• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,645 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

  • ...

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Chapter 100 - Homecoming

Midnight sighed as the group finally arrived home. It’d been a looong trip and the thestral was exhausted. It’d been more than a month now since she fell pregnant and she was still trying to fight a lot of her mood swings.

Twilight had returned to her castle via portal to check on Spike and the amount of work that she’d missed over the last week.

Ledger dreaded the mountain of paperwork that most likely awaited him. Then again, with his spell, it’d only take him a few days to get through it all.


“I was enjoying that time off,” Scope sighed. “Not really looking forward to working again.”

“I wish I could work again,” Midnight sighed. “Maybe I should go and take a ten month vacation somewhere…”

“Do that, and I’ll look for you no matter where you may roam,” Ledger said.

“You would too,” Midnight giggled. She winced and put a hoof to her head. Another headache…

“Ah’m gonna check on mah trees,” Cider said as she went to trot out of the door, only to be pounced on by Fritter.

“Well, Cider’s out of commission,” Scope said. Her ear flicked and she stepped to one side as Twilight teleported into the room, her face was… rather pale.

“Twilight?” Ledger asked her. “I thought you were going to check up on your work…”

“I… I did… and I had to run a few tests…” she said quietly. “You… you remember that potion yeah?”

“Yes, it said something about stimulating a mare’s season,” Ledger replied. “Why?”

“W-Well,” Twilight have a nervous chuckle as her eye twitched. “Seems… seems that it was enough to…” She trailed off into nervous giggles again. Ledger got the gist of it and just stared at her for the longest time.

Midnight blinked and looked at the pair. “Twilight,” she asked bluntly. “Are you pregnant?”

“Probably!!” Twilight cried. “It’s still too early to tell for sure, but the first test couldn’t provide a definite negative answer.”

Wordlessly, Ledger summoned his book and flipped to the spell section from the first dirty book he’d found. Once he’d located what he was looking for, he turned the book around and showed Twilight the pregnancy-detection spell.

“I already used that one, along with a half-dozen other ones,” Twilight said and stomped her hoof. “And why aren’t you saying anything? I am seriously freaking out here!!”

“Because panicking won’t make anything better,” Ledger said calmly. “You’ll just work yourself up and overlook something obvious.”

“Ohh, I know that tone,” Midnight mused. “Trust me princess. He’s freaking out waaaay more than you are. He just does it on the inside.” Midnight got an idea of getting him to open up.

“Hey Ledger? How does it feel to be the first pony to impregnate a princess?”

“Like my heart is going a mile a second and my brain can’t decide where to go to freak out about this,” Ledger honestly replied. “If not for the fact that Twilight needs me here at this precise moment, I’m fairly certain I’d be screaming somewhere.”

“You know, she could just take a potion, that’d give you a definite negative result,” Midnight said. “I can tell that neither of you are in any way ready for this.” She sighed and sat down. “Look, what happened with me was an accident, and it freaked us all out pretty bad. What say we actually plan the next one?”

“Planning sounds good,” Ledger replied. “What’s the plan if she’s actually pregnant, though?”

“Well, like I said. Take a potion, make sure she isn’t and we can plan for the next one.”

Twilight gulped and looked at Ledger. “Should I be scared that Midnight is being the responsible one here?”


“Maybe a little,” Ledger said. “Whatever you choose to do, Twilight, I will stand by you.”

“W-Well, you know me. I like… to be prepared,” Twilight said and gulped. “Would you be mad… if I took that potion?”

“Not at all,” Ledger said. “I honestly think Midnight should have her foal before we go adding more to the family, if at all possible.”

“I have an idea!” Midnight suddenly said and flew upstairs, leaving behind two confused ponies.

Ten mintes of awkward silence later, she returned, dragging a puffy pink pony along for the ride.

“Wheeee!” Pinkie giggled as she rode of Midnight’s back. “Oh! Hey guys!” she suddenly gasped. “You’re back? I should throw a party—”

“Midnight,” Ledger said. “What is your plan?”

Midnight pointed at Twilight. “Early warning detection system. Pinkie Pie ACTIVATE!”

Pinke twitched as she zoomed over to Twilight and stared her in the eyes.

“Y-Yes?” Twilight stammered.

“Hmmm….” Pinkie stared closer, so close that their eyes were almost touching. “Nope. I got nothing. No Pinkie Sense happening here.”

“So...what does that mean?” Ledger said.

“Pinkie, is Twilight pregnant?” Midnight asked.

“Nopey-dopey! No Mini-princesses here,” Pinkie giggled. Ledger let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.

As did Twilight, and Pinkie giggled. “The only birthday I sense is from Middy. Still, the look on your faces was pretty funny~”

“As long as we get to plan out our next few foals, I will be happy,” Ledger said with a sigh. “I’d like to be a bit more financially secure before we add more mouths to feed.”

“That’s a good plan,” Pinkie giggled as she bounced for the stairs. “Later-taters~”

Twilight all but fell to the floor. “I don’t need this kind of excitement right now…”

“Neither do I,” Ledger slumped. “I vote for eating at Fredrick’s tonight and just cuddling at home to relax.”

“I am all for that,” Twilight nodded as Midnight headed to the door, opening it just as Sugar was about to knock.

“Sup lovebug?” Midnight smiled and booped her nose. “Heard you coming~”

“I heard you’d come back,” Sugar said as she uncrossed her eyes from the booping. “So I wanted to extend a small invitation to my club for all of you, so that we can...discuss, something.”

“Huh? We were just planning to go out as well,” Midnight said and looked back into the room. “Hey Ledgie! We got an invite to Sugar’s place!”

“Isn’t that the very opposite of relaxing?” Ledger asked. “I mean, that club would just end up winding us up again.”

“He has a point, we’re a little tired and just had a scare like you wouldn’t believe,” Midnight nodded. “Hey, why don’t we get the private room at Fred’s? You and Moonie can join us if you’d like?”

“That works,” Sugar hummed. “Dinner, then?”

“It’s a date,” Midnight nodded. “Hear that Levvy? We’re gonna do dinner with Sugar-flanks and Moonie~”

“So long as she behaves, I don’t see an issue,” Ledger replied.

“I’ll be on my best behavior,” the nymph purred.

“Yay!” Midnight trilled and kissed her nose. “Nice to see you again as well. See you later?”

