• Published 1st Nov 2012
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The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 8

Chapter 8

“You think that you’ve won don’t you Red Wing.” I said choking on some blood in my mouth.

“Well obviously, look at you. You're helpless on the ground. Bleeding out constantly until you die.”

“Aren’t you at least a little interested as to why I haven’t gone possessed yet?” I asked feeling the pounding in my head.

“Well yes I am a little, but why does it matter now you’re as good as dead. I don’t even need to do anything. Maybe when you’re gone I will have some fun with your friends. Oh well, right now I just want to watch you die.”

“Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you.” As I said this both the girls and Red Wing looked at me confused. “But I am not going to die today. There is a reason I haven’t become possessed. I've been holding back the darkness with pure willpower alone, but now my consciousness is fading and it is taking control.” I said with a smirk. “you have sealed your own fate. I went easy on you before, but now there is nothing to hold back my anger. This shall be your final moment.” My voice started to become altered. I felt the presence inside my head, but it was different somehow. It wasn’t demanding control it was only asking for it. I felt the hatred coming from inside me. It was a mix of my own hatred as well as the darkness’s hatred… It was angry at Red Wing as well. Then our hatred collided and fused together I felt the presence of the darkness again, but this time my own spirit was with it as well. We were together fueled by our combined hatred of Red Wing. Then when I opened my eyes I saw I was standing again, but swirling around me was the same substance that I had seen earlier with Twilight. I was surrounded by physical fear. The fear rushed at me and enveloped my body. I looked down to where the laser had hit me, but there was no evidence that I was ever hit. My vision was glazed over with darkness. This was the spirit inside of me watching as well. I looked up and saw Red Wing looking at me horrified. The girls next to me were scared as well as slightly happy that I was alive. Then I spoke.
“You seem surprised to see me so well Red Wing.” My voice was echoing again once, but I wasn’t controlling the darkness this time, nor was it controlling me. We were one being right now fueled by a common goal. “It would seem that the darkness and I do have one thing in common.” The shock on his face grew, but quickly changed to fear as I said my next words. “We share a hatred of you.”

Red Wing began to back away from me. He turned to run but was stopped as the physical fear took hold of one of his legs and brought him into the air. “YOU! ... you shouldn’t be able to do this. What… What are you? How is this possible?”

“I often ask myself that question. I don’t know what I am. Some call me a monster, others call me a demon, even fewer feel any pity for me, and now even fewer call me friend. As for how this is possible it would seem that the darkness is angry at you as well. It has decided to give me slight control so that we can teach you your wrong doings.

“So the darkness gives you strength, but you’ve always said you hate it. Why would you hate this power?” Red Wing asked me.

“You think I want this power. This isn’t even a power this is a curse. I don’t have control over this ever. This is the first time that the darkness and I have ever agreed on anything. This power as you call it has no good in it. This is pure evil and pain.” I felt the darkness edging me on and I gave into it. “You want to see what my power does fine. You can feel the power, but do you think you can live with it?” I asked as I reached my magic down into the hall that we had come down. I felt the different bodies, some lifeless and others unconscious, and dragged the fear from their bodies. The physical fear swirled around my body and I shouted “You want to know how I feel fine, feel my pain feel my hate!” I pushed the physical fear at him and it enveloped him. I shoved the fear into his body. He began to scream and thrash around. “This is the pain I feel every day. Do you still think that this is a power?” His screams became muffled as more and more fear poured into him. Until finally there was a bright flash and Red Wing was gone, overpowered by the darkness his body was destroyed. The darkness slowly gave me back control of my body. The fear began to swirl again, but this time it took the form of a pony. The fear finalized its shape and began to walk towards me before it began to speak.

“Hello Shadowmere. I assume this will be one of the few times we speak to each other despite how close together we are.” The pony said.

“It would seem so.” I said to the darkness “Why did you do it? why did you only take half control?”

“Simply put, your sister.” The darkness answered. “I don’t know why but I cannot bring myself to harm her or see her harmed. This fact confuses even me.”

“So you care for her as well?” I asked.

“I suppose so because I am you. I would guess that some of your morals have affected me. Because I too have a urge to protect Bright Skies.” The darkness said.

“Well I suppose that thanks are in order then.” I said.

“Don’t think this means I will try to stop spreading darkness. This just means that for as long as I am able I will strive to protect Bright Skies. She as much my sister as she is yours.”

“As long as she is safe I don’t really care what you do” I said extending a hoof to the darkness. He raised his hoof in return and bumped it against mine. As they touched the fear from the darkness flooded into my body and dissolved into my being. I walked quickly over to Bright Skies and quickly knelt down and broke the chain around her neck. She jumped up and hugged me around my neck and we sat there for a few seconds alone before the six mares came over and joined in on the hug. For once in my life I felt accepted I felt like I belonged somewhere.

