• Published 1st Nov 2012
  • 4,172 Views, 1,525 Comments

The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 110

Chapter 110

I was sitting in the Castle's library reading through a pile of books I had taken. I had come here right after we had finished eating. It might have been really late out, but I hate been asleep for a full week. Going to bed was the last thing I wanted to do. Erebus was roaming the bookshelves looking at different titles. As far as I knew the Darkness was still roaming the halls of the castle. I wasn't really paying any attention to the connection the elements gave us. I looked up as I heard a door open. I saw the Darkness standing there. He walked into the library still scowling.

"And how are you doing Deo?" I asked looking back down at my book.

"I told you not to call me that." He practically growled.

I laughed lightly. "Well I can't just call you the Darkness all the time. It's too much of a mouthful." I told him.

The Darkness just glared at me. "Call me what you want." He said in an annoyed voice.

"You never answered my question. How are you doing?" I repeated my question to him.

"I'm fine." He told me.

I sighed and closed my book. "I can tell when you're lying you know?" I responded. "You're not fine, you're confused, worried, angry-"

And how would you know that?!" He asked me angrily.

I held up my hoof and showed him the gauntlet on my leg. "Well for one." I answered him with a small smile. He just glared at me. I sighed and got a bit more serious. "And two, I went through the same thing when you first showed up. I wasn't sure what I was, or what I was going to do." I told him.

He just looked away from me.

"You don't have to push us away. We do want to try and help you Deo." Erebus said coming around the corner.

"Is that we referring to just you or am I included?" I joked.

"You already know full well I meant the both of us." Erebus told me.

"Will both of you just shut up." Deo said glaring at us.

"Deo...you can't just push us away. You've said it yourself, we're really the same. You are as much a part of me, as I am of you." I told him.

I heard a light chuckle coming from above us. The three of us jumped up and looked for the source.

"Oh come now, that just seems rude." A voice said.

The three of us stopped moving. "That voice."

"It can't be."

As I spoke a small light appeared in between the tree of us.

"Hello again young one."

"Gaia?" I asked still unsure.

"Indeed" The voice said coming from the light.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I have always been here. When we parted ways in the temple, I said I would not be able to stay there any longer. I never said I wouldn't be around." She told me.

I sighed. "Everything you say, really does have hidden meaning behind it doesn't it?" I asked. Gaia just chuckled. "So why are you here?" I asked.

"I am here because the coin is here." She answered.

"What?" I asked surprised.

"I may have lied when I said that my mind was bound to the temple. In truth my mind was, and still is, bound to the coin." She explained.

"So the warding on the coin? It's not binding the power of the elements, it's binding you. Keeping your magic hidden." I said.

"Exactly. I'm surprised I was not found when my daughters undid the warding. I had feared that I would have been found out right then and there." She said.

I looked at the magic orb confused. "Why would you not want to be found? Don't you want to talk to Celestia and Luna?" I asked.

Gaia was silent for a moment. "...Yes...I do, but- Gaia paused. "I don't know if I have the right to." She said.

"The right to? Their your daughters aren't they, why wouldn't you have the right to?"

"Because I left them." Gaia said, she sighed. "Just as you did, when I first found the elements you now bear, I saw two visions. Both of which I feared. I was paranoid for weeks after I saw them. I decided to leave in order to protect the coin from those that would use it for their own gain...and to try and keep the visions I saw from coming true." Gaia was silent for a moment. I left my own daughters behind, I fear I don't have the right to speak to them." The ball of magic glowed brightly for a moment, and then Gaia appeared in her true ethereal form, her expression one of sadness.

"Well that's a load of crap." I told her. She looked up at me suddenly surprised by my words. "You were in the coin when I talked to them. You heard what they said. They miss you, I'm sure of that. They don't seem to resent you for leaving. They seem sad that you did sure, but isn't that just more of a reason to talk to them?"

Gaia silently looked at me. She chuckled slightly. "You do realize who you're speaking to? Not a very proper way of speaking to royalty don't you thing."

I shrugged. "Meh, if I'm willing to do it in front of Celestia, I'm willing to do it in front of you." I told her.

Gaia smiled. "And what exactly have you done in front of my daughter?" She asked amused.

I thought for a moment. "...Well, I did get her involved in most likely the biggest water balloon fight Canterlot has ever seen." Gaia just laughed. "Yeah, Discord helped with that didn't he?" I said to myself.

Gaia stopped laughing and starred at me. "Discord was free?" She asked I could tell she was slightly worried.

I nodded. "Yeah, he was free at the time. I didn't know you knew about him. I thought that he came after you had left." I said.

"Discord has been around for quite some time. The last I remember hearing about him was that Celestia and Luna locked him away in stone."