“But of course,” The nymph said before giving them all a saucy wink and leaving. And were her flanks swaying?

“...Was Sugar being like… Extra Sugar?” Midnight questioned.

“Not that I could see,” Ledger said with a shrug.

“Eh, must be my imagination,” Midnight said and closed the door.

A few hours later, Cider was able to free herself from her sister and the group headed into the city. And once they reached the Strip…?

There was a lot of undisguised changelings in the city. Most of the population must have not bothered.

And yet, the ponies didn’t seem fussed in the slightest. In fact, several were holding conversations and Ledger saw more than a few couples.

It only made him happy that he’d finally decided to go out without his disguise.

“Whoa, Ledger’s stripping,” Scope giggled. “Is this some weird alternate dimension where a fun Ledger exists?”

“Nope,” Ledger said as he emerged from the shape-change. “Just...don’t need it anymore. I have my company, I have my mares. What more could I ask for or possibly need? My disguise is worthless, because you all married me for me.”

“Well, I wouldn’t say worthless. I bet there’s still ponies that have issues… besides,” she trailed off, but Ledger made out something about his unicorn form being cute.

“Eh, ponies with issues can take it up with me civilly,” Ledger said. “I’m openly a ‘ling now and I’m not going anywhere. And I have plenty of forms I can take.”

“Well I think that’s wonderful,” Twilight beamed and kissed his cheek.

“Yup, and we can tell everyone that you’re our cuddlebug!” Midnight said and sucked in a lungfull of air. “YOU HEAR THAT LAS PEGASUS. THIS CHANGELING IS MY HUSBAND!!”

Ledger and the others learned two things that day.

One, Midnight’s voice could project exceptionally well. Level Ledger was pretty sure half the city heard that.

Two. Almost everypony in visual range had stopped to stare at the hollering.

He merely smiled and waved at them. Hopefully being normal would counter Midnight’s personality.

Three. Almost everypony smiled, waved back, hell, some even cheered and clapped. Midnight took a bow and made a big show of grabbing Ledger and kissing him right on the lips, earning more than a few catcalls and whistles. The drone merely rolled with it and kissed her back, wondering when she’d stop putting on such a show.

She broke the kiss, took a bow and then continued walking like absolutely nothing was wrong.

Cider and Twilight had ducked out of sight somewhere, appearing further down the street. Scope was attempting to shake down some ponies for money for the show…

Ledger sighed again as he followed after Midnight. Some things would never change. Nor would he ever seek to change them.

They eventually reached Fredrick’s place without further incident, well, until Midnight walked inside anyway.

“You home Loverbird?” she called out.

“Yes indeed,” he said, before taking in Ledger’s form and blinking a few times. “Well well. Somebody got courageous over their honeymoon.”

“I just don’t need the disguise anymore, Fred,” Ledger replied. “Think you could set us up with a private room? And let in Sugar and Moondancer when they arrive?”

“I can do that,” the griffon said with a nod before he started to lead their party to the room they’d requested. Midnight’s ear flicked and she suddenly turned, leaping over Ledger and there was the telltale thud and annoyed shout of her pouncing on somepony.

“Dammit Midnight, get off!” Narrow shouted, trying to shove the huggy batpony away.

“Oh, I got off a lot recently~” Midnight giggled and kissed her cheek. “I missed you Cap.”

Narrow rolled her eyes and returned the hug. “Yeah, the city has been nice and peaceful without you lot around. Glad to have you back.”

“Glad to be back,” Ledger said. “Oh, do you still have that bounty I earned? I could use it after all the purchasing I did for the wedding.”

“Yes, I’ve kept it aside for you,” Narrow replied as Midnight looked at the pair of them.

“Bounty?” She suddenly gasped. “Did you go on an adventure with the Cap and not invite me? Oh! I see how it is, I’m being traded in for a magic model. Fine. Whatever!”

“More like trouble found me while I was getting all your rings,” Ledger replied. “I certainly wasn’t going to stand there and be mugged, and she’s probably the only reason any of them can walk.” His step-fathers had emphasized that if a threat continues being a threat after you disable them...take it a step further and neutralize them.

“You’re lucky I didn’t charge you with excessive force,” Narrow sighed. “In the future, can you just knock them out or something?”

“...If I knew a knock-out spell, I’d say yes,” Ledger said sheepishly.

“I’ll teach you one,” Narrow nodded. “Anyway, sorry for disturbing you. Here’s your bat back.” She lifted Midnight with her magic and put the giggling Thestral on Ledger’s back. “Have a good dinner. And we’ll catch up soon.”

“I’m sure we will,” Ledger said with a smile. “If only so you can determine what I’m doing next and how to react to it ahead of time.”

“That would be a goddess-send,” Narrow laughed. “A future-sight for Ledger’s actions. I feel my headaches clearing up already.” The unicorn chuckled again and headed off after giving Fredrick a kiss on the cheek.

“Sometimes I fear that you are making my marefriend’s life far too stressful for her,” Fredrick sighed before leading the party of ponies and ‘lings to the private room.

“S’not my fault I’m a trouble magnet,” Ledger said. “Though I will take credit for how I react to said trouble.”

“My point still stands,” Fredrick sighed again. Midnight giggled and kissed his cheek as well. She was being very affectionate today.

“Sorry Freddy. Once I’ve popped this Parasite out, I’ll do what I can to make the Cap’s life easier.”

“That would be very appreciated,” Fredrick said before opening the door to the room. “I will see you all again soon, I’m sure.”

“Yup~” Midnight trotted in, curling her tail around Ledger’s leg as she dragged him inside as well. It took a few moments for everypony to get seated, before they made their usual order of garlic bread and a round of cider… and juice for Midnight. The griffon nodded at them and closed the door behind him as he left. Now all they had to do was wait for their guests…

True to form, Sugar kept nopony waiting too long as the doors opened a few minutes later, the nymph practically prancing into the room as Moondancer made a much more reserved entrance.

“Hey guys, welcome back,” the unicorn greeted them, getting a hug from Midnight and Twilight. “Enjoy your honeymoon?”

“The cleaning staff sure didn’t~” Midnight chuckled and wiggled her eyebrows.

“Though the trip was certainly fun for all of us,” Ledger said. “I had no idea I could do so much in such a short timespan.”

“Or do us so many times~” Midnight tacked on with another throaty purr.

