• Published 1st Nov 2012
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The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 27

Chapter 27

I was running, running as fast as I could. I was getting surrounded by darkness. No matter how fast I ran it was right behind me. I was scared that if I turned around I would lose my grip on the ground and fall, so I kept on running. Then, I ran into a wall I tried to find a way around but I was trapped. I turned to face the darkness behind me and it stopped just a few feet in front of me. Then, out of the darkness walked Rainbow. She looked at me and had tears in her eyes. I was about to come closer to comfort her, but then when I took a step towards her she took a step back, out of fear. I couldn’t take it anymore. I screamed.

I sat straight up in the bed. I had sweat pouring down my neck. I put my head in my hooves. Then, I noticed Skies who was next to me. She had a look of worry on her face. I was about to talk to her when suddenly something slammed against the door. I turned to look and there was Rainbow who looked at me frantically and quickly came over to my side.

“Shadow are you all right? I heard you scream, and I rushed over as fast as I could.” Rainbow said her worry clearly showing.

“I’m fine” I said after slowing my breathing. “It was a nightmare.” Skies looked at me; she had a slight look of confusion.

“Well, if it was only a nightmare I’m sure everything is fine.” Rainbow said.

“I don’t know if it is.” I responded. “It was my own nightmare. The first I’ve had in years.”

“What do you mean your own nightmare?” Rainbow asked.

“Well, every night I have nightmares, but they’re the nightmares of other ponies. This is the first time the nightmare has been my own.”

“Was it really that bad?” Rainbow asked.

“Yeah, I’ve never seen you like this before brother.” Skies added on.

“It was pretty bad. It was a worse feeling than I’ve ever had before.” I said as I took a deep breath trying to slow my heart. It was now that I noticed that the rest of the girls were standing in the door frame to my room. I waved them in and closed my eyes trying to calm myself. I felt a hoof on my shoulder and opened my eyes. Rainbow had a hoof on my shoulder and had a small smile. This calmed me down and I finally got out of the bed. “I think I’m going to go for a walk in the garden. I don’t think I’m going to be able to go to sleep again tonight.”

“Do you want me to come with?” Rainbow asked with a little bit of worry.

My mind flashed to the dream and how Rainbow had looked. “No, not this time. I think it would be best if I just by myself for a bit.” Rainbow’s head dropped a little. “Don’t worry I’ll be back once I clear my head.” I said giving her a quick kiss.

“Yeah, just don’t take too long. Okay?” Rainbow responded.

“Of course.” I said as I walked over to the balcony and jumped down, using my wings to slow me when I had gotten close to the ground. I landed softly in the garden and started walking through the flowers and trees. I looked up at the stars picking out the constellations in my mind. Eventually I found myself leaving the garden area and entering the statue garden. I passed by countless statues. One of Starswirl the Bearded, One honoring the guards lost at times of war, and countless others of scholars and warriors alike. Then, I came to a statue that stood out among them all. It was a statue made up of all different parts of different creatures of Equestria, it was Discord. Most ponies would say it was just a very good likeness of him, but I knew better. I knew that this was the real Discord locked away in stone. Not only because of the stories that Rainbow and the rest of the girls told me of his sealing away, but also because I could sense the presence of darkness within the statue. It was muddled because of the stone’s interference, but it was there.

“Well, well, well, another pony comes to gawk at my most humble home.” I heard and looked around for the source of the voice. “What have we here? It seems you can hear my most eloquent voice. You must have some sort of telepathic abilities, don’t you?” The voice questioned.

I continued looking trying to piece together what the voice was saying. ‘his home’ what did he mean by that? Then I looked back at the statue and it all started to come together. “You’re Discord aren’t you?” I asked.

“Ding ding ding.” The voice responded. “I am Discord, the element and embodiment of chaos. Who are you?” he asked.

“Well, if you’re the element and embodiment of chaos. I guess that makes me Shadowmere, the element and embodiment of darkness.” I responded.

“Darkness… interesting, even more interesting is that you can hear me. Normally only Tia and Lulu are able to hear me. What makes you so special?” Discord asked.

“Well simply put. I can sense the dark emotions in ponies. That’s all I’ve really got going for me. Oh, but I am Rainbow Dash’s coltfriend. That’s worth something.”

