• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,645 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

  • ...

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Chapter 71 - Date and Movie night

Twilight rolled her eyes as the excited nymph dragged her along the path towards the city. She knew the mare liked Daring Do, but not this much.


“She’s awfully cute like this,” Twilight giggled to herself. The alicorn gave her wings a small flutter and cleared her throat.

“Now Scope, don’t worry, we’re not running late. Do you want to get something to eat beforehoof?”

“They...allow that?” the nymph said with a cocked head. So what, she didn’t quite have a complete understanding of pony society.

“Well, we could have snacks and stuff at the movie, but I’d like something with a little more sustenance first.” At that, Twilight’s stomach reminded her that she hadn’t eaten since breakfast. “Ehehe,” Twilight blushed a little.

“Was that a hungry dragon or you?” Scope asked. “Whatever, we can get a quick bite to eat, as long as it’s quick. Don’t wanna miss the movie.”

“A premiere is a big event,” Twilight explained. “Trust me, we’re not going to miss it.” She gave her wings a flap and took to the sky. “But I think we’ll save quite a bit of time if we fly.”

Scope nodded and flapped her own wings, hovering near the alicorn. “So, where’d you wanna eat, then?”

“Well, Fredrick’s tends to be both delicious and efficient, otherwise, the nearest Burger Princess will do just fine,” Twilight said as they flew.

“So it boils down to fast or giving the playbird more ammo,” Scope said. “Which is closest?”

“Fredricks,” Twilight sighed. “Still, I suppose I would like some nicer food than takeaway for our date…”

“Wait, what?” Scope asked, nearly dropping out of the sky as that thought hit her. “That’s what this is?”

“I told you as we left the house, but it looks like you were a little too excited to listen,” Twilight responded as they flew down to land. “If you don’t want to…”

“...Just don’t tell the others,” Scope said, looking away to hide the blush from Twilight.

“Of course,” Twilight giggled as they neared the ground. The princess wobbled in the air and Fredrick’s restaurant was treated to an alicorn flying through the front door and faceplanting the podium at the entrance with a loud thud.

“....ow,” the princess groaned.

“I take it you want a table,” Fredrick said with a slight smirk. “Or would you prefer to dive headfirst at one?”

“...You’re hilarious,” Twilight groaned, clutching her muzzle. “Landings are hard…”

“That’s typically because of a thing called the ground,” Scope said as she walked in after Twilight. “You’re trying to miss hitting that.”

“Nope… pretty sure I hit it,” Twilight snarked back in a dry tone.

“I believe that was her point,” Fredrick said as he got two menus out from behind his podium. “Just you two tonight?”

Twilight smiled and looked at Scope. Ohohoho! Now she had all the power. If she told Fredrick…

“Yes, a table for two would be splendid,” Twilight smiled sweetly.

“Right this way,” the griffon said, leading them to one of his, surprisingly few, open tables. Business was picking up again, thankfully. He had just been about ready to swap out with one of his serving colts and take up his usual post at the kitchen. “Will this do?”

“I think this will be a fine spot,” Twilight nodded as she took a seat. “What about you Scope? Is this suitable?”

“No worse than any other spot,” the disguised nymph said as she sat opposite the princess.

“Your words, they wound me,” the griffon said dramatically before putting the menus before them. “If I recall correctly, your server has a talent for being on time, so he’ll likely appear right when you need him.” With that, the griffon was off to the kitchen.

“If Rainbow was here, she’d probably comment on Fredrick employing ninjas,” Twilight giggled as she looked at the menu. The vegetable soup looked filling, so she was going to go with that.

“Nah, but he does employ some pretty nice-looking stallions. If you’re into that sort of thing,” Scope replied as she looked her menu over. Hmm...she was in the mood for fish. Maybe the salmon? That sounded about right.

“Well, you seem to like Ledger a whole lot,” Twilight pointed out. “But what about Midnight and Cider? You’re… a difficult mare to figure out Scope.”

“Good,” Scope said. At Twilight’s bemused expression, Scope explained, only a little. “If I wasn’t difficult to figure out, I might as well not be a ‘ling.”

“Ah, well I guess you have a point there,” Twilight nodded. She still hadn’t answered her question about Cider and Middy, but Twilight figured she shouldn’t encroach the personal stuff yet. “So, tell me a little about yourself then. I barely know a thing beyond your names and and gender… and with Changelings, I’ve noticed that the latter is also difficult to pin down.”

“Only with gender-shifters, it’s not exactly common for one to be able to do that,” Scope said. “Hay, it’s not even common for nobles to be able to do it. Sometimes you get a ‘ling that can slip in and out of several different roles at once. Sometimes you get one that’s more or less locked into what they were born as. We’re not all the same.”

“Which is one of the more common misconceptions about you,” Twilight sighed as she recalled some books that had it terribly wrong. “I read one that said only a Queen had intelligence, and that standard nymphs and drones ran on instinct alone…” She snorted and shook her head. “Written by an uneducated idiot whose only information was second-hoof info about the invasion…”

“Y’should have heard Ledger muttering back before he met Chrysalis,” Scope said with a snicker. “Kept saying things under his breath about what he’d do to the queen if he ever did meet her. His mildest threat was he’d get a shovel and bury her out in the desert.”

“And I left her alone with him and your mares,” Twilight groaned. “I really hope they play nice… I’d feel really bad about banishing Ledger to the moon for a thousand years…”

“They’ll find a way to deal,” Scope said dismissively. “He’s nothing if not inventive.”

And then they met their server, who did a remarkable appearing job just to the right and slightly behind Twilight. “Good evening, mares,” the unicorn stallion said. “I am Ticker, and I will be your waiter for the evening.”

Twilight jumped, and barely avoided screaming from the sudden appearance. She placed a hoof to her chest to still her rapidly-beating heart and looked at the stallion. “Well, now my immortality is one step closer to it’s end...”

“Apologies, your highness,” Ticker said with a small bow. “It’s just my way to appear when I am needed.”

“And scare the hay out of everypony else in the process,” Scope said, not any more thrilled about the suddenly appearing stallion that Twilight.

