments, she had a pan on with pancake batter in it. “Want some breakfast Mr...?”

“Ledger, Level Ledger, and that would be appreciated,” Ledger said with a nod. “Didn’t get any breakfast.” At least, of the physical sort. Coffee didn’t count.

“Well then Mr. Ledger, a pleasure to meet y’all,” Cider replied as she flipped a pancake, the fluffy disc slightly charred. “Eh, wish I was as good as my lil’sis, ah well...” She finished up a few minutes later with pancakes that could be considered edible.

“So, what brings you to my humble abode?”

“Well, it’s about your talents with distilling,” Ledger admitted as he accepted a plate of pancakes. Or what could have been pancakes. “Some of my associates aren’t too happy with some of the alcohol prices increasing, and are asking me to look into alternative procurement routes.”

The mare frowned, she knew about the price hikes, and that the shipping companies were keeping all the profits for themselves. “Alright, so who are you then? Who do you work for?”

“I, am the new head of the reworked Pegasus Air. With Toll Taker taken out of the picture, this frees me up to do things legally and honestly,” Ledger said after he finished off one pancake. “I’ll be meeting with some other farmers in the near future, see if I can’t get them to agree to nice, reasonable shipping contracts...but seeing as you have your own distillery, you’re the mare I want to meet with first.”

“So, you worked for Toll huh?” Cider’s tone took a sudden sour note. She remembered that bitch all too well. Kinda hard to forget a mare that threatened to burn your orchard to the ground if you didn’t comply. “Then give me a darn good reason why I should trust you then?”

“Because I’m not her?” Ledger replied with after he felt the hostility rolling off her. “Plus, I helped take her down and make sure she’ll be behind bars for a good long while. The only reason I worked for her is the same reason half the city did: she had something on me. I was her accountant, and now I’m the reason she’ll be counting the years.”

Cider snorted slightly at the weak joke. “Well, ah guess that’s a fairly decent reason. But trust is difficult to gain Mr. Ledger. And mah trust especially so.” She walked over to a wooden keg mounted on the bench and poured a half mug, knocking the drink back in a flash. “Let’s say ah’m interesting in yer little proposal. What’re the finer details?”

“Well, I’m going to have to cut a nice contract with the local farmers besides yourself, and of course you and my associates will have to work out who gets how much profit from any drinks you decide to supply them and they manage to sell.” Ledger hummed. “Plus I wouldn’t be surprised if they gave you an apprentice to help out...and they have a few things in mind for drinks they’d like to be produced as well.” Ledger rummaged around and pulled out the contract the Ladies had given him, looking at it and nodding once. “This is what my associates gave me to give you, if you don’t like it, I could arrange a meeting.”

Cider took the contract, then pulled a small pair of glasses from her mane and donned them. It was then Ledger discovered the beauty of a mare in glasses...

“Hmm... well, oh I see...” she muttered to herself as she read the document. “Well now, ah guess...” After about fifteen minutes she placed the contract down and sighed. “Well, they certainly are thorough aren’t they?”

“They do tend to be,” Ledger admitted. “I probably rubbed off on them a little bit.” That or the ones that practice law, the stallion thought to himself. “If you have any questions or concerns, I will do my best to answer.”

“In this city, ah always have concerns, but that’s part ‘o the fun right?” She gave the document another glance and nodded. “Tell you what, I’ll run this on trial. Six months is what you have to impress and convince me that this is worth a permanent deal. We Apples pride ourselves on knowing when a pony is lying Mr. Ledger, and one look at you tells me that yer hidin’ plenty.”

“I do have my secrets,” Ledger admitted as he took the contract up and put it back in his bags. “As do many. I’ll inform my associates that they have six months to make this worth your while, Miss Cider. In the meantime, is there any particular farmer that you think has brew-worthy produce for your distillery?”

Cider let out a small giggle. “Oh mah stars, ah don’t bother none with that. Ah brew all mah own drinks right here. And raise mah own crops. This here is both a farm and a distillery.”

“Still, doesn’t hurt to experiment,” Ledger said as he got up from the couch. “Not to disparage your name or your farm, of course. But if you come up with something that you’ve wanted to add to your brews, I’ll see what I can do to get you a little as a part of one of my deals I’ll be making.”

And that was it, the mare was now sporting a grin akin to a wolf. Two words left her mouth and this would prove quite the challenge for him.

“Crystal Berries.”

“Hmm,” Ledger mused as he rubbed his chin with one hoof. “Not even Toll had contacts that far north. It might be towards the end of that six months you’ve given me before I manage to make enough time for a business trip up there...but I’ll see what I can do.”

“You can arrange to get me Crystal Berries, and ah’ll see to it that yer friends have a drink that nopony can resist,” the mare winked. She walked over to her fridge and pulled out two bottles, each containing a bubbly, purple liquid. “Here ya go, drink up!”