“Oooh, do I smell a juicy story?” Sugar asked as she sat in her seat.

“Oh, it involves juices alright~” Midnight added, causing Twilight and Cider to groan and facehoof.

“Don’t encourage her,” Twilight sighed. “Or she really will tell every sordid detail.”

“But I like the details,” Sugar pouted. Midnight grinned wider as a blush appeared on Cider and Twilight’s face. Scope just tuned them out, having a mental conversation with the changeling in Ponyville.

“Weeeell,” Midnight started. “Levvy learned a few new spells, like one that makes a very real and anatomically correct in all the right places clone.” She smirked and let that sink in. “Oh, and he can produce two at a time~”

“I’m trying to get it up to three, but it’s not easy,” the drone said.

“I like this story so far~” Sugar said.

“Well, it let him ‘divide and conquer’ as it were… until all three decided to gang up on one pony. A cute and sexy Levvy in each hole~”

“And now I’m jealous that I didn’t try harder,” Sugar pouted.

“Combined that with the spells you gave him,” Midnight said, now sitting next to her and whispering into her ear. “And throw some Booster and Heat potions into the mix. We destroyed that room~”

“Oooh,” Sugar said as she shivered a little. “I do hope you paid extra for all the damage you incurred that the cleaning staff had to fix.”

“Ah, it wasn’t as bad as I make it out to be. I mean, some of my screams broke glass. But mostly it was the bedsheets being wrecked.”

“Let’s not forget the time you bit Ledger,” Scope added offhandedly. Ledger just blushed and looked away, and Sugar grinned.

“You know, we never did test your bite on a Violet,” she mused.

“Truuuue,” Midnight smiled and licked her lips.

“No biting Sugar at the dinnertable!” Moondancer said adamantly as she teleported Midnight back next to Ledger. “She’s bad enough as is.”

“I can’t be all that bad,” Sugar said. “After all, I let you sleep at night instead of screwing you senseless.”

“Only because I threatened to knock you out,” Moondancer groaned. “Midnight's bite is not to be underestimated.”

“You were fun when she bit you~” Sugar purred.

Moondancer glowered and mumbled.

“Hmm, I haven't tested it on anypony else here either,” Midnight mused and looked at Twilight. The Alicorn gulped and shook her head.

“Don’t even think about it,” the princess said.

“At least, not here, not now,” Ledger said before kissing Midnight. “We’re trying to have a nice, normal outing here.”

“Since when is anything we do normal?” Midnight giggled. “We’re in the first herd marriage in a century, the first Changelings to legally marry a pony in their true forms, and the fact you also married one of only four alicorns in the world…”

“I like to try to be normal sometimes,” Ledger said. “Some days I can almost see it from where I am. I like to wave at it as it passes by.”

Scope and Twilight stifled giggles at that.

“Ah, I feel your pain,” Moondancer sighed. “It’d be nice if all the other Violets would stop hitting on me at the club. Even after marrying Sugar, I think it only made them worse…”

“Now you’re the forbidden fruit,” Sugar said. “They know better than to force anything with you, but they all want a piece of the mare that could tame me.”

“Oh, most have been very adamant that they want you as well. Apparently we’re a package deal,” Moondancer said. “Even threatening them with vaporization doesn’t work anymore.”

“Please refrain from incapacitating my workers,” Sugar said. “I sort of need them to make money.”

Moondancer nodded and then blinked. “Wait, tamed? How in the seven circles of Tartarus are you of all ponies, tame?”

“Look at it this way, I’m not gunning for Midnight or Fredrick anymore,” the nymph giggled. “I have everything I need with you beside me.”

Moondancer blushed as Midnight cooed.

“Awww~” Cider, Twilight and Scope all said together.

“I share your feeling,” Ledger agreed with a nod. “So long as my mares stay by me, then I can face anything.”

“Urgh, are all Nobles so damned sappy?” Scope asked. “Seriously, I’m just glad a Pink isn’t here or the sweetness would be lethal.”

“Keep up the taunting, I’m sure one of the Pinks in our lives will hear you,” Ledger said.

“And that’s what scares me,” Scope nodded. “Is that that is entirely possible…”

“Never underestimate Pinkie Pie,” Twilight murmured with a faraway look in her eyes.

“So…” Midnight coughed to clear her throat. “You wanted to ask us something Sugar?”

“Yes, but let’s wait until after dinner,” the nymph said. “I would rather not put you off your meals if at all possible.”

Soon enough, Fredrick returned with a round of breadsticks and cider, as well as a glass of juice for his favorite thestral customer. Midnight thanked him with a sultry wink as she sipped her juice.

Once he left, the batpony spoke up. “If you insist. But know that by now, it’s pretty hard to piss us off.”

“I know, I’m counting on that,” Sugar said. “It’s...not exactly easy, what I have to ask you…”

Now Midnight was curious, but the nymph seemed apprehensive, so she would push it. But stil…

“Is it dangerous?” Midnight asked. “I’ll not let anymore harm come to my family.”

“Not at all!” Sugar said with a shake of her head. “It’s just...weird to ask you, and it probably will have you saying a few things…”

Now Midnight was curious. The violet nymph normally seemed so… indomitable. “Well, alright then. I think we can all promise to at least hear you out. You are our friend after all.”

“Thank you,” the nymph said with a genuine smile before she tried a breadstick. “Mmm, just as good as I remember them~”

As they ate, Twilight spoke up this time.

“So, I noticed that there are quite a few changelings out and about now,” the princess said. “Even you seem to have forgone a disguise.”

“The ponies here are very accepting of us after everything we’ve done and are doing to help keep this city safe for us all,” Sugar said. “It’s not easy, repairing the damage from a second invasion, but I think we’ve managed it at last. To the point where it seems even your drone here is going without his usual costume.”

“I got married as myself,” Ledger said with a shrug. “There’s no real reason to not be me anymore.”

“That’s the excuse he uses anyway,” Midnight giggled and bumped his flank with hers. “But I love him no matter what he looks like, so it’s fine.” The bat took a sip of her juice and hummed. “Mmm, delicious. Now, how’s Steppy doing? Still causing mischief?”

“Actually, having a steady griffonfriend, and having that threat of it being taken away at any moment should she misbehave, has toned her mischief down a lot,” Sugar said. “I will have to thank the host for his brother being an effective bargaining tool.”