"Yeah, they did just over a thousand years ago I think that was. He broke free a little while ago and went on a bit of a chaos spree through Equestria. The Elements locked him away again though." I told her. "...and then I may have had a bit of influence in freeing him again." I said looking away.

Gaia's eyes widened. "You helped Discord escape?" She asked. "He is extremely dangerous, he has cause harm to so many, he-"

"He's my friend." I interrupted. Gaia just looked at me with surprise. "And believe it or not I think that he's becoming friends with the elements as well as Celestia and Luna...granted a bit more slowly." I said.

Gaia was staring at me. "Discord...but he..."

"I don't know what he was like when you knew him, but now he doesn't like to harm anypony. He just likes to cause a bit of chaos here and there. The way he sees it, if he hurts ponies then there would be nopony around to see his chaos." I told her. "He's really not that bad of a guy, just...not really understood by anypony."

Gaia was silent for a minute. She sighed. "I suppose I'm going to have to accept this. I don't think I will ever be able to call him a friend as you do, but I will not go up against him unless he begins to hurt ponies." She said.

"That's good to hear I guess, now can we get back on the topic with the fact that you still haven't talked to your daughters in...who knows how long?" I said to her.

"...Perhaps you are right, perhaps it is time I spoke to them again." Gaia sight. "Not now though. I don't know what I would say to them...Tomorrow I can talk to them tomorrow."

I smiled. "That is acceptable." I said. Gaia was shifting nervously slightly. I just gave her a reassuring smile. "I'm sure it will be okay, no matter what happens they are your daughters. I'm sure they will care for you regardless of what you did." I told her.

Gaia sighed. "I hope you are right."

I looked over at the clock in the library. "Well I've been putting it off long enough, I guess I should try to get some sleep. Big day tomorrow after all." I said jokingly. Gaia rolled her eyes. "Come on you two, let's pull ourselves together." I said to Erebus and Deo.

The three of us stood near one another and our elements began to glow slightly. Once again my vision was obscured by a bright light. When I opened my eyes I fell to the ground, my legs not wanting to support me. Coughing up some blood as I landed.

"I forgot how much this sucked." I said groaning.

Gaia smiled and leaned down placing her horn near me. I felt energy rush into my body and the pain in my legs and chest started to fade away. I blinked a few times surprised before I even thought to stand back up.

"It would seem that Celestia and Luna, still do not possess the same strength that my healing magic does." She said. "Until tomorrow Shadow." and just like that Gaia vanished. I looked down and saw the coin resting at my hooves. I picked it up and placed it in my saddle bags. I turned and left the library making my way towards the hall Rainbow had said they were staying in. After about three tries a guard decided I needed an escort and led me to the hall. He led me to the hall and told me which room was mine I thanked him as he left and started to walk down the hall.

"One of these days I'm not going to get lost in here." I said to myself. I paused a moment and looked at all the doors in the hallway. "...Which room did he say was mine again." I sighed as I looked between all the doors. Then I saw the door at the end of the hallway open slightly. I gave the door a puzzled look as a hooded pony walked out of the room. Then I heard somepony shout in the room. The hooded pony suddenly started to run down the hall towards me.

Twilight suddenly came out of the room. "My crown! She has my crown!" She said causing all the others to look out of their rooms.

The hooded pony was still running at me. 'her crown?' I looked at the pony and saw something poking out of her bags. It was Twilight's element. I got into a stance to block the thief, but then she disappeared in a bright light. I spun around recognizing a teleport and started to chase after her as soon as she reappeared. The girls were close behind me as we ran down the hallways of the castle. We followed the thief as she ran down a hall. She suddenly turned and was about to break open a door. I acted quickly and activated my magic teleporting in above her as she broke open the door. I landed on her and we landed with a crash in the room. Twilight's tiara shot out of the thief's bags and started to bounce around the room. I followed the crown as in moved around the room.

'How is that happening? Is the crown made of rubber?...Is that-" Looking in the room I saw a mirror sitting there. I recognized the mirror very well. 'well hello, so this is where Celestia has been hiding you. I hope that I-" My thought was cut off as Twilight's crown ran straight into the mirror and passed straight through it. I looked at the mirror my eyes widening. The mare under me suddenly teleported next to the mirror and jumped through the mirror following the crown. The girls and I stood there staring at the mirror.

"We should get Celestia and Luna." I heard Twilight say. Twilight looked at me still laying on the ground. "Shadow?...are you okay?" She asked.

"It's open." I mumbled under my breath.

"What?" Twilight asked.

I suddenly broke into a huge smile. "It's open." I said a bit louder. "It's open!" I said laughing.

"Shadow?" Rainbow said looking at me slightly worried.

My horn suddenly glowed as I teleported right in front of the mirror. "Study Time!" I shouted as I jumped into the mirror. I heard the girls shouting behind me as I dove through.

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