• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,653 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

  • ...

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Chapter Two - Buzzing on

It was still dark when Midnight awoke, her internal alarm clock as precise as always. For there on, it was routine as usual, having a quick shower to wake up a little more, make some breakfast and put on her armour and weapons. The entire process was almost robotic, the motions long since committed to memory. Though, waking up in this strange apartment was a new one.

She decided to leave a small note, just in case Ledger was wondering where she might have gone and headed out, wondering just what the Las Pegasus guard would have in store for her.

The Captain in charge of the LP guard was a very no-nonsense mare. She took her job seriously and nopony was given a second chance. You screwed up? You lived with the consequences. And when she’d heard that some hotshot rookie was being transferred from Canterlot, she could only assume the worst. A greenhorn with little to no experience and used to the cushy lifestyle of the capitol.

And when a bright-eyed Thestral mare showed up, well, Captain Narrow was honestly surprised. Midnight Song’s record was really something; although brief, she had quite a few accolades to her name. Still, it just meant that Narrow wouldn’t have to go easy on her.

So it also made Narrow annoyed when the bloody mare beat her here for the last three mornings in a row.

“Good morning Captain,” Midnight said cheerfully, as the Unicorn mare walked inside. Narrow grunted a reply as she made a beeline for the coffee machine. Said machine produced little more than coffee-flavoured sludge, but it was better than nothing.

Once she’d sat down and sipped at the Celestia-awful drink, she grimaced and looked at the Thestral. “So, getting used to the city yet?”

“I know most of the popular places and general hangouts for ponies,” Midnight nodded. “I’ve flown around the city a few times and taken a lot of notes. Oh! I also have an apartment to live in now, though my new roommate will take some getting used to.”

“A roomie? In this city?” Narrow pinched her nose and downed the rest of the ‘coffee’. “They got a name?”

Midnight nodded as she sorted through some files. “Level Ledger, he’s a pretty quiet guy...” She glanced up at her Captain, noting the mare had gone a little quiet. “Something up?”

“Yeah, I know the guy... dealt with him a few times,” Narrow nodded as she stood up. “Guy’s also notorious for not getting mugged every second day of the week. Some poor fool tried a few days after he arrived, he put her in the emergency ward and six months of physical therapy.”

Midnight dropped her papers, as her eyes widened significantly. “He... did what!?”

“Dunno the full story, he claims to have acted in self defense and she freely admitted to trying to mug and assault him. The mare had a rap sheet longer than Celestia’s legs and I haven’t heard another peep outta Level since then... but still...” Narrow recalled the injuries he’d inflicted on that mare and shuddered. “Look kid, just keep your eyes open around him. If he tries anything, you take him down and bring him in. Got it?”

“Ma’am,” Midnight saluted, suddenly wondering what this guy had done to scare even Narrow like that. Still, the atmosphere was getting heavy and she wanted a change of topic. “On another note, what are my orders today?”

Narrow nodded, “Well, we have a backlog of paperwork and records. You any good at dealing with that kinda stuff kid?”

“I’m very good at what I do,” Midnight smiled and winked. “Doesn’t matter what... or who~”

“For the love of-” Narrow facehooved. That was another thing about Midnight, she was the most flirtatious mare she had ever met. And she’d seen the bloody red-light strip more than most ponies in Equestria. “Just get to work would you!”

“Yes Ma’am,” Midnight giggled, glad her skills were still intact. Level Ledger had left her thinking she was getting rusty.

Ledger sat in the small office that had been given to him by Pegasus Air, quietly going over the proposition his boss had given him. It was his job to not only analyze the feasibility of the venture, but find a way to properly hide it through any number of ways.

This was, of course, only one thing he did. The second thing he did, while he still had the time and the records available to him, was discreetly, quietly, make copies of them.

He was no moron. He knew almost from the first such venture that Pegasus Air had not been up to good and wholesome things. It was only when he proved that he would stand up for himself that he was shown these things in pony.

He did hope that mare ended up recovering and rethinking her life choices. Such as the one that nearly ended up with her life being taken.

