• Published 1st Nov 2012
  • 4,172 Views, 1,525 Comments

The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 86

Chapter 86

"And that's what happened." I said finishing the recounting of my tale to the princesses. We had arrived back from the griffin empire around an hour ago.

The princesses sat there staring at me. "So in one day you not only discovered and dismantled a secret organization, freeing around a hundred servants at the same time, but also managed to settle a dispute that's been going on for several months?" Celestia asked me after some time of silence.

"Seems that way." I responded.

Celestia turned to Twilight. "And you can confirm that all this actually happened?"

"As crazy as it sounds it is true." Twilight answered.

"I am rather offended that you don't believe me." I said.

"Can you really blame us? I'm fairly certain that if anypony else had said it we would've been skeptical as well." Luna told me.

"But know to the dispute." Celestia said. "You said you solved it, but we have yet to hear how. Could you explain?" She asked me.

"Certainly." I responded. "The solution we came up with is a idea that both the king and I came up with. The idea being that there will no longer be any debate or dispute over who has right to the land because both side now own it." I explained.

"Pardon?" Luna questioned.

"The land is co-owned by both Equestria and the Griffin Kingdom. Currently we have a site selected for the first test town. The king is sending builders and such to construct the buildings and other necesities. We've already developed a scedule for the construction and set a date to reconvine there for the opening. Both the king and I will be going there on it's opening." I told them.

"The king is going himself?" Celestia asked.

"Yes, Though I think it might be less about the town and more about the fact that I'm going to be there. He's rather upset that I beat him at chess, so I think he's going because he wants a rematch." I said.

"The king seems to have taken quite a liking to you." Celestia said with a small smile. "We've had a few dealing with him in the past. He is slow to trust. You must've left a very good impression on him."

"Seems that way, but as I was saying. We're both going to be there on the opening. I suggest that at least one of you come as well as a sign of respect, but neither of you are required to be there. We will also have to start looking for ponies who want to move to the town." I said to them.

"That does seem to be the case." Celestia responded. "I don't understand why you are so against being an ambassador. Every time you take part in some international meeting you tend to go above and beyond all expectations." She told me.

"Ah, that reminds me. I'm quitting again. Everything's resolved so there's no need for me anymore." I said to them.

Celestia and Luna just smiled. "As expected." Luna said. "When the opening does come around we'll offer the position again so you can accept and quit by the days end again."

"See we've reached a great understanding." I said with a smile.

Twilight was just sitting there slightly annoyed. "I swear one of these days your informal attitude is going to get you into trouble." She told me.

"Perhaps, but I am only me, and that's all I'll ever want to be." I said to her.

"And what happens when being you starts causing problems?" She asked me.

"I will become more like me than I already am." I answered.

"How is that even possible?" Twilight asked.

"How is Pinkie even possible?" I countered.

Twilight was silently glaring at me. "We are not done discussing this." She said after being unable to come up with a response.

"It would appear that we are." I told her with a smile.

"You can't use Pinkie as an excuse for everything." Twilight told me.

"...That could actually be debated." I responded.

Twilight sighed. "I swear some days I wonder how you've survived as long as you have."

"It's obviously because I'm one of the smartest ponies on the planet." I said to her.

"Right." She responded rolling her eyes.

"I get the strange feeling that you doubt me, very well. Shall we discuss the theoretical physics of multiverse theory?"

"Wha-wha-" Twilight stuttered out which was more than most of the others in the room.

"Brother you can't just bring up multiverse theory like that." Skies complained to me. "You first have to establish the theoretical definition of parallel universes, and explain the four levels and nine types."

"Skies we've discussed this before. You can't just go that far into detail at first. We need to start general and then work our way down to specifics." I said turning to her.

"What are you two talking about?!" Rainbow finally asked aloud.

"Oh...well...multiverse theory is a complicated thing to explain." I said looking at Rainbow. "Skies if you would?" I said looking back at her.

"Multiverse theory is the theoretical idea that there is a set of infinite universes, including the universe we exist in, that together comprise everything that exists and can exist: the entirety of space, time, matter, and energy as well as the physical laws and constants that describe them. The various universes within the multiverse are sometimes called parallel universes. The basic idea is that within the multiverse there is an infinite amount of parallel universes each of them with their own variables. As such there exists an infinite amount of possible outcomes and ever possible outcome exists somewhere within the multiverse." Skies explained.

Rainbow sat there with a blank look on her face. Celestia and Luna at least seemed to be following...slightly. Twilight was still in shock, but I think she was absorbing it well enough. "Maybe the dictionary definition wasn't the best way to explain. How about an example?" I said taking over. "You remember the day I came to Ponyville correct?" I asked. Rainbow nodded. "Well what if I didn't?"

Now Rainbow looked confused.

"What I'm about to explain is the quantum type of multiverse. In our universe I walked into Ponyville unimpeded, but somewhere there exists a universe where I didn't. A universe where, I don't know, maybe I bumped into somepony while walking towards the town and instead decided to follow them. That moment in time created a new parallel universe. For every decision, for every moment, for every event there exists a different universe with every possible outcome. These infinite universes comprise the multiverse each with their own ending." I explained. "Does that make it any clearer?" I asked.

"Not really." Rainbow said holding her head in her hooves.

"I- I-" Twilight began stuttering.

"Have I proved my point that I am indeed one of the most intelligent ponies?" I asked with a smirk. "I mean seriously you've seen the stuff Skies knows, I've asked you to tutor her a few times. Did you think she learned all that stuff at a school? No way, I taught her that stuff, and to do it I had to know even more than what she learned."

Twilight took a deep breath. "Why didn't you tell me you knew so much information?!" She asked me.

"Because I knew that it would trigger your experimenting side, and quite possibly end up with me strapped to some machine in your basement." I told her.

"What do you-" Twilight began to say.

"Pinkie told me the story. I know all about it." I told her.

She smiled sheepishly and looked away.

I looked up to the princesses. They seemed deep in thought. "Is something the matter princesses?" I asked.

"No, no, noting is wrong. However, we may have something that we might want you to look into. You certainly seem to be knowledgeable enough to be able to comprehend it." Celestia said.

"And what exactly is it you want me to look into?" I asked my interest piqued.

"Currently it is something that we don't want anypony to see unless we're sure. Please give us time to discuss this." Luna told me.

I gave a small bow. "Of course princess, I can tell this is something you consider very serious. Take all the time you need." I told them. I didn't like it. I wanted to know what they were talking about, and I'm certain I wasn't the only one. I can only hope that they decide to let me see it.

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