Ledger took one of the bottles and sniffed, trying to get a sense of what might be inside.

“That’s whut ah intend to make, but ah only have four bottles left. Y’all can get me those berries, then this is whut mah skills can do.” She chugged back the drink and then pulled the empty bottle away from her lips with a light ‘pop’. “Whoooeeee! Now that’s whut ah’m talkin’ about!”

“Crystal berry wine,” Ledger said, suitably impressed. “Well, I’ll get you some berries if I can...if you also promise to try and grow some instead of brewing them all. If you can make this, and make this regularly, we’ll both end up rich,” the stallion said as he carefully tucked the bottle away. “Think I’ll save this, share it with Midnight.”

“Ah wish ah could grow ‘em,” Cider pouted. “Las Pegasus has the wrong climate, no matter what time of the year it is. Ah’d need a special greenhouse fer it, an expensive one.” She frowned as he put the bottle away. “And y’all are supposed to share a drink with me, to seal our new work contract an all.” She produced a mug of her finest cider instead. “Now drink up little colt!”

Ledger took the mug and nursed it for a moment. “So...a greenhouse and crystal berries...and you could probably use an assistant if you did manage to get both,” the stallion said out loud. “Well, this is rapidly becoming a tall order, Miss Cider. It would take Pegasus Air a few months of good operating before we could help with that.” The stallion began sipping at the cider, noting the quality. “But if you pick one out, I have friends. Legal friends, that could help pull a few strings to make it a little more affordable for us both.”

“If you can get greenhouse materials, then we Apples can build it, save on construction costs.” Cider sat down at the table and smiled. “Ah already get various types of apples from Canterlot, Ponyville and Appleloosa. So all ah need is those berries. Aside from that. We’re golden Mr. Ledger.”

“Draw me up a list of what you’d need,” Ledger said as he sipped at the cider again. Oooh, this went down smooth. “And I’ll see to it that some of my workers sign deals that include us getting a little for personal use from the ponies that deal with those materials.”

“Ah do approve of a more personal touch,” Cider purred with a sultry tone. “Well we have a deal then,” she signed the contracts and handed them back to him, keeping a copy for herself. “Now Mr. Ledger, our business is concluded. Shall we... get to know one another a little more~?”

Normally Ledger would balk at the idea. However, seeing as how it wasn’t a nymph coming on to him, and one mare in particular had been helping him with his intimacy issues, what came out of Ledger’s mouth was something along the lines of…

“I don’t see why not.”

“Ohh, ah do like a stallion who’s assertive,” she smiled. She sauntered around to the other side of the table and smiled at him, her tail brushing up against his flank. “Now how about you come with me, and I’ll show you some ‘special cider’ you can drink from the source~”

The unicorn finished off his mug of cider and smiled at the mare. Yeah, the alcohol probably had something to do with his next line as well. “Miss Cider, are you trying to seduce me?”

“Well if y’all haven’t caught on to that little fact, then ah’m doin’ a poor job of it,” she giggled. “When ah’d much rather be doing something else right now~”

“Well, I do hope we don’t end up mixing business and pleasure later on,” Ledger said as he hugged the mare close. It turns out he was a happy drunk. Thankfully. “Things would get really awkward then.”

Well wasn’t he a friendly one. Cider chuckled and set him back down. “Oh, and why would it get awkward. Y’all don’t like a pretty mare?”

“I don’t mind pretty mares,” Ledger admitted before chuckling. “It’s just...think about it. ‘Miss Cider, we need to renegotiate this contract, and also, can we buck afterwards?’”

“I...ah...” Cider stumbled over her words. This guys attitude was a little... And then she facehooved for not seeing it. “Yer drunk ain’t ya?”

“Don’t drink all that often,” he said with a smile. “Not really used to it.”

“Celestia-dammit,” she wasn’t going to take advantage of a drunk stallion. That could lead to all sorts of trouble. “Well, what do we need to re-negotiate?” she asked, keeping his mind busy as she fixed some strong coffee and her patented ‘Apple Hangover Cure’.

“Oh no, I was just givin’ an example,” Ledger said as he sat on his haunches. “It might get weird down the line if we did anything.”

“Weird?” Did this stallion have some sorta strange kink of something? Well, this was Las Pegasus. “What kinda weird?”

“Like using sex as a negotiation tool for business-related activities,” Ledger elaborated.

“You use some awfully big words fer a tipsy pony,” Cider giggled cutely. Ledger rubbed the back of his head with a hoof.

“I...get a lot more honest, open, and friendly when I drink,” he said. “At least, as I’ve been told. Doesn’t help that I’ve read a lot. If you gave me more drinks, I’d probably start stumbling over my words.”

