• Published 1st Nov 2012
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The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 98

Chapter 98

Daring and Skies came running into the room I was in. "Shadow what happened?!" Daring asked.

"I'm not exactly sure." I said.

'Should we tell them?' I asked the darkness.

'...We were told to keep the coin a secret, but I don't know about the other things we learned.' He responded.

I agreed with him. "One second I'm watching the door close and the next I'm somewhere else." I lied to them.

"Somewhere else?" Daring asked.

"Yeah, I think whoever built this place wanted to give a message." I told them. "And whoever it was, they were certainly able to use dark magic. They projected a message into my head, told me...a lot of things."

"Well then what was the message?" Daring asked.

"It's obscure." I told her. "All I know for certain, is that Equestria is in danger."

Daring looked at me with some worry. "So what do we do?"

"Well for one, I need to go and meet with the Princesses. They might be able to find something more." I told her.

She nodded. "Now the question is, how do we get out of here?" Daring asked. "Don't suppose your little magic buddy is still around to guide us out."

I shook my head. "I don't think I'll be seeing that magic again." I told her. I looked towards the doors to the labyrinth. "Well we better get started." I said as I approached the doors. I pushed them open with my magic. I saw stairs. "...What happened to the labyrinth?"

Daring walked up next to me. "It's gone." She said. "Are we sure it's not a trick?" She asked.

I shook my head. "I don't think so." I said as I started to walk up the stairs.

Unfortunately, the stairways length didn't disappear. It was just as long as when we came down, and twice as painful for the legs. Eventually we managed to make it to the top and got out of the temple. The moon was already high in the sky.

"We should make camp for the night." Daring said. I started to argue. "I know you're worried and want to get this information to the princesses, but night flying in this area is extremely dangerous." She told me.

I sighed. "Fine, but we leave at first light." I told her.


I walked around a bit and gathered some firewood. We made a small camp, and went to sleep.

I opened my eyes. The sky was a dark red, and thunderclouds floated around blocking out the rest of the sky. I looked around for Daring and Skies, but nopony was around me. My body was suddenly pulled into the air. When I stopped I found myself hovering near the edge of Canterlot, but the city wasn't there. I could see the edge of the mountain and the supports that used to hold the city. Looking down I saw a large pile of rubble sitting at the base of the mountain. Despite how far away I was I could see a puddle of red coming from the rubble. I gagged as I realized what I was seeing. Once again my body was torn away from the landscape and I found myself in a completely new place. I could tell I was in a cave, but I had never seen a cave like this before. There was an eerie glow coming from in the cave. Looking deeper in I saw a tree. The tree seemed to be made of crystals. It looked like it had been amazing before, but now...now the crystals were a deep red, and there were cracks running through the tree, four of it's branches were on the ground shattered pieces of them lying there. I blinked and saw fire. Looking around I took in my new surroundings. I could see the Everfree forest, it was burning. Turning I saw Ponyville, many of the buildings were destroyed and on fire. My body began floating through the town taking in all the damage. As I turned onto the main road I gagged. I wanted to stop, I wanted to turn around and leave, but my body kept floating forward. The main street was littered with bodies, and with everybody I passed I felt myself crying more and more. Ponyville was a small town. I knew everypony here. I could name every body I passed. Then I came to the library. As I went inside I found Twilight and Rainbow. They were sitting in the center of the room. The doors and windows boarded up. They sat there holding onto each other for support. Both of them were crying. Looking around the room, saw four blankets laying there. Each was covering something, and none of them were moving. My eyes shrunk to pinpricks. I knew what was under each of them.

"Why." I turned to face the sound. "Why did this happen?" Rainbow was asking.

I tried to speak, but nothing came out.

"It's okay Rainbow, we're safe, we're safe." Twilight said trying to comfort her.

"Are you?" A dark voice said.

The two spun around and faced the voice. My eyes widened in surprise... It was me. I was standing in the doorway, but I looked nothing like me. My mane seemed to be made of moving shadows, and my black coat seemed to draw in and eliminate any light that was near it. My eyes were a black void.

Rainbow turned away crying. "Why? Why did you do this?!" Twilight asked angrily.

"Because...it's fun." 'I' said. Twilight was gritting her teeth angrily. "Oh missing your precious mentor, your friends, both?" 'I' said as 'I' began walking towards them. Twilight and Rainbow flinched back with each step. "Don't worry, you'll see them soon." My vision suddenly went dark, and I heard Twilight and Rainbow scream.

I sat up suddenly in a cold sweat. Looking around I found myself in the forest just outside the temple again. I saw a small glow coming from my bag. I opened it and saw the coin. The black side was emitting a dark aura. It faded away leaving the coin looking like it had before. I went and sat down under a tree near me, my body shaking, and my eyes tearing up. I don't know what I just saw, but it wasn't a nightmare.

'What was that?' I asked. My voice in my head even sounding weary.

'I don't know.' The darkness said hesitantly. Whatever it was, it had something to do with that coin.'

'Should we do something about it?' I asked.

'...I don't know. Gaia said it would help, and I want to believe that it will.'

I took a few deep breaths and calmed myself. 'we need to focus. we need to figure out what that was.'

'It certainly wasn't one of our usual nightmares.' The darkness said.

'So what could it be then. It was obviously something fueled magically by the coin.'

'The dark side of the coin.' The darkness added on.

'Right, the white side wasn't doing anything.' I sighed and shook my head. 'Just what did Gaia give us?' I asked myself.

'...A prophecy.'


'I think we saw a prophecy.'

'So you're saying that's all going to happen?' I asked him, with a combination of anger and fear.

'...Yes, well, I don't know. I think that's just a possibility for what the future holds.'

'So it's not guaranteed?' I asked

'Yeah, it's just a possibility.'

'One that I will never let happen.' I told him.

'We can only hope.'

A few minutes later Daring and Skies woke up about an hour before sunrise. As I looked at Daring, she was sitting in front of our fire. I had noticed that she had been using her hat to block out the rest of the rest of the world from her. When she woke up, she didn't put it back on completely so it was hanging off slightly.

"Alright, we've got to get moving. Wake yourself up Dearling." I said.

"Yeah, yeah, I...what did you just call me?" She asked looking up at me with confusion.

"Well I know your rule about the hat, but it's only half on, so I don't know what to do." I told her, smirking.

She just looked at me. "...I swear I am so close to punching you right now."

I just chuckled. The three of us packed up camp and left a few minutes later. I was unaware of the griffin watching us from on top of the temple, and of what these next weeks had in store for me.

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