The walk back to Ponyville was relatively uneventful considering what had just happened. Twilight had been very interested with what happened between me and the darkness. However I told her that I didn't feel like talking about that right now. The real reason was that I had no idea myself. As we walked into town Pinkie said we should stop by Sugar-cube Corner so we could get something to eat. My stomach chose to answer for me by letting out a loud growl at the mention of food. I smiled sheepishly and nodded my head. Pinkie smiled and ran ahead saying she would get everything ready. We walked slowly towards the multi-colored building and I opened the door and walked in before-


“SWEET MOTHER OF CELESTIA NOT AGAIN” I screamed as I found myself holding onto a plank of wood that supported the roof of the building.... again. “How do you set these up so fast?” I asked the pink pony that was smiling up at me.

“It’s just what I do silly.” Was her only response.

“....Well might as well not waste a good party. Where’s the punch?” I asked as the ponies cheered.

I once again sat down at the same table where this all seemed to start. I was once again joined by the six mares that had helped me so much these last days. I looked down at my side and saw Skies looking up at me expectantly. “Go on, find your friends.” I told her. She smiled and ran off into the crowd. I looked up and saw Twilight looking at me expectantly as well.

“Okay, what do you want to ask me now?” I asked her.

“It’s not much of a question more of an observation” she said. She looked nervously around unsure what to do. “It’s about Bright Skies. She’s not your real sister is she?” Twilight asked. Her friends looked shocked as she said this. They then turned their perplexed faces towards me waiting for an answer.

I looked past the girls and the guests and saw Skies with her friends, I smiled and asked. “How long have you known?”

“I’ve had my suspicions ever since you told us your story, but I didn’t ask about it at the time.” She answered.

I gave a short sigh. “It was a dark night around five years ago when I was in San Franciscolt.”

~~~5 years ago~~~

I was walking through the city during the night. The clouds in the sky blocked out the moon and the stars from shining down. I had been taking the alley-ways all night. The citizens of San Franciscolt had been a bit more aggressive when they learned about my power. I was about to make a break for the edge of town that I could see from my current alley, but I stopped when I heard a sound coming from the next alley over. Taking a chance I ran into the street over and walked into the dark alleyway. There in the middle of the alley were two dead bodies. One was a mare and the other was a stallion. They were both a little older than me, but what grabbed my attention was the sound coming from behind them. I walked around the two bodies and saw sitting in the alley was a small filly. She was a white pegasus filly with a yellow mane. Her eyes were bloodshot from crying. She was so distraught that she didn’t know I was there. I decided to make my presence known.

“Excuse me, are you ok?”

The small filly looked up at me with fear. She backed away into a corner of the alley.

“Please don’t be afraid I’m not going to hurt you.” I said making sure to keep a good distance away so I wouldn’t be scaring her more. I looked down at the two bodies next to me and started to pick them up with magic. The filly let out a small gasp not knowing what I was doing. I set the bodies down on their backs and put their hooves on their chests making them look at least respectable. The young filly started to walk towards me still scared but not as much of me now. I sat down in front of the two bodies and said a prayer to Celestia. The young filly sat down next to me and stared at the two bodies. She started to cry again, so I reached down and embraced her. We sat there for a few more minutes like that. She cried into me for a while before I asked.
“They were your parents weren’t they?” The small filly nodded. “So your all alone now too?” another nod. “Listen I know it will never be the same, but you could come with me.” Why was I saying this? I’m dangerous; I don’t want to bring her into this. The small filly looked up to me first with surprise but then it changed to a small smile. She nodded her head again and put her head back into my chest. I didn't know why I said that, but that small amount of happiness that she had, It is what truly made me decide to keep her with me. We left the town without being spotted and ran into the night.


“Later she did learn about my power, and I learned that it didn’t affect her. That day she got her cutie mark because she was able to bring me back to myself.” I finished telling the story to the girls.

“So she was an orphan?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, she had to watch her parents die right in front of her.” I said “she has actually forgotten most of that memory in the alley-way. She repressed it into her mind trying to forget the pain.”

The girls all had sad looks on their faces. Until Pinkie broke the silence.

“Come on everypony this is no time for sadness. This is a party so let’s be happy.”

“Yeah, no need to dwell on that past” I said. Then I heard the door to the sweets store open. I turned my head and looked to the door. I froze, standing in the door was somepony I never thought I would see again. He saw me as well and we stared at each other for a while. The entire party seemed to stop and stare at the two of us. Finally I broke the silence.


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