“As amusin’ as that might be, ah have strict rules not to engage with somepony under the influence,” she smiled. She finished the coffee and poured in a special ingredient, one that could rouse a sleeping Ursa Major. This remedy was older than Granny Smith, some say Celestia herself helped create it.

“Now drink up, then we can discuss certain... benefits~”

Ledger took a sip of the coffee and grimaced at the unsweetened stuff...before his eyes bulged comically and he forced the stuff in his mouth down his throat. “Do I...want to know what’s in this?” he asked in a hoarse voice as he looked at the rest of the drink in his cup.

“Tell ya what, when I found out... ah’ll let y’all know.” Ledger pulled another face, put one hoof to cover his nose, and bolted the rest back, trying to taste as little of it as possible. The stallion felt the alcohol in his stomach and system being purged...and didn’t like the feeling one bit, shuddering as whatever this mare had served him began its work.

“It’s a mighty tough pill t’swallow at first,” she said. She reached for a jar and a wide spoon, dipping it in and scooping out the sugar. “Have some of this if ya want.”

Ledger blinked and his mouth watered at the offering...before he remembered that he was supposed to be cutting back on his sugar intake and shook his head. “Tempting, but no. I’m trying to cut back on the amount of sugar I eat.”

“Well, fair enough ah suppose,” Cider said as she went to put the lid back on the jar and dropped it, spilling the sugar all over herself. “Ah horseapples. Now I gotta clean this up.”

Ledger shook himself a few times as he felt his more rational mind return, looking at the mare that had a sugar coating and snickering. “I know some mares think they’re real sweethearts, but this is silly,” he joked.

“Oh laugh it up,” she pouted, her glasses slightly askew on her muzzle. At least he seemed better now, Apple Family Cure. 100% success rate. And now that he was...

“Well, a certain somepony could help me~”

“I...could,” Ledger said. “Not certain I should. Besides which, a shower isn’t so hard to run…”

“Oh, you are the most adorable thing,” she cooed. “But ah had a... different method in mind~” she replied as she gave his ear a little nibble.

“I thought I just said something about my sugar intake,” Ledger said, twitching only slightly.

“Ah won’t tell anypony,” she purred. “And ah’m quite flexible, so ah can even help~”

Ledger gulped thickly as he considered the offer. It...would be nice, having somepony else to help provide him with needed emotion. Even if it was only lust. But there was no telling how Midnight would take this...a thought occurred to him as he gave the mare another look.

“You’re not in heat, are you? Because I can’t think of a reason why you would sleep with a stallion you met not an hour ago beyond that.”

“Ah live on a big empty farm. By mahself. Forgive me if ah wanna indulge when a cute stallion comes by.” Cider frowned at his hesitation. “Look, if y’all don’t wanna, that’s fine.”

“It’s just...sudden is all,” Ledger admitted. “Plus, mares haven’t exactly been...kind to me. But if you are really after just a roll in the hay as it were...well, I might be able to be convinced to indulging as well.”

Cider wasn’t sure how to respond. So this guy had some- no, scratch that, it sounded like he had a lot of emotional baggage. “Well, ah can certainly say that yer one of the more... interesting stallions ah’ve met.” She decided that a little tease might convince him. She turned and walked towards another room, heading for her bedroom. She gave her sugar-coated flank a little wiggle and smiled. “Well, ah think ah’ll go and get cleaned up. It’s up to you on how ah do that~” And with that, she left him alone in the kitchen.

“...Hives dammit,” Ledger cursed under his breath as he went to follow the mare. Midnight would hopefully understand.

Midnight Song paused as she felt a shiver go down her spine. “Hmm... wonder why...”

She’d reached ‘The Love Shack’ and headed on inside, Scope Lens hiding behind her the whole time. It was a much more subdued atmosphere than last time, with less thumping music and brighter lights.

“Anypony home?” she called out and got a wicked idea. “Guard inspection!”

With that, a mare walked out from the back...and once her violet eyes clapped onto Midnight’s form, she all but pounced on the Thestral. “Oooh, I could do with more inspections by this guard,” the disguised nymph said as she hugged Midnight. Her eyes drifted over to Scope’s form and her eyebrows raised. “Friend of yours?”

“My new assistant,” Midnight replied, not expecting the sudden hug. “This is Scope Lens, Scopey, this is... uh...” Midnight blushed when she realised she didn’t know the changeling’s name.

“Our names are a secret dear, don’t feel bad,” the nymph said as she let go of the thestral and looked over the pegasus. “We all answer to a variety of names. The Violets in this town work a variety of jobs on the strip as a variety of mares. It’d be a lot worse without us.”