“You’re evil,” Midnight giggled as said host walked back in with their main dishes. A plate of everyone’s favourites.

“Don’t forget you still owe me that recipe,” Fredrick chuckled, nudging Ledger. “But, I have a few new ones you might like~”

“I have a good cookbook to bargain with, and some of them are more effective if you have a ‘ling around to add...certain spices,” Ledger said. “Just, not too much.”

“Hmm, I get the feeling it’s similar to a certain drink served by a certain changeling mare,” the griffon nodded, looking at Sugar.

“Only if you add too much of a certain thing,” Leder replied. “If you just add a touch of love, ponies will love your food a little more.”

“Hmm, I’d like to think that my skill and the love I put in is enough,” Fredrick nodded. “But! We also have a whole new clientele of emotivores to serve, so catering to their tastes is something I should look into.”

“Hmm, did I ever show you what I could do to a drink?” Midnight said to Sugar.

“On the very day we met~” Sugar purred.

Midnight scratched her head as she thought back. “Oh yeahhh... “

“I’ll leave you to it, give me a call when you’d like dessert,” Fredrick nodded and gave Ledger a pat on the shoulder before leaving. The drone rolled his eyes as he continued eating his dinner.

“What’s with that look?” Midnight giggled and licked some pasta sauce from his lips. “I think it’s great that you have such a good friend.”

“You wouldn’t be saying that if you knew some of the things he got up to, and tried to get me up to,” Ledger replied. “I swear half the mares he slept with, he did to try and set them up with me.”

“Only half?” Midnight giggled. “And I sense some interesting stories.”

“All I’ll say is I’m surprised you got me to sleep with you,” Ledger said. “I’d ordinarily turn mares away when it was just me. Something I got very good at over time.”

“Not that good apparently,” Scope laughed.

“Yeah, not to mention ah seduced ya pretty easily as well.” Cider grinned and looked at Moondancer. “Lil’ tip. Try rubbing sugar into yer coat, see what happens?”

Moondancer blinked and looked at Sugar Darling. The nymph just shook her head, smiling all the while. “You’re plenty sweet as-is, dear,” she said.

“I say do it,” Scope giggled. “Darlings reaction should be good.”

“We'll see,” Moondancer hummed and ate her sunflower salad.

“Let’s just say there’s a reason Cider is my ‘sweet mare,’” Ledger said.

“Ledger…” Cider growled. “You are not telling them that!”

“That’s all I’m saying,” Ledger said before miming a zipper over his mouth. Cider pouted and pointed at Sugar.

“Any you can stop imaginin’ it. You slept with mah sister, so ya don't get to think of me as well.”

“Too late~” Sugar said with a happy grin. “Oooh, I can picture it now…”

“Ahh,” Cider groaned.

“It could be worse,” Midnight said and petted her wife's head. “She could be imagining you and Fritter together.”

“...Ah swear y’all do this on purpose,” Cider sighed.

“She is Midnight,” Ledger pointed out. “We really should have expected more from her.”

“If it helps,” Midnight smiled. “I've imagined having you and Fritter at the same time~”

The stare Cider gave her caused the pan apocalypse.

“What? Sisters are hot!” Midnight defended herself.

“Mares, I give you Midnight,” Ledger said. “I can’t make this stuff up.”

“Thankyou, thankyou,” Midnight bowed as Moondancer, Scope and Sugar gave her a round of applause. “I'll be here all week.”

“I should pass a new law,” Twilight mused. “Make it illegal to encourage Midnight in any aspect.”

“Do that, and I promise you she’ll find a dozen ways around it in a day.” Ledger paused for effect. “Mainly because she’d ask me to find them.”

“Yup, Ledger is my cheat code for life,” Midnight said and hugged her bug.

“Just eat your dinner,” Twilight sighed and Midnight smacked the edge of her plate with a free hoof, launching her food into the air. She opened her mouth and with a single gulp, swallowed the lot.

“Well, there’s a new trick,” Ledger responded with. “And how often do you have to use it?”

“Everytime I take a certain something into my mouth~” she purred into his ear, just loud enough for everypony else to hear…

“Ah,” he said with a nod. “That explains quite a bit.”

“You okay there love?” Moondancer petted her wife’s back. “You’re shaking…”

“So...much...lust,” she replied. “Urge to pounce...rising…”

“Oh dear,” Moondancer looked at Midnight. “Better tone it down Little Bat. Sugar is reaching breaking point.”

“Huh? But I'm just getting started,” the thestral grinned. The violet just shuddered again and did her very best to restrain herself.

Something she didn’t have a lot of practice in…

“Midnight, stop playing with the changeling,” Twilight said Midnight giggled.

“Here in Equestria, food plays with you!”

Twilight groaned and joined Cider in smacking her face on the table. Ledger just rolled his eyes as he finished off his own meal.

“Sugar.” Moondancer said warily. “Calm. Deep breaths. Foalnapping Midnight won’t help you.”

“I disagree,” Sugar said. “I could live forever with her by my side.”

“Oh, so she’s the source of immortality now?” Moondancer giggled. “Just what her overinflated ego needs to hear.”

“I have to admit, I’m kind of envious of you now Ledger,” the violet said.

“I imagine most ‘lings are,” the drone replied. “Fortunately, all these mares can handle their own if push comes to shove.”

“All my pity goes to the idiot that tries to mess with us,” Scope nodded.

“All the overpowered ponies live here,” Moondancer giggled. “Oh well.”

“And don’t be too envious,” Midnight smiled. “You got to marry Moonie~”

“True, I do love my wife,” Sugar said as she gave her a quick kiss. “She’s like a unicorn version of you, Midnight. And fortunately enough, I knew a unicorn some time ago. Maybe I’ll even show her all his journals one day.”

“In a box under your bed, sealed with a Type-3 magilock,” Moondancer said as she sipped her cider.

“...You’ve already read them, haven’t you?” Sugar deadpanned.

“I got bored one day while you were out,” Moondancer shrugged. “One of your Violets was very persistent. I hit him with the Warming, Feedback and Denial spells~”

“That would explain something I’d been wondering about,” Sugar mused. “Ah well, I suppose I should expect to see some of my tricks turned against me in the near future.”

