• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,645 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

  • ...

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Chapter 96 - The Honeymoon

Twilight groaned as the group flashed into existence in Canterlot, specifically, Twilight’s old tower home. She’d come here a few days ago to give it a thorough cleaning, and make sure her Super Princess-sized bed was in place correctly~

“Whew!” she said, wiping her brow. “What a day…”

“Yup,” Ledger said as he just hugged the closest of his wives. Which turned out to be Scope. “I think I’ll be remembering this day for a long, long time.”

“You’d better,” Scope said. “Because so help me if you forget our anniversary…”

“I get the feeling that I will be scrambling for gift ideas for the foreseeable future,” the drone wryly observed.

“More than likely,” Midnight smirked as Twilight unlocked the door and led them inside. Scope shrunk, returning to her true form and sighing.

“Hives above that was fucking exhausting,” she groaned.

“I can imagine,” Ledger said. “It’s just so...liberating being myself for so long.”

“Lucky you,” Scope muttered.

“I think we need to get out of these here dresses,” Cider replied as she cracked her neck. “They’re amazing dresses, but ah need to not be in it anymore.”

“Agreed,” the other three mares nodded. Ledger licked his lips at the thought before he made his offer.

“If you’d like, I could help you all out of those dresses…”

“You’d like that huh?” Midnight purred and flicked his nose. “No, we want to keep these in one piece, and I don’t trust you to restrain yourself.” She kissed his muzzle and then led the mares into the room. “Wait a few minutes and then you can play okay~?”

That was perfectly fine by Ledger. It gave him time to practice the spell that the Captain had just given him. He didn’t expect miracles right away, but if he could pull this off-!

“Don’t wait too long though~” Twilight smiled and kissed him, right as they closed the door, her horn flashed and he felt the warming spell hit him. Ledger grumbled, but was determined to try and get something from this spell before he opened that door. Heck, if it worked, he could have twice the fun. He set his mind to furiously trying the spell in the short amount of time he had, though he was also careful enough to not miss a step at all. Miscasts were worse than nothing.

Ten minutes passed. Then fifteen, then twenty… and he hadn’t heard a peep from the room. They were probably just entertaining themselves by this point. Or each other. Or they’d had Scope gender-shift. In one last desperate attempt, Ledger put his concentration behind the spell one more time. If this didn’t work, he’d fall back on his old tricks for tonight.

For a few moments, something wavered in front of him and he found himself staring into a mirror… minus the mirror.

But it was just a few seconds and the spell vanished, along with the clone. This thing was ridiculously hard to maintain. And Fredrick said that Narrow could hold three clones for over an hour?

Fortunately, now that he’d tasted it, he was more resolute. He only needed one clone, for now. And he had a ridiculous amount of love to call on for back-up power. With a more firm push, the drone tried to will a clone of himself into being, putting a lot more strength into it.

The clone appeared once more, and seemed to be staying this time. But it was burning through his love energy like a wildfire. Then again, this was a pony spell…

Ledger let the spell drop for a moment and considered if there was possibly a way to make it better. After a few mental calculations and readjustments, mostly so that it would work with changeling magic a bit better, he tried one more time. This time, he threw caution to the wind and gave the spell everything.

Once again, the clone formed. This time, it didn’t seem to be burning through his magic quite as quickly. A rough calculation in his head told him that he could maintain it for maybe a half hour?

Not to mention he had three ponies to draw more power from. Maybe he could link it to his spell. Have their energy feed it?

“Do you know about the spell that made you?” Ledger asked the clone.

“Yes, and I think if you altered it a little, like this,” the clone said, illuminating his horn and showing off the spell diagram, before altering it slightly, “You could improve efficiency by about fifty percent.”

“I had been thinking that as well,” the original said. “Sorry about this.”

“Don’t be, we need to refine this spell so that we can maintain it for long enough that upkeep isn’t an issue,” the clone said, before he winked out of existence. A moment passed as Ledger cast the refined spell, and the clone returned again.

