• Published 1st Nov 2012
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The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 106

Chapter 106

I rushed blindly towards Skies. "No, no, no, no!" I said panicking as I came up next to her. "This isn't happening, this can't be happening!" I said distraught.

Erebus was already there his horn alight with magic as he tried to do something, anything. I heard a the sound of glass breaking from somewhere and hooves running along the floor. I didn't look away from Skies though. "Skies, Skies come on. Don't-don't leave me." I pleaded tears in my eyes. I reached out and grabbed her hoof hoping for some reaction, but received nothing. I lowered my head as a few tears began to fall.

The darkness hadn't moved since we had seen what happened. He stood there simply staring. I could tell though. The rage he felt, towards Scaled Heart, towards the princess, towards everything really. I wanted to tell him that it was pointless to feel that way...but I could tell I was starting to feel that way as well.

"Bro...ther." I heard weakly next to me.

I reacted instantly looking back to Skies. She was looking at me dazed, her eyes barely open. "It's me Skies, I'm right here." I told her.

"...It's cold." She said quietly. "I don't like this cold."

"It's okay, I'm going to help you. I'll take away the cold." I told her. I don't know if she heard me. Her eyes had closed again. "Can't you do anything?!" I asked frantically turning to Erebus.

"We do not know any advanced healing spells. The most we can do is keep the wound from worsening." He said his voice stoic, but internally he was panicked.

My mind quickly drifted to those who had just came in. I spun around and faced Celestia. "You know some advanced healing magic don't you!? Can't you do something to help?" I asked.

Celestia stepped forward and activated her magic. Skies was surrounded by a bright golden glow, but it was soon extinguished as it was absorbed into the crystals coming out of her chest. Celestia winced. "I'm sorry, but those crystals block whatever I do. I could dispel them, but then I would lack the magic to heal a wound that large." She said looking away from me.

"So you're saying you can't do anything to help!?" I shouted.

"Shadow you need to try and stay calm, getting angry isn't going to-" Rainbow started.

"WHAT?!" I shouted interrupting her, the mares all flinched back. "It's not going to help?! Is that what you wanted to say?! Well guess what?! My sister is dying, and if I don't find someway to vent then I can tell you that things are going to get much worse, so frankly I do think it will help!" I told her. I turned around looking back to Skies.

"Shadow I...I didn't mean...Maybe if you just tried to think of something, anything. Maybe you might think of something that will help. Maybe just a guess, but whatever it is, it has to be better than this." She said.

I tried to calm down, I tried to take deep breaths and think, but the only thing I could think of was Skies. All I could feel was anger, towards anything and everything that even had the slightest part in this.

"...It's your fault." I heard the darkness say. Everypony turned to look at him. He was glaring at the girls and the princess. "Everything was fine before we met you all. Before we met you those bastards would have been dead the moment they so much as thought about touching Skies, but you...you changed us." He growled out. The shadow's on his back spiked up forming a set of sharp tendrils pointed at them. "If we had never met any of you-" He said trailing off. The girls were staring at him with fear.

"Just stop." I told him quietly. "No more fighting, this is where fighting gets us." I said looking at Skies. "I don't want to fight anymore."

The darkness glared at me, but his tendrils vanished into his body.

"Shadow, maybe-" Celestia started.

"You can't say anything that will help him." Erebus said interrupting her.

Celestia looked over to Erebus. "How can you say that?" She asked with a glare.

"Because his will has already been crushed." Erebus said. I didn't respond. I just stayed sitting next to Skies watching as her breathing got weaker. I felt so helpless, there was nothing I could do. "He is the opposite." Erebus said looking at the darkness. "He has now lost everything, so he has nothing left to lose, his will has been reinforced by his anger."

"...And you?" Rainbow asked.

Erebus paused for a moment. "...We do not know, we still wish to fight, but we cannot think of how." Erebus sighed. "To feel so helpless, unable to do anything, it feels as though we are a foal." Erebus said. His eyes suddenly snapped open. He turned to Celestia. "Take over, keeping the wound from worsening." And in a flash he was gone.

I looked at where he had once been. As he left I felt some will return to me, some hope that he had an idea that would work. Celestia came and stood next to me her horn glowing as she began to keep Skies wound from becoming worse.

"There is still hope Shadow." She said.

I sighed. "There is always hope, but sometimes hope isn't enough." I told her looking at Skies, her breathing had become more ragged, and every so often she would cough up some blood. The only think keeping her alive right now was the magic keeping the wound from opening up the any further.

Rainbow came and sat next to me. "Hey...can we talk?" She asked.

"Sure." I said weakly.

"What exactly are you feeling right now?" She asked.

"Hopelessness, despair, anger, pain, suicidal tendencies." I told her.

She looked at me with a sad expression. "You can't just be giving up just like that." She said.

I simply looked at Skies. "...Have you ever felt so weak? Like nothing you can do will even matter?" I asked.

"Yeah, plenty of times, but I always kept trying. Because that's what my friends needed me to do." She told me.

"And that's why you're the element of loyalty and I'm...I don't even know. I'm guessing that this is a set of elements." I said looking at the gauntlet on my hoof. "I don't even know what set, or even if it is." I said.

"All I can do is sit here and-" I suddenly stopped speaking. Both the darkness and I sudden stared in the same direction. We could feel something from Erebus. It was an emotion, it was the smallest amount of joy. I suddenly stood up, Erebus had found something. Both the darkness and I began to reach out with our magic. Erebus did the same and our magic met halfway. We began to use the connection to pull him back. If a bright flash Erebus was in the room again. His close proximity allowed the darkness and me to get a sense of more than just an emotion. We knew what Erebus had found, and what he was thinking.

"Could it work?" I asked him.

"It certainly seems like it has the potential to." He said. "Though, it will surely be a painful process."

"Do you really think we would care about that?" The darkness asked. His tone a bit lighter than usual.

"It's all we have to go on now, we have to try." I said.

Erebus nodded. He turned to face Celestia. "Whatever happens, promise that you will heal her, before starting on any of us." Erebus said.

"Why? What are you three planning?" Celestia asked.

"We are planning on using our last and only option." Erebus said. The three of us walked into a line side by side looking at Skies. The circlet on Erebus' head began to glow, my gauntlet followed soon after, and the coin inside the darkness came forward from his chest and glowed brightly as well. "There is one other thing" Erebus said. "Please understand what we have gone through, and understand that what we had to do was a necessity...please do not banish us when you find out." He said.

"What do you mean, what did you-" Celestia started.

She was cut off as the three gems began to glow brighter. 'Don't worry Skies, I'm sure we'll see each other again.' I thought. Then the pain started and the three of us began to scream.

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