“It is not my intention,” he said. “It merely seems to...happen.”

“It’s...fine,” Twilight breathed deeply and sought peace before continuing. “Okay, so order…” Her brain had rebooted after Twilight had forcefully shut down the ‘Obliterate the jump scare’ command. “I’ll have the vegetable soup and glass of this wine here please,” she motioned to the menu.

“Excellent choice, your highness,” the stallion said, making note of it on a floating pad. “And yourself, madam?”

“First, cut the madam,” Scope said. “Second, I’ll have a cider and the grilled salmon.”

“Of course, miss,” Ticker said as he wrote that down as well. “I will have your drinks ready shortly.” And with that, he walked off again, melting back into the crowd.

“Does Fredrick employ assassins?” Twilight pondered aloud as she looked at Scope. “What do you think, Madam Scopey?”

“Nah, they’re not nearly violent enough,” Scope replied. “And what makes you think I’ll let you get away with that? Or would you prefer I start calling you your highness?”

“Well, that is the proper term,” Twilight hummed. “But I see your point, plus, it was a joke Scopey. Or, should I call you Secret Treasure~?”

“Not in public!” the disguised nymph hissed, already a blush rising to her cheeks. “O-Only Ledger gets to call me that!”

“Oh? Why’s that?” Twilight inquired, smiling at her blush.

“...You mean, Ledger hasn’t educated you on Changeling society yet?” Scope said, now curious instead of embarrassed.

“Ledger hasn’t really explained a lot of things, and I keep meaning to get that book of his, only things keep coming up,” Twilight sighed.

“We really need to get you caught up on some things,” Scope said. Unfortunately, that was about when Ticker returned with their drinks.

“Your drinks,” he said, putting the wineglass in front of Twilight and the mug of cider in front of Scope. “Your meals will be another ten minutes. Do have a good time until then.” And then he was gone again.

“I’m really having trouble believing he is not a ninja,” Twilight muttered as she sipped her wine. Ohh, this was nice~ Fredrick really had some top shelf stuff.

“I’m telling you, he’s not nearly violent enough to be one,” Scope said as she took a sip of her cider. “What was I talking about again?”

“On why to have the name that you have,” Twilight said. “And why only Ledger is allowed to call you that.”

“Right, the thing you need to know about a changeling’s real name,” Scope said as she put her cider back down. “Is that we earn them.”

“So, you name yourselves?” Well that was certainly an interesting piece of information. No other sentient species did anything like that. Then, Twilight’s eyes widened with a sudden realisation. “Wait… Ledger’s name is Secret Hoarder… and yours is… oh…”

“Yeah, the other thing. Exchanging a bit of your name for a bit of theirs is sorta like...well, back in the Lands, it would be a marriage proposal, or close enough,” Scope said with a faint blush again.

“That’s so adorable,” Twilight giggled. “And the custom is romantic as well. Ponies do a similar thing, but not until after they’ve married. And not everypony does it.”

“Yeah, well, it’s tradition back there,” Scope said. “I’m surprised that any of Ledger’s step-dads or his actual dad haven’t done it...or maybe they have, I never heard them introduce themselves fully before…”

“I’ve only met a few myself, and I can’t understand Changeish so I couldn’t tell you,” Twilight said. “I know Cadence didn’t add anything to her name or vice-versa.” She sipped her wine again and hummed. “What about your own wedding? Are you excited, nervous?”

“None of that,” Scope said, shaking her head. “It’s just a ceremony and a slip of parchment saying what we already know: that Ledger’s too thick-headed to leave any of us.”

Twilight giggled as she put her glass down. “He’s a funny little stallion sometimes. Some of the things he’s said, like wanting to…” She suddenly paused, figuring that Ledger wouldn’t want all his little secrets spilled. “Well, let’s just say he has a few oddities and leave it at that.”

“A few?” Scope asked with a raised eyebrow. “And the sun is a little warm.”

“Well, that’s the pot calling the kettle black isn’t it?” Twilight mused, placing a hoof over hers. “I doubt a normal pony could deal with all of this.”

“Normal is the last thing any of us are,” Scope said with a snort. “I doubt we could ever go back to normal now.”

“I’ve been anything but since I was a filly, and if what I’ve heard about your past… would you want to return to that?”

“Point made,” Scope said. “I know Ledger and Middy probably would say the same things. Can’t blame them, either.”

“I know so little about any of you,” Twilight sighed as that set in. She knew bits and pieces… but so much had happened that she knew nothing about. It made her feel even more distant than she already felt…

“Eh, take a day off from Princessing come the weekend, we’ll ambush the pair of them and have a nice heart to heart,” the disguised nymph said. “Or you could take it slow, do Middy first, then I’ll send a message to you when Ledger has a day off.”

“I guess,” Twilight replied. “It’s part of the reason I asked you out tonight, I want to get to know all of you better. And to let you all get to know me.” She squeezed the nymphs hoof before blushing a little and sipping her wine again.

“I think Middy and Ledger already know you well enough,” Scope snarked, before taking a sip of her cider.

“It takes more than a roll in the hay to get to know a pony,” Twilight replied. “Contrary to what you little bugs like to think~”

“Oh?” Scope asked with that raised eyebrow again. “So you’re saying you did sleep with them and they don’t know enough about you yet? There might be...repeat performances in the future?”

“Well, a good portion of my life can be found in a book,” Twilight replied. “And Midnight did teach me that I’m not as uncomfortable with mares as I thought I’d be.”

“So you’re going to try and get in Ledger’s book, and Cider and I should watch out for your advances,” Scope summarized. “Got it.”

“Cute,” Twilight replied dryly as Ticker returned with their meals.

“Your soup, Highness,” he said, placing the bowl on the table with a small flourish, the contents barely shifting at all. “And, your salmon young Miss,” he nodded at Scope as the fish appeared before her, its aroma was divine~

Scope was too busy eating it to say thank you for it. Not that she likely would have, anyways.

“Thank you sir,” Twilight smiled and gave a disdained look at Scope. Once Ticker took his leave, Twilight levitated a spoon up to her lips and sipped at the soup. It was delicious~

“Your table manners are still terrible,” Twilight said once she’d had a mouthful. Scope eventually came up for air and replied to the lavender princess.

