• Published 1st Nov 2012
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The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 55

Chapter 55

I was watching the scene play out beneath me, trying to piece everything together.

‘What was going on here? This place looks nothing like a nightmare.’ I thought to myself in confusion. In my mind I could feel the darkness inside me just as confused by the whole situation. There was no fear here, it was just… happy, no that’s not really it. It’s more like its… calm, I just feel content here. I focused down on the two figures I had seen when I first looked around. I was right before, it was Rainbow and me sitting on the hill below me. Looking closed I could see that both her and ‘me’ were smiling enjoying each other’s company. Soon though ‘I’ stood up and turned to face Rainbow. From the small saddle bag that was sitting next to the tree I saw ‘me’ levitate out a small black box.

‘What is he- ‘I’ doing down there?’ I thought to myself as I saw ‘myself’ open up the small box. I saw Rainbow gasp at what she saw inside. ‘…Oh…OH!.........I certainly hope this isn’t a nightmare for her, but how would it not be a-…Discord.’ I answered for myself. ‘He, he actually did it didn’t he? This is- I mean- Amazing’ I started to feel my mind recede from the dream.

I opened my eyes, I was back in control of my body. I looked around and I saw Rainbow on the ground starting to wake up herself, I also saw the other mares surrounding Rainbow all with worried expressions. Upon seeing me wake up the mares were startled. Twilight was the first to speak up.

“Shadow, did-did you-?” Twilight began to ask.

“Did I what?” I asked when she didn’t continue.

I suddenly found myself pushed against the wall, pinned by two hooves. One pink the other yellow.

“Pinkie, Fluttershy? What- what are you-?” I started to ask nervously.

“Did you hurt Dashie?” Pinkie asked me, her voice not bubbly or energetic. Her hair had gone flat, which I had only seen a few times. Whenever it happens it’s almost like she’s not even Pinkie anymore.

“NO!” I shouted answering the question I had been asked.

“Uuh, what happened?” I heard Rainbow ask. I looked over the shoulders of Pinkie and Fluttershy. Looking at Rainbow who was finally waking up.

“Rainbow, a little help here.” I said still with a slight bit of worry as I exchanged glances with Pinkie and Fluttershy once again.

“Shadow what do you- SHADOW?!” She suddenly shouted seeing my predicament. “What are you two doing?!” She asked the two mares pinning me, trying to get up, but falling back down.

Using the distraction I slipped between the two mares and trotted over to Rainbow’s side supporting her as she stood up again.

“Careful, it takes some time to recover from entering your subconscious.” I told her.

“Thanks.” She said nuzzling my neck slightly before turning her attention back to the two mares. “Now will you two tell me, why you were basically attacking Shadow?” She asked.

“Well, uh, I mean-we.” Fluttershy started seemingly back to her normal shy self.

“We just wanted to make sure he didn’t hurt you.” Pinkie answered. Her hair was still flat, but her tone was more sad than accusing now at least.

“Wait why would he have-” Rainbow started to ask, but stopped when she started to piece everything together.

“Well, it was like when we first met him, the thing with Twilight we thought that the same thing happened, we were worried.” Pinkie told her.

“Well, no he didn’t hurt me. I didn’t go into a nightmare like Twilight.” Rainbow told her.

Pinkies hair regained some of its poof, but not completely. “So he didn’t use his power on you?” She asked a bit cheerier.

“No, he did.” Rainbow answered, much to the confusion of everypony else. “So why didn’t I go into a nightmare?” Rainbow asked, turning her head to look at me.

I just smiled. “Well, I may or may not have had a talk with Discord, and had myself partially discorded.”

“YOU WHAT?!” The mares screamed, much to the discomfort of my ears.

“How- why would you have yourself discorded?” Twilight asked me.

“I said partially discorded, only my magic was discorded.” I told her, the mares around me looked confused. “I don’t know how he did it, but Discord secluded only my magic and discorded it.”

“So your magic was reversed?” Rainbow asked.

“As far as I can tell yes.” I answered.

“So as your magic would normally bring fear, now it brings-” Twilight started.

