• Published 1st Nov 2012
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The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 4

Chapter 4

I started to regain consciousness, but decided to not open my eyes till I could tell where I was. I was in a bed somewhere next to me I could hear a constant beeping. I could feel a small hoof holding onto my own. I didn't have to open my power to know who was there. I opened my mind and used my power. I could feel the fear of the ponies around me. The fear of dying, the fear of losing a loved one, the fear of sharp objects, and the fear of being alone. I knew these fears well and there was only one place where all these fears were in the same place. I was in a hospital. I slowly opened my eyes and was met with the sleeping body of Skies my hoof in her own. I slowly turned my head and saw on the other side of the room were the five mares I had been with last night, and they were all standing around a bed. On the bed was Twilight with a grimace still on her face. Something was wrong it never takes this long for somepony to recover from my power. Something was very wrong.

I quickly got out of the bed waking Skies while doing so. As my hooves hit the flour the five mares turned their heads to look at me. They had mixed looks of anger and fear. I started walking towards the bed "Something is very wrong. I need to help her." I said

Rainbow Dash ran in front of me blocking my path. "You've done enough already you need to leave."

"You don't understand. There is nothing you can do to help. I'm the only one who can help her." I said starting to walk around her.

* POW!* my head was flung sideways as hoof connected to my muzzle.

"Brother!" Skies shouted worriedly

I didn't respond to either. I simply kept on walking towards the bed. *POW!* another punch, but I didn't care I kept walking. I reached the bed and pulled my hoof up and gently placed it on Twilight's head. *POW!* a third punch but it didn't stop me. I opened up my mind and focused on Twilight. I could still feel the fear inside of her. This was different though the fear was moving. I had no idea what I was sensing, but then the fear acknowledged my presence. Then I realized what this was, but i didn't believe it. She was so afraid her fear actually physically materialized into a real entity. This was impossible a fear can't become real it's just an emotion, but that is exactly what was happening. If I didn't get that fear out of her she might never wake up.

I was filled with worry how could I get the fear out of her, this is all my fault, and I can’t find a way to help. Then suddenly I felt my mane and tail flare up once again. I heard Skies gasp and try and get the mares away, but this was different... I was in control this time. The darkness wasn't controlling me... I was controlling it.

"Your friend holds all of you close to her heart. She holds you closer than you could possible imagine." I said my voiced sounded smooth and echoed as I spoke those words.

My sister was stunned I couldn't blame her. I was surprised myself the darkness had always controlled me not the other way around. I slowly extended my senses into Twilight and I grabbed the fear inside of her. As I surrounded the fear inside of her I pulled the fear from her body and she let out a gasp as the fear escaped through her mouth. I could hear the gasps from her friends as they saw this. The fear had materialized into a wisp the looked like smoke but it was much blacker and emanated darkness throughout the room. I grabbed the fear in my hoof there was only one way to stop it. I opened my mouth and breathed in the wisp. As soon as the wisp was inside I could feel it fighting to escape. I fell to the ground pain filled my face. I heard the girls gasp again, but the gasp wasn't for me. I saw Twilight slowly sit up from her bed confused. She saw me on the floor and I saw the fear in her face. That was the only thing the wisp needed, a little fear to give it power. It escaped from my body and flew for Twilight. "NO!" I shouted my voice filled with anger. I used my magic and grabbed the wisp once again, it wasn't getting away. I brought it back into my body and slowly tore it apart destroying the fear. As I finished I sat back up and I felt my mane fall back down onto my neck. I slowly stood back up and looked at Twilight her face no longer had a look of fear on it. Instead it was replaced with a look of confusion.

My thoughts were interrupted as a hoof met my face yet again. "What did you do to Twilight?" Rainbow Dash shouted.

"I tried to help her." was the only answer I had.

"Well you sure did a great job with that. We didn't even know what was happening all we saw was Twilight suddenly collapse and scream. I think you should just leave and never come back." Rainbow Dash's face was filled with anger and tears as she said this.

I knew she was right and I didn't blame her. She feared losing her friends so she wanted to get rid of me to prevent that. ".... I guess you won our bet Skies.... Fifteen towns in two months. Every one of them the same result.... Let's go. We have nothing else to do here."

I turned around and started to walk towards the door.

"Wait!" I heard the voice and stopped it was the last voice I expected to hear. I turned back around and looked at Twilight. "What did you mean by fifteen and what happened last night?"