“Have you seen Ledger when Cider cooks?” she asked.

“So it’s a Changeling thing then?” Twilight mused. “I should write that down, so that future generations are made aware that Changelings have terrible table manners.” She’d seen Chrysalis eat as well…

“Hmm, I don’t know if peace can be made now,” the alicorn said with a wistful sigh.

“You didn’t hear?” Scope said with a tilt of her head. “Your princesses and our kings and queens already signed the treaty. In about a hundred years or so, they’ll make a bigger show of it, but yeah. We’re already officially ‘at peace’ Just give the current generation time to forget, and then you’ll get a ‘peace meeting’.”

“Nooo, we’re doomed. We’re doomed to an eternity of sloppy eating and ponies thinking with their genitals,” luckily she’d said it low enough that nopony overheard their princess talking like that.

Further proof that Ledger was a terrible influence, as was a certain Thestral.

“Like you’d really complain about that,” Scope replied in just as low a tone. “I saw that face our first night together. You loved it.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Twilight replied, brushing the mare off with a hoof. “And this coming from a mare that turned into me, just to screw with Ledger both mentally and physically?”

“Are you complaining about what it led to?” Scope countered.

“No, and it gave me a rather fun-sounding idea for a bonding experience,” Twilight giggled and decided to share her little plan. “What do you say to making Ledger see double later~”

“That sounds like fun,” Scope said with a wide grin. “Just be prepared to play with yourself before we allow him any fun~”

“Hmm, I think I could do that,” Twilight giggled as she sipped at her soup again. She glanced at a clock on the wall and nodded. “Perhaps we should finish our meal and be off soon? Wouldn’t want to miss the movie after all.”

“Can do!” Scope said as she dove back into her fish, the sounds of her messy eating filling the air again.

After the meal, or in Scope’s case, the demolition, was concluded, Twilight finished the rest of her wine and looked at Scope before giggling.

“You ah, have a little something there,” she mused. Scope tilted her head in confusion, wondering what the princess could be talking about. She’d eaten all the fish!

Twilight hadn’t noticed Fredrick approaching as she leaned across the table, giving the nymph a half-lidded gaze. “Right here,” she whispered, planting her lips lightly on the nymphs and sucking some of the nymphs top lip with a small hum, before pulling back and licking her own lips.

“Mmm, tasty~”

“I’ll say,” Fredrick said at the scene. “I’ve often wanted to see two mares kiss. Now I find myself wanting to see it again~”

Twilight turned bright red and looked away, suddenly finding the view out of the window fascinating. Scope choked and thumped her chest to clear her airway, before glaring at the avian.

“And who said we asked you?” she demanded irritably.

“Nopony, but I can appreciate beauty when I see it,” Fredrick said, now causing the nymph to grumble even as she blushed. “Your bill,” the griffon said, presenting it to the pair of them.

Twilight was still red, but she looked at the bill and nodded, producing enough bits from her bag to pay for it all. “First that waiter scares the hay out of us, then this... “

“We really need ‘Blame Fredrick’ shirts,” Scope nodded. “Would save a lot of time explaining to anypony.”

“One of my serving-colts actually has a business selling shirts on the side,” Fredrick said. “Apparently he did a roaring trade in such shirts...until I started going steady.”

“I… can’t tell if you’re serious or not,” Twilight groaned. “Still,” she leaned forward and caught Scope in another kiss before leaning back. “Thankyou for the wonderful meal. It has made this date all the better.”

“Anytime,” Fredrick said as he scooped the bits up and put them in his apron. “Don’t be a stranger, now, and have fun on your date.”

“I think we will,” Twilight smiled and looked at the surprisingly quiet Scope. “Ready to go?”

“Yeah, I’m done,” Scope said as she stood up. “Movie?”

There were a lot of ponies here. A lot wearing fancy dresses and suits, along with reporters and hundreds of fans. A large red carpet was leading into the theatre and Twilight paused before they got too close.

“You ready?” she asked the nymph.

“Let’s just get this over with,” Scope said with a dramatic sigh. “They’re keeping me from Daring Do. Nopony keeps me from Daring Do.”

“Alright, alright,” Twilight giggled and ruffled her mane as they walked closer. The reporters took notice and swarmed her in an instant, Twilight keeping Scope under her wing so they would get separated.

“Princess Twilight! Are you looking forward to the movie?”

“Will you be upset if it doesn’t remain true to the book?”

“Did you bring a hot date for tonight?”

“Gentleponies, please,” Twilight waved a hoof to get a little breathing space. “A little room if you don’t mind. In order, yes I am looking forward to this film. I hear it has a lot of praise for both the acting and directing, and I did have a hoof in location settings as well.” Bet Scope didn’t know that~

“Second, no I will not. An artist is allowed a certain level of freedom after all. And if it was word for word with the book, it would be awfully predictable no? And thirdly…” She smiled and shrugged. “I have brought somepony very dear to me. Now if you would please, I do have a tight schedule to keep.”

They allowed her past and she stepped onto the red carpet, smiling and waving at the crowd as she looked under her wing, a lot of ponies trying to see who was under there as well.

“You doing okay there?” she asked.

“First Ledger, then you,” Scope muttered. “What next? Is Middy going to have talked with the author of the series? Is bucking Daring Do going to land in Cider’s fields?”

“Maybe,” Twilight giggled as the got inside and the doors closed, allowing the pair a little breathing space. As Twilight removed her wing, another pony approached, one wearing a hooded shawl and red-framed glasses.

“Good evening Twilight,” she said as the two shared a brief hug. “I’m glad you could make it.”

“Same here,” the princess nodded and looked over at Scope. “Oh, allow me to introduce my friend here. This is Scope Lens, somepony quite dear to me and a big fan of the series.” She smiled and paused for dramatic effect. “Scopey, this is—”

“A.K. Yearling,” the mare introduced herself. “A pleasure to meet you Ms. Lens.”

Scope paused. This was… no way. She couldn’t move, she couldn’t think!

