• Published 1st Nov 2012
  • 4,172 Views, 1,525 Comments

The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 88

Chapter 88

I was walking gleefully around the mirror. Papers laying around the room filled with writing. I had spent the last few minutes examining every last detail the mirror had to offer. When the princesses said that this was a big secret they weren't exaggerating. The things I had found out just be examining the mirror. I could hardly imagine what I would learn if I actually was able to observe it while it was active. I smiled happily as I walked up to the mirror and looked at my reflection.

Suddenly the door to the room burst open behind me. I didn't look to see who it was, I was too focused on writing down notes. And anyway I was able to tell who all was there after they spoke.


"Shush." I said extending my hoof and making Celestia go silent. I may be banished for this, but at least I'll be banished happy. "I am about to try something and the slightest disturbance could cause collateral damage." I said to them.

"Is it seriously just a mirror?" I heard Skies ask.

"It certainly is a mirror, but it is not just a mirror." I responded.

"Shadowmere what are you planning?" Luna asked with some anger.

This time I turned my head to face them, it was then I saw who exactly was there. It was the princesses, The girls, and Skies all standing at the doorway. I smiled at them. "What am I planning you ask." I said chuckling. "I'm planning on trying to break it!" I said happily as I spun around and prepared to kick the mirror. I heard a gasp from behind me and I saw Celestia and Luna starting to rush at me, but they weren't fast enough. I sent my legs towards the mirror.

In a flash of light I was suddenly shot away from the mirror and sent flying through the air. As I flew back I saw myself pass between Celestia and Luna both of them looking at me with surprise as I flew past them. I tumbled along the ground eventually stopping pressed up against the wall and upside down. The papers in the area I had landed floating down after being lifted by my impact.

Everypony in the room was looking towards me, but not at me. They were more focused on the notes that were floating down around me. They quickly turned and started to look at the rest of the room. Taking notice of the massive amount of notes that I had taken for the first time.

I began to laugh. "Exactly as I thought, warded against breaking too."

"Shadowmere" Celestia said still looking at the notes around the room. "...What is all this?" She asked.

I smiled. "Everything I've learned about the mirror so far."

"All of this!?" Luna asked surprised.

I righted myself and began to walk back over towards the mirror. "What can I say, I don't waste time."

'And you had an extra mind working on it as well.'

'Details, details.'

"We've had this mirror for many years and I don't think we know enough about it to write this many notes about it." Celestia said.

"Well to be fair some of them are just notes over the physical aspects of the mirror. I think that area over there is mostly physical attributes." I said pointing to the far corner of the room. "...Or maybe it's the other corner...Anyways that's not important, what is important is telling me everything you know about it so I can compare it to my notes." I said looking at them.

Luna shot a glare at me. "We trusted you with the knowledge that this artifact even exists and this is what you do? What makes you think we'd tell you what it does?" She said.

"What makes you think I don't already know what it does? I said I just want to compare notes. That doesn't mean I'm wrong, in fact I already know I'm right." I told them.

"And how would you know that?" Celestia asked.

I smiled at her. "I've seen the other side." I answered.

Both Celestia and Luna went silent at this.

"...Twilight, please take your friends and return to the dinning room." Celestia said.

"But princess, we-"

"Twilight please just go." Celestia interrupted.

Twilight and the others, including an upset Skies, left the room. Leaving just the princesses and me.

"How?" Celestia asked.

"Though it is closed and a pony can't pass through the link is still there. It takes some knowledge and experience but you can scry through the connection." I answered.

"And what have you learned?" Luna asked.

"I've learned that it is indeed linked to a universe that follows the Anthropic principle." I told them earning a confused look. "It's the exact same as here, but with a few different fundamental physical constant." I explained further, still getting nothing. "It only has a few physical changes."

"Couldn't you have just said that in the first place?" Luna questioned.

"I did." I said quietly to myself. "Either way, How much do you know about it? I can already see that it's closed, do you know how to open it?" I asked with a smile.

"No, it's only been used once and not by us. The one who used it is on the other side, other than that we only know what you told us just now." Celestia said.

I kicked my hoof against the ground in disappointment. "Dang it." I sighed.


I covered my ears. "I was thinking that the mirror was indestructible and I was right." I told her.

Luna was about to yell again but Celestia stopped her. "And why did you think it was indestructible?" Celestia asked calmly, but I could tell that if I gave a bad answer that I would certainly regret it.

"The rune work on the back of the mirror. It's warded with some of the most powerful runes I've learned about and even some that I haven't. The fact that this mirror is spotless despite it's age also helped me come to the conclusion. I've seen this design before it's ancient. Who ever made this wanted it to last. Who did make it?" I asked them.

"We don't know. We found it one day. It's creator was never found." Celestia said.

"Too bad, I would've loved to learn more about him." I said.

Celestia stepped towards me and got my attention. "Now tell me Shadowmere. What do you plan to do with what you've learned?" She questioned with a soft voice, but filled with the authority of one who has ruled for a long time.

I thought for a moment and gathered my response. If she didn't like my answer then it could actually mean eternal banishment for me.

"...I suppose...I'll just keep learning and investigating. There's not really much else to do with it. The only purpose is to travel between and I can't use it since you won't tell me how to open it."

"We already told you we don't know how to open it. The pony who did is on the other side." Luna said.

"Then how do you know what's on the other side?" I asked with a smile. "If it's only been used once to send somepony from this side to the other and hasn't been used at all besides that then you shouldn't know what's on the other side, but you do." The princesses were quiet, staring at me. "If you're going to make up a story at least make it have continuity." I told them with a smile. I used my magic and floated my notes around me in a large tower. "I'll respect your wish to keep that a secret from me though since I didn't really respect this one." I said as I began to leave the room. "Anyway, with enough time I should be able to figure it out by myself." I said with a smile as I left the princesses standing in the room.

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