“Typical Violet, sleeps with anything that has a heartbeat,” Scope replied with a light huff. “I’d watch your ass Mistress, these nymphs’d gobble it up without a second thought.”

“Mm, not all of us swing that way, little sister,” the nymph said as she finished giving the form a once over and nodded her approval. “There are enough of us here that we can afford to be picky, and we all have our preferences. A fair few of us were gunning for her drone, and we do help the drones in the town as best we can. That being said…”

Here the nymph leaned in to Scope and whispered in her ear, huskily. “I prefer females...changeling females to be precise.

Scope yelped and ducked behind Midnight, using her as a meat shield

“Feeling the love Scopey,” Midnight deadpanned. “Jokes aside, I have come here for a reason today. And I was hoping you could help me out...” And just like that, Midnight realised a second too late on what she’d implied. Being attached to Ledger had really lowered her game.

“A threesome is nice too,” the Violet said with a smile.

“I know,” Midnight winked, making the most of her slip up. “But what I need is information. Mostly, where can I find someling called ‘Pink’?”

“The Pink in this city?” the Violet tapped her chin a few times. “I think that ‘ling works at the ice-cream store. Happiness from foals getting dessert tastes the best, according to her...him.”

“Ice cream huh?” Midnight nodded and hummed thoughtfully. Well now she had something to go on. “Thanks for the info... also, how have things been? Any trouble from the locals?”

“Beyond the other shipping companies hiking their prices for alcohol? Most ponies are actually lowering their prices now that they don’t have to pay Toll a single bit,” the Violet nymph said. “Still, Ledger has a plan to help. I swear, if we ever got in that drone’s head, there’d be fifty different plans or ideas for everything.”

“I can see that,” Midnight giggled. “It sucks that he blew me off for lunch though. Imagine that! Abandoning a cute mare like me?” she swooned, her voice emanating a mock-hurt tone.

“He always did say business came before pleasure when he missed a therapy meeting we had scheduled with him,” the nymph said with a nod. “It might take him a few days to put you before work...especially if he intends to get Pegasus Air back up and running.”

“I believe the Mistress is just being overdramatic again,” Scope sighed.

“You always spoil my fun,” Midnight pouted.

“I do try,” Scope smirked.

“Maybe your friend here just needs to loosen up,” the nymph purred as she stalked around Midnight, intent on pouncing on her fellow ‘ling.

“I need an adult!” Scope cried, running around the Thestral, using her as a barrier between her the lusty nymph.

“We’re all adults... I think,” Midnight giggled. Her eyes widened as a certain realisation kicked in. “Oh Sweet Celestia, I think I’ve been tamed!”

“Oh?” the Violet asked, momentarily halting her pursuit.

“Just a few weeks ago, I’d have had both of you writhing in pleasure, and before you say it Scopey, I can be very convincing!” Midnight winked and her assistant shuddered. “But now? I think I’m becoming... faithful!”

“Hmm,” the Violet hummed. “Not something commonly practiced in the Lands...seeing as our existence is based on deception. We tend to do what we can to secure as many emotional food sources as we need...but those that are raised or grow up in Equestria have a good shot at becoming faithful as well. Might wanna ask Ledger about that one later.”

“At least I don’t have to worry about him huh?” Midnight giggled. “Even I have trouble getting him to be intimate.”

Scope Lens sighed, seeing as the Violet had stopped. “He’s still a drone, so I wouldn’t put it past him. Especially if a nymph were to disguise herself as you.”

“Little sister, how do you think I know you’re a ‘ling?” the Violet said from the other side of Midnight. “It’s hard to notice, but we all give off a faint little odor that tells any other ‘ling what we are underneath.” The Violet looked to Midnight then. “So he’ll not sleep with any other ‘ling, likely because of his issues...but you have been fixing him, yes? I would expect to see some behavior like what she’s insinuating start to surface around mares.”

“So he’ll sleep with a pony, but not a changeling?” Midnight frowned as her heart gave a painful wince. She wondered why.

“I’m... not sure how I feel about that. Given my past, it really shouldn’t be an issue but...”

“Love is a pain in the flank,” Scope finished, still trying to evade the Violet.

“Eeyup,” Midnight sighed, extending a hoof to trip up her assistant and letting the Violet pounce.

“Mine~” the nymph sang out as she began snuggling Scope. “And you should ask him about it, bring it up with him, and gently correct him if a faithful relationship is what you want. Otherwise he might snap up any one-night stands that come his way for the food.”

“Changelings are weird,” Midnight muttered. She watched Scope struggle against the hug, but just sighed and looked around. “Well, I guess I’ll talk about it with him. Also, do you mind if I bring a few friends here in a couple of nights?”

“Depends on who you’re bringing,” the nymph said as she began nibbling Scope. “You and Ledger are welcome, of course. Who else do you intend to have visit our little den?”