“I get that sometimes,” Yearling giggled. “I’m glad Twilight brought a fan of mine along though. I hope you enjoy this film, I put a lot of effort into the script and you’ll find it’s like nothing I’ve written so far.”

“...okay,” Scope squeaked out, then remembered something important. She reached into her saddlebags and pulled out her Daring book, the only one she actually owned. It was a First Edition of the Rings of Destiny. The only thing she had back at the Hives…

“Oh, it’s rare to see those around these days,” Yearling smiled. “And, you want me to sign it?”

Scope swallowed hard and nodded. Yearling giggled and took the book and made a note inside the cover before handing it back over. “There we go. We should meet up after the movie and chat some more. But, now I have to hide from my editor and speak to reporters. Wish me luck Twiley.”

“Hiding from my Mom, yeah, not possible,” Twilight giggled as the mare ducked off. She looked down at Scope and smiled. “You okay there Scopey?”

There was silence for a minute, before the disguised nymph muttered something at a volume that only Midnight would be able to hear.

“What was that?” Twilight asked, her smile widening somewhat.

“Marry me?” Scope repeated at a louder volume. “Seriously, you know the author and your mom is the editor? I could die happy right now if you were in my life. D’you think ‘Sparkling-Secret-Treasure’ is too much?”

“Aww,” Twilight giggled and nuzzled her. “As adorable as that is, it would make me feel like I’m buying your love. Let’s go watch the movie and we can snuggle,” she said… just as Daring Do, or, the actress playing her in full costume anyway, walked past and smiled at the pair.

“...Seriously, offer’s wide open,” Scope said as she didn’t take her eyes off the actress for a second. “If it means seeing more of this when it happens, I’ll call myself whatever you want.”

“I’m flattered,” Twilight smiled and nuzzled her. “Though, I’d have brought you even if we weren’t dating.” She placed her wing over her again and headed for the theatre. “Now. Let’s go see if this movie is any good.”

What followed was two hours of Daring Do being totally awesome. A very convincing Ahuizotl actor and some amazing scenery. The movie was well paced and had just the right amount of character development.

Once it was over and a round of applause went out to everypony that had worked on the film, Twilight and Scope emerged from the dark cinema. Their eyes wide.

“That…” Twilight said with hushed awe.

“That was bucking awesome!” Scope said, less reserved about sharing her enthusiasm. She was so happy, she flew up in front of Twilight, and kissed her. Twilight sighed and returned the kiss happily.

It lasted for a few moments before they broke it to come up for air. “Well, I wasn’t expecting that,” Twilight giggled. “Though I’ll not complain.” She gave a quick look around, and saw that no reporters had caught that, most too busy with the actors from the movie.

“Well, not the reaction I was aiming from my movie, but hey,” Yearling giggled as she walked up, causing Twilight to blush. The mare looked at Scope and smiled. “So, I take it that film has your approval kiddo?”

Scope meeped before dropping back to the ground. She still couldn’t believe she was talking to the A.K. Yearling. Tonight felt like some sort of wonderful dream. One that she hoped would never, ever end.

“I think she’s still a little shy,” Twilight giggled and prodded Scope with a hoof. “But yes, that movie was much better than I anticipated, and I already thought it was going to be good.”

“Glad to hear it,” Yearling smiled. “Oh, I plan on going to the Ponyville premiere as well, though, it’ll be a little more low key than this one.”

“Ponville is a nice quiet town, though I think Rainbow will make enough noise to make up for it,” Twilight laughed. The Pegasus had already been super bummed that she couldn’t go to this event due to work and Wonderbolts training. So Twilight had arranged a special screening in Ponyville for her next week.

“Iknowsomeponythat’sbeentothesiteofoneofyourbooks,” Scope blurted out, the words tumbling out after one another. Stupid! she berated herself. Way to make yourself look intelligent in front of A.K. Yearling!

“Is that so?” Yearling responded, having been quite fluent in ‘fanfilly speak’ “Some of those ruins are amazingly dangerous.” She didn’t seem at all bothered, and Scope could even sense that she was being sincere.

“Y-Yeah...but he’d read your book, and came out alright,” Scope said, still not quite believing that she was having an actual conversation with A.K. Yearling. “He said he’ll take me there one day.”

“Hmm, well I trust you’ll be careful,” Yearling said. She moved her hood slightly to reveal a faint scar on her neck. “I got this from an arrow wall trap.” She raised a hoof and showed a hairline crack in it. “And this I got from bucking a stone golem.”

“A golem?” Twilight raised an eyebrow and Yearling nodded.

“Writing is a dangerous game kids,” she said, her rose-coloured eyes sparkling. “But I wouldn’t have my life any other way.” She leaned down and nuzzled Scope. “Still, take care. I’d hate to see something happen to such an adorable fan.”

Scope locked up, not even daring to breathe. Her favorite author was actually nuzzling her.

That settled it, if Twilight wasn’t standing next to them at the altar in three weeks time, she’d drag that lavender flank over.

“Well, I gotta run,” Yearling said as Twilight Velvet emerged from the theatre and her eyes fell upon the wayward author. “Oh buck. Gotta fly!” She turned and Scope caught a glimpse of what lay under that cloak, at the yellow fur and an ash-coloured tail… before she was gone, Velvet running after her, pausing to give Twilight and Scope a hug, before chasing after Yearling again.

“Well,” Twilight mused. “I think tonight went alright. What do you think Scopey?”

“...Yearling...Daring?” She asked, having drawn the connection. “But…” And nearly breaking because of it.

“Something wrong?” Twilight blinked and poked the seized up Changeling.

“Best...night...ever,” Scope said, nearly overloaded on pure joy.

“It was pretty good,” Twilight nodded. The reporters came flooding in and Twilight hid Scope protectively again as she answered a few questions. But once they started getting pushy, Twilight’s horn lit up and the two teleported, landing in a hay bale outside Cider’s barn.

“Well, not quite where I was aiming,” Twilight giggled. “Oh well.” She pulled Scope into a hug and sighed contently. “I hope you enjoyed our little date.”

“I want another,” Scope said as she hugged the alicorn back. “I want more and more dates like this. Especially from you.”