After considering the latest proposition and coming to a conclusion he...really didn’t like, along with copying the company’s books to his own, private set, Ledger left his office and walked down the hall towards the boss of the shipping company. He knocked on the door three times, and was greeted with her voice commanding him. “Come in,” she said.

The unicorn pushed the door open and set it to shut after him with his magic. The mare across the desk from him was a unicorn as well, going over the local news with a fine-tooth comb, apparently. Upon seeing who it was that she’d told to enter, she lowered the paper and quirked an eyebrow. “Well?” she asked.

“It’s...feasible. And the potential return on your investment makes it profitable as well,” the stallion admitted with a nod. “Such a thing is also not all that hard to hide. I was thinking of claiming we were spending the money abroad on programs to educate the youth of the country.”

The mare chewed the idea over for a minute before nodding. “Not a bad idea, Ledger. Plus if we were to actually do that at some point, it’d make getting the foals a lot simpler if we combined the two programs.”

Level Ledger nodded and floated over the books that the mare had given him, his recommendation written in the margins, along with a practice set of entries for hiding the purchasing and shipping of foals.

I fucking swear to you, Toll Taker, the moment, moment, you slip up, I’ll turn you in right away!

The only problem with that vow, of course, was not that he had to outsmart her. But he’d also have to do it in such a way that he could never be implicated.

Her network was vast, almost as large as her appetite for money, or revenge. It was pretty clear to the accountant that if Toll ever went down, he’d be squashed like a bug as she fell.

How delightfully ironic.

So. Much. Paperwork!!

Midnight let out a sigh, having long since given up on counting how many. This wasn’t a backlog, it was more like they’d never done a single sheet of paperwork since the Guard was freaking formed. It was ridiculous, but at least she was getting a good idea of the types of trouble that plagued this city.

Aside from the norm of muggings, robbery and the usual issues that plagued the red light and casino strips, there was also a recent string of foalnappings...and that disturbed Midnight greatly. She could understand why some ponies did what they did. Stealing for money, or food. Inflicting pain on others because they liked it. But she hated it, truly hated it when foals were brought into the picture. They didn’t deserve it.

Narrow passed by, and saw what Midnight had accomplished in the last few hours. It was amazing, several months worth or work, sorted and filed away for easy access.

“I must say kid, I’m impressed,” she whistled. “Why don’t you go take a break? You’ve certainly earned it.”

“Yeah, might swing by home for some lunch,” she nodded. “So, an hour or so?”

“Yeah,” Narrow replied as Midnight stretched herself, working out a crick in her back. “Just don’t take too long.”

Midnight nodded and left the station, she’d noticed a cute little restaurant and figured she’d pick up something from there. It was nice and close to the station as well, so it already had bonus points. As she got closer, she noticed that the architecture was quite different to the surrounding buildings.

“Fredrick's huh?” she mused. “Well then, let’s see if your food is any good.” She walked inside, a small bell above the door tinkling softly as she did so. Looking around, she wondered if she should take a seat, or go to the counter to be served. “Um, ‘scuse me? Anypony here?”

“Hello madam!” a Griffon said as he walked out from the kitchen, smiling widely. “Ah, not only a member of the guard, but a vision of the beauty of the night itself walks into my humble restaurant,” he all but purred. “Shall I show you a table, or would you prefer a private table?”

“Well now, you’re a smooth one aren’t you?” Midnight giggled. “But I’m Day Guard, not Night,” she added, tapping her gold armour. “Still, if your food’s as good as your flirting, then this may not be the last time you see me.” She leaned in close and her fangs glinted in the light as she smiled. “So you cater privately then~?”

“I have given many a fine mare a wonderful time,” he responded while his grin didn’t lessen at all. “Though the sorts of things we were eating, I would not put on my menu.”

“Hm, well it’s a little early for something like that,” Midnight smiled. Did she sound like this to others? Well, points to him for not wasting any time. “Let’s see your actual food first hmm? You want a mare like me? You gotta wine and dine me first~”

“And lo, the reason behind the restaurant is revealed,” the griffon said as he fished a menu out from the podium. “I cook wonderful food for mares, and they pay me for it. And those that choose to spend some extra time thanking the chef are remembered fondly.” He winked at the batpony then, before returning to his business tone. “So is the vision of a wonderful night here expecting somepony, or is she dining on her lonesome?”

