• Published 1st Nov 2012
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The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 70

Chapter 70

I didn’t wait to hear if Twilight responded. I was booking it towards the balcony. I passed Cadence and Armor along the way.

“Shadow what’s happening?!” Armor asked me as I rushed by and took to the sky.

I stopped and turned just long enough to give my response. “Shield, down, panicking, panic, Twilight, heart, you, stay.” I spun around and sped off. I caught the girls trying to keep the ponies attention, but it was inevitable that they would notice. I mean it’s rather hard to miss the black cloud of pure evil making its way into the city. I swooped down below the castle just in time to see Pinkie balancing of a ball while juggling a few of the horns, she slipped. I saw where the ball was going before anypony else. I tried to activate my magic to catch the ball, but the shield spell took more out of me than I thought. The ball fell and hit the fake heart exposing it to the crystal ponies.

I quickly looked up to Rarity and Applejack praying they could pull something off.

Rarity tried. “The crystal heart is-”

“-On it’s way!” Applejack finished. I slapped my face with my hoof. ‘Smooth.’

I heard a cackling behind me and soon the cloud was swarming around the town. The crystal ponies began to panic. I turned to my power searching for Twilight. ‘Okay why is she going up now?’ I asked myself. I shook my head and turned my attention to the cloud. ‘Just going to have to trust her, but that doesn’t mean I can’t give her a little more time.’ I started flying towards the center of the cloud, on the plus side though, with the crystal ponies terrified again I was getting a good amount of magic energy back. ‘And pang of fear from Twilight.’ I stopped suddenly looking towards the top of the spire. ‘Please tell me she’s getting somewhere.’ I turned back towards the cloud and continued flying.

I stopped on a length of road the cloud at the far end. I could still see the eyes within the cloud, and they landed on me. The large smoke cloud condensed into a long wisp of dark smoke with a head at the end of it. ‘No wonder he prefers the cloud, that combination just looks terrible.’

“You” He said speaking to me, his voice was much more void and evil than my own darkness’ voice. “What is it about you? Why do you not feel like that others?” He questioned.

“Well Emperor King Sombra.” I started. He caught the name I used and glared at me, he did not like me using it. “You and I have both been corrupted be an entity of darkness.” ‘Corrupted, that’s not a very nice thing to say.’ “The only difference is I didn’t give into mine like you have. That entity isn’t even in you anymore, it died over one thousand years ago, and you still act this way. You are truly evil, and you must be stopped.”

The emperor just laughed. “You think you can defeat me all by your lonesome?”

‘Any chance I can count on your support?' I asked internally.

‘Still debating that myself actually.’ My darkness answered.

The emperor continued. “I am more experienced than you, little colt. I gain strength from those who fear me, as long as they are scared no force could think to overpower me.” He told me.

“We’ll see about that.” I said taking to the air. The cloud following behind me. I turned suddenly flinging a blast of magic towards him. He dodged it easily enough and countered with one of his own. I beat my wings slightly harder and spiraled around the blast, leveling out as it was behind me. We stayed there floating above the city for a few moments no doubt gaining the attention of almost all below. Then the real fight began. He had learned when I came here the thing he did to Armor wouldn’t work on me, and I knew that even if I was trained in hoof-to-hoof combat with his smoke form it wouldn’t do much. Both of us kept our distance flinging spells, counter spells, and any other magic we knew at each other, dodging around the sky at the same time. It seems I finally found a real world scenario that my lighting dodging practice course prepared me for, I was going make sure Spitfire knew that ‘no practical application? Ha!’ she was in for an earful when I got back. A fireball grazed my cheek pulling me out of my mind. ‘That is of course if I get back.’

Through the fight I was taking glances towards the ground, I wanted to make sure none of the spell I cast or dodged got anywhere close to those on the ground. I could see the looks on some of their faces even from where I was. They didn’t know who was winning this fight. I dispelled a bolt of lightning that was about to peg me in the face. I don’t think I know how is either.