“Well, I can’t promise exciting movie premieres every time,” Twilight giggled and placed a small kiss on her nose. “But, I do promise to love you as much as I can… and take you to the one in Ponyville next week. Sound good?”

“Deal,” Scope said as she just sat there and basked in the moment. It was a good moment, shut up.

“Wanna go inside? Or stay here for a bit?” Twilight asked. Admittedly, the hay bale was pretty comfortable. Now she knew why Applejack slept in her barn sometimes.

“Eh, let’s wait until the house catches on fire, or they start screaming,” Scope said as she still didn’t break the hug.

“Deal,” Twilight giggled as she nuzzled the mare and held her close. “So, you figured out Miss Yearling?” She asked after a moment of peace. “That she’s an archaeologist that writes about the places she visits.”

“Ledger’s been to one,” Scope replied. “On the border of Equestria and the Lands. Didn’t think she’d write herself into her series, though…”

“It’s a little more than that,” Twilight explained. “While she does visit the ruins and come across the occasional trap or treasure, she does embellish a lot in her stories. Like the villians and the powerful magical artifacts. I mean, think about this. The Rings of Scorchero would cause unending sunlight yeah? Well, Princess Celestia controls the sun… so I doubt an artifact like that would work in real life.”

“...Okay, fair enough,” Scope muttered. “Still, having actually been to one of the sites of the books. I’ve got a lot on Ledger, thanks to this night, but he still has that on me.”

“Well, he said he was going to take you yeah?” Twilight nuzzled her and kissed her softly on the lips. “I have no reason to doubt him.”

“Yeah, but he said six months,” Scope moaned. “I mean, if you knew where it was, you’d probably take me there sooner.”

“More that likely, but I think Ledger would get a little upset if I stole his thunder like that,” Twilight replied. “Besides… I know the mare who’s been to all of them remember?”

“Ooooh,” Scope said. “Take me one day?” She tried her best to use what little cute-fu she could. She failed miserably, but she tried, dammit!

Twilight resisted the urge to squee and also failed as she hugged her tighter, proving she wasn’t lacking with Alicorn strength. “Promise… still,” she flipped the mare over and licked her lips. “I could take you right now~”

“Bring it,” Scope taunted the alicorn. “I’ve stood up to Middy and Ledger. You don’t scare me.”

“I don’t want to scare you,” Twilight softly said as she kissed her chest as her magic teased the mare’s wings. “I only want to love you, and hope you could love me in return.”

“After tonight, you’ve got me all but wrapped around your hoof,” Scope said. “Let’s see how long you can keep me there, though…”

“The mare doth protest too much,” Twilight smiled as she kissed her again. “Why don’t you get… more comfortable.” She had a few tricks to try out that Chrysalis had told her about, ones to get the upper hoof on Ledger.


The two had rested there for a while, just snuggling under the moonlight before it was time to head inside. A bed was still far preferable to a stack of hay for sleeping in.

"We're home," Twilight called out as they walked in, surprised to see of the lights off. "It's not that late," she murmured. "Where is everypony?"

A faint, repetitive sound could be heard from the living room. Twilight tilted her head and headed for the source of the sound. She giggled lightly at the sight that she came across.

Cider and Midnight had snuggled up next to Ledger on the ‘cuddlecouch,’ and Spike had fallen asleep in the large bowl the popcorn used to be in.

The movie they had been watching was just looping at the title screen, at least until Twilight switched it off with her magic.

“Hi,” Ledger said softly, not wanting to wake either mare next to him.

“Hey yourself,” Twilight said as she gently lifted Spike onto her back and floated Cider and Midnight up as well. “Here, let me help you with that.”

“Shoulda left him there,” Scope grumbled. “Oh, and Twilight is mine now. Get your own alicorn princess Ledger.”

“Isn’t the whole point of a herd to share?” Ledger said as he carefully stood up again. He’d been pinned that way for a little while and needed to get the blood flowing again.

Not that he was complaining. He’d been enjoying that cuddle.

“It was, but we’ve decided that we’re running away together. Twilight will be my bride,” Scope nodded. “Between the fact that she’s friends with A.K. Yearling! And the mindblowing sex I just had…” Scope sighed wistfully.

“Glad to see you two connected, then,” Ledger said as he walked over, before gently kissing the nymph on the head. “And hey, if you really want to give up me, and Midnight, and Cider...I won’t stop you, you know.”

“We’re not running away,” Twilight giggled and kissed Scope on the forehead. “But you’ll be glad to hear our date went amazingly well. We have a lot in common with our love of Daring Do, and my sparkling Treasure is just too adorable for words.”

“Excellent, our plan worked,” Ledger said with a smile.

“Plan?” Scoe tilted her head. “What plan?”

“The whole, getting you and Twilight on a date, plan,” Ledger said. “I told her she’d likely have to trick you into it to begin with, and she came up with the venue.”

“So… this was all just a trick?” Scope frowned and looked at Twilight. “You…”

“No, nononono!” Twilight said, pulling the mare into a hug as she looked at Ledger with a glare. “Ledger could have worded that better, but if I’d said from the start that I wanted to take you on a date, would you have come with me?”

“Well… I guess, I dunno,” Scope frowned. “I’m not one for those stupid frou-frou dinners and crap.”

“See?” the alicorn smiled. “I had a great time tonight Treasure. And I meant every word I said, I really do love you okay?”

Scope blushed and looked away, muttering something under her breath in Changeish.

“Yeah, well… guess I love you too… maybe.”

Now say it so she can hear you properly,” Ledger chittered to her. “After all, she’s not Midnight.

Scope dearly wished she could kill with looks alone, she’d just have to settle with pretending as she glared at the bug before sighing and looking at Twilight with a softer expression.

“I… love you as well Twilight. And you had better believe that you’ll be getting married to me! And… maybe those other ponies as well. But mostly me!”

Twilight brushed some tears from her eyes and nodded, holding Scope close. “Of course, my little Treas— oh, sorry. Scopey.”

“...No, you can call me that as well,” Scope said. She looked at Ledger and pointed a hoof. “Not. A . Word!”

“My lips are sealed,” he said, miming a zipper over his lips. “Now let’s all get to bed, before Cider and Midnight wake up.”