“Oh, I’m by myself, this time~” she winked at him as she turned, running her tail under his beak. “Now, show me to my table?”

“Of course, ma’am,” the Gryphon returned while turning towards the dining area. However, as they passed by a few tables towards the one Fredrick had selected, the Thestral couldn’t help but notice a familiar, brown-coated unicorn sitting at one of the tables himself.

“Well now, I think I’ll sit here instead,” she said suddenly, taking a seat opposite Ledger. “Didn’t expect to see you here.”

“Fredrick does the best pasta in the city,” the unicorn said after adjusting to the fact that his lunch plans had been modified. “I come here on occasion when I need a break from my work. You didn’t think I learned that recipe last night on my lonesome, did you?”

“I did actually,” Midnight nodded, shifting to a more professional mode. “I noticed the books you kept at home, it told me that you’re a pretty well-read individual, or am I mistaken?”

“Reading how to do something and learning it yourself are two different things, my dear,” Fredrick said as he put Midnight’s menu in front of her. “This colt came over to learn why he couldn’t mimic the recipe he’d bartered from me to any real degree, and I showed him what he was doing wrong.”

“Reading is no substitute for learned skill,” the unicorn summarized, giving the gryphon a nod and a smile.

“Practise does make perfect,” Song agreed. “I didn’t learn my skills overnight after all.” She unclipped the wing-mounted blades she wore, placing them on the seat next to her. After taking a quick glance at the menu, she gave the handsome gryphon a smile. “Hmm, perhaps I’ll have the chef’s recommendation?”

“Hmm,” the avian responded, giving her a more thorough look. “I am aware that Thestrals are capable of handling the same foods that gryphons can. My question then is, when was the last time you did so?”

“Ooh, it’s been a while since I ate something like that.” Midnight hummed, “Most ponies get a little squeamish when you eat fish or chicken in front of them...” It was then that a thought occurred and she looked to her lunch date. “Ah, you don’t mind me being here do you? I’ll leave if you want to eat alone.”

“Remind me, what was in the sauce I poured over your rigatoni last night?” the unicorn deadpanned. “Most ponies don’t even have a lick of protein, but Pegasi eat fish every now and then. I might not indulge as often as they do, but I’m fine with the whiter meats.”

“I just ate it, wasn’t paying attention to the particulars.” She stretched her wings and groaned. “Well, I leave the decision to you Sir Fredrick. Try and impress me~”

“Seeing as how this colt has given you his version of my rigatoni dish, I can see I will have to pull out all the stops,” the gryphon said while lightly cuffing Ledger with one wing. The unicorn yelped and cast a glare at the half-bird.

“I was planning to eat it alone anyways! It’s not my fault I need a roommate to afford rent anymore!” the stallion protested.

“And to drink, madam?” Fredrick asked, ignoring the unicorn’s protests. Song giggled lightly and glanced at the list again.

“Hmm, some non-alcoholic cider please. I’m still on duty, so the ‘Wining’ part will have to wait for another time.”

“Coming right up,” the chef said before looking at the male of the pair. “And yours should be out with her drink.”

“My thanks,” the stallion said as he sipped at the sweet tea he’d ordered. With that, Fredrick was off, leaving the two to each other for the time being.

“You do know that in the year I’ve been here, he’s slept with no less than one-hundred mares, right?” the unicorn questioned his suddenly gained lunchtime companion. Midnight blinked and then looked in Fredrick’s direction.

“Ah, so he’s still not in my leagues then?” she hummed idly.

“Oh Celestia, there’s two of you,” the unicorn moaned and let his head hit the table. Midnight laughed loudly and kept doing so for a minute or two.

“Ahhaha, oh man, the look on your face!” she giggled. “I’m only kidding. While I am no stranger to the horizontal tango, my count is well below that. I’m not some loose mare that’ll sleep with anything with a pulse you know.”

“Good to know,” the stallion said as he lifted his head and drained the last of his sweet tea. “From him, I can ignore it, along with the mares that come stumbling down the stairs. If it were to come home with me, though, I might look into buying sleep aids and drugging myself to get away from it.”

