• Published 1st Nov 2012
  • 4,172 Views, 1,525 Comments

The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 103

Chapter 103

We were running through the castle. Using our power to search every crevice. "Where is she?" We asked panicking.

"Erebus." Celestia called out. We ignored her and kept running through the castle.

"Where are you Skies?" We pushed open the door to our room.

"Erebus!" Celestia shouted. We ran past her out the door and teleported to the kitchen.

"Skies? Skies?!"

"Erebus!!" Celestia shouted again this time amplifying her voice.

"SHUT UP!" We shouted at her, our voice taking a dark tone.

Celestia took a step back from us. We turned away and began searching the kitchen.

"...Erebus...she's not here...They must have taken her while were distracted by the bomb threat." Celestia told us. "She was taken from inside my castle. I will take the blame for this." She said lowering her head.

"No." We told her. "There are many more responsible for this. Your guards, Twilight, everypony in this castle is to blame." We told her grinding our teeth.

"You can't just blame everypony." Celestia told us.

"And why not?! We shouted. "Every problem we have ever faced has been because of other ponies. We left to help your subjects and look where that got us! Obviously we are the only ones capable to keeping her safe.... Why do we bother with helping others? All they bring us is pain."

'Erebus stop.' I said to him in our mind. 'You're starting to sound like the first prophecy.'

"Erebus?" Celestia asked looking at us with worry.

We began to take a few deep breaths. "We...apologize. We are quite stressed. We are not stable." We said.

Celestia sighed. "I understand. I lost my sister a long time ago too." She said. "We will find her Erebus."

"Right." We said. Celestia turned to leave. "Celestia-" We said getting her attention. "...The way we acted...we are fearful that we are approaching the point in the prophecy...Please keep your promise."

Celestia looked at us, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "Hopefully, it won't come to that."

We sighed. "For now, we must locate Skies. That takes priority over everything else." We told her.

'Put me back in control.' I thought to him.

We looked surprised for a moment. "Is that a good idea?" We asked to Celestia'a confusion.

"Pardon?" She asked.

"Apologies, We find it quite difficult to keep our conversations internal." We told her.

Celestia looked perplexed for a moment. "...Oh, you mean with Shadow?"

"Indeed." We told her.

'Just do it.' I thought to him.

"...Very well. You may wish to step back." We said to Celestia.

She did so with a slight bit of confusion.

Then, we began to scream. Internally I was suffering excruciating pain, but I kept my focus on Skies. Our body was surrounded in black shadows. After a moment, I was standing there on shaky legs.

"I have an idea." I told Celestia, limping down the hallway.

"Shadow?!" She said surprised. "Isn't that-"

"Extremely painful? Yes." I said to her. "I just had my mind torn in two. I should be unconscious right now, but I don't have time for that now. I'll let myself suffer after Skies is safe." I told her.

"You can't just-" Celestia started.

"I have to." I interrupted.

Celestia sighed. "At least let me help. Where are you going?" She asked.

"Twilight, and Spike if possible." I told her.

In a bright flash I suddenly found myself in the main hall. Twilight jumped in surprise as Celestia and I suddenly appeared next to her. After a moment, there was another bright flash and Spike suddenly appeared.

"What's going on?!" Twilight asked surprised.

"That's what I want to know." Spike responded.

I looked over on the floor and saw the letter I had received laying there. I limped over and picked it up. "This came in by dragon fire. I need to find a way to send a reply." I told them returning to the group.

"Well that's pretty simple." Twilight said.

"Good." I took a quill from a table and wrote one word on the back of the letter. 'Where?' I gave it to Twilight. "Send it." I said to her, sitting on the ground.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"I just had my mind torn apart. My sister has been kidnapped. I'm beginning to act the slightest bit evil, and I don't even understand why." I told her. "So no, I'm not okay."

"Shadow you need to rest, we can send-" Twilight started.

"No...no you can't." I stopped her.

She sighed, and walked off with Spike to try and send the letter back. I remained seated on the floor trying to not pass out.

'This feels like shit.'

'I thought you had always stayed awake during the separation.' I thought to him.

'That doesn't make it any less painful.' He responded.

"Shadow." Celestia said.

I looked up at her. "What are you planning?" She asked.

"They took Skies. She was their target all along. They want something from me. I'm going to find out what." I told her.

I saw a wisp of green smoke fly past me from the interior of the hall. Twilight came back soon after. "We sent the letter."

"I noticed." I said not looking.

"We can't be sure that it actually worked." She said.

"I trust that you did it right." I told her.

"But we might have-"

Twilight was interrupted as a purple smoke flew in from a window and formed a scroll in from of me. I grabbed the scroll and opened it.

'Everfree, Ruined Castle, Bottom Floor.' It said simply. I crumpled and note and put in into my bag. Standing up shaking slightly, I began to walk towards the door.

"Shadow where are you going?" Celestia asked.

"I told you to find out what they want." I answered.

"You're in no condition to meet with them!" She responded.

"I'll be fine." I said as I got to the door and started to open in. It was suddenly encased in a golden aura and shut.

"Shadow, what in the world are you trying to accomplish by doing this?" She asked.

"I'm trying to save Skies." I told her.

"Shadow, we can just send-"

"Princess...Please..." I muttered out interrupting her. My voice wavering. She fell silent looking at me with some concern. "Please don't tell me to leave it to somepony else. Please don't tell me to do nothing." I said, my eyes watering slightly. "Please...I promised that I'd protect her. Don't force me to just sit and wait." I closed my eyes keeping my tears in. "Please just let me do this."

Celestia and Twilight were silent. Both looking at me with sadness.

"You don't have to force yourself to do this." Celestia said.

"Well I'm not." I told her. "I don't need to be forced to do this."

Celestia sighed. The door was surrounded in a golden glow and opened. "At least tell us where you're going so we can send help." She asked.

"An old home." I told her walking out the door. It took some time, but I managed to limp my way through the city and make it to the train station. I got one ticket to Ponyville and boarded the train. I sat in down in my seat and tried to relax as best I could. I needed to regain as much strength as I could. The train ride was a few hours long, I needed to get enough energy to do whatever I needed to do in that time.

'This is reckless, you know?'

'Do you think I care? And furthermore do you?'

'I'm just saying, we're weak, you've got access to a lot of powerful ponies.'

'I told them where I was going.'

'In a cryptic manner that they probably won't figure out until it's too late.'

'When did you start wanting to depend on other so much?'

'Ever since Skies was taken.'

I sighed.

'Please Skies, please be okay. I'll be there soon.'

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