“TOO. MUCH. CUUUUTE!” Midnight hollered, scaring the ever loving crap out of Twilight as she squeaked and dropped the two mares in her magical grasp. The Thestral pounced on Scope, the small nymph letting out a squeak as the bat nuzzled her to death.

“Ah’m...gonna...kill ‘er,” Cider groaned from her rather indignant and revealing position on the floor. Ledger walked over and helped the mare to her hooves, before restraining her with a hug.

“She’s just...excited for Scope and Twilight,” Ledger explained.

“Well ain’t that jus’ grand,” Cider grumbled. “Ah wonder if she’ll like bein’ an earth pony…”

“Somebuggy help me!” Scope cried as the bat continued to nuzzle and squeeze her, the little ‘ling making a sound that resembled a squeaky toy.

“Either be gentler with her, Midnight, or I’ll let go of Cider,” Ledger warned the batpony without turning around.

“Ohkaayyy!” Midnight replied and snuggled Scopey more gentler. Twilight chuckled and nuzzled Apple Cider.

“So, would you like to go on a date soon?” she asked the mare. “I still need to spend some time with you after all.”

“Yeah,” Cider calmed down and returned the gesture. “Ah reckon that’d be nice.”

Ledger snuck in a kiss on both of them before letting go of Cider. “Well then. I’ll clean up here. You all can get comfy upstairs and I’ll join you when the job’s done.”

“If you’re lucky~” Scope giggled, teleporting from Midnight’s grasp and grabbing Twilight before teleporting the two of them away.

“I really wanna know what happened on that date,” Midnight mused as she moved to help Ledger.

“Ap,” Ledger said as he levitated their plates from the pizza up. “I said I’d get this done, and I will. Go and snuggle Scopey some more. I got this.”

“If you insist,” Midnight said, giving him one last look and trotting upstairs.

“Yer too nice,” Cider chuckled, helping out regardless. “But ah guess that’s just one of the things ah like about you though.”

“I did say I would get this,” Ledger sighed. “Fine, if you insist on helping, can you take care of the projector while I get the dishes?”

“And this is still mah house,” Cider replied as she unhooked the projector and packed away the film reel. “Besides, did y’all think ah’d really let you do this by yerself?”

“I did rather hope I would get the chance to clean up on my own,” the drone mused as he piled the plates neatly before sticking the popcorn bowl on top of them.

“Oh, and why’s that?” Cider asked as she placed the projector back in it’s case.

“Eh, it’s just a thing I like to do,” Ledger said. “It just feels right to put things in order.”

“Equal parts kind and strange,” Cider chuckled as she placed the projector away in a cupboard. “Well that’s done. Ah guess ah’ll leave you to it then.”

Ledger trotted over and gave her a passionate kiss, before nuzzling her. “I’ll be up in a bit,” he told the mare. “Go on and get comfy.”

Cider smiled and pulled him into a deep kiss, her tongue massaging his as she moaned into his mouth. Once she broke it, she gave him a half lidded stare and then turned, running her tail under his nose as he got a lungfull of her scent, followed by a peek of what was under that tail…

She was halfway up the stairs when she turned and winked. “Don’t keep lil’ol me waiting too long~” she purred and then sashayed off.

“...These mares,” Ledger said with a shake of his head as he went into the kitchen to do the dishes. “They are going to be the death of me one day.”

Amy trudged out into the kitchen. She was feeling a little sluggish at the moment and decided a sugar hit was just what she needed. Acey was taking a shower, and had a bad habit of using all the hot water when he did.

As she fixed herself some decaf coffee with a few cubes of sugar, a pair of talons made their way around her barrel.

“Hello beautiful,” Ace’s voice whispered into her ear.

“Heya stud,” she purred back to him. “Just let me have some sugar and I’ll be all yours…”

“Hmm, what if I don’t want to wait?” he purred.

“Acey,” she said, batting at him with one hoof while the other held her coffee. “I’m feeling kinda slow at the moment, some sugar is just what I need to perk back up.”

“Well I could give you some sugar,” he purred. “But, if you don’t want me…” The talons shifted with a green glow, morphing into black hooves as a new voice whispered into her ear.

“How about me?” Chrysalis chuckled.

“Chryssy!” Amy said as she used her magic to move her coffee out of the way. “You came back!” With that, the queen was subjected to a hug from a pink nymph.

“What can I say,” Chrysalis mused as she returned the hug. “I find you to be quite addictive.”

“You’re not half-bad,” the nymph said as she nuzzled the queen. “Maybe three-quarters, but not entirely.”

“Ooh, but I thought you liked me at least a little bad~” she chuckled and kissed the mare on the head. “Plus, I’d much rather deal with you than have that Ledger glare at me all the time. He’s utterly insufferable.”

“He kinda told us why he doesn’t like you though,” the pink nymph said. “The day after your little show in Canterlot? His boss pulled all her employees in and did a glamour-breaking spell on all of them. He...kinda blames you for the past year of forced servitude.”

“He should have escaped, or taken out the mare if that was the case,” Chrysalis retorted. “I’ll not take the blame for his own weaknesses.” She suddenly yelped when a certain Griffon poked her in the ribs, catching Amy when she was inadvertently flung by her startled reaction.

“Seems my bug infestation is getting worse,” he mused.

“This is my place,” Amy said, as if the pink everywhere didn’t attest to that. “If anything, my hot griffon to nymph ratio is going down.”

Chrysalis paused and looked around and shivered. “That… is a lot of pink…”

“I have tried, but it’s a battle even I cannot win,” Ace replied tersely. “I have had minor victories, but I do not think I can win the war…”

“Amy, for the love of all that is holey. You need to cut down on the pink,” Chrysalis said.

“Too much Pink Energy is dangerous,” Ace agreed.

“Really?” Amy said with a tilt of her head. “I’ve not had any problems yet…”

“So what brings you here anyway?” Ace asked the queen.

“Ponyville was...stifling,” she replied, sitting in her rump and sighing. “I needed to get away from there for a bit. And you two are the only ones in Equestria that don’t want to kill me.”