“It’s not all that bad,” Midnight said as she played with the menu, she tended to get twitchy if she stayed still for too long. “You can’t let one bad experience ruin the rest of it for you, but don’t worry, I’m not going to force anything on you or make you uncomfortable on purpose.” It was looking like she’d have to take a vow of celibacy while here in Las Pegasus.

“I’ll be fine as long as you and Fredrick don’t team up and try to surprise me with mares in my bedroom,” the unicorn returned, easing himself back into his chair and sighing.

“Well there’s a thought,” Midnight hummed again. “What do you know, you do have good ideas every now and then~”

“And now I feel the need to brush up on my combat magic,” the stallion sighed. “Why can I not have one relaxing day?” Midnight shrugged and put her menu down.

“You live with me now, normal ran away screaming yesterday and won’t be coming back.” She narrowed her eyes as she recalled an earlier conversation with Narrow. “So... several dislocated and broken bones. Not to mention months of rehab... All for an attempted mugging?”

“I’ve not been mugged since,” Ledger returned, his voice unwavering. “I do regret doing such extremes to that mare, yes...but an example had to be made before another tried.”

“An example?” She didn’t like the way he’d worded that. “You don’t torture somepony to set an example, no matter the circumstance!”

“I do not take assaults on my person lightly,” the stallion said with a bit of steel to his voice. “Nor do I tolerate the stupid. She was cocky and had a knife, along with five gang members backing her up. All I did to her was use telekinesis on her, along with my knowledge of pony anatomy. Everything I did, I made sure could be fixed. Maybe not instantly, but I had to educate some idiots, and the only language they spoke was Violence.”

“And you couldn’t just incapacitate her?” Midnight smacked the table with her hoof. “and leave the rest for the Guard, you know, the ones that are trained for things like this. No, you stallions think you have to make an example of it, to flex your muscle and self-entitled authority!’ She stood up and threw some Bits on the table before going to leave. “Forget it, I’m not hungry anymore.”

Ledger called out to her before she left entirely. “Miss Song, should you get home before me, there is a very old notebook in the living room. If you can read it, it might shed some light on how stallions in other lands are treated.”

Midnight paused to hear him out, but didn’t respond. With a flick of her tail, she left the restaurant.

“Provided I even stay,” she muttered to herself. Regardless, she had paperwork to get back to, hopefully the utter dullness of the task would calm her down a bit.

Fredrick came back out from the kitchen with the cider, Ledger’s salad, and a refill for his tea...and paused at the sight of an absent mare. “Where did your wonderful companion go?” he asked.

“She heard about the incident and doesn’t believe I was justified in standing up for my actions,” Ledger replied as he floated his food and drink to himself. “Bloody mares. I’d be a lot happier if a stallion had moved in.”

“Ledger, my friend, you really must get over whatever your hangups are regarding the finer sex…” the gryphon rejoined, taking a swig of the cider and winking. “But in the meantime, do send her over. Maybe I can get her to loosen up? It’d be nice to bed another batpony…”

“Thestral,” Ledger automatically corrected. “And I’ll do that when I want her to move out, and not a second sooner. You two can have one another for all I care.”

Paperwork promises dreams and happiness, and delivers lies and broken promises. What she thought would calm her down only made her more irritable and now she’d lost her freaking swords as well. She knew she’d left them at the restaurant, but after the scene she’d made, she didn’t want to show her face in there again anytime soon.

Then again, that cute gryphon would be up for a little stress-relief, but she was in no mood after the particulars of that last conversation. And on that note, why did she even get so worked up around Ledger? She’d known him for less than a day!

“Celestia, bucking, DAMMIT!” she yelled as she strode into the apartment. The plan was simple, she’d get her things, find a nice rooftop and camp out for a few days before finding a new place. He can’t afford the rent? Not her bucking problem!

That was, until she saw her swords sitting on the dining table, neatly folded and in perfect condition.

“Did... he bring them home?” she wondered aloud. She looked around, her sensitive ears swivelling around but she couldn’t hear anything. After taking her blades, she knocked on the door of his study, but there was no response.

