• Published 1st Nov 2012
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The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 68

Chapter 68

I was sitting on the stairs that led up to the throne. Looming in front of me was a giant pit that had stairs as far down as the eye could see. Considering that I had seen the girls walking over this pit like the drop wasn’t there I decided that this was only a Sombra castle thing. I chose not to mention it because it didn’t seem that important and I really didn’t want to go down there to see what was at the bottom. So instead I decided to instead just stare out the window at the crystal ponies coming and going, still in their depressive mood.

Twilight and the others had gone off in search of someway to permanently protect the empire. Princess Cadence had slept a little while before coming back to the throne room to relieve me. I declined telling her she’s been doing this for days while I’ve only just begun, and I wouldn’t feel right letting her take over so soon. Of course that was just a partial reason I didn’t let her, the main reason I chose to keep up the spell was that I was never going to run out of power for it like she would eventually. I didn’t want to tell this to anypony though because of the reason behind my magic supply. I had been siphoning off some of the fear from the crystal ponies and using it to power the spell. I didn’t want to do it though, it was just the sheer amount of fear surrounding the entire empire. It was impossible for me not to take in the fear and once I had taken it in the magic just flowed into the spell maintaining it. I had run some numbers through my head and found that I would never run out of energy for the spell unless the crystal ponies stopped feeling so much fear. Since I was a bit rusty on the spell work behind the barrier, I could probably maintain a spell this size and complexity for around an hour on my own magic supply. If I was back in my youth when I had studied day after day about this spell I could probably find a way to expend the minimal amount of magic and power the spell for well over a week, but sadly I hadn’t been that knowledgeable about this spell in years, but as long as I was still naturally siphoning off the fear I had enough magic energy to use the spell. The only limiting factor was me not falling asleep, and that was an easy fix as well. All I needed to do was mix a few herbs, that I always carried around with me, into a nice cup of coffee and I was good for weeks. I’ve had to use it twice. I didn’t sleep for three weeks both times. The first time was an experiment to see if it worked. I regretted every day of those three weeks. Second time… Truthfully I don’t remember much from those three weeks. All I know is that I stayed awake all three weeks, and Minotaur really know how to throw an awesome party. Maybe I should introduce Pinkie to them… On second thought I would prefer to not die by party. Thinking back to the party just served to make this dull situation even duller by comparison, especially since all I had to look at was black, grotesque landscape.

I sighed. “Bor-ed, bor-ed, bored.
Bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored.
I am really bored.”

“A lovely haiku, but I think you could choose a better topic.” I heard from down the hallway. I turned and saw Twilight standing there with a large book. Cadence and Shining Armor behind her.

“I call em like I see em.” I told her. “So what do you got?” I asked hoping she came to give me some good news.

“Well we did find something.” Twilight said laying the book down and opening it up. “It’s something they call a Crystal Fair. According to this book, it was established by their first queen and became their most important tradition. The fair was held every year to… ‘Renew the spirit of love and unity in the empire so they could protect it from harm.’” Twilight said reading that part aloud. “We can put it together. Everything we need to know is in the book.” She finished.

“Sounds like we’ve got a plan.” I said with a small smile. Armor and Cadence both nodding in agreement.

“All right we’ll get started right away.” Twilight said closing the book and starting to walk off. She stopped and turned around to look at me. “You’re sure you can hold up the spell long enough?” She asked me with a little worry.

I simply rolled my eyes. “Please, I’ve had to put up with worse.” I reassured her.

“All right, just be careful.” She said starting to walk again. “And don’t feel like as a stallion you can’t call for help every once in a while.” She finished.

“But then how will I prove how awesome I am?” I asked her sarcastically.

“You really need to stop spending so much time with Rainbow.” She responded rolling her eyes.

“I will not.” I told her.

She just smiled and left the room, Cadence and Armor followed behind, but not before Cadence managed to ask yet again if I wanted her to take over. I told her to banish the thought and enjoy some time off. Seriously what is it with everypony doubting me today?

My ears perked up slightly as I heard a muffled sound. I groaned as I realized what was happening. I reached up and covered my ears hoping it would block out the sound, but to no avail.

‘Must they always sing?’ The darkness asked annoyed.

‘Hey be grateful you can at least tune it out in there. I’m stuck out here listening to it.’ I responded.

‘Oh yeah you’re right. I can do that. Have fun.’ He told me before I felt his presence fade from my mind disconnecting him from the real world for a while.

‘Lucky bastard.’ I thought as I covered my ears harder. Now don’t get me wrong I don’t hate music and song, quite the contrary really I love it. The only probably, they do this all the freaking time! Just one week, I just want one week where somepony doesn’t randomly burst into song! I mean seriously who does that, who even does that?!

I sulked lower and simply gave in and took my hooves off my ears and moved to the windows. Looking out I saw Twilight and them down in the empire setting everything up. Rainbow was wearing some rusty armor holding a tarnished lance. Rarity was running around the jagged pillars putting up torn fabrics. Applejack and Skies were picking something from some dead bushes. Fluttershy was… Oh Celestia, whatever those things are they are decaying! Pinkie had some sort of horn that I could hear from up here that was screeching and tearing at my eardrums. I bet that sounds so much better to them. I looked at the others expressions…Apparently not. And Twilight had her nose deep in the book directing and learning I suppose. I could see them doing all this set up and I’m sure to them it looked great, but their supplies were still part of the Crystal empire and still subjugated to the Sombrafication that I had been seeing everywhere, so to me it just looked like somepony tried to throw a party and then everypony ran away and left everything to decay. I was looking out over the entire empire with the girls all at the bottom of the spire looking over all their hard work.

It was then that a thought occurred to me.
I can still hear them singing like they’re in the room next to me.

~~~A Few Minutes Later~~~

Twilight, Cadence, Armor, Pinkie, and I were standing out on a balcony declaring for all of the empire to hear about the fair. I however wasn’t paying much attention. I was still caught up in the fact that the girls somehow sang through a wormhole.

“- do cordially invite you to attend the Crystal Fair!” I heard Twilight say breaking me from my trance. As she finished a glimmer caught my eye off in the crowd below. Looking closely I saw more glimmers start to appear in the cloud and suddenly I started to see color in the crowd. Looking out I began to see the crystal ponies. They were changing, they weren’t so grey and dull anymore. They were beginning to feel happy again. It was just like that mare below the castle, I didn’t imagine that happening. She really did change, this must be what that book was talking about. The crystal ponies own happiness is what powers the empire and protects it from harm. I began to smile. This was working out great.

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