“Aww, you’re always welcome here,” Amy said as she finally floated her coffee closer. “Though...you’re probably gonna want to keep a disguise up around town, as the other changelings wouldn’t be so...understanding. And most of them probably had a job before you...yeah.”

“I know, I caused more trouble that half the residents of Tartarus,” Chrysalis sighed. “And given that I receive very little love, I’ll have a relatively short lifespan.” She snorted and floated a cookie over and munched on it. “So they’ll only have to worry for a decade or two, then…”

“Acey, sad queen! Deploy plan H!” Amy said as she squirmed free of his claws.

“Plan what?” Chrysalis asked, before chirping indignantly when the powerful Griffon scooped her up into a hug. “Gah! Lemme go!”

“Mnope,” Amy said as she sipped her coffee. “We’ll keep you here until you cheer up. Isn’t that right, Acey?”

“My Lady’s wish is my command,” Ace nodded as he held the bug queen close.

“...stupid,” Chrysalis muttered, looking at the floor. “Why do you even care? I ruined our entire species…”

“Because everypony, as long as they’re still breathing, can change,” Amy chirped. “You can still be helped as long as you want to be.”

“It’s not a matter of helping,” Chrysalis replied, still gazing at the floor. “I know I made a mistake. And it’s not one I’ll make again, I would never be able to gain the forces necessary to do so anyhow. But I am vilified by an entire nation. And you alone cannot change that. And no-one will ever believe I can change. You two are just… naive.”

“If you could go back and change what you did then, would you?” Amy asked seriously, which was a rare thing for her. Namely, acting serious about something.

“Maybe,” she said softly. “I might have gone about it differently. Maybe asked Celestia for help? I don’t know…”

“Being willing to change and acknowledging your mistakes means you’re not the same you you were when you made them,” Amy sade sagely. “Which means we aren’t wasting our time helping you. We’ll work on the way the nation sees you later. Right now we need to help you.”

“How?” Chrysalis snarked. “The entire nation despises me! I’m surprised I haven’t been hunted down and publically executed! Or worse!”

“They’re willing to deal with a reformed chaos spirit, even after he betrayed Equestria to a demon of Tartarus,” Amy said with a roll of her pupil-less eyes. “I’m pretty sure your invasion pales in the light of that.”

“So one would think,” Chrysalis replied, leaning into the hug and feeding on the small amounts of love. “I think it’s a lost cause…”

“Nothing is lost, as long as one pony remains to fight for it,” Amy said. “It might take you a while, but so long as you’re willing to keep trying, and keep making all the right moves, I’m sure you can eventually persuade Equestria that you mean no harm. And we’ll help you too, isn’t that right, Acey?”

“Your invasion caused my student and my dearest friend a great deal of personal grief,” Ace replied, holding the queen tighter. “Her entire life was destroyed because of you…”

“I…” Chrysalis was now rather terrified.

“And I won’t even get started on how many others suffered because of that,” he continued. The Queen very much wanted out of this hug now.

“Oooh, Acey! Idea!” the pink nymph said with a smile.

Ace looked up at his fiance.

“Let’s have her apologize to Middy and Ledgy, then for every ‘ling she makes an honest apology to, she can spend that much time with us,” Amy said, rather proud of her motivational idea.

“Midnight Song… that bat pony,” Chrysalis said in a quiet voice and she felt Ace flinch a little. That must be the student he was talking about. “She… and the others, already did that. I don’t know how sincere they were…”

“And now it’s your turn to do it in reverse!” Amy chirped. And then she went flat and serious again. “Otherwise, you can kiss any time with both of us good-bye.”

“I fail to understand what you're getting at,” Chrysalis retorted with a frown.

“She means you have to learn to forgive yourself,” Ace said, his hug resuming its gentleness. “I’m glad to hear that Midnight forgave you. And it means that I have forgiven you also. The Black responsible has been dealt with…”

“Black?” Chrysalis said, turning her head to look at him. “I didn’t have any Blacks in my forces. What Changeling in their right mind would work with those abominations!?”

“One hurt her, though,” Amy said sadly. “One hurt her there. One nearly hurt her here. Ledger...dealt with it. He’s not really a pony that throws a first punch. Seeing him in action like that just feels...wrong. It’s also probably why he didn’t deal with Toll Taker.”

“But I’m telling you I had no Blacks!” Chrysalis squirmed from Ace’s grasp and got to her hooves. “If one snuck its way into my army…” Her eyes widened and she suddenly felt sick… “Oh gods… What have I done…?”

It was Amy that hugged her then, whispering soft reassurances to the queen before looking over at Ace. The pink ‘ling gestured for him to join in on the hug with a hoof. Chrysalis would need all the love she could get.

“I...no… it’s impossible…” The queen shook, the mere thought of having one of those monstrosities nearby. It was no wonder that everyone hated her. That thing would have sucked all the love from that city… She broke from their hold, releasing the contents of her stomach in the sink.

“There there, Chryssy,” Amy said as she rubbed the queen’s back with a hoof. “If you really didn’t know, I’m sure you’ll be forgiven for it...though, how do you miss something like that?”

“I..” She wiped her mouth and groaned. “I can’t sense negative emotions. Nor can I absorb or consume them… I don’t know why, but I just can’t.

“Oh wow, so you’re like the anti-me,” Amy said with a small, strained laugh. “I couldn’t be more sensitive to negative emotions if I tried.”

“Well, maybe I should recruit you for my army next time,” Chrysalis gave a dry laugh. She turned the tap on to wash out the sink and took a mouthful of water to gargle, before spitting that too.

“Hmm, Acey, I’m thinking of a plan here,” Amy said. “Chryssy here explains herself to Ledger and Middy, then gives them an honest apology for causing them any pain, even indirectly. And if they both accept, then she gets to come back to our bed, and this time, is the one in charge.”

“Pfft, like you can bribe me with sex,” Chrysalis replied. She frowned and her horn shone. “Maybe I should go…”

Amy walked over and drew the queen into a kiss, despite the fact that Chrysalis had just thrown up. Yeah, it was probably not going to taste good, but she needed it. Needed to be shown that they cared.

