• Published 1st Nov 2012
  • 4,172 Views, 1,525 Comments

The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Skies and I had been living in Ponyville for a few weeks now. We earned enough to purchase a small house so we didn’t have to keep imposing on Twilight. I opened my eyes and rolled off of the new bed that we had bought. I had been working for the weather team for this whole time, and even Skies had gotten herself a small job selling apples for Applejack. We had been working hard these past few weeks to finally pay off the house and furniture we bought, but today was the day, the first day we had paid off everything. We had asked both our employers for a day of today so we could celebrate. Applejack was happy to accept especially since she was invited to the celebration. My boss however was a bit less lenient to let both Rainbow Dash and me off for the day since we were the best workers they had on the team, but eventually we were able to get the day off. I walked down to the kitchen and started to cook some breakfast for Skies and me. Eventually Skies woke up and came down.

“Hey, brother. What’s for breakfast?”

“Sit down and I’ll show you.” I said as she walked over to the table and took a seat. I took the two plates I had made and levitated them just above Skies vision to surprise her. I lowered the two plates. I saw her eyes go wide and a smile on her face. I had made chocolate chip and blueberry pancakes with two scoops of Rocky Road ice-cream on the top of them.

“These look delicious.” Skies said.

“Well don’t just sit there dig in.” I said as I took my seat and started to eat my own. Skies took hers and ate them all in about three bites. “Well if that’s the case.” I said as I grabbed mine in my magic and ate the rest in two bites. Skies smiled and let out a small laugh as some syrup dripped off my chin. “Alright enough laughing go get yourself cleaned up.”

“Ok, you might want to clean up yourself.” Skies said with a chuckle.

“Yeah, I probably should.” I said as I walked over to the door. I opened it and walked outside. I shut the door after I saw Skies walking back towards the bathroom. I looked up and saw a cloud high in the sky and I flew up to it. I stomped on it to get the flow of rain going. I flew under it and washed off my face and cleaned up. When I was done I shut my wings. I started to fall down feeling the wind in my face and a few feet before the ground I opened my wings again and stopped my fall. I landed and started to walk towards the house. As I approached the house the door opened and Skies walked out. I stopped and waited as Skies locked the door and walked over to where I was. I turned around and started to walk into town. We had told everypony to meet up at Twilight’s around noon so we still had some free time. We walked into town and said hello to the ponies we ran into. We continued to walk until we came to Twilight’s house. We walked inside and went to the shelves on the walls and started to look at the books on them. Twilight hearing us come in came down to investigate.

“Oh, Hello Shadow. I thought we weren’t getting together until noon.” Twilight said.

“We aren’t, Skies and I just have nothing to do so we decided to head over and read a few books while we wait.” I said.

“In that case look around and read what you want. If you need any help just call for me.”

“Thanks Twilight.” I said.

“Not a problem Shadow.”

I started to walk around the shelves looking at the different books until I came across a very interesting book called ‘Advanced Spells for Unicorns’ It looked interesting so I took it off the shelf and started to read the table of contents. I came across a very interesting sounding spell that supposedly is able to give a mustache to anypony. I thought why not? I read over the spells description one more time before I set the book on the table and started to charge the spell. Right about then Twilight started to walk down the stairs. She walked over and stood next to Skies who had stopped reading to see what I was doing. I felt the spell building in my horn and then I released the spell. There was a bright flash and then it cleared away. When the light was gone I walked over to a mirror on the wall and saw myself however on my lip there was a brand new white goatee.

“Well, that’s interesting” I said as I turned to face Twilight and Skies who were working hard to contain their laughter… well Twilight was, Skies was rolling around on the floor clutching her sides. “What’s so funny I think it looks great” I puffed out my chest and lifted up my chin.

“Well you’d be wrong.” Skies said taking a deep breath and laughing even harder than before.

“It’s not that bad is it?” I asked looking at Twilight.