"Fifteen different towns and every one of them I've been kicked out of." I answered.

"You've been kicked out of fifteen towns... why?" Twilight asked.

"Because of my so called "special talent", but I personally think it's more of a curse." I responded.

"Special talent? But you don't have a cutie mark. How can you have a special talent?" Twilight asked.

"Though it may appear that I don't have a cutie mark I actually do." I used a basic projection spell onto the floor, and a black circle appeared on the floor. "This is my cutie mark, a black circle, and it blends with my coat perfectly. My special talent is darkness." I said before stopping the illusion.

"Darkness, how can your special talent be darkness?" Twilight questioned again.

"My special talent allows me to look into the souls of ponies. I can see the darkness in their heart. Their fears, their evil desires, and their sadness. But this comes at a price, occasionally I can lose control the darkness and it takes control of my body. Its only desire is to spread darkness, so whenever I make eye contact with a pony when I'm like that. The darkness goes into that pony’s soul and forces them to watch their greatest fear. That is what happened last night on the hill."

"But if it does that to everypony you look at. Why did you take Skies with you onto that hill? Wasn't she in danger?" Twilight asked.

"No she wasn't. For some reason the darkness doesn't want to hurt her. She is the only defense I have against the darkness." Skies slowly turned sideways so her cutie mark was visible. A bright yellow sun with a smiling face inside. "Skies special talent is making ponies happy. So whenever I go into my possessed state as I've come to call it. She is the only pony that has ever been able to pull me out of it." I answered.

"Why didn't you tell anypony you were dangerous? You really could have hurt Twilight" Rainbow Dash asked malice in her voice.

"Rainbow calm down I'm fine, but why didn't you tell anypony about this?" Twilight asked worriedly.

"Because there is nothing anypony can do about it. It is my special talent it is what makes me, well me. Even if there ever was a way to get rid of it. It would change me I wouldn't be the same pony anymore. So instead I try to control it and not tell anypony about it. I just want to try and have a normal life, but this damned power of mine will never let that happen.

I sat down on my flank tears in my eyes I didn't try to hold back the tears. There would be no point. I felt Skies lean her head on me trying to comfort me. I didn't try to stop I just sat there bawling. After a minute I was still crying, but something stopped me. It was a hug... I opened my eyes and saw Twilight had walked over and given me a hug. She just sat there hugging me, and comforting me.

"It's okay. Don't worry I forgive you, and I will do everything in my power to help you." Twilight said.

Her friends came over and pulled Twilight away and started talking too her. I wasn't listening, I didn't need to I new what they were talking about. They were trying to convince her I was too dangerous and I should leave. Twilight was fighting back for me saying that I just needed some friends to help me through it. But her friends were right I am too dangerous and I needed to make see that no matter what the cost.

I slowly stood back up and looked at the mares "Your friends are right Twilight. I saw what you saw during that nightmare. I don't want you to have to see that again. I'm too dangerous to be around anypony." I finished my statement and started to walk towards the door. Only for it to be slammed shut by a purple aura. The same aura then picked me up and pulled me over to Twilight.

"You are not dangerous. You only show ponies fears. You never do any physical harm." Twilight almost shouted in my face.

"That's where you’re wrong." I quietly responded "Twilight, you almost died today"

Twilight's face changed from anger to shock "wha..what"

"Your fear was so great it literally manifested into a real entity. That wisp of smoke you saw that was your fear. It was consuming you from the inside. It would consume your being until there was nothing left." I explained.

Twilight's magic died down and dropped me to the ground. I turned around not wanting to look at Twilight's face. I walked out of the room with Skies, and signed myself out at the front desk. Skies and I walked towards the forest. We had been walking for a couple minutes and just entered the forest when Skies decided to speak.

"You didn't have to lie to them you know." Skies said

"Yes I did, if I had told the truth she wouldn't have let me go." I responded

Skies landed on my back before saying "She wanted to help you."

"All she would have done was waste her time and lose her connection wit her friends. I do not want her to suffer like that." I said quietly "Losing a friend is a terrible experience that I don't want any other pony to go through."

I came to the camp we had set up yesterday and lowered myself to the ground, and curled into a ball and went to sleep preparing for the nightmares. I was unaware of the cyan blue pegasus that had been watching us through the trees.

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