“SHADOW!” I heard somepony call from the ground. I turned and saw Rainbow and Skies. Sombra though, saw an opportunity. I looked back in time to see a fireball. I moved my legs and covered my face hoping to reduce the damage of the hit…. But the hit never came. I opened my eyes in time to see the tail of the fireball pass me by. ‘I was completely distracted and didn’t even try to dodge. How did he miss?’ I turned to look at the fireball and saw where it was headed. I could feel my face drain of blood. It was never aimed at me. I didn’t even spare a glance at Sombra I started flying as fast as I could, but the fireball was faster than me. I began to panic. Then, I had a moment of clarity and the fireball exploded.
“Shadow.” I heard very much weaker from behind me. I looked back and saw Rainbow and Skies behind me. I was standing on the ground between them and where the fireball used to be. My hoof slightly singed from stopping it. What struck me as strange was that I was standing on the ground, but I was towering over Rainbow. I was at least twice her size. I looked back towards where Sombra was and caught me reflection in one of the crystals. ‘Oh my Celestia, I’m Celestia sized.’ In the crystal I could see myself, I was twice my normal size, my horn and wings had grown as well and gained much sharper points, and my mane and tail had taken on the ethereal form that both Celestia and Luna had. I noticed it was very similar to how that black cloud Sombra was looked like.

“No pony hurts Skies.” I heard myself say. I brought my hoof down back to the ground. “No pony hurts any of our friends.” I said this time. I began to understand. I began to charge a spell and launched it at Sombra, it reached him instantly and he was sent flying.

“Brother?” Skies asked from behind me I could hear the fear in her voice and it hurt.

“It is us, little sister.” I said my voice was one part darkness, another part my own. The part that caught me off guard was the ‘us’ part. “We do not know how long he will stay down, you two must go now. We can handle this.” I continued.

“Shadow what’s happening? What- what happened to you?” Rainbow asked me.

I sighed. “Many times Shadowmere has shared control of our body with the darkness, but this is one step further. We are one now, of mind and body.” I had felt it in my mind, it was a combination my own and the darkness. Inside our mind we were still two sides, but we were one mind. Neither of us being the true dominant nor having any real control, but instead both sides told the mind what to do and say. The pony that we had become wasn’t really us, but instead a new pony that listened to both of us. ‘So you did decide to help. I’m not sure I like this.’

‘I’m not enjoying it either, fusing our minds was not my first choice, but it was all I had. I couldn’t let that fireball get any closer.’

‘Doesn’t matter, what’s done is done. Let’s just beat Sombra and split our minds again.’


‘You can split our minds can’t you?’ I asked him

‘I don’t think I’d be able to concentrate long enough, or even stay conscious, with the pain that is involved. If I tried both our minds wouldn’t reform and we would die, the body would be no more than an empty shell. I wouldn’t even be able to find a new host.’

‘…So were stuck like this forever?...What’s done is done…Let’s just get rid of Sombra for now.’ I responded trying to hide my sorrow. Difficult to do if you’re the same pony.

We felt wetness on our face. A hoof stroked our eye wiping away the tears that had begun to form on our body. “We will discuss this later.” We said to Rainbow and Skies. “Go to the Castle. We will keep Sombra at bay.” The two looked confused but left flying towards the castle. We shifted and soon became wisp like with the exception of our head giving us the same look as Sombra, the only difference being our eyes and that we had smoke like wings. I may have complained about the way Sombra looked, but I think I pull this off nicely. We took off soaring into the air waiting for Sombra to return. He didn’t take long. He came charging at us horn glowing spells flying. We dodged them easily and quickly got behind him casting a spell of our own hitting him square in the jaw. “Give up now Sombra, you can’t win!” We called out to him. “The two of us may be equally matched, but we have another kingdom on our side! You will be over powered!”

A glint coming from the spire caught our gaze as well as Sombra’s. Our eyes focused quickly. It was Spike with the real crystal heart… and he was falling towards the ground. Sombra reacted faster and started to charge them. We would never be able to catch up. Even if Spike managed to grab the heart the fall would kill him. No matter what happened Sombra would get the heart and this would all be over. More movement caught our eye. It was on the balcony. We saw Armor holding Cadence above his head.

‘What is he…’

‘…Did he just throw his wife?’

‘Why yes, yes he did.’

With Armors boost Cadence was rocketing through the air, and snatched away the heart right in front of Sombra taking Spike along for the ride as well, We smiled. Cadence glided down and tossed the crystal heart into the opening below the spire. We saw the light as the entire kingdom, ponies and all, started to glow. The light suddenly condensed and there was a large wave of light. As it hit Sombra he vanished into nothingness.

‘We should really get away.’ The darkness thought.

‘What why?’ I asked.

‘Look what that did to Sombra, Think what it might do to us!’ he told me.

I quickly realized he was right and we turned to flee, but our minds weren’t in sync and we weren’t fast enough. I felt the wave hit us and my mind exploded in pain. My black out came swiftly, the last thing I heard was our body still screaming in pain.

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