“That’s weird, but not easily describable,” the clone said with a shudder. “Coming into and fading out of existence like that.”

“We can work on it later,” the original said. “Hmm, if I fed on the mares while feeding your spell, I could probably maintain it indefinitely now. And if we do happen into a lusty situation, there will be plenty of food for me.”

“I concur,” the clone said with a smile. “And I am aware this is why you called me into being. Shall I scout the room?”

“Please do,” Ledger said, stepping back from the door as he took his suit off himself. Yes, he hadn’t even done that yet. And he didn’t want to give the mares any hints.

A moment later, Ledger-2 returned with a small frown on his face. “Perhaps… you should see for yourself.”

“Very well, but wait out here,” Ledger said. “Don’t want to spoil the surprise early.”

“Once again, I concur,” the clone said, stepping out and waiting to one side, and this time, the original Ledger walked into the room.

All his mares…

Every. Single. One…

Was sound asleep. Twilight and Midnight still wore bits and pieces of their dresses. But everymare was well and truly in Luna’s realm now.

“Well, guess we took too long,” Ledger sighed. With a soft glow of his horn, he dispelled the clone from afar and climbed onto the bed, intent on joining them.

It was around then he realised how exhausted he was, and he hadn’t gone through half of the preparations they had.

Sleep… Sleep would be reeeeaaal good right now…

As he stirred, he felt a weight on his chest. And something warm on his face, washing over him rhythmically. When he opened his eyes, his world was filled with an emerald hue. And it took his sleep-addled brain a moment to realise that Midnight was straddling his chest, her eyes just an inch away from his own.

“Morning, love,” he greeted her. “Morning, my beautiful wife.”

“Gooood morning~” she purred before invading his mouth with that expert tongue of hers. Ledger just lay back and let it happen, knowing that resistance was futile anyways.

She eventually pulled back and giggled as she kissed his nose. “Ready to start our day soon? We get to ride on an airship today~”

“I can do that,” Ledger said. “All our things still packed for the trip?”

“Twibutt did that already,” Midnight said. “Applebutt is making some breakfast and a packed lunch for the trip. And Bugbutt…” Midnight looked around and shrugged. “I have no idea where she is.”

“Probably laying in wait for us,” Ledger said. Then he remembered something. “Oh, where’d that gift from Pinkie get to? She told me to open it later, and I’m assuming now counts.”

Midnight looked around, then saw the box near the bed. “This one?’ she hummed and passed him the box. “Anyway, I need to pee for like, the third time today. Be right back~” She kissed his nose again and flew from the room. With that, Ledger was free to open the wrapped box, which he did. He was curious as to what was in here, after all.

It was… A purple headband with cat-ears on it. And a pair of fluffy hoofcuffs? He suddenly got the idea that this was something he should pack into his saddlebag and not show off until they’d reached their destination today, so he moved to do just that. It didn’t help that they had little nametags attached to them, telling him who to use them on/with.

And he felt some sort of magic on the cuffs and ears. Weird.

Soon enough, Midnight returned and sighed as she sat on the bed.

“Being pregnant sucks,” she pouted. “My hooves hurt, I have to pee all the time. And I get irritated at the drop of a hat.”

“Aww, but look on the bright side,” Ledger said as he drew Midnight in for a hug. “You’ll get a little foal that’s part me and part you to corrupt thoroughly as they grow up.”

“I am making his or her life a living hell once they’re old enough,” Midnight continued to pout. “And… apparently I can influence the Colour. Look forward to that.”

“A baby changeling is a blank slate,” Ledger mused. “What they’re fed when they’re in the womb does help influence what they’ll be when they’re out.”

“I know, Sugar told me as such,” Midnight nodded. “I’m thinking that Pink is such a cute colour…”

“Oh hell,” Ledger said. “I grew up with one...raising one is going to be a chore and a half if it does turn out Pink…Plus you know Scope would never forgive you.”