“It’ll prolly just be me, Narrow Gaze and your cuddlebug there. I don’t have plans for anyone else...”

The Violet paused in her ministrations for a moment. “Narrow Gaze? Local Guard Captain? You’re bringing her here?”

“Well, she should probably know about the Changeling population. She already knows about Scopey there.” Said Changeling used the distraction to try and escape, but the nymphs grip was too tight.

“...Well, I suppose you make a good point,” the nymph admitted as she resumed nibbling on Scope’s ears. “Just so you know, this place is only run by the Violets of the city. This isn’t a spot where the others have meetings, except for once in a long while, when the other regular spots are all taken already. If you simply want to introduce her to the idea of non-threatening changelings, we can do that. If you want to introduce her to everybuggy…”

“Baby steps,” Midnight replied. “Don’t wanna freak her out too much.” Scope gave a soft moan at the nibbles and flushed red. Her disguise vanished, revealing her cracked carapace.

“Be careful with her, she’s still injured,” Midnight said. “I’ll let you borrow her once she’s recovered.”

“Bucking traitor!” Scope hissed.

“Aww, and she looked like she was having so much fun,” the Violet said as she finally got off Scope...before quickly catching Midnight’s assistant in a kiss.

“Mphf!?” Scope flailed as Midnight chuckled.

“Aw, young love is so sweet~”

Scope Lens flushed a bright red as she donned her disguise once more, but it still couldn’t hide her blush. “Feh! You kiss lousy anyway!”

“Mmm, and for a new face, you don’t do half-bad,” the Violet said with half-lidded eyes. “Enjoy the extra lust I pumped into that kiss. I know it’s not loyalty, but it should help you recover a little faster.”

Scope Lens didn’t reply, even though that changeling did help her recovery a good deal. Midnight just chuckled again as she tossed Scope Lens onto her back, the changeling letting out a surprised yelp.

“Well I’m going to steal her away now. I’ll see you later, kay?”

“Take care~” the violet-eyed nymph cooed. “And tell the Pink we said Hi when you go see her...him. Whichever.”

“Will do,” Midnight waved back.

Scope Lens was all too happy to leave and never come back. That Violet was terrifying!... And she tasted like strawberries.

Turns out that the Pink changeling had the day off. So Midnight would have to wait until another day. She supposed it would be for the best, since other thoughts dominated her mind right now. She opened the door to their apartment and Scope flopped unceremoniously onto the couch with a low groan.

“I am exhausted, mentally and physically,” she sighed. “Drone. Dinner!”

There was no reply. It seemed appear that Ledger hadn’t come back yet.

“I could cook something?” Midnight offered, as the nymph let out a pained screech.

“Nooo, that’s fine. Just gonna relax here Mistress.”

“Why doesn’t anypony let me cook?” Midnight tilted her head. “I mean, seriously. You burn down one kitchen, ONE! or was it three...?”

‘That drone had better come back or I’ll not survive,’ Scope sighed into the couch pillow. Fortunately for everyone’s digestive systems, the door opened right about then, revealing Level and an assortment of ‘to-go’ boxes in his magical grasp.

“I bring sustenance from Fredrick!” Ledger said, before floating the food over to the table and walking over to the newer couch. “I really don’t think I could cook right now,” he elaborated as he flopped onto the cushy piece of furniture and dropped his disguise.

“GAH!” Scope winced as the drone fell onto the couch, pinning her between him and the back of the plush object. “Get off me!!”

“Midnight and I got this for us,” Ledger said as he gave her barely enough room to wiggle free...if she was interested in clambering over him. “Your comfort wasn’t taken into account.”

“Now, now,” Midnight sighed, before taking a flying leap and pouncing on both of them. “Scopey is family now, and daddies should be nice to their daughters~”

“If I ever end up having a daughter, I assure you, I will do my best to ensure she does not turn out like Scope or any of the other nymphs from the Lands,” Ledger replied with more than a bit of bite to his voice.

“And like I’d have a wimp of a drone like him as my father!” Scope echoed back. “Geh!”

“Aw, I love you guys too,” Midnight cooed, hugging them both.

“Sometime... I think she substitutes our reality for her own,” Scope deadpanned.

“She’s just stubborn about making others see her side,” Ledger replied, before giving the nymph next to him the stink-eye. “And you are aware of where little ‘lings come from, right? I assure you, half of your ancestors were ‘wimpy drones’.”

“I never knew my parents,” Scope replied, wriggling free and heading for her room. “So it shows what you know!” Her sentence was punctuated by her door slamming.

“I think you made her mad,” said Midnight, still cuddling him.

