• Published 1st Nov 2012
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The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 23

Chapter 23

I was following Skies through the town making sure not to be spotted by her. I didn’t want to be an intrusive brother getting into her business all the time, but I really wanted to find out where she was going and why she was so secretive about it. Needless to say the latter outweighed the first. I was following her for a few minutes when I felt something behind me and saw that Pinkie was right beside me.

“Hello Pinkie, what are you doing here?” I asked surprised by her sudden presence.

“Well I saw you going all sneaky through town and I wanted to play along too, so I started following you.” She answered.

“Good to know.” I said. “Pinkie listen this is kind of a family matter. Do you think that you could leave this between Skies and me?” I asked.

“Okie Dokey Loki.” And she’s gone. How does she do that? Oh well, back to the task at hoof.

I turned my attention back towards Skies. She was still walking through town. If anypony else looked at her they would think she was just getting some fresh air, but I knew her better if she wanted to get fresh are she would be flying not walking around. She was trying to hide something. I spent the next few minutes following Skies until she walked into Sweet Apple Acres. She then walked out towards the orchard of trees and walked up into a tree house that was built into one of the trees. If I remembered correctly Applejack said this was the club house that her sister and her friends always go to. I snuck up onto the side of the tree house and flew up to one of the windows. I peaked over the bottom of the window and saw inside. There was a small group of colts and fillies in the tree house. It didn’t take long for me to see Skies talking to Applebloom, Sweetie Bell, and Scootaloo. They were simply talking but then there was a young colt who came up to talk to them. I could see that he was slightly nervous for I don’t know what reason. Then, I noticed that he would always look at the three fillies, but when he looked at Skies he wouldn’t look her in the eyes. I used my hoof to cover my mouth and stop the laugh that was building, he had a crush on Skies. I didn’t have time to see who this colt was because I looked at Skies and saw that she couldn’t look at him either. She also had a crush on him. At this point I couldn’t help it I fell onto the ground and burst out laughing. I told Skies that someday she would want a coltfriend and I was right. I was rolling on the ground laughing when Skies looked over the edge and shouted at me.

“What are you doing here?”

“I got back and saw you walking through town, so I decided to follow you. Now that I see what’s going on I only have one thing to say. I told you so.” I said using my hoof to emphasize each of the last four words.

“That’s it I’m going to get you!” Skies yelled at me.

“I’m going to run now.” I said getting up and running towards the gate of the farm. As I was running I saw Applejack walking in the gate as I was running by her I said. “Hi Applejack. Bye Applejack.” I watched her face change to surprise as I ran by, but as Skies flew by her she seemed to understand what was happening. I smiled and turned my head back around. I spread my wings and used them to stop quickly. A white blur flew over me and turned around quickly. I sat on the ground and looked at my sister who had an angry snarl on her face and let a melancholy smile onto my mouth. My sister seemed to see this and looked at me confused. She slowly walked over to me still with an aggressive step. Then I spoke.

“You’re growing up so fast right in front of me.” I looked at her and I felt a few tears in my eyes a mix of joy and sadness. “Pretty soon now I don’t think you’ll need me anymore. You probably don’t need me now.” Skies seemed to sense what I was saying and took a less aggressive stance. She them walked up to me and wrapped her legs around me.

“I don’t want that day to come though. You’re my big brother and I will always need you somehow.” I looked down at my sister and smiled. She then brought her hoof back and hit me in the shoulder and I shouted in surprise. “Don’t think this means that I’m going to forgive you for following me.” She said.

“I didn’t think I would get off that easy.” I said. Then I decided to mess with her. “So, who was that colt that you’ve fallen head over hoof in love with?” And there’s the blush I was looking for.

“What… What do you mean?” she said looking away from me. She turned back to face me. “Is it really that obvious?”

“Yes, yes it is. So who is he I didn’t have time to get a good look at him.”

“I’m not going to tell you.” She said.

“Well then I guess I’m just going to have to find out on my own.” I said standing up.

“What do you mean?” Skies asked worriedly.

“Well I’m going to look around, find out who he is, then I’m going to hold it against you for the rest of your life.” I said giving Skies a large smile and she hit me in the shoulder again. “Well I’m heading home. You can go back and play with your friends.” Skies gave me a skeptical look. “I’m not going to follow you this time.” I said She didn’t seem satisfied. “Fine, Cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye.” Doing each of the actions required to complete the ultimate compact a pony can give. This seemed to satisfy her and Skies walked away back towards Sweet Apple Acres. I turned around and started walking back towards the house so I could rest. I entered the house and closed the door behind me. I went to the kitchen and put the basket onto the counter. I turned around and went into the living room and sat down with a book. I spent the next few minutes reading the book before I said.

“You can come out now.”

A pony wearing a cloak came out of the corner of the house. “How did you know I was here?” the pony asked. They were using some spell to distort their voice so it was impossible to tell who they were.

“You left the door unlocked. I know my sister, she never forgets anything. She would’ve locked the door when she left. You’re good at hiding but pretty forgetful apparently.” I said.

The figure responded by saying. “Not necessarily. I was not really trying to hide from you.”

“Then what were you trying to do?” I asked.

“I simply wanted to talk.” The figure’s horn started to glow and a pulse expanded from them. It went throughout the house and came back to the figure. “Good, I needed to make sure there were no bugs.” The figure said removing their hood. Now in front of me I saw a member of Luna’s elite guard.

“So could you explain what’s going on know?” I asked him.

“Of course, you see word has gotten out of Equestria about your ability. There are many different groups that wish a harness your ability and use it for who knows what, so the Princesses have sent us here to protect you and your sister.” He said.

“Us, so there are more of you here?” I asked

“That is correct.” He answered.

“So how did the other groups find out about my ability? Only a few ponies have any idea what I can do.” I told him.

“It would seem that the griffins that infiltrated Equestria at the Gala took the information back with them and any of the groups that heard it were very interested.” The guard explained

“How did they find out? I never used my power at any time that day.” I said.

“It would seem that before they were handed over to the griffin kingdom they talked with somepony in the jail and learned of your power.” He responded.

I got a scowl on my face. There was only one pony I could think of who even might have that information with him. “Who is it? Who did they talk to?”

“Why they were in the jail. They stayed in the cell across from your father, Perfect Tally.” The guard answered. I shut the book I was reading, got up from the chair I was sitting on, and started to head towards the door. “Where are you going?”

“I’m going to Canterlot. I have a certain pony to visit.” I said with rage. My father wasn’t only putting me in danger by telling about my power. He was putting Skies in danger as well, and neither the darkness nor me felt like letting him get off the hook like that.

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