“So just keep that in mind,” Midnight giggled. “I can make all your lives hell as well~”

“You wouldn’t do that to us, would you Midnight?” Ledger asked with a big, pouty expression.

“You know how much I love Joyful and Amy,” Midnight giggled. She leaned in close and a wicked glint filled her eyes. “The real question should be… why wouldn’t I?” She booped his nose and flew downstairs. Breakfast awaited!

“Well I can tell that my future just got a lot more interesting,” Ledger sighed before climbing out of the bed to follow after her.

Breakfast was as amazing as always, though with Cider at the helm, was there ever any doubt?

And after some preparations, the group were headed for the Airship Docks, located on the level below the castle.

And the ship they were to board… It was huge.

Ledger noted that it wasn’t supported by a balloon like most airships, but rather, six massive propellers. The hull was made out of beautiful polished wood, and possessed a rather unique sail design.

“Well, this is interesting,” Ledger mused as he looked the ship over. “I’m sure there’s a lot to learn about how it stays afloat, but for once, I’m not curious about something new. I have a vacation to enjoy with my lovely wives.”

“We have a few hours to get there, I’m sure there’s plenty of time to...investigate…” Twilight trailed off when she saw Midnight Song. “Middy. No.”

“What?” the bat said, wearing her pirate captain getup from last time.

“They won’t even allow us on if you wear that,” Ledger said. “Though, kudos for packing it.”

“Aw come on!” Midnight said and struck a pose. “Sky Pirate Midnight Song! It’ll be awesome~”

“Ledger… please stop your crazy wife,” Twilight said as she trotted on board.

“Yup, you’re stuck on batsitting duty,” Scope agreed.

“Midnight, if you put the getup back from wherever you got it from, I promise to have a surprise when we get there, ready and waiting for you,” Ledger offered.

“Aaawwwwww….” Midnight whined and pouted, but none of them seemed to be budging, so she sighed dramatically and put the outfit away.

“I’m keeping the hat,” she said as she stomped on board.

“Nopony said you had to give it all up, just enough so that we can board,” Ledger said.

“Bleh!” she poked out her tongue and flew aboard, Scope and Cider shaking their heads and following her.

“We’re in for an interesting vacation, aren’t we?” Ledger mused as he followed after.

Everypony aside from Cider had flown at some point or another.

But the feeling of standing on the deck of an airship? Letting the wind rush through your mane as the hum of the propellers filled the air? Simply amazing!

Ledger would have stayed out there for longer, but he couldn’t both marvel at how the ship worked and work on his latest spell at the same time. He’d get distracted too easily, and he wanted to surprise his mares with a spell that wouldn’t drain him constantly to cast. With a heavy sigh, the drone eventually turned to walk into their cabin.

It was late in the afternoon by the time the airship dropped them off at Rainbow Falls. It was rather spectacular, seeing the liquid rainbow falls up close.

“I wonder what they taste like?” Midnight asked, causing Twilight to giggle.

“We can put it on our list of things to try out,” Ledger said. “Assuming they’re in the business of letting tourists do that, of course.”

“Oh this will be good,” Twilight snorted again. “As long as I have a camera, I’ll let you taste the rainbow, my silly little bat.”

“...Ledger?” Midnight replied. “I feel as though we have been a bad influence on our innocent princess.”

“What was your first clue?” the drone asked. “Okay, where are we staying, Twilight?”

“Umm…” Twilight looked at her map then pointed towards a massive hotel. “That one there. We have what’s called the ‘Lovey-Dovey Suite’?”

Twilight Sparkle was beginning to question her mentor’s sense of humor.

“Oh, this will be interesting,” Ledger said. “I’m willing to bet that they have a newlywed suite as well.”

