• Published 1st Nov 2012
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The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 17

Chapter 17

In a flash I was standing back in Twilight’s house. I made sure to catch Rainbow who was unstable because of the teleportation. I heard the girls gasp behind me as they galloped up and around me and started talking to Rainbow. I let her down into her friends and backed out of the group. I stood a short distance away and simply watched. I heard something move beside me and I looked down to see Skies standing next to me. I turned back to face the girls and I saw them staring at me. From what I could tell Rainbow had told the rest of them what had happened on top of the mountain, and from their expressions I would have to guess she didn’t leave any detail out. I looked down at Skies and nodded my head to the next room. She pouted but obeyed and went into the next room over with Spike.

“All right, what do you want to know? You ask a question and I’ll answer it.” I said.

“What did the darkness mean when he was talking to that cult” Twilight asked.

“He meant that his goal is to take over and destroy all of Equestria” I answered.

“Well then darling, why didn’t he accept the help of that cult? They wanted to help him did they not?” Rarity asked.

“I’ll say the same thing I said to the cult. The darkness is prideful. He doesn’t want any help.”

“All right, then why did he help you save me?” Rainbow asked trying to regain her composure.

“He didn’t, he just wanted to tell off that cult. Saving you wasn’t a part of his agenda.” I said.

This question and answer session lasted a while longer with me answering every question they asked me. Eventually the questions were dying down.

“I have one last question.” Rainbow said. “You do care about me right?”

I looked Rainbow right in the eye. “Yes I do, I love you. I won’t try and lie to you.” Rainbow smiled a little. “I hate myself though.” I looked away from Rainbow. “If I wasn’t like this, if I was normal I would be able to openly admit it to everypony. I would be able to be with you I hate myself for being this monster.”

Then I felt a hoof slap my face. I looked up and saw Rainbow looking at me with tears in her eyes.

“Why do you keep calling yourself that? You’re not a monster. You’re Shadowmere a normal stallion and I don’t care what others think of you, but I love you.” She looked down at the floor. “And nothing has been your fault. If I had only been stronger those ponies wouldn’t have taken me. If I had been stronger I would have been able to help you, I was useless back there, I’m –”

But I cut her off by raising up her head and kissing her deeply. When I ended the kiss I looked at her. “Okay how about a deal? I stop calling myself a monster, and you stop calling yourself weak. Because you aren’t, you are one of the strongest ponies I have ever met and don’t you dare think otherwise.”

She looked at me at first surprised but then with a small smile she leaned in and wrapped her head around my neck in an embrace. “Okay deal.” She said, and we sat there for a few minutes just enjoying each-others embrace. Finally I broke away after I realized that the rest of the girls were still watching. Both Rainbow and I broke away with a light blush on our faces.

“Well… it’s awkward again.” I said rubbing the back of my head.

“Oh, don’t mind us darling this is beautiful. Please continue.” Rarity said.

“How about no.” both Rainbow and I said simultaneously. We looked at each other and smiled. Before I continued.

“I have a better idea.” I said looking at Rainbow. “AWAY!” I shouted as I took off from the ground and flew out the window on the wall. I heard the window once again open behind me and I knew Rainbow was following me.

I slowed up a little letting us fly slowly together enjoying the breeze against our faces. Eventually we stopped and landed on a cloud. I laid down on my back and looked out towards the sunset. Rainbow landed beside me on the cloud, and sat down I looked up at her. Her mane flowed gently in the wind with the colors of the setting sun contrasting the colors in her hair. I quickly realized that I had been staring when I saw the sideways glance and smirk Rainbow was giving me. I looked back towards the clouds the blood rushing to my cheeks. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths calming down. Then I felt something put a pressure on my chest. I opened my eyes and I saw Rainbow had laid her head down on top of me. I rested my head back onto the cloud and watched as the last rays of the sun disappeared beyond the horizon. I looked up towards the sky watching the first stars start to appear in the night. I looked towards Rainbow and saw her looking up at the sky, when she noticed my gaze she smiled at me. I looked back towards the sky.

“It’s amazing isn’t it?” I asked her.

“Yeah I’ve never really had the chance to admire it though.” She said.

“Would you like me to teach you about it?” I asked.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“Well I would hate to admit it, but when it comes to the night sky I probably know more than Twilight.” I said rubbing the back of my head with a smile.

“So you’re saying you’re a bookworm” Dash said giving me a sarcastic smile.

“Nope, although I do like books I’ve never read a single book on astronomy.” Dash raised and eyebrow. “Everything I’ve learned has been through observation and lecture only.”

“That’s pretty impressive, so what’s out there?” Dash asked leaning her head back against my chest.

“Well, if you look up there.” I pointed to one of the brightest stars in the sky. “That constellation is called the Ursa Major.”

“You mean that giant bear thing that can destroy entire towns and nopony can defeat?” Rainbow asked.

“Well kind of, that constellation is the same pattern that appears on an Ursa, so it just kind of made sense to call it that.” I answered. “Now if you look over there-”

And we continued like that through the night I would point out constellations and explain their meaning. I had a feeling that Rainbow didn’t really car all that much about the history behind them though. I think it was just enjoyable for us to spend time together. Despite the incidents that seem to follow me, even the one that had happened just a few hours ago, we were still able to just sit there and enjoy each other’s company. After I had named a few more constellations I decided to turn the conversation to her. I asked her questions about herself and her dreams. Of course considering that she wouldn’t hesitate to tell any and every pony she runs into I already knew most of the answers to the questions, but it seemed to make her happy so I didn’t care.

“Here you are.” I turned and saw Skies flying over to us.

“Hey Skies. I’m sorry I kinda lost track of time.” I said.

“Yeah I noticed. Don’t you remember what tomorrow is?” Skies asked. “Today’s the 20th”

“Wait today’s the 20th!?” I asked surprised and Skies nodded her head. “Well I’ll be has it really been that long?”

“Why? What does tomorrow have to do with anything?” Rainbow asked.

“Well tomorrow’s the 21st. As for why it’s important. It’s because it’s the anniversary of when Skies and I first met.” I answered.

“Really? That's interesting.” Rainbow said.

“Yeah I know, so you need to get back to the house and get some sleep. You need to be well rested for tomorrow.” Skies said.

“Yeah, I know. I guess I’ll see you later Rainbow.” I said turning to Dash.

“Alright, I’ll see you later.” She responded muzzling my neck to which I returned.

After a moment of silence Skies decided to break it. “So when are you two are going to get hitched, and I can get a big sister?” She asked.

Both Rainbow and I immediately broke apart and looked at Skies. Neither of us had a response to that. Upon seeing the success of her statement Skies smiled and flew away in the direction of the house, humming. After we had regained our composure Rainbow and I said our farewells and flew off towards home. On my flight back I thought about how I couldn’t believe Skies said that in front of us. However, I can’t say that whenever I think about it I don’t feel a little happy. I shook my head. My gosh, if this is love then may Celestia help me. I don’t think I’m going to make it through this.

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