Chrysalis pushed the mare back with a hoof. “I...appreciate the gesture,” she said. “I’ll do what you ask, not because of what you offer, but because I want to. Simple as that.”

“See? Would the old you have done something like that?” Amy asked before looking out a window. “Whups, it’s late. Probably best not to bother them at this hour...and you just got here as well.”

“I’ll… sleep in their barn or something,” Chrysalis replied. “Sorry for bothering you so late.”

“Nope,” Amy said as she hugged the queen. “We’re keepin’ you for tonight.”

“But… you just said—”

“I find it best to just roll with it,” Ace replied, letting out a yawn. “It’s pointless arguing with her. You’d never escape either. I doubt even death would provide solace.”

“Besides, we can do things beyond bucking each other silly, silly,” Amy said. “We can just cuddle and go to sleep together. Show you we care beyond mind-blowing sex.”

“But the sex is still pretty amazing,” Ace chuckled. “But my little dessert has a point.”

“Tch! Fine,” Chrysalis pouted. “Can I get something to drink? My mouth tastes like crap.”

“One cider coming up!” Amy said as her horn lit up and the drink floated out of the refrigerator. A cup floated down in a similar pink aura, both being presented to the queen.

“So… this is that cider stuff the loud rainbow one is obsessed with?” Chrysalis took the drink and popped the lid, taking a tentative sip. Well, it was… tolerable. “I feel like I could use something stronger though… Some rum or scotch would be nice.”

“Sorry, the other ‘lings say I shouldn’t be drunk ever again,” Amy said with a bashful look.

“I don’t think I want to know,” Chrysalis deadpanned. “Well this is fine, and I feel a little better now.” Her stomach grumbled a little, since it was now devoid of food, but she shrugged it off.

“Somepony’s hungry,” Amy said, poking Chrysalis in the ribs with a hoof. “We have some leftovers from dinner tonight...surprisingly. Acey usually eats it all.”

“Meh, wasn’t that hungry today,” Ace replied, and as the two turned back to Chrysalis, she’d already gotten the container and started stuffing her face. She paused and looked up with stuffed cheeks, looking kind of like a buggy chipmunk.


Amy said nothing, electing to giggle instead. Even Ace chuckled slightly as Chrysalis swallowed her mouthful and blinked. “What?”

“Nothing,” Ace hummed and headed for the bedroom, leaving his mare to fend for herself.

“Not sayin’.” Amy said with a snicker. Chryssy had looked so silly just then!

The queen frowned and inhaled the rest of the food before giving the smaller nymph an indignant look. “Do I have to get the answer out of you?”

“I’ll never tell, nevar!” Amy said dramatically as she struck a pose. Chrysalis chuckled as she stepped forward, her horn glowing with an emerald hue.

“I have my ways of getting prisoners to talk little ‘ling,” she said. “Last chance to tell your Queen.”

“Mmnope!” Amy said as she bolted for the bedroom. “Gangway Acey! Make room!”

“You cannot escape!” Chrysalis laughed, her evil laugh long since perfected as she chased after the mare. An idle thought passed her mind, on why she was acting like a grubling… But, the smile she wore wouldn’t disappear.

Ace shook his head and caught Amy, holding her close.

“Ha-HA!” Amy said as she turned to look at Chrysalis. “And now I am protected by the mighty griffon!”

“Is that so~?” Chrysalis cooed as Ace held her tighter.

“All is for my Queen,” he said in a flat tone.

“Good work my minion,” Chrysalis purred as she lazed on the end of the bed. “Initiate Protocol T.”

“Uh-oh,” Amy said, just now realizing the trouble she was in.

Ace nodded and shifted his claws… so he could tickle the nymph mercilessly.

“Eeek!” Amy said, doing her best to escape from her new predicament while giggling madly. “A-A-Ace! S-stoppit!”

Ace remained silent as Chrysalis cackled. “Do you give up little nymph. Swear your loyalty to your Queen!”

“N-N-Never!” Amy said as she squirmed again. “I’ll n-n-never surr-en-der!” Each stutter or halt in her speech was punctuated by a laugh or a giggle, as Ace just didn’t stop tickling her.

“You leave me little choice,” Chrysalis sighed. “Minion. Tickle her leg holes!”

Ace tilted his head and shrugged, moving his claws to do just that. Amy shrieked as her wiggling intensified, now needing to get out of the griffon’s hold before she couldn’t stand any more.

“Give up,” Chrysalis said, leaning closer to whisper into her ear. “Swear fealty to me.”

“N-n-no!” Amy said, with great difficulty. She decided to strike back against Ace’s ticklings, and used her hooves to tickle where his wings connected with his body, before drawing them over his ribs. She wasn’t going to go down like this!

Ace snorted as his hold on her weakened. Chrysalis rolled her eyes and used her magic to attack all of Amy’s points at once. The pink nymph collapsed in a giggling fit, going limp in Ace’s hold.

“Victory is ours!” Chrysalis cheered and fell onto her back. Amy eventually stopped laughing, only to start snoring instead.

“We tickled her to sleep? Are you kidding me?” Chrysalis snorted and closed her eyes. Being silly was exhausting!

“Sounds about right,” Ace chuckled. “When she gives birth, I am going to have trouble on telling who the foal will be.”

“Now that I can believe,” Chrysalis replied with a small smile. It soon faltered as she looked at the Griffon. “So,” she spoke quietly. “You sure you want me around?”

“I will be honest,” Ace replied as he stroked Amy’s mane. “Part of me still wants to tear you limb from limb for what you did to Midnight… but you weren’t directly involved. And for what it’s worth, I believe you you about not knowing about that monster.” He nuzzled the pink nymph and sighed. “Look, Amy has her heart set on helping you, and I believe that ponies should be given a second chance at least… within reason.” he looked at Chrysalis and smiled. “You’re worthy of that chance.”

Chrysalis nodded and turned her head away. “If only there were more like you,” she sighed. Ace shrugged and closed his eyes.

“Open your eyes, and you’d be surprised by what you see,” he said as he drifted off to sleep.

Once both of them were out, the queen nodded and with a flash of her horn, teleported from the home...

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