“Joy.” I finished for her. “That’s my guess.”

“So instead of my greatest fear, I saw my greatest joy?” Rainbow asked.

“That’s what I think.” I answered.

“Huh, it was really nice.” Rainbow said with a small smile, but it was soon replaced with one of deep thought, then of worry. “And you normally go into and see these with your power as well right?” She asked and I nodded. “So you saw?” She asked.

My mind started to drift back to the dream and I looked away nervously. “Yeah.” I answered.

“So what was it?” Pinkie asked, back to herself bounding around Rainbow and me.

“Personal.” Both Rainbow and I answered.

“Oh come on tell us, tell us, tell us, tell us.” Pinkie continued excitedly.

Rainbow rolled her eyes and stopped leaning on me. Using her own legs to support her.

“Pinkie it’s not something I think either of us really feel like talking about.” Rainbow told her.

I saw Twilight’s pondering face as she started to think. “…Well, if your magic’s attribute was flipped, then how do we now it was Rainbow’s dream?” Twilight asked.

“Huh?” I questioned.

Twilight started to explain. “Well normally you show ponies their fear. Then if it was the exact opposite, wouldn’t you show-”

“-My greatest joy.” I finished and she nodded. I started to ponder it myself, would that be how it worked. ‘Was that really my greatest joy? Could it actually happen? What would Rainbow think?’ I thought questioning myself.

“Well, I don’t think it matters.” Rainbow told us. Twilight looked at her confused. “I don’t think it would be any different if it was my dream or Shadow’s.” She said turning and smiling at me.

After a moment to process what she said, I returned the smile. “Yeah, I don’t think I would want to change anything in it.” I responded nuzzling into Rainbow and giving her a quick kiss.

“Oh come on!” Pinkie said. “Now you have to tell us.”

I looked up and saw a window that was slightly opened. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Rainbow looking in the same direction.

“Actually no, no we don’t.” I said taking off and pushing the window opened. Rainbow followed behind flying out of the window. I left soon after peeking my head back in right before I left. “Bye.” I said waving a hoof and flying away from the castle.

Looking around I saw a cloud that had a prismatic tail hanging off of it. I flew up and sat down next to Rainbow on the cloud.

We sat quietly next to each other for a bit. “…So you’re sure what we saw wasn’t a nightmare of yours?” I asked jokingly.

“I don’t know it may have been, the guy I was with wasn’t so nice to look at.” She countered me. I chuckled at her answer before closing my eyes and leaning back on the cloud.

“…Did you really mean what you said?” I asked her.

“No, I think that you are a very good-looking stallion.” She told me.

“Not that, the other thing. About how the dream would’ve been your greatest joy.” I responded.

Rainbow laid down next to me. I could tell she was thinking hard about her answer. “I can’t really say.” She answered me. “I can’t deny that I wasn’t happy thinking about it, but for it to be my greatest joy ever, that could still be debated.”

I nodded at her answer. “Fears, joys, indifference. All emotions are suspect to change. Who can really say that we’ll feel the exact same things throughout our entire lives? We can only hope that we live with as few mistakes and as much happiness as we can.” I said.

“Huh, that’s a pretty good saying.” Rainbow responded. “Where’d you read it at?” She asked.

“Star-Swirl the Bearded’s notes over the life of the average pony.” I answered. “Good book, you should read it sometime.”

“Does it have tombs, treasure, adventure, or traps?” Rainbow asked.

“No.” I told her.

“Then I’ll pass.” She said.

I just smiled and rolled my eyes. “You can’t go your entire life only reading Daring Do.” I told her.

“I take that as a challenge.” She responded, I laughed and opened my eyes looking at the mare that was resting on me.

It was hard for me to believe that I had fallen in love with a mare like her, and even harder to believe that she had returned those feelings. As we sat quietly under the sun my mind kept drifting back to that dream. Did I want it to come true? Could I even make it come true? I looked towards Rainbow who was snoring lightly as she rested on me. I smiled as I looked at her. ‘Alright it’s official, I’m going to need to ask Celestia for a favor.’

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