“I’m willing to bet that is their honeymoon suite,” Scope grumbled as she put her Noble disguise back on. “I hate this…”

“You could just take a normal pony guise,” Ledger said. “It would be less draining and raise less eyebrows.”

“...” Scope groaned and switched disguises, a more adult version of her pegasus one. “Why did I do this at the wedding?” she sighed.

“Because you were being you?” the drone offered. “I’d have married you without any disguise on, you know.”

“And what would some of those ponies have said if I did?” Scope argued as they walked. “They’d have accused you of marrying a bloody foal!”

“I’m sure a word from Luna about how you’re just predisposed to be smaller than your average ‘ling would have set them straight,” the drone said with a shrug. “Still, what’s done is done.”

“Mhmm, we’re married and everyone can get bucked,” Scope giggled.

“I thought that was my job?” Ledger asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Soon enough~” Midnight giggled as they walked in. Twilight had the tickets, so she handled the checking in. Once that was done, a valet led them to the elevator and they headed up.

It didn’t stop until they reached the top floor of the hotel.

And that was when Ledger saw that the top floor was the room. The entire thing!

Wow,” he breathed. “She doesn’t do things by half, does she?”

“No…” Twilight sighed as they walked in. “No she does not. It’s very sweet of her but—”

“But nothing,” Midnight declared. “This room rocks!”

“Twilight,” Ledger said as he drew her into a hug. “If your mentor is going to be this gracious for your honeymoon, I say take it and thank her for it when we get back.”

“Yes, yes we should,” the princess sighed as she floated their bags inside and tipped the valet. “Well, shall we see what this room has to offer then?”

“But of course m’lady,” Ledger said as he bowed, then lifted one of Twilight’s hooves to kiss it. “After you.”

“Such a gentlecolt,” she giggled and walked further into the room. They found the bedroom, with a bed that could have probably fit all four alicorns on with room to spare.

“Well, guess there’s no problems here huh?” Cider chuckled.

“Thankfully not, no,” Ledger agreed. “Though it makes me wonder who they think will be using this suite…”

“W-Well,” Twilight blushed lightly. “I know that Cadence and Shining used this room… it’s, well it’s kind of for the princesses…”

“Bet you anything they’re saying something like ‘two down, two to go’ downstairs,” Ledger grinned.

“Ledger!” Twilight blushed and thwapped him with a wing. “Seriously?”

“What?” He asked while rubbing his head. “I mean, they’ve had two alicorns stay here already, now. Why wouldn’t they look forward to the day when the other two did as well?”

“I guess…” Twilight still blushed. “But I do not want to think about Cadence, Luna and Celestia doing what we’re probably going to be doing on that bed!”

“Nopony said you had to,” Ledger said. “Though now I’m curious as to what you were thinking…”

Twilight turned even redder if that was possible, squeaked and flew into the room, closing the door behind her.

“Ah well, she’ll have to open the door eventually,” Ledger said. “What say we explore this place without her until she does.”

Midnight pulled her head out of the fridge and sighed. “Aww, there’s only alcohol in here. Can we go and get some juice and water for me?”

“We can make a shopping trip,” Ledger agreed. “Juice and water. What else we got in stock?”

“Some weird bottles with a blue liquid in them,” Cider said and held one up. “Says it’s called a… Booster? And that only stallions should take it. There also seems to be a pink one labelled ‘Sunrise Surprise’.”

“Well, I guess we should have expected this,” Ledger said. “Honestly, I don’t think we need those sorts of things. What’ve we got in the way of actual food?”

“A few packets of nuts, and… bananas?” Cider tilted her head slowly. “That’s a weird thing to keep in stock.”

Ledger snickered. “Okay, so I’m going shopping for food, apparently.” He looked around at the mares that hadn’t locked themselves away in embarrassment. “Who’s coming with me?”

“Ah will,” Cider nodded, pointing at the open window that Midnight and Scope had just flown out of. “Ah’m the only one left, and y’all can’t carry everything by yerself.”