“I give her ten seconds until she realizes the food’s out here...at which point she’ll realize that I’m right, logically speaking.” Level replied as he turned to the mare and kissed her. “Well, I mean, excluding gender-shifters,” he added afterwards.

Midnight’s reaction to the kiss was curious though. She pulled back, before leaning in closer and sniffing him.

“Levvy...?” she asked. “Why do you smell like sugar?”

“I met with Apple Cider, a local brewer,” he said, instinctively hiding the full truth until he knew she wouldn’t react...badly to it. “She’s a nice enough mare, but clumsy when hung over. Spilled a lot of sugar when she made me a cup of coffee, so I helped clean it up. I might have...indulged a bit.”

Midnight was silent. She simply sat atop of him and looked at him. “I-Indulged... how?”

“She was gonna toss all that perfectly good sugar out in the trash cause it hit the floor,” Ledger grumbled. “I made sure she wasn’t looking and...well, it’s not a good start to my ‘lowering my sugar levels’ idea, but it was a better use than tossing it.”

“Y-you ate sugar... off of the floor!?” Midnight blinked, trying to banish the lewd thoughts that pervaded her mind. Was he seriously that desperate for sugar. “Heh... Well, that’s silly. I thought you-” She stuffed a hoof into her mouth to shut herself up.

“I made sure her home was clean when I was there before I did anything like that,” Ledger pouted. “Which also wasn’t easy. And I didn’t just bend over and lick it up.” Here his horn flared as if to demonstrate his point. “Floated it up and distracted her with a noise elsewhere in the house, then it was sugar time.”

“You have got to be kidding me,” Midnight sighed. “I think a story of you licking the sugar off of her would have been more believable...” She sighed as she got off of him. “Tell me Level Ledger. What sort of relationship do you think we have?”

“Well it’s certainly not a relationship that a ‘ling normally has with ponies,” Ledger joked, before thinking about the matter. “I...I like this relationship. You and me. Mostly because you actually care about me. I’d like it if we kept it simple, because I know I can trust you. I...don’t know that about anyone else.”

“Define simple,” Midnight replied, her voice was quiet.

“One mare, one stallion, or drone in this case. Of course, whatever you want to do, I’ll listen to as well. But really, I think we should spend time with each other, go out on a few dates around town, before we make decisions about anything really serious with each other.”

And that was it, as Midnight realised the flaw in this relationship. They had never actually agreed to dating. Honestly, he was only a little more than her usual... partners.

“I’m so bucking stupid...” she whispered to herself, small tears running down her cheeks. Upon seeing her crying, Level reacted more on instinct than actual thought. Of course, if he had been thinking, it would have followed the same lines. Namely, your mare is upset. Comfort her.

With that, he lit his horn again and pulled Midnight back onto the couch, though this time, he was the one cuddling her, not the other way around. “Shh,” he said, holding her close. “It’ll be okay,” he whispered into her ear before kissing it.

“H-How?” she replied, her voice cracking. “I thought that there was more to this relationship. I thought we had something we didn’t... I’m selfish and stupid and you can’t even admit you fucked that mare!”

Ledger opened his mouth as he raised his eyebrows. “I assure you, all I did was meet Miss Cider for a business meeting. She was simply hungover from sampling her latest batch of alcohol, and clumsy as a result. It took her spilling the sugar to realize she needed to see to herself before seeing to her guest.” Internally, he was panicking his little head off. “And so long as we share an apartment, Midnight, then we can fix whatever you think is wrong.”

Midnight knew he was lying, she could smell that mare’s arousal all over him. But for some reason, she couldn’t bring herself to blame him. He wasn’t hers, he could do whatever... or whoever he wanted. Calling him out would make her look like a hypocrite.

“I don’t... I don’t know what’s wrong,” she said, pushing herself away from him. “I... I don’t even care, if you did... with her...” This was so wrong, so Celestia-damned confusing. Why did she have to fall in love in the first place. It only caused pain.

Ledger paused for a moment before drawing Midnight back into a cuddle. “A few things for you, then. Changelings view sex a little differently than ponies, especially the Violets. Seeing as emotions are our food...we do whatever we can to garner positive ones. And they...do whoever they can. Now I am aware that ponies see sex a bit differently, mostly a consummation of a good relationship. And…” Here he sighed for a moment, honestly ashamed. “Somehow you know, so yes. Apple Cider came on real strong, and she was quite an experience...but she wasn’t you.”

Here the drone slumped as he kept holding the thestral close. “I bucked her, yes. She wanted some excitement beyond tending her orchard, and apparently I was the thing to hoof. But there was...no love there. Only lust. And that’s not...bad, but I could sleep with many mares, and they would all make me think of you. I’m actually thinking of quitting that usual practice out altogether, but it’s your call.”

Well, that felt like a hoof to the face. Midnight just stared in silence at him. She wasn’t sure what to think... or say.