“I was going to surprise you with them,” Moondancer smiled and then leaned in to nibble her ear. “I know you’re barely hanging on as is… maybe that Warming spell might be applied to you as well~”

The nymph moaned and did her best to restrain herself again. It was hard, though. Especially with the topic they were going to bring up and the amount of lust flying around…

“But I won’t be that mean to you… yet~” Moondancer gave her ear a kiss and pulled back.

“Heehee, Ledger likes those spells,” Midnight said. “But he hasn’t used the Denial one since I broke it…”

Sugar’s jaw dropped as she looked at Midnight. “That’s it, I’m stealing your wife,” she said to the herd. “She’s too good to not sleep with.”

“I’m half-tempted, just for a night of peace,” Twilight smiled. “Take Ledger as well, then we might actually get a full night’s rest for once.”

“Don’t I get a say in this?” Ledger said.

“Apparently not,” Scope giggled. “Don’t worry. We’re not going to feed you and Midnight to the lusty ‘ling.”

“Actually…” Sugar said. “I think now is a good time to bring this up…” She looked to her wife for confirmation.

Moondancer smiled and nodded, this was either going to go well, or not. But she knew they’d still be friends afterwards. Midnight wouldn’t let something like this get between them…

Well, Midnight might get between them anyway~

“So, what’s this big question already?” Midnight asked, bouncing slightly in her seat. The anticipation was killing her.

“To, ah, put it simply,” Sugar said before deciding to go for the blunt route. “We want to propose that...well, someday in the future, we swap spouses.”

Midnight had raised a napkin to her lips… only to have it drop to the table as she froze. Twilight and Cider were in a similar position, Scope…

Honestly, Scope wasn’t fazed much. She’d expected this from the nymph at some point. Still, it was a small shock to hear her actually ask.

Ledger was actually frozen as well. Apparently the idea really shocked him.

“Aaaand you broke them,” Moondancer sighed and patted Sugar’s back. “Okay, now how to unstick them…?” She shrugged and her horn lit up, giving each of them a sharp pinch on the rump.

Ledger let out a sharp cry as he came back to himself, shaking his head to clear it. “Okay, did I just hear what I thought I heard?” he asked. “Did you just suggest?...”

“That we do a little swinging?” Moondancer said. “Yes, that’s exactly what she asked. Look Ledger…” Moon paused and sighed. “I’m going to be honest with you here. I still have feelings for Midnight. I always have and I always will. I love Sugar with all my heart, but there’s a special place for that silly bat that can’t be filled by anypony else.”

“And I sympathized with you from the moment I met you,” Sugar added. “I dearly hoped that I would be the one to show you that nymphs weren’t to be feared or hated, and kept hoping that one day you would show up at my club...only to hear that you’d already entered a relationship. So I kept my silence and hoped that maybe you would see clear to including me...and then you went and got married.” She shook her head. “Nothing against you mares, of course, but I can’t help but look and wonder ‘what could have been?’”

“To be fair, you got married first,” Midnight replied, rubbing the spot where Moondancer pinched her. “Well… this is, well you know me, I’m always open to a little fun. But…”

“What exactly does ‘swinging’ mean?” Twilight asked.

“It’s, ah,” Ledger said. “It’s where a pair of married couples...exchange spouses, sometimes once. Sometimes regularly. It wasn’t exactly...an uncommon practice, back in the Lands...”

“Okay, exchange for what pur...pose…” Twilight facehooved. “We’re talking about sex aren’t we?”

“What gave it away?” Sugar asked innocently.

“Because it’s all we seem to talk about when we’re together?” Twilight deadpanned.

“Ah honestly… ah don’t know whut to think here,” Cider commented. “Ah mean, ah think yer lovely mares, but ah don’t know if ah’d sleep with y’all.”

“We’re not suggesting quite that,” Sugar said. “What we’re proposing is more of a...trade. One night, Moodancer for Ledger.”

Midnight turned to Ledger. “You… okay?”

“Not really, no,” Ledger said. “I...don’t know what to think about this.”

“Well,” Midnight looked at the pair. “The old me would have no qualms about this. And… well I still…” She couldn’t quite say love. She wasn’t sure what she felt for the unicorn across from her. And then there was the thought of Ledger sleeping with Sugar.

Admittedly, she kind of wanted to watch that.

“Honestly,” Scope replied. “I don’t like the idea of Ledger sleeping with another nymph. Not after what I had to go through just to get a relationship with him. I had to work my bucking ass off and I was worried and panicked and irritable…”

The drone bit his lip, biting back the initial retort that came to mind. It would only get him in trouble anyways.

Too bad half his mares were masters of reading him.

“Something up Ledger?” Cider asked.

“Nope,” the silver ‘ling said. “Nothing at all.”

Cider raised an eyebrow, as did Scope.

The word flashed through his mind. Scope didn’t even need to say it.


“You all can stop looking at me,” Ledger said. “I’m not saying it.”

“If you got something to say, then say it or I’ll reach into your mind and find out myself,” Scope said calmly. Ledger shook his head and cleared the comment from his mind, exhaling as the thought finally left him be.

“Better now,” he said. “So what were we talking about?”

“About whether or not we’re trading you for Moondancer,” Twilight sighed. “Why is this even a thing…?”

“Right, that thing,” Ledger said with a nod.

“You don’t have to give us an answer right now,” Sugar said. “I just wanted to put the offer on the table. Both of us still have feelings for members of your herd, and if you ever decide to take us up on it...you know where to find us.”

That was when Midnight promptly got up and walked out of the room without a word.

“Uh-oh,” Ledger said. “Um...mares, if you’ll excuse me…” With that, he was up and after her, knowing that she would likely want or need him there to talk/vent to.

Outside, Midnight paced up and down the alley beside the restaurant. Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and any poor changeling that tried to get a fix on her would likely end up with motion sickness. Ledger didn’t say a thing as he stood to one side of the alley, giving her her space but being close enough to show up if she needed him.

“I… I had to leave,” Midnight muttered. “Because if I opened my mouth, I would have likely made you all hate me.”

Ledger didn’t say anything, just sat there and waited. She would say if she wanted him to say anything, and she likely needed to work this out herself.

“Because if I said I was actually considering it, then you’d likely think that I didn’t think much of our own relationship, or I was slipping back into old habits…” She paused and glared at him, her crimson eyes glowing in the dark. “Well? Say something!?”

