• Published 1st Nov 2012
  • 4,172 Views, 1,525 Comments

The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 54

Chapter 54

I was standing out in the garden right before sunrise, looking over all the party preparations for the wedding. The ceremony was going to take place at noon when the sun was at its peak in the sky. The ceremony itself wouldn’t take long and the reception was going to start maybe two or three hours afterwards. Pinkie had really outdone herself, there were streamers, balloons, some party games here and there. I don’t know how she got half this stuff here, but then again this was Pinkie we were talking about, I think she probably has some sort of pocket dimension in her mane and tail.

I sighed as I looked around, everything was looking perfect… Then there was me. I could feel the darkness inside of me. Based on how much work he was doing I could tell he was planning something. He probably wanted to ruin the wedding somehow. I was considering telling Flare that I shouldn’t be the one doing this and taking a rain check, but things were already rushed as is, I don’t think I could put that pressure on them. I sighed again.

“Well, well what’s got you down Mere?” I heard behind me.

I rolled my eyes and turned around. “Personal matter Dissy.”

“What did you say?” He asked.

“What can’t take what you dish out?” I asked him smirking.

I heard him chuckle. “Oh I’m glad I met you, you understand me so much better than any other pony.”

“Probably because most ponies can’t understand chaos, they’re used to order and set things. Chaos is a foreign concept to them.” I told him.

“Well what about you then? Does that mean it isn’t such a foreign concept to you?” Discord asked.

“Basically, when you’ve felt and seen the amount of fears I have it’s hard to not be familiar with something. I can guarantee that for every single thing that exists, and even some that don’t, there is somepony out there that’s scared of it.” I answered.

“True enough