• Published 1st Nov 2012
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The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 19

Chapter 19

It had been a few weeks after that day at the party. The town had mostly forgotten about my exploits at the party. Rainbow and I had become a bit closer over the weeks. I felt more comfortable with being public with my feelings for her. I was less afraid that she would get hurt by the ponies that were hunting me considering that two of the worst had already tried and failed to capture me. On a normal day you couldn’t walk through the town without seeing us together somewhere. I had grown accustom to the pace of the town, but about ever week I would have an incident where the darkness tried to escape. With the help of the girls and Skies I had always been able to get out of town and not cause any harm to the ponies in town. We had come up with a story of how I suffer from migraines often and I needed to get away from the noise of the town to calm the headaches. Everypony in Ponyville knew this story so I never had to explain to them what I was doing when I left. I had actually been able to settle down here. I had a life, I had a job, I had a special somepony, I was happy here. It wasn’t a perfect life, I still had the risk of a possessed state despite the precautions we took, but I was still happy with the life I had here.

I was looking in the mirror thinking about these things as I straitened the white bow-tie on my black tuxedo. This was the day of the Grand Galloping Gala and we were all preparing to go. I looked at the clock on my wall and called up to Skies.

“Come on were going to be late.”

“Fine I’m coming.” Skies called back as she walked out of her room. She was wearing the new dress Rarity had made for her. It was still a simple dress since she wasn’t into all that really girly stuff, but it wasn’t too plain considering where we were going to. “This dress is so frilly.” She said pouting.

“Oh, don’t be like that you look great.”

“Well why do I have to wear a dress like this?” She asked me.

“Because we are going to the Gala you have to be dressed up at least a little bit.” I said before continuing. “And who knows you just might meet a colt there that you want to impress.” I finished with a grin.

“Don’t say that, I’m too young to have a coltfriend.” Skies said looking at me.

“Yeah well before I met Rainbow I didn’t think I wanted a marefriend, but look at me now.”

“Let’s just go.” Skies said.

“Alright, Alright.” I said looking at the clock. “Ah! Were late Twilights not going to be pleased.” I said rushing out the door knowing the importance of punctuality to the purple mare.

Skies and I arrived at the train station barely on time after we rushed out of the house. I quickly got on after getting a nod from the conductor before the train started off.

“Well that was close.” I said.

“Close… the train was about to leave without you. Do you know how late that would’ve made us?” Twilight asked.

“Well considering that I can probably fly faster than the train. I actually would have been there before you.” I said.

“It would seem that Rainbow is actually rubbing off on you.” Twilight said jokingly.

“Hey!” Rainbow said.

We all shared a laugh as I took my seat next to Rainbow. After a few minutes she had fallen asleep on my shoulder. I would’ve joined her if the nightmares would’ve stayed away, but sadly that wasn’t going to happen. Skies had grown accustom to my night terrors, but the girls didn’t need to know about them just yet. Instead I looked out the window as the terrain went by. I ended up just spacing out and only coming out of it as the open grassland ended and the mountainous terrain started. We were approaching Canterlot, so I decided to wake up Rainbow.

“Come on wakey wakey.” I said poking her repeatedly on the cheek.

“Five more minutes.” She said as she curled up next to me.

“Alright, but you’re going to miss the Wonderbolts.” I said

“Wonderbolts!” Dash said as she sat up wide awake. “Where are they?”

“Oh, you just missed them.” I said sarcastically.

“That’s not nice. I was having a good dream.” She said.

“Was I there?” I asked.

“Maybe.” She responded.

I looked over and saw Skies making a grossed out face. I smiled and pulled Rainbow closer and gave her a quick kiss. Skies let out an audible ‘Eww’ and looked away. The rest of the girls and I shared a laugh as the train pulled into the station. We all got up and walked out of the train. The first thing I noticed was that there was a good many royal guard standing around our train cart.

“Twily!” shouted a unicorn covered in an even more extravagant set of armor then normal.

“Big brother.” Twilight said as she ran up and embraced the unicorn.

“Wait… Twilight has a brother?” I asked the rest of the girls.

“Yeah, we didn’t know about him either until about a year ago. She doesn’t talk about him that much despite how close they are.” Rainbow answered.

“Huh.” I said as I turned back to face him. He saw me and started to walk towards me.

“Hello, I’m Shining Armor. Captain of the royal guard. I’ve heard a lot about you from the Princess and Twilight both.” He said.

“Then I take it you are familiar with my… predicament?” I asked him.

“Very much so, but don’t worry we’re here to make sure nothing bad happens at the Gala. Considering what happened last time.” He said turning his attention towards the girls.

I looked back towards them. “What did happen at the Gala last year? I heard it was crazy.”

All the girls looked at each other and all said at the same time. “We’d rather not talk about it.”

“I’ll leave it at that then. I’ll figure out sooner or later anyway.” I said. “So are we ready to go?” I asked which got nods of approval from the girls. “Then let’s go.”

We walked together towards the castle. I spent most of the time talking with Shining Armor. We both talked about our sisters, he talked about his wife, I talked about Rainbow. We were really getting along with each other, probably because of our older brother instincts. We arrived at the castle and presented our tickets to the guards at the gate and walked in.

As we walked in the girls all got stares as the guests saw them. I was decently ignored because I was keeping my wings in, but I did get a few stares from some ponies I recognized as being diners at the restaurant where I saw my father. I ignored them though and kept on walking. We walked up to the throne room where we waited to be greeted by the Princess.

“Ah, hello my little ponies.” The princess said as we approached. I decided that in order to improve my image a bit I would have to make use of the formalities I had learned on my journeys.

“Good day Princess. I am ever so grateful that you have decided to invite us to this gathering.” I said in a posh accent similar to the one that the higher class ponies used daily and gave a low bow. All of the girls looked at me. None of them had ever heard me be so formal. “I believe that I have never formally introduced you to my sister, Bright Skies.” I said indicating to Skies who gave a small curtsy to the Princess. “It has been an honor Princess but I do understand that you have other guests to greet.” I said as both Skies and I started walking towards the ballroom with our heads held high.

When Skies and I walked into the ballroom we quit the posh act and looked at each other. We then went into a giggle fit for a few seconds. I turned around to see all the girls had finished talking with the princess and were coming towards the ballroom as well now.

“What was that?” Rainbow asked.

“Really I’ve never seen you act like that before. When did you learn to be so formal?” Twilight asked.

“Well I picked it up when I was travelling. When you travel around as much as I did you pick up a few things.” I said. “Now where is the refreshment table?” I asked and I saw the looks on the girl’s faces. “I’m just going to get some punch nothing alcoholic. I learned my lesson the last time.” The girls let out a sigh of relief.

“Alright then, follow me its right over here.” Rainbow said.

“Gladly” I said with a smile.

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