“Well... it defiantly is interesting.” Was her answer.

“Fine, I’ll get rid of it.” I said before I stopped and thinking for a bit. I turned back to Twilight and asked. “How do I get rid of it?”

“Let me.” She said as her horn lit up with a lavender glow. The goatee was encased in the glow and after a flash was gone.

“Thanks.” I said as I picked up the book and put it back onto the shelf.

“No problem.” Twilight said. “The others should be arriving soon.”

“That reminds me what are we going to do?” I asked.

“I’ll explain to everypony once they’re here.” Twilight answered.

“Alright.” I responded.

We had waited only a few minutes when the others started to arrive. Applejack came in first followed by Rarity and Fluttershy a few minutes after. Pinkie just seemed to pop up out of nowhere. Of course Rainbow Dash was the last to show up. Once we were all here Twilight got our attention.
“Okay everypony as we know this is the first day Shadow and Bright have paid off their house and furniture, so to celebrate I got us a reservation at a high class restaurant in Canterlot.”

As I heard the last word my mind started to race. Canterlot my first home and the first city for me to be forced out of. I didn’t know what to think of this. I was happy that Twilight was trying to make this day great, but I didn’t know what to think of Canterlot.

“Shadow is that ok?” Twilight asked me.

My emotions started to swirl. Am I okay with this? What do I feel? Should I go back? Finally I stopped myself. I needed to face this. “Yeah that sounds great. When do we leave?”

“Right about now.” Twilight said as she walked towards the door.

“Right know. Aren’t we a little under-dressed to go to Canterlot?” I asked.

“Well yes, but that’s why I had Rarity make us some clothing to go.”

“That’s right darling. I would never allow any of my friends to go to Canterlot and not look fabulous.” Rarity said.

“Oh, well thank you Rarity.” I said. “Wait a second... How did you get my measurements?” I asked. ‘Oh, hello paranoia I haven’t seen you in a while what do you think? Oh, you think she’s been sneaking into my home and taking my measurements while I sleep. Yes that makes perfect sense despite how unlikely that seems.’

“Well darling it is my job to make clothing. I’ve been doing this long enough that I can tell your measurements by just looking at you.”

Okay paranoia you can go now. “Well thank you Rarity.” I said

“Of course darling. Now everypony let’s hurry to the train station we don’t want to be late.” Rarity said walking towards the train station.

The trip to the train station didn’t take too long and the train left not long after we took our seats. After some nagging from Rarity she got us all to try on our new clothes. All the girls had each gotten an elegant dress that seemed to show their personality just as much as they did themselves. Rarity had made Skies a nice practical dress. Not quite as elegant as the others, but I don’t think Skies would have liked a dress like those anyway. As for me, Rarity had made a tuxedo. It was pure black so black that if it wasn’t for the white bow-tie on the front you might not have known I was wearing it to begin with. By the time we got off the train Twilight was rushing us so we would get to the restaurant on time. Twilight wasn’t kidding when she said the place we were going was fancy. When walked in the building the first thing I noticed was the two story high fountain, I mean who has something like that. We were escorted to our table and we sat down quickly. I looked over the menu and saw the different food they had, and I decided to order a simple salad for my meal. Our food arrived quickly and we began to eat and converse. Twilight and I talked about magic. Rarity was in her own world looking at all the stallions around the restaurant. Fluttershy was eating quietly while Rainbow was talking to her about her latest stunts. Both Applejack and Pinkie were talking together.

Everything was going great…That was until I looked around the restaurant and looked at the different ponies that were here. The first few I saw were just your simple Canterlot citizen, but then I looked farther over and my emotions started flaring. My mind started to shut down, I had so many conflicting emotions just because of the ponies I saw. Standing at the greeter’s table were the two ponies that first drove me from Canterlot. Standing there were the two ponies I had both loved and hated. Standing at the entrance were my parents.

Author's Note:

~Black Light

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