“I would never think less of you, Midnight,” Ledger said honestly. “I love you like I love the others: Fully and unconditionally. I could never hate you.”

“And what about you?” she hissed, her tail thrashing about. “What’s your thoughts on this. And don’t you even think of lying to me Secret!”

I think we should spend a lot longer being married before we consider this, though there is one, very good reason, we should,” Ledger said. “And it involves why she would ask in the first place instead of be content with her marriage with Moondancer.”

“And that is?” Midnight asked, clicking her teeth.

“Moondancer can’t give Sugar a foal, Midnight,” Ledger said. “Maybe that’s what she’s after.”

Then… Midnight’s eyes narrowed dangerously.

“She wants… my mate’s foal!?!?”

“Probably just one that won’t be as big a troublemaker as Two-Step,” Ledger said. “And it isn’t very often that you see a Noble drone in Equestria...like I said, we should consider it for a while, together, before we get back to her with a definite yes or no answer.”

Midnight turned and trotted back inside. She entered the room and walked straight over to Sugar Darling.

“Answer me this,” she said, her glossy eyes showing that her emotions were unreadable. “Do you want a foal?”

“Perhaps one day in the future,” Sugar mused. “When Two-Step is grown up enough to stake out her own place with her griffonfriend. And when I’m feeling lonely, even with Moondancer here. Then maybe then I would want another foal. Plus, it would give Moondancer somepony to raise and corrupt. I’ve already done that with Two-Step.”

They could just adopt. That was what Midnight had planned when she was going to marry Moondancer…

And yet, being with a foal herself… she could understand Sugar’s point of view.

“You just had to pick Ledger didn’t you…” she sighed. “Look. I guess… the idea of a swap, is a little appealing. But having a foal with Ledger…”

That was when his other three mares all coughed and spluttered.

“Right now? I’d likely tear you apart. And I mean that very literally,” Midnight said. “Thestral hormones are crazy and I’m fighting the urge to tear your throat out for even thinking about it…”

“And I thank you for that,” Sugar said. “Perhaps, ah, we should...postpone talking about this until you aren’t pregnant then?”

“I think that would be best,” Midnight nodded. “But, if we’re going to do this. If you really want this swap to happen…” She looked at her wives. “You’ll need to convince them as well.”

“I would expect nothing less,” Sugar agreed. “But not now. I’ll give you all your space for the time being. You’re still newlyweds, after all...I merely agreed to propose this to you once you came back from your honeym-Mmph!?”

Midnight was kissing her.

Oh wow that was some tongue.

After a few breathless moments, Midnight broke it and smiled. “I’m not saying yes right now… but I’m not saying no either~”

“...Now I wish we were swapping me for Ledger, but Moondancer wouldn’t accept that unless it was a study session,” Sugar sighed.

“I don’t do stallions,” Moondancer nodded. “Come back when he can gendershift and we’ll talk.”

“Look, I have a few things to talk about with the others,” Midnight said, a few ideas forming. “Can we meet up again soon?”

“You know where to find us,” Sugar said. Ledger, meanwhile, couldn’t meet Moondancer’s gaze.

“Something wrong?” Moondancer asked him, noticing his aversion.

“I...technically can gendershift,” he said. “I just...don’t.”

Another silence fell across the table as Midnight slowly shifted into a wide smirk.

“Oh rreeeaalllyyyy~?”

“Yes, why?” Ledger asked. “It’s not like I’m gonna…”

“Do it.” Midnight said. The drone stubbornly shook his head. The thestral grinned and pointed at Sugar. “I’ll bite her, right here, right now if you don’t.”

Ledger sighed and met her halfway, cloaking his form in an illusion of him having gendershifted.

“Oh Sugar Darling~” Midnight sang. “Be a dear and tilt your head ever so slightly~”

“All right, FINE!” Ledger said as he actually shifted and pouted. “Are you happy now?” He really didn’t want to see what would happen if Midnight bit Sugar. It couldn’t end well.

“You’re…” Twilight started.

“So…” Scope continued.

“Freakin…” Cider whispered.

“ADORABLE~” Midnight squeed and pounced him...well, her. And nuzzled the hay out of her.

“He does make for a rather cute nymph,” Sugar observed.

“Eh, s’alright I suppose,” Moondancer shrugged. She was cute, but the unicorn knew she was a he at heart, and that was enough to warrant no attraction to her. “You can change back Ledger, it doesn’t do anything for me.”

Her only response was a hoof raising up from under the thestral mare. Apparently she needed help to get out from under Midnight.

“Hmm, no, you’re on your own there,” Moondancer giggled. “Unless anypony else is brave enough to pry Midnight away.”

“I’m not that stupid…” Scope nodded and then she smirked. “But I bet a nymph could score a free hug if she was successful…”

“Sorry, I’m experiencing too many d’awws to want to stop this,” Sugar said.

“Sorry Ledger, seems you’re stuck,” Scope giggled. “Too bad~”

“Now I have all the wifeys,” Midnight purred and nuzzled Ledger again.

“Somepony...help me…” she croaked out.

Twilight rolled her eyes and lifted Ledger with her magic, leaving Midnight to pout.

Then Twilight smiled.

Then Twilight floated her over to Sugar Darling~

“Oooh, my very own nymph,” Sugar purred as she hugged the now-female Ledger. “Mmm...but the drone version was so very...yummy.”

Moondancer chuckled and shook her head. “As they said, give them a little time love-Yipe!” Moondancer finished with a yelp as she was taken by Midnight.

“My unicorn now,” the bat giggled and then grabbed Twilight as well. “Double magic nerds!” Then she looked from one to the other. “You know… you two could be sisters. Don’t they look alike?”

“They do look awfully similar,” Sugar conceded as she finally released Ledger from her torment. The nymph walked back over to her seat and sat down with a sigh of relief. “I wonder how they’re alike in...other aspects?”

“Ohh, they are both very enthusiastic and have an eye for detail,” Midnight purred as both mages rolled their eyes. “Moonie has experience and the most amazing tongue. Twiley is adorably innocent, even now.”

“I refuse to believe that anypony that can associate with you is innocent,” Sugar said. “You’re like a walking ocean of Lust.”

“Trust me, it’s really easy to fluster her. And another point is that she didn’t even know what swinging was.”

“Oh shut up!” Twilight blushed. “So I’m not a pervert like the rest of you. Big whoop.”

