• Published 1st Nov 2012
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The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 62

Chapter 62

I was walking down a hallway of the hospital looking around. I heard a few hoofsteps behind me and I ducked into a side hallway. I saw a nurse run by with a worried expression. I opened my mind to her and felt her fear.

‘Got to find him, got to find him.’

I smiled, I suppose my tricks been found out, took them long enough. I followed the side hallway down a ways before finding the main lobby of the hospital. I thought quickly and flared my magic putting up an invisibility spell around myself. I may not be able to do a mass spell like Rarity, but I could hold one on myself easily enough… At least I would be able to, if part of my magic hadn’t been expelled from my body recently. I felt the strain of the spell quickly and started to walk towards the door. As I got close a pony pushed open the door and left the building I smiled and sped up so that I would be able to slip through before it closed. I made it through the door and- “Uff.” I fell down onto my back as I just ran into somepony. I felt my concentration waver and my spell dropped.

“Oh, I’m sorry I guess I just didn’t see you.” I heard as I looked up. It was then that the pony I had bumped into looked up as well.


“Oh, uh. Hi Twilight. What a surprise meeting you here.” I said trying not to sound nervous.

“Well, we were just on our way to see you.” She said. I looked behind and saw the rest of the girls behind her.

“Yeah, that’s great. How about we go and talk over lunch somewhere?” I asked.

“YOU!” I heard from behind me. I turned and saw the same nurse who had run by me in hallway coming towards me. “We told you that you needed bed rest!”

“On second thought I’ve got to cancel.” I said turning back to the girls. “gottagobye!” I told them quickly taking off with my wings and going skyward. At least I would be if I wasn’t surrounded in a violet aura. I looked behind me and saw Twilight giving me an annoyed look. “Oh, come on. You haven’t felt their beds. I can’t get any rest on those. Can’t I just go back to the castle?” I pleaded.

Twilight sighed and shook her head. “We’re sorry for any trouble he’s caused. We’ll take him back to his room.” She said turning to face the nurse.

“Thank you, I’ve been spending more than half my break trying to find him.” The nurse said rubbing her temple.

“Now that’s a lie.” I told her. “I made sure I knew your schedule before I started. Your break starts at eleven and ends at one. It’s only eleven thirty right now. That’s only a quarter of your break.” I told her.

“Seriously?” Twilight asked me. “You have the most detailed planning so you can escape from a hospital, but at a wedding you start a water balloon fight? Why can you not take the important things seriously?”

“In my defense it was Discord that started it. I just got everypony involved in it.” I told her. “And to answer your second question… I don’t know.”

“Why do we put up with you?” Twilight said.

“Because your lives would be exceptionally boring without me.” I answered.

“Right because our lives weren’t crazy enough already.” Was her response.

“…Alright I’ll give you that one.” I said with a small nod.

Twilight and the girls walked down the hallways of the hospital with me hovering behind in tow. We arrived at my room quickly enough and Twilight set me down on the abomination that dares to call itself a ‘bed’. I huffed as I sat on the bed. “And you’re sure that I can’t just go back and rest at the castle?” I asked.

“Shadow you need to be in the care of professionals.” Twilight told me.

“Well I’m pretty sure the princess and the guards could be considered professionals.” I told them.

“You know what I mean.” Twilight said annoyed.

“And you know I choose to misinterpret it.” I responded with a smile.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “I’ll see if the staff can do something about the beds.” She told me with a small smile.

“Thank you.” I told her. “Now let us discuss the food situation.”

“We’re not going to be your personal negotiators with the hospital.” Twilight told me.

“Fine, fine… how about negotiators for the whole of the patients here?” I asked.

Twilight just sighed and rolled her eyes.

“Oh stop complaining, you’re acting like a foal.” Rainbow told me.

“Well excuse me for caring about my spine and stomach, and those of the other occupants of this hospital as well.” I told them.

The girls just laughed. “Tell you what, we’re going to go get something to eat right now. We’ll bring you something back, is that okay with you?” Rainbow told me.

“That would be perfect.” I told them.

“Alright we’ll be back in a few minutes, don’t try and cause too much chaos while we’re gone.” Twilight told me.

“No promises.” I said with a chuckle.

~~~Thirty Minutes Later~~~

Across the lobby I saw the girls open the main door. I quickly levitated a bed over and blocked them off as a stray magic blast almost hit them. They stood frozen in the doorway. As more magic blasts got launched around the lobby.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! GET OVER HERE, AND GET IN COVER!” I shouted across the lobby. In a violet flash the girls were suddenly next to me.

“SHADOW, WHAT’S GOING ON?!” Twilight asked looking around the lobby at the chaotic war zone. The patients were running around the lobby while the doctors, nurses, and I hid behind the counter.

I reached up and pulled her down as a magic blast flew by where her head had been. “Keep your head down!” I told her.

“TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED HERE!” She shouted back.

“Okay, so I may have started a revolution with the patients hoping for better conditions, things may of started to get out of hoof, and they may have been unsatisfied with me when I tried to calm things down and staged a coup removing me from leadership and resulting in me hiding out as a refugee with the doctors.” I said with a sheepish smile.

“…YOU DID WHAT?!” Twilight screamed.

“Hey, I tried to calm things down.” I countered.

“We told you to try and not cause too much chaos!” She told me.

“I got hungry!”

“That’s not an excuse!” Twilight shouted.

“It is to me!” I countered, rubbing my head. I saw the girls’ eyes’ go wide. “Don’t worry, magic exhaustion, not him.” They sighed. I walked over to the sink we had and put another of the hoof gloves under the faucet and filled it up. I saw the girls looking at me. “What, without magic, makeshift water balloons are all I’ve got.” I responded.

I heard the door open again. I peaked over to see who was coming in.

“I do hope that Shadowmere is doing okay, he seemed rather depressed yester-.” I saw Luna and Celestia walk in the room, as soon as the door shut they saw the chaos they froze and stared out at the battlefield. I looked down at the makeshift balloon in my hoof. I may never get a better chance. I popped up and tossed the balloon with all my strength at the doorway. *Splash* Celestia stood in the doorway of the lobby drenched with water and a glove hanging from her horn. She suddenly looked towards where the balloon came from and saw me standing there. I gave a sheepish smile.

In a flash she was standing in front of me, anger in her eyes. “Remember I’m hospitalized!” I shouted.

Celestia’s horn lit up and a piece of paper appeared in the same golden glow. She took a pen from the desk and wrote a few things down then levitated the paper over to me.

I took it in my hoof and looked it over. “This form states that the patient Shadowmere is fit and able to leave the establishment Central Canterlot Hospital and is hereby released from their custody and is to return to his own establishment.” I read aloud. I looked back up at Celestia, my eyes wide in terror.

“And now your not.” She told me.

“…Please don’t send me to the moon.”

“Don’t worry, the sun is also available.” She responded.

“……AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” I screamed running as fast as I could away down one of the hospital hallways. ‘Okay, I’ve been in this hospital enough. I should know my way around it. All I have to do is go down this hallway, take a right, then escape… out… the-’ As I turned the corner I found myself back at the lobby, granted it was a bit more tame than how I left it. “OH COME ON! HOW DOES THAT EVEN HAPPEN?! I DIDN’T EVEN TAKE MORE THAN ONE TURN!”

“Oh, Shadowmere.” I heard Celestia say from across the room. “Come quickly, you’re about to miss your trip.”

‘Gaia help us’

‘I don’t know who that is but hopefully she does.’

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