“True enough,” Ledger said with a nod. “Well, shall we go get something for dinner then?”

“Eeyup,” Cider nodded and trotted next to him as they left to procure sustenance.

A few minutes later, Twilight emerged from her room and looked around. “Huh?... Where’d everypony go?”

Scope and Midnight met the other two as they returned to the hotel, now laden with several bags worth of food and drink.

“You know,” Scope asked as they walked in. “We could have just gotten room service you know…”

“And in case we just wanted the satisfaction of making a meal ourselves?” Ledger asked. “Plus, don’t tell me you want to go this whole vacation without eating something Cider’s made.”

Scope rolled her eyes, but he did make a point.


“Oh?” Cider said calmly, the leg she had around Ledger tightened. “So ah’m expected t’cook on our vacation as well huh?”

“It’s you, me, or Scope,” Ledger pointed out. “Don’t think I won’t contribute, but if we want quality food, we’ll likely have to either pay for it or make it ourselves. This takes care of that option.”

“I could make something?” Midnight offered. Her response was a very careful bout of Ledger not looking at her. The very idea was quite silly.

“You guys suck,” Midnight pouted when she was greeted with silence.

“So, where’s Twilight?” Scope asked. “Didn’t she go with you two?”

“Nah, she was still in embarrassed mode.” Ledger smiled as he finally looked at Midnight. “You’d think that being around you all day would have burned that out of her by now.”

“I try, but it’s a slow process,” Midnight sighed. “She’ll get there, Princess of Friendship with benefits is going to be a thing~”

“There is no hope fer any of y’all,” Cider sighed as she opened the door. Twilight was laying on her back in the middle of the plush rug, Ledger’s book in her grasp as she leafed through it.

“Sorry we took so long, love,” Ledger said as he walked over. “Just out procuring supplies for our stay in case any of us feel like cooking.”

“Uhuh,” Twilight grunted as she reached the Black section. She really wished she could read this part. Oh well… “Well, I’m just here, reading, because you all forgot about me. It’s fine…”

“Aww, I’m sorry,” Ledger said as he lay next to her and nuzzled her. “You did kind of lock yourself in here though. Still, what will it take to make this right?”

“One, the door was never locked. You could have walked in at any time,” Twilight explained. “As for making it up… hmm…” She smiled and licked her lips. She carefully placed the book down and then lay there for just a moment, before pouncing him and thoroughly introducing her tongue to the inside of his mouth.

Ledger didn’t fight it at all, if anything, he ran his hooves over her form and tried to give back as much as he could. He just hoped that Cider would handle the putting away of all the groceries in his absence.

“Well, two down,” Cider replied as she put the groceries away, or would have if Twilight wasn’t multitasking. Her magic put away the food and drinks, while she continued to make out with Ledger.

Ledger smiled as he lay under the mare, wondering what her goal was. Just a simple make-out session, or something...more?

That was when Twilight yelped and pulled back, as Midnight had walked past and given her horn a lick while it was active.

“Midnight!” Twilight blushed. “Really?”

“Oooh, Midnight wants to play?” Ledger asked.

“Messing with you is fun,” the bat purred as she stood over them. “But if you really want me to play~?”

“No qualms here,” Ledger said.

“Of course you’d say that,” Twilight giggled as she put the rest of their things away. “Is this the place we want to start this though?”

“True, we do have a very large bed,” Ledger pointed out. “We could probably be a lot more comfortable on it rather than the floor.”

There was a magenta flash and the entire group found themselves on the bed.

“A lil’ warnin’ would be good next time,” Cider groused and rubbed her head.

“Oh, sorry,” Twilight winced and bowed her head. “I forgot teleporting makes you dizzy.”

“‘S fine,” the mare replied. “Jus’ gimmie a minute. Y’all… ah dunno, do things.”

“I can do that,” Ledger said, looking at the others. “So, what am I doing?”

“Well Ledger,” Scope started.