“Rainbow Dash got a coltfriend? Strange I always thought she swung the other way.” I scowled at the frozen statue, and the voice chuckled. “But back to this sensing darkness. It sure sounds interesting. I bet you could cause some great chaos with that type of power.” Discord said.

“You have no idea. Not many ponies are too calm after having a run in with their greatest fear… Well, maybe you do. There are a lot of ponies out there that have the fear of you.” I responded.

The statue chuckled. “Oh well that’s so sad. I don’t want any pony to fear me. I just want life to be a bit more exciting, is all.” He said.

“Well from what I’ve heard about when you escaped last time you went about it all wrong.” I said and I could’ve sworn the eyebrow on the statue raised a little as I said that. “You took things too fast. I’m sure that if you had done things a bit slower it actually would’ve been fun for everypony and still very chaotic. I mean Pinkie really seemed to enjoy the chocolate rain, but then again this is Pinkie we’re talking about.”

I got a small laugh from Discord before he spoke. “You seem to understand. When I use chaos I don’t want to do evil. I just want to make things exciting. Most ponies don’t see that though, but you seem different. If I could I would offer you a chocolate milk of glass.”

“Don’t you mean a glass of chocolate milk?” I asked.

“No, no I do not.” Was his response.

“Okay… but back to the ponies seeing what you do as evil. I think it’s just because their afraid of change, most ponies are. You made their lives too different too fast, and they couldn’t handle the stress.” I said to the spirit.

“You’re probably right, but where’s the fun in it if nopony is freaking out?” the spirit questioned.

“Are you suggesting that cotton candy clouds that rain chocolate aren’t fun?” I responded to the spirit.

Discord gave a light laugh. “Oh, I do like you.” He said.

“It seems that we are missing out on a very interesting conversation.” I heard from above me. When I looked up I saw both Celestia and Luna flying down towards us on the ground. I gave a bow as the princesses landed. “Please Shadow you are our friend. There is no need for such formalities.” Celestia said. As she finished I rose from my bow and gave a short nod.

“Oh, Tia, Lulu. You made it just in time. I was just having a wonderful discussion with Mere here.” Discord said to the two.

“Please don’t call me that.” I responded.

“Oh, but why not Mere. It such a nice nickname wouldn’t you agree?” The spirit responded.

I gave a short sigh, and put my head in a hoof. I looked up however when I was tapped on the shoulder. “Don’t worry, you get used to his names after a while” Luna said to me. To which I gave a smile to.

“But it would seem that my guess was correct. I expected that there was a chance that you would be able to talk to Discord because of your ability. It would seem that I was right in assuming this.” Celestia said to me.

“I thought as much. Is there any chance that I could go insane from him talking to me?” I asked.

“Only if you listen too long.” Celestia said jokingly.

“Oh, come now no pony I’ve talked to has ever gone insane.” Discord responded.

“Exactly how many ponies have you actually talked to?” Celestia questioned.

“Including the elements and you three, the total comes up to nine.” Discord told her.

“That’s what I thought.” Celestia said.

“Well excuse me for not being very social. Being trapped in stone is a real conversation helper.” Discord responded.

“If I could guarantee the safety of my little ponies then I would be able to let you out.” Celestia told him.

“Well then, why don’t you just let him out?” I questioned.

“Pardon?” I got from all three of the others.

“Well from what I’ve gathered. He really isn’t that bad. He doesn’t seem to actually hurt anypony, and just a question. Exactly how many ponies were injured last time he escaped?” I asked.

“Well… none actually.” Celestia answered.

“So the only real danger is ponies themselves freaking out about the changes he causes, so why not just have him limit his power usage. He can change things and make them more chaotic so he’s happy, but it isn’t so much of a change that ponies start to freak out about it. No offense, but I think that the ponies might have overreacted a little bit. I mean from what I’ve heard he made animals taller, made chocolate rain, popcorn, and just turned one town upside down. Granted the last one was a bit drastic, but what about that was really that dangerous?” I asked.

“…. Oh yeah, I really like him.” Discord responded.

The two princesses looked from each other, to me, back to them, and back to me. I gave a slight smile. When you understand the way a pony thinks you can make rather convincing arguments….Speaking of which, did the argument I just have defend the element of chaos and possibly get him a pardon from his imprisonment?... Well… this could either go great or terribly wrong, and considering my luck the latter is probably more likely.

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