“I rather think that if you were, it would detract from your adorable charm,” Ledger said, leaning over to kiss the mare.

“Nope!” Twilight pushed him back with a hoof. “No kisses until everypony stops picking on me.”

“But I wasn’t,” Ledger pouted. “Why should I be punished because of everypony else?”

“Penalty by association,” Twilight nodded.

“Ooh, harsh,” Moondancer giggled as Midnight released her and she snuggled back up to Sugar. “Alright, should we get going? Celestia knows that Two-Step might burn the place down if we’re not there to watch her.”

“Or just invite her griffonfriend over and not watch it at all,” Sugar said. “It was lovely seeing you all. We’ll have to do this again sometime.”

“Sure,” Midnight nodded as the couple left, but not before Moondancer left enough bits for their share of the meal. And after paying and saying farewell to Fredrick, Ledger and his mares also returned home.

Once there, Midnight decided to share her thoughts.

“Okay,” she said as she paced around the room. “My thoughts are this… We should totally let Ledger and Sugar bang.”

“How eloquent,” Ledger said. “What if I would rather not?”

“Okay, hear me out,” Midnight said. “I want you all to think about this. What is it we all do for a living?”

“Well, I run Pegasus Air, you’re normally a guard, Cider runs this farm, and Twilight is a bucking Princess,” Ledger listed off. “I’m not sure who Scope actually works for.”

“I don’t know either,” Scope admitted.

“See, we all, well, mostly all of us, have jobs, careers, etc… That take up a lot of time,” Midnight said. “If I ever got posted somewhere, there’s a chance I could be gone for months at a time, maybe even a year.”

“Still failing to see a good point behind your original argument,” Ledger mused.

“Look, I’m trying to say that there’s a chance that one or more of us won’t be around for long periods of time,” Midnight explained as she sat down. “And… I don’t want you to get lonely. Plus… there’s also the foal thing…”

“I still feel kinda uncomfortable about the idea,” Ledger sighed. “It feels way too close to being disloyal to you all…”

“Well, I suppose there’s that,” Midnight nodded. “But, it’s not like you’re going to run off and marry her. It’s just sex. And… well I guess that if I know you have somepony else to look out for you if I ever…”

“Don’t even think it,” Ledger said as he gave her a hug. “I have faith that you will be the best at what you do, no matter what. And that you would never give up, and always try to come back to us.”

“And what if I don’t?” Midnight replied a little harsher than she meant to. “What if I leave you all without a wife. A foal without a mother? What if…”

“Then I would find a way to get you back,” Ledger said. “I would cross any barrier that separated us and get you back. You mean that much to me.” He looked at the others and smiled. “You all do.”

“I doubt even you could bring back the dead,” Scope replied. “But the sentiment is nice.”

“So…” Twilight wasn’t even going to think about Midnight being harmed. “I take it that it’s a ‘no’ for Sugar’s request then?”

“For now, at the very least,” Ledger said. “We can always think about it a little more later. But I’d rather we have this foal before we start seeing about me making any more.”

“Well, I think the foal was more of a long-term thing for her,” Midnight said. “And well… I know Moonie always wanted one. Is it… is it selfish of me to want to help them?”

“I think it’s the very opposite of that,” Ledger said. “But...I think we really should think it over as a family and talk about it later.”

“I know,” Midnight said. “Well, I’ll go and tell them what we’ve decided. I’d hate to be kept waiting if I was in her position…”

“We don’t really have a whole lot to tell them,” Ledger pointed out. “Just…‘not at this time.’”

“I’d at least like to tell them what we discussed, and maybe hear a little more from them,” Midnight nodded. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back in a flash.” She kissed Ledger on the cheek and flew out of the door. The drone sighed before looking at the others.

“Well, I’m beat,” he said. “I’m just gonna read a little before I go to bed.”

“I should head home to check on things,” Twilight nodded. “Any of you up for coming with me?”

“I will,” Scope said and climbed up onto her back, letting her legs dangle over Twilight’s sides. “Let’s go Couchicorn.”

“Hilarious,” Twilight rolled her eyes and headed upstairs to use the portal.

“Guess that jus’ leaves us,” Cider mused.

“Unless you want to do something, I’m likely just going to read and then go to bed,” Ledger said.

Cider tilted her head in thought before she reached up and pulled out her ribbons, letting her long blonde locks fall free. “Ah think ah might take a shower befer bed,” she hummed and trotted upstairs, her flank swaying softly as her tail flicked from side to side.

“To be clear,” Ledger asked after her. “Do you want company in that shower?”

“Do ah really gotta spell it out fer you?” Cider called back and winked at him.

“You never know,” Ledger said as he followed after her, enjoying the view. “Sometimes a shower could just be a shower.”

“An’ when yer wife sends signals like this, ah’d like to think ah’m bein’ pretty clear. Ah ain’t no Midnight. But ah try…”

“None of you have to be Midnight to get me to sleep with you,” Ledger said. “I just don’t want to force myself on any of you…”

Cider turned and pointed a hoof at him. “Look Ledger. Ah know whut kind of stallion you are. And you’d never force yerself on a mare, nymph or otherwise. Now, y’all gonna come and give yer Sweet Mare a good scrubbin’?”

“I can do that,” Ledger said. “Just how through would you like this cleaning, and what sort of brush should I use?”

Cider smiled and she pulled out something that he hadn’t seen her holding.

A bag of icing sugar.

Whose contents were now rubbed into the fur on her flank.

“Mmm, something tells me a tongue-bath is what you require,” Ledger said as he licked his lips. He saw her sugar-coated hoof move between her legs for a moment, before she winked and gallopped towards the bedroom.

Mine,” he chittered in Changeish before darting after her.

At the farm, Twilight returned after a night of thinking. She walked downstairs, to see Ledger and Midnight snuggling on the couch before the drone would have to leave for work.

“Ah, just the pony I needed to see,” Twilight smiled. “How are you two this morning?”

“Just fine,” Ledger said. “Going to have a mass of paperwork to take care of, but I can handle it, no problem.”

“Same here, only I don’t have a cheating paperwork spell to do it for me,” Midnight sighed. “So, what’s up Sparky?”

“Well,” the alicorn smiled. “I’ve been thinking about what you said last night. About the possibility of being posted somewhere dangerous. I… don’t know if I could handle that.”

