• Published 1st Nov 2012
  • 4,172 Views, 1,525 Comments

The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 64

Chapter 64

It had been around a week since the incident at the hospital. Celestia had decided to let me off the hook since I did try to be the voice of reason in the end. I returned to Canterlot Castle at the end of the day and for the first time in days got a comfortable sleep. Three days later the girls and I returned to Ponyville, and all was normal once again…well normal for us.

I was currently sitting inside my home reading a book that Twilight had recommended to me. It was a rather enthralling tale about a pony who got displaced in time. I had read other books by this author and so far this was my favorite of his.

I heard the door open and close from the front.

“Whip your hooves on the mat!” I called back, knowing it was probably Skies coming back from some adventure with the Crusaders.

“Got it!” I heard Skies call back. I heard a few hoofsteps and saw Skies walk into the living room.

“How was your day?” I asked turning a page in my book.

“Good, we went out exploring the forest.” She told me. I looked up from my book from her. “By that I mean we walked down the path to Zecora’s place.” I chuckled and returned to my book.

“Anything else exciting happen today?” I questioned.

“Well Applejack let me try my luck at applebucking.”


“I managed to knock down all the apples on two trees before I was too tired to continue.”

“Two whole trees?” I asked surprised. “That’s impressive. I think I only managed seven or eight my first time trying.” I told her flipping the page of my book.

“So what you reading?” Skies asked flying up on top of the chair I was sitting on.

“Well it’s an interesting book about-WHAT IN TARTARUS IS THAT!!!” I suddenly dropped the book and looked at one of the walls of the house, but what I was feeling was far past it. I didn’t know what I was feeling, but it was bad, really bad. I don’t know how far away it was, but it felt like I was in the very room. It was evil, pure evil.

“Brother what’s wrong?!” Skies asked very worried.

I stood frozen in place looking at the wall. I couldn’t find my voice, my mind was preoccupied with this new feeling that was permeating from somewhere. I began to regain some composure enough to begin to speak again. “I- I don’t- I need to tell the princesses!” I said very panicked as I ran out the door of my home and started flying towards Canterlot as fast as I could.

I was just nearing the edge of Ponyville when I saw Rainbow practicing a little ways off. She saw me and began to call out.

“Hey Shadow what’s-” I flew past her not saying anything. “-up?” she finished confused as I flew past. “Hey!” She called out as she started flying after me, catching up quickly since she was much faster than me. “What’s gotten into you!? What’s wrong?!” She asked me.

“Don’t know, bad, danger, princesses, tell.” I said quickly my own mind muddled trying to piece together what I was feeling myself. I looked to my side as I flew towards the castle looking in the direction I was feeling, whatever it was I was feeling. It was big, and it was bad. That was all I knew. “Girls, elements, get, bring.” I don’t know how much she understood, but it seemed to be enough because she nodded and turned back towards the town. I turned my attention back towards Canterlot increasing my speed as much as I could.

Traveling as fast as I could, I arrived at Canterlot after an hour of flying. I landed quickly and galloped up the steps of the castle quickly. The guards didn’t stop me, they knew me well enough to see that I had something very important. I turned a corner and saw the doors of the throne room open and three guards run through past me. I turned into the throne room and saw Celesta sitting on her thrown a piece of parchment writing a letter, she had a worried expression. When I she saw me she looked surprised. She quickly finished her letter and sent it off.

“Shadow I did not expect you.” She said turning to face me. “What brings you to-” She started, but she saw my expression. “What’s wrong?” She asked.

“Something bad, something very bad.” I told her.

“What is it?” She questioned, I could tell she was very interested in what I had to say.

“I- I don’t know.” I looked towards the direction of the feeling I was getting. “Is there anything of importance in that direction?” I asked her pointing in the direction. I knew it was vague, but truthfully it’s all I had to go on right now.

“Northern Equestria?” She said with some surprise.

“I suppose, all I know is that it’s big, it’s bad, and it’s that way.” I said looking back over to her, my expression no doubt showing my worry.

Celestia gave a small nod. “You are right, something long forgotten has returned.” I looked at her expecting an explanation. Did she know what was causing this feeling, could she feel it too? No, I see it in her face she can’t feel it, but she seems to know it’s there. “We are unsure of the condition of its return, but with the news we’ve heard and your own reaction there is no doubt in my mind.”

“Return, What is it that’s returned!?” I asked with a small amount of panic.

Celestia hesitated for a moment. “Follow me, we have much to discuss.” She walked out of the throne room and I followed behind. She told a guard to send for her sister to meet us in the main hall. He obliged and soon enough we met up with Luna in the halls and we moved to a more private location. The princesses then told me a story of long ago, one that I in fact knew more about than them…with some help.

“The spell was never meant to be released, or cancelled. It makes less and less sense the more I think about it.” The darkness said rubbing our chin with his hoof.

“And you don’t know why this has happened, no secondary spell work implanted, or anything of the sort?’ Luna asked him.

“None, it was a simple spell, powerful but simple. I don’t see how this has happened, especially after all this time.” He answered.

“So you really think that he’s the answer?” I asked.

“With what I’ve heard that seems to be the case.” Celestia said.

“That does bring about another question.” The darkness said

“You’re thinking about her aren’t you?” I asked him.

“Yes I am.” He told me. “It’s not like last time, there’s no drain, just a feeling.” He continued.

“I’ve been thinking the same thing.” I responded. “Are we sure that it’s the cause?” I questioned.

“There is no doubt, I am all too familiar with this feeling.” He answered me.

“So what are we going to do about it?” I asked the princesses.

“Twilight and the others are already on their way here. They will be able to help, I’m certain of it.” Celestia told me.

“What if they fail?” I asked.

“They won’t.” Celestia told me.

“Ahem” I heard from the doorway. The three of us in the room turned and there was Twilight standing there saddlebags packed to the brim with supplies. She started to walk in the room, even without my ability I could see she was nervous. As she entered Luna started to take her leave, we had already decided roles in our previous discussion. Luna had her own job to do and was going to leave Twilight to Celestia and me. As she passed by each other Twilight began to speak “You wanted to see me. To give me a test.” She said as she walked towards us. “I brought my own quills and plenty of paper to show my work.” She said as well lowering her saddle bags to the floor and causing most of its contents to spill out. One parchment she brought started to roll out and managed to make it all the way to Celestia and me. I looked up from the parchment at Twilight and raised an eyebrow. “Shadow, I didn’t know you were here, why are you-” She started noticing me for the first time as she began to roll up the parchment a little ways.

I stopped her by looking at Celestia whose horn lit up and moved all of Twilight’s belongings back into her bag. “This is a different kind of test.” Celestia explained to Twilight. She hesitated a second more.

“The Crystal Empire has returned.”

Author's Note:

Not my longest chapter, but I think what I'm setting up might just make up for it.
~Black Light
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