“He must have brought them home earlier...” she said aloud. She really was talking to herself a lot lately...

Then she recalled that notebook he mentioned and decided to take a look. No harm in that right? It took some poking about, but she finally found it. And once she opened it, the frown creasing her brow only deepened.

“What the...?” she held it out, like some dangerous artifact, before looking closer. “It’s written in Changeling script... why is it written in Changeling script?”

She was knocked out of her ruminations by the sound of the door opening behind her. She turned to see Ledger race past her, not even sparing a glance at the Thestral mare, before running into the bathroom and locking the door behind him. Midnight blinked and looked down, seeing tiny wet drops on the carpet. Was... was he crying?

Midnight swallowed hard and took a few tentative steps towards the room. Once she was closer, she could hear his wracked sobs and all her anger and irritation just disappeared. She flattened her ears against her head and knocked on the door..

“Ledger? It’s Song... what happened? Are you hurt?”

There was silence for a minute before he drew a deep breath. “No,” he responded, still sounding like he might cry again at any moment.

“It doesn’t sound like it,” Midnight replied. “If you’re hurt, open up. I have first aid and field medicine training.”

“S’not a problem you can fix,” the stallion responded, sounding a little more calm.

“Are you doubting me?” she replied, a little hurt. “I’ll have you know I am very good at what I do. If you’re injured, then I can help.”

“I’m not injured!” the unicorn retorted. “Not at all. Please, just...no. You can’t fix this.”

“You... weren’t bullied or mugged were you?” she inquired, wondering about the irony behind that if he had been. “We can go and file a report at the station if you have.”

“It’s not that!” the irritated stallion said. “I’m hard at the moment, okay? You happy now? Now leave me alone! Let me work on this in peace!”

“Well that I can definitely help with~” she said, putting a hoof to her mouth in shock. Oh gods above, please say she did not just say that out loud…

“No. No no no. Just stay on your side of the door,” Ledger replied, even going so far as to give it a light push with his magic to make sure it had shut properly. “Last thing I need is a bloody mare in the room with me when I’m like this.”

“I-sorry, I didn’t mean it like... okay, it sounded exactly what it sounded like...” Song screamed internally and sighed. Maybe a change of topic might help. “I ah... found your notebook. Can’t read a word of it though... why is it in Changeish?”

“Because it’s a pamphlet detailing what members of the Dark Broodmothers do to those that go astray, also known as a shadow government in Changeling lands. A trophy from the first and last mare I ever spent time with. Apparently she could read it and believed it.”

“Well why would she have...” Midnight’s eyes widened. “Was... was she a Changeling? Is that why, you don’t like mares?”

“I’m not sure if she was a Changeling or not,” the stallion replied, “But once I managed to learn Changeling script, I learned why she tried to kill me after screwing me.”

“Tried to... what!? Why the hell would she try to kill you!?” Midnight exclaimed, placing her hooves against the door. Truth be told, she could just buck the door in and get this crap over and done with face to face.

“Because, the punishment in that pamphlet under ‘sleeping around’ if the male is not disposed of? She gets her tubes tied. While she’s awake. With extremely hot surgical equipment, so she can feel the burn. Then she gets branded. Oh, and the male gets gelded, then killed anyways, for daring to think himself worthy of a female.”

“What. The ever-loving. FUCK!” Midnight screamed. “Who-who does that!? Why would you do that!?!?” Was this a real thing? Was this what Changelings had to deal with? “That’s... just so many levels of nope!”

“The Dark Broodmothers have been the force behind the Changeling lands being an iron-hoofed matriarchy, and they are loathe to lose any of that power. So they subjugate their males via any means and spread anti-male sentiment via propaganda like that pamphlet. Or so, y’know that pamphlet says. Not in so many words, but that’s what I got from it.”

Midnight had questions, a lot of questions... but it was a little awkward talking to a door. “Well uh, you doing okay in there?”

“Talking and explaining things has actually distracted me,” the unicorn said, composing himself and opening the door. Except for the streaks the tears had left, he looked almost exactly the same.