“Twilight,” Midnight got up. “If you’re going to suggest I leave the Guard…”

“No! I would never ask that,” Twilight said. “But, what if I could do something that made sure you’d be relatively safe, and that you’d still be doing a great service to Equestria?”

“...Go on…” Midnight said slowly, wondering what the princess was getting at.

“Well, you said you were also concerned with leaving us for long periods of time,” Twilight continued.

“What is it with you smart ponies and not getting to the point?” Midnight asked Ledger.

“It’s called tact and trying to approach a situation delicately,” Ledger replied. “Not everypony goes at their problems head-on and bluntly.”

“Twilight. Blunt version please?” Midnight replied.

“I want you to become the Captain of my Personal Guard,” Twilight responded.

“That’s...a solution, I suppose,” Ledger mused.

“Captain…” Midnight had always wanted that. It was her dream to one day be captain of Celestia’s royal guard. Or Luna’s, or Cadence’s…

So she liked the Princesses, big deal.

But still…

“It… it’s a tempting offer,” Midnight finally replied. “But, this is something I should earn, not something you want to give me because you’re scared you’ll lose me…”

“Earned?” Twilight’s eyes twitched. “Come on Midnight. I can’t think of more than a hooffull of ponies that haven’t earned that title by now. You took on Tirek and protected an entire population of Changeling’s in the process. You’d give your life to protect those you care about. Your performance record is second only to Shining Armor…”

“Second? I still haven’t beaten him yet?” Midnight frowned. “And yeah, okay, I get your point. But… it still feels like you're just handing it to me because of our relationship. At least, that’s what other Guards and nobles will say about it…”

“How about a test?” Ledger said. “One that Midnight will have to pass before she can properly become your guard. Would that satisfy both of you?”

“What kind of test?” both mares asked.

“Hmm,” Ledger pondered. “Definitely not written, otherwise it’ll be longer than she’s willing to sit still for.”

“I have an idea,” Scope spoke up from the stairwell.

“Scopey!” Ledger said, before holding a hoof up to her and exposing his side. “Come, join the cuddling while you explain your idea.”

Scope nodded and flew over to him, snuggling up next to him. She had been… strangely affectionate recently. Her horn lit up as she connected with Madame Gossip, waiting to see if she’d answer…

Yes, who is it?” the Madame replied.

“Your adorable daughter-in-law,” Scope replied. “We need a test for Midnight to prove herself as a Guard. So I have a favour to ask…” Scope switched the spell to project so everypony could hear.

“I want you to try and assassinate Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

Oh my. Kill my own daughter-in-law? I’m not certain I can do that. I’m quite sure Ledger would kill me back for it. And I know he can, too.

“Scopey…” Twilight’s eyes twitched again.

“Hear me out,” the nymph projected. “I don’t mean to ‘actually’ try. I’d do it myself if I thought I stood a chance of winning. But I need someling ruthless enough to even have a small degree of success. So I instantly thought of you… Mom~”

Well I am quite ruthless. I did after all have a hoof in the regime changes of half the Hives. I could probably hire a small army to try and assassinate Twilight. I wonder if they’re still a unit…

“Wow… just, wow…” Twilight deadpanned. “I simply love how casually we’re talking about murdering me.”

“It’s only pretend, we just need somepony with a little experience to one-up Midnight… or at least try to,” Scope said and blew Twilight a kiss.

Midnight smirked. This… could actually be kind of fun.

“I don’t know…” the bat hummed. “I think dear old ‘Mom’ is a bit too on in years to try and beat me.”

Dear, I’m not rising to that bait,” the Madame replied. “I still have things I have to do back here. I can’t go gallivanting off on any old adventure that tickles my fancy. But...I think I do have something you can do by way of testing yourself.

Dang, Midnight had kind of been looking forward to taking her on. “Well, let’s hear it then.”

There is a squad of drones that have banded together as a sort of mercenary group for hire. They’re beholden to no Hive, but if you have any true need of their skills and can find them, then they might very well hear you out. They’re the ones I went to for the regime changes I facilitated. They are quite literally the best the Lands has to offer. Their teamwork is unparalleled. They’ve never lost a mission. They’ve toppled queens. And if I can get a hold of them, then in a few day’s time...they’ll be coming for your princess.

“Ohohoh!” Midnight rubbed her hooves together. This was going to be fun!

“I have a baaaad feeling about this,” Twilight groaned. “They uh… on the chance they succeed… they won’t actually kill me… right?”

I’ll explain the full details of the mission to them, no worries. I’m not certain they’ll like being hired as punching bags, but I’ll offer them extra pay if they ‘succeed’ in their mission.

Scope chuckled and leaned into Ledger’s hug. “Thanks for the help Mommy~”

Oh, no problems dear. Just, Midnight, try to leave them alive. They’ll charge me more if you don’t.

“No promises~” Midnight sang as Scope cut the connection. She looked around and shrugged. “What? I’m not going to kill them. Unless they hurt Twi… then they die~”

“I repeat… this is not going to end well…” Twilight groaned and went back to her palace to await her hired assassins…

“Well, fun as this cuddle is,” Ledger said before kissing Scope and Midnight. “I have work to do.”

As he got up, Midnight giggled at the changeling nymph still attached to his side. “Nice saddle bag Levvy~”

Ledger looked at the nymph and gave her another kiss. “What’s up with you? You’re being rather clingy for you.”

“M’coming with you,” she pouted and flashed her big, blue eyes at him.

“Not like that you’re not,” Ledger said before moving her to his back. “I suppose if you did want to come to work, you do have your office…”

“And yours~” she purred and nibbled his ear. Ledger shuddered a little before looking back at the nymph.

“Is there something going on I’m not aware of?” he asked.

“Huh?” Twilight paused at the top of the staircase. “Oh yeah, that was the other thing I was going to mention. She’s in Heat apparently. So uh, best of luck with that~” And with a crack, the alicorn was gone, Midnight flying after her a second later.

“We’re going to have such fun~” Scope giggled and nibbled his neck.

“I’m going to break another desk, aren’t I?” Ledger sighed.

Well, this was his life now. And to think a year ago, he was a lonely, terrified drone hiding in the largest city in Equestria. Now he was married to four wonderful mares, soon to be a father and the owner of the business that once enslaved him…

All in all, life was good. Even if he was going to end up with more paperwork by the end of today...

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