“B-But that, it makes no... But the male is always right, so I guess... but I love him so does that make it... But the male can take what he wants...” Her head hurt as she got up from the couch, taking a few uneasy steps before falling over. The noise she made was something between a laugh and a sob. It was... quite unsettling.

Ledger got up from the couch, pulled Midnight into a sitting position, and sat in front of her before giving her a hug. “Your faith in me is flattering,” he said softly, “But remember, for me, the situation is reversed. The female is always right in the Lands.”

“I guess... we’re just broken...” Midnight said, without a hint of emotion. “Whatever... wasn’t like I was meant to love anyway...”

Ledger pulled back and gave her a kiss. A chaste one, on the lips, before lightly wapping Midnight with one chitinous hoof. “Don’t you dare say that,” he said with a hint of a glare. “I felt your love. I tasted your love for me. And I am sorry that bucking Apple Cider caused you to doubt us, but it’s just the way little ‘lings are taught before we’re let loose on Equestria. It wasn’t an issue when I still had...issues, but if you want me to stop sleeping with other mares altogether, it’s your call. You’re the female in this relationship, so what you say goes. Just stop doubting yourself. Where’s the fearless mare that took down Toll Taker for me?”

“She’s confused as fuck right now,” Midnight replied, a small hint of emotion back in her voice. “I was taught to always obey the male. His desires are my desires, his wishes are fulfilled by me. His orders are absolute...” She hated that life, it wasn’t hers and she didn’t want it. So she’d turned to a life of debauchery and perverse delights, one where she was always in control. And now there was this stallion... this, adorably awkward stallion who had the complete opposite of a life.

“This trite crap should only exist in books,” she muttered. “I’m...” she sighed and looked at him. “Surprisingly, I’m not mad at you. Hell, I had regrets a little earlier today that I haven’t banged Fredrick or that cute Violet... So blaming you for chasing some tail would be hypocritical of me.”

“A little,” Ledger said as he kissed Midnight again. “How about this? My desire is for you to tell me your desires, my wish is for you to be normal. How does me sleeping around really make you feel?” He sat back and waited for the tirade he knew was coming.

She snorted as a thought ran through her head and her mouth opened before she could stop it. “I’m bucking annoyed you didn’t invite me.”

Ledger blinked a few times...before snickering and laughing. “Oh dear. Okay, I’ll make you a promise,” he said, pointing at their bedroom. “If you can get Apple Cider into that bed after meeting her and telling her who you are, i.e., my marefriend...then maybe we can include her in our ‘nighttime activities’, if that’s what you’re after. She seemed more like the type to love ‘em and leave ‘em, though. Fair warning.”

“You, I’m not that mad at. Her? I wanna eviscerate her,” Midnight replied. How dare she seduce her stallion? Goddamm hussy.

“Look, we’re weird. We’re broken and we barely know one another,” Midnight said. “Honestly, there’s only one thing I can really think of that’ll work out.”

“We definitely need to go on some dates with one another,” Ledger said. “Really get to know each other better than the sounds we make while bucking each other.”

“My thoughts exactly,” Midnight nodded. “Toll Taker messed you up, that nymph messed you up. I was royally messed up long before you met me, and really, starting over might be the best idea.”

She cleared her throat and held out a hoof, smiling. “Hello, my name is Midnight Song.”

Ledger blinked before smiling and taking the hoof, kissing it. “Hello, my name is-” here he let out a series of vague noises, before smirking and adopting his unicorn disguise. “But you can call me Level Ledger.”

Midnight blinked upon hearing his Changeling name. “What...” she opened her mouth and tried to say his name the way he did.

She did so... poorly.

“Did I get that right?”

Level laughed a little before smirking. “You actually just asked where the nearest restroom was,” he informed her. “So hey, at least you can do that.”

“Buck you,” she poked her tongue out. She’d get it right with enough practice... actually, she suddenly got a brilliant idea and Ledger sensed his favourite food. The feeling of somepony striking upon a revelation.

“Somepony has a plan~” he singsonged.

“Somepony isn’t getting any tonight,” Midnight shot back with her own tune. “You shouldn’t have filled up on Cider....” then something he said earlier clicked in her brain and she burst out laughing.

“I was planning on giving most of the lust I got from Cider to Scope anyways, help her with the process of growing a new shell,” Ledger pouted. “Sooner she can walk, the better.”

“Oh, so you planned on taking little Scopey as well?” she snorted. “You’re such a beast under that adorable shell.”

“I...do not get it,” Ledger said with a tilt of his head. “Transferring emotions to help the helpless is typically looked at as a good thing…”

“She means,” Scopes voice said from the dining table, somehow having returned un-noticed. “You said you’d give all your lust to me. Now have a good think about who you said that to, moron.”