Midnight stopped him and pulled a handkerchief out of her saddlebag, wiping his face until she was satisfied. “There we are, much better~”

“I...thank you,” he said. “It has been a while since anyone saw me in such a state...actually, I don’t think anyone has.” The unicorn seemed to think about it for a moment before shaking his head. “No, nobody has ever seen me like that, so thank you for being there.”

“Well this certainly goes above and beyond standard roommate fare. So be prepared to admit that we’re friends now,” she smiled. “And before you say, I won’t tell anypony about this, so don’t worry kay?”

“It’s...been a long time since I had any female friends,” Ledger admitted. “The thought will take some getting used to.”

“Well make that two of us,” Midnight smiled. “And... sorry about yelling at you before. While I still think you went a little overboard, a few things have come to light and I withhold any further judgement. I didn’t know you then and shouldn’t judge based on the past...” Her gaze drifted away briefly as her voice lowered to a tone she figured he couldn’t hear.

“I just hope you can do the same...”

“To be fair, gender didn’t play a part as to how overboard I went,” Ledger said honestly, not giving any indication as to whether or not he’d heard her last statement. “She was the one with the biggest weapon and seemed the most sure of herself. I took that from her and was prepared to stop at the whole dislocated limbs bit...but then her friends opened their mouths and said once she’d been put back together, they’d come for me. I already had a perfect example in my grip, so I decided on hairline fractures. I’d have done the same if she was a stallion instead. It wasn’t about torturing her. It was about making me into a target they feared to go after.”

“Alright, like I said, the past is the past and this is officially the weirdest way to make a friend ever,” she giggled. “Oh, there’s an idea, maybe I should send a letter to that Princess of Friendship in Ponyville!”

“How would you even start that?” Ledger asked with a raised eyebrow. “‘Dear Princess Twilight, today I comforted my roommate through a door regarding his hang-ups about arousal’?”

“We bonded over a boner, its something truly magical that must be shared,” Midnight laughed, using Ledger as a support so she wouldn’t fall over from the gigglefit.

“If your bragging back at the restaurant is to be believed, then it’s not such a big deal for you,” Ledger pointed out. Midnight’s giggles ceased as she looked up at him.

“This is actually a new one for me... well, for the most part. It was a mare last time...” She thought back to that particular event, and the reasons she didn’t lay with mares anymore. “Well, regardless, I haven't eaten yet and am quite hungry now. Let’s go out to eat. My treat!”

“I don’t have anything to do but put a few things in my study,” Ledger said as he indicated his dropped saddlebags by the front door. “Let me do that and freshen up a bit, then I’ll be good to go.”

“I can take them for you if you want,” Midnight offered to help, already grabbing for the bags...only to find them floating towards Ledger in his silvery aura, a small smile on his face.

“My employers would not take kindly to others seeing their records,” he reminded the mare. “It wasn’t an issue when I lived alone...but please don’t look. I’d be a poor friend if you did.”

“Right, then I shall endeavour to not be a nosy bat, so that you may remain employed.” She took her swords with a wing and smiled. “Oh, thanks for bringing these back too.”

“I had time and it seemed like the most polite thing to do...oh, and you left Fredrick pining for you,” the unicorn said as he moved to put his things in the study. Midnight chuckled as she put her swords away, and removed most of her armour, save for her hoof guards.

“Seems I have that effect on stallions... and now gryphons too it seems.” She grabbed her bitbag and placed it in a smaller, more feminine saddlebag. “Well, I’m ready to go.”

After a few minutes in the study, the unicorn emerged and made for his own bathroom, where he vanished for another minute or so. Upon emerging, he looked noticeably better, almost like his old self again.

“Well now that we’re all chipper again, wanna go back to Fredrick’s? I feel bad about running out like that, and he taught you to cook, then his food must be amazing~”

“How do you think he got all those mares he’s always bragging about?” Ledger deadpanned. “But, if you think you’re willing to go back there, then by all means, let’s.”

Once his back was turned, Midnight’s thoughts wandered to her new arch-nemesis! The winged devil himself. “Game on, featherhead!”

Author's Note:

And now you know the update schedule. Barring major catastrophes, it'll stay like this.

...I should mention a good bit of this story is pre-written, I think.

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