“You have four lovely brides,” Twilight continued.

“Do. Whatever. You. Like~” Midnight said in a tone that would have overloaded a Violet.


About two hours later, the bell at the door chimed, signalling that food was here. Ledger managed to extract himself from the pile, giving each mare a quick kiss, before walking to the door and answering it. The serving maid on the other side presented a cart laden with their orders.

“Also,” she spoke up. “Should you require fresh sheets, just ring and we shall deliver.”

“Maybe tomorrow,” Ledger said with a smile. “We did use up the spare set already, though.”

The maid blushed and nodded, before returning to her duties.

“Aww, she was cute,” Midnight said from behind him. “You should have invited her over to play~”

“I have more than enough playmates as it is,” Ledger said as he wheeled the cart in.

“One can never have enough playmates,” Midnight said is a sage-like tone, before earning a smack from Cider. “Ow, whaaaat?”

“Middy, if you had yer way, Ledger’d wind up married t’half of Equestria.”

“Yeah, the other half he’d be related to, because they’re all Apples,” Scope giggled.

“I am sure history will look back on our marriage as something either great or terrible. Or terribly great,” Ledger said before wheeling the cart to the table and starting to pull dishes onto it.

Twilight nodded as she helped Ledger setup dinner. If her first plan didn’t work, then she’d make sure that history never forgot them.

“So, what’s the plan after dinner?” Scope asked.

“Rest, recuperate from that session,” Ledger said. “Maybe research a little as to what the local sights are for the rest of our stay.”

“Research?” Twilight’s eyes gleamed and she grinned as a dozen or so books appeared, all about the area they were in. Ledger rolled his eyes.

“Not like that,” he said. “More like, ask the locals what’s good. Get some common knowledge. I mean, if you want to stay cooped up in here with your books, feel free. I’d much prefer to see the sights while we’re on vacation.”

“But… books?” Twilight pouted and looked at them. She sighed dejectedly and put them away. “...fine.”

“You can read later,” Ledger said as he walked over and gave her a kiss. “The purpose of a vacation is to see new sights and relax. Enjoy the atmosphere.”

“The atmosphere being, ‘Twiley wants to read’,” Midnight giggled and kissed the alicorn. “Don’t mind Ledger, he’d just as soon bury his nose in his own book as well. But he makes a point, the ponies that live here would probably know a little more. Maybe you can cross-reference?”

Twilight nodded and smiled, returning Midnight’s hug. “Alright, let’s eat and then head out.”

“A plan I can get behind,” Ledger said as he sat at the table. “I did just burn a lot of calories and magic, after all.”

“Don’t forget to stay hydrated,” Cider said as she poured him a glass of water. The drone nodded and poured himself another.

What, he was thirsty.

Meanwhile, in the far off town of Ponyville.

“Well,” Painted Palette said to the other married couple. “You about ready to go?”

Ace smirked, he still hadn’t told the others where they were going yet…

“Yup!” Amy smiled as she all but bounced onto the griffon’s back. “This big lug is doing a good job keeping our destination secret, but I’m sure I’ll figure it out sooner or later!”

“Maybe,” Ace smiled and turned his head to give her a kiss. “Now where’s Chrysalis…?”

“I’m here,” a voice rang out as the large changeling strode into the hall. “Had to see my grandfather off. So… where are we going Aerial?”

“Somewhere,” the griffon chuckled. “We’ll be sharing a train with Palette here and his lovely fiance. We’re headed in the same direction after all.”

“Same… direction?” Chrys pondered on that. There were over a dozen locations where they could be going. And she was pretty sure Cloudsdale was in that vicinity as well.

“Oooh, that gives me a line to guess on!” Amy said. “Still, for now...mush!”

“What, am I a mount for you now?” Ace chuckled as he started walking.

“In more than one way,” Amy purred into his ear. The griffon paused and chuckled again. Oh, this honeymoon was going to be fun~

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