Ledger blinked a few times before blushing through his chitin and coughing. “Oh. Wow. Okay, for the record,” he said, looking over at Scope. “I still find you a deplorable example of a nymph and wouldn’t sleep with you if you were the last ‘ling on Equus.”

“Aw, I love you too,” Scope deadpanned. “And thanks for the food... and the show. It was quite entertaining.” She got up and left, having already eaten all the food Ledger had brought home.

Ledger coughed before she got to her room and held his forelegs apart for a hug. “It’d be easier to give you the lust if we at least hugged,” he said. “Though I’d really rather you not be within striking distance.”

Scope scowled, but the sooner she was fully recovered, the sooner she could make her escape. Taking baby steps towards him, it seemed like an age, before she hugged him back, feeling the flow of power enter her, fill her with warmth and energy.

Midnight watched, her wings stretching out as she drooled lightly. “Mmm, now... kiss~”

“No thank you,” Ledger said, running one hoof along one of the cracks before lightly knocking on Scope’s exoskeleton. “Hmm...you’re healing nicely. Another day or two and you’ll be ready to shed this damaged thing.” He considered the hug itself before lightly laughing. “And wow...it’s been eight years since I hugged another ‘ling...almost forgot what it felt like.”

Scope hadn’t even noticed that the energy transfer was complete, simply content to keep hugging the noble drone. Midnight just watched and tilted her head.

“Hmm... maybe my blades could help her shed that shell?”

“Okaythatsenoughgonnagotosleep!” Scope shrieked and bolted for her bedroom, the sound of the door locking was the last thing they heard.

Ledger sighed and shook his head, both before...and after he looked at the table. “Well,” he said, observing the carnage before looking at Midnight. “Might I take you to dinner, m’lady?” he asked, coming over to kiss one of her forehooves.

“Well, I don’t see why not?” Midnight replied. “Our usual place then?”

“Fredrick and Narrow are a’courting,” Level said with a roll of his eyes. “I think they’re in a similar, just less damaged, boat that we are. I have another place in mind that would serve if we wanted less...prying eyes.”

“That sounds wonderful,” Midnight smiled. She put some of her armour back on, mostly her hoofguards and breastplate. “I at least have to look presentable,” she smiled. “Oh, and tell me... just how was that mare able to seduce you so easily?”

“She got me drunk first and maneuvered the conversation to that topic,” Level said with a sigh. “And the sugar actually did end up on her after she quite quickly sobered me up. And...well, then she offered to let me clean her up, and one thing quite quickly led to another.” The drone licked his lips at the memory. “I still can’t say no to sugar.”

Midnight Song made a note to cover herself in sugar. “Well, I hope she wasn’t as cute as me at least. I don’t think my ego could handle it.”

Level shrugged. “We’re poor judges of beauty unless we’re Greens,” he said. “Seeing as how we could be anypony, everypony looks equally nice to us. We don’t judge on appearances.” He then looked at Midnight and snorted. “Now if you do go tracking Apple Cider down, I don’t want you to be too badly behaved. She’s not only someone who I bucked, but she’s also a mare with a contract with my company.” Here Ledger stopped for a moment to smile at being able to say that phrase. “Ahem...anyways, yes. Make your stance clear without scaring her off, if you’d please. I still need her business.”

“I’ll do what I can” Midnight hummed. She was going to have to check this cider place at some point. Perhaps a routine Guard inspection? Followed by a.. not so routine inspection~ Also, on that note.

She flew up off of the ground and landed on Ledger’s back. “Me, laying on the bed. Coated in the finest sugar~”

Ledger paused and shook a few times, trying to get the image out of his head and his body back under control before they went out for dinner. “Dammit Midnight!...Maybe as a birthday thing,” he mused after a moment. “But you can’t do that before we go out to eat!”

“Oh? Why’s that?” she asked innocently as she nibbled on his ear. “My legs are adorned with the silkiest of socks. My mane splayed out like golden waves... My eyes... just begging to be taken by my... hungry stallion~”

“Because otherwise I might just have my fill of you instead, leaving you hungry,” he said, fighting his body as much as he dared. “And you need food. So unless you want to go hungry, I suggest you stop trying to get me hard.”

“Heehee, you’re so cute,” she giggled as she hopped from his back and opened the front door, her tail flicking to one side for a brief moment. “Let’s go Levvy~”

“You are going to be the death of me,” Ledger moaned as he followed his mare out. “Take care Scope!” he called back as the pair of them left.

“Buck you!” she shouted back.

“Midnight’s already on that,” he clarified for the nymph before the front door was pulled closed. He turned to come face-to-face with the grinning Thestral.

“Oh Levvy... I’m just getting started~”

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