• Published 1st Nov 2012
  • 4,172 Views, 1,525 Comments

The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 11

Chapter 11

I was glaring at the pony that was once my father, Perfect Tally. I hadn’t seen him in years but I still recognized him. His coat was a dark blue with a slightly brighter shade for his mane, on his flank rested his cutie mark, an abacus with the background of a money sign, to represent his talent as a banker. Seeming to sense my glare drilling into the back of his head he turned towards me. His eyes met mine; the first thing I saw was surprise then a mix of anger and fear. I used my power and found it. He was scared of the unknown, he wasn’t there when my power went off he doesn’t know what I was capable of. Then my mother realizing my father’s distraction turned to see what was happening, and her gaze met mine as well. Her first emotion was surprise, then… regret. She was still scared of me, but she regretted sending me away. My gazed softened as I looked at her. Velvet Stitch, she had a white coat with a small highlight of pink. Her mane was a light red that wasn’t quite pink, and her cutie mark was a needle and spool, it was my father’s decision to send me away not hers, but she didn’t stop him, she let me go. My father started to walk towards me and I felt the presence in my mind again start to bang in my head.

“What are you doing here you monster?” my father asked me.

“Twilight, I’m starting to lose control. I would appreciate it if you got Skies and me out of here.” I said to Twilight my voice calm. She nodded and started to charge a spell but was interrupted by my father.

“Answer my question!” my father shouted.

“If you must know I am here with my friends celebrating. Now I am about to leave because I do not feel like eating here anymore.” I said putting a hoof to my banging head.

“Celebrating? Celebrating what? You have nothing to celebrate you are a monster!” my father shouted.

“Please stop yelling at him.” Skies said to my father.

Then my father said. “Be quiet you little whelp. You have no business here you little bit-"

The next thing I knew my hoof was connecting with my father’s jaw. “Don’t you dare talk to her like that!” I shouted at him. I felt the presence in my head start to beg me to let him out so it could punish my father for his actions, but I resisted I wanted to punish my father myself. “You can insult me all you want, but I will not let you insult any of my friends, especially my sister!” My father was shocked by what just happened. He didn’t know I had taken Skies as my sister. He didn’t know anything about me anymore. By know the entire restaurant was watching the spectacle taking place. I felt the darkness die down in my head. It knew I would want to deal with my father myself.

“Sister? Sister!? Since when do you have enough responsibility to take care of a sister!? I’ve heard the stories, the strange black stallion constantly being run out of towns all over Equestria. You can’t even fend for yourself. You are an incompetent fool trying to take care of a young filly. I bet she has learned nothing from you since you took her from her real family. Why did you do it? Did you want somepony to share in your misery or did you just want to see her family hurt by the loss of a daughter.”

I could have just walked away simply ignored him. He wouldn’t be able to do anything to stop me from leaving, but instead I chose to let my anger drive me! I lunged at my father and I pinned him to the wall with my hoof against his neck. “I didn’t take her from her family! I didn’t take her because I wanted somepony to suffer with me! Her parents were killed right in front of her! I took her so that she could have a family! I know what it’s like growing up without a family! I didn’t want her to feel that same pain! I wanted her to have a life, so I’ve done everything in my power to keep her safe and happy! Two things that you never tried to do with me!” I yelled at my father. I took my hoof away from his throat and he fell to the floor coughing. I turned away and started walking back to the table I could see that Skies was crying slightly. Not from watching me fight with my father, but because she was remembering that day I found her. I walked over to her and knelt down to her level and let her cry into my mane. I looked up and saw my mother. What I saw in her face was a mix of fear, love, and satisfaction. I mouthed ‘I’m sorry’ to her. She simply shook her head and gave me a smile. She seemed to have forgiven me at least.

Then her face turned to horror. I heard a loud breaking noise behind me, and I turned to see what my mother was so scared of. I looked and saw my father holding a broken wine bottle and charging at Skies and me. I instinctively pushed Skies away as I felt the sharp pain in my side and the glass pierced my skin. I let out a loud shout of pain and I fell to the floor the bottle still embedded in my side. I looked up and saw a maniacal grin on his face. I heard the girls gasp and scream my name, but I was fading. My vision went dark and I saw the darkness in my heart looking at me, and I said to it. “Only that bastard.” The darkness seemed to smile and floated by me. Then I blacked out.

3rd Person

All the girls gathered around the limp body of the black stallion. They had taken out the bottle out of his still bleeding neck and where using a table cloth to try and stop the blood flow. Perfect Tally still stood a few feet away smiling while Velvet Stitch was by Shadow trying to help the girls. Then the darkness came, it started to pour from his open mouth first at a trickle then it started faster. It started to form a puddle around his body. The blood flow stopped and the blood that he already lost turned black and started to move on its own back towards the body. The girls started to realize what was happening and backed away from the body. Perfect Tally however didn’t understand what was happening and started to approach the body, but as he reached the body the shadows erupted powerfully and engulfed Shadowmere’s body. It sent Perfect Tally flying back into a wall. When he raised his head he saw Shadowmere standing in front of him. He showed no emotion and his eyes, his eyes were not his own. His mane wasn’t limp, it was floating above his head. Perfect Tally was suddenly held against the wall again by a hoof that belonged to Shadowmere. He looked at his former son and saw no emotion, no hate, no anger, no sadness, he saw nothing. This thing was not his son, this thing was something else entirely.

“What… What are you?” he asked through choked breath.

There was no answer, but then a small white ball was in front of Shadowmere.

“Please brother stop this.” Skies said standing in-between Shadowmere and his father eyes still flowing with tears.

Shadowmere looked at Skies and ignited his horn. Skies was picked up and levitated over towards Twilight. She took Skies and looked back at Shadowmere and looked into his eyes. She tensed up expecting the nightmares… but none came. She opened her eyes and saw Shadowmere still looking at her. Then, he turned his head back around towards his father.

“What are you doing? What are you going to do to me? I command yo-” Perfect Tally started but was cut off by a scream, a scream that came from his own mouth. He fell to the floor screaming loudly. Shadowmere backed away from his father’s form and looked at the body. His mane fell back onto his back and his tail flowed back towards the ground. His eyes closed and when they reopened, they were once again the normal black they were before.

1st Person

As I reopened my eyes I found myself standing in front of my father’s form. He was screaming loudly. He had obviously finally felt my power in full. I turned around and saw the Skies and the six girls who I had come here with. I turned my attention towards my mother. Her face showed so many emotions it was impossible to read. I could feel with my power that her fears and feelings were just as confused. I didn’t know how she would react to me anymore. I heard a door open behind me and I turned and saw the Royal Guard standing in the doorway. Somepony had run off during the fight and informed the guards of my actions. One of the guards walked up to me.

“Are you the one who caused this?” He asked. I nodded my head knowing what was happening. “Then you are hereby put under arrest, I suggest you do not resist.” I nodded again and tore off the rest of the tuxedo that had been mostly destroyed in the fight. I heard Rarity cringe as the torn fabric fell to the floor. Cuffs were levitated onto my legs, and I walked out of the door with the guards. I didn’t look back at anyone in the restaurant. I didn’t want to know what anypony thought of me right now.

Author's Note:

Another Third Person View. If you didn't like it I apologize, but I wanted to use it here, so I did. Probably not going to use it for a while now, if ever. I enjoy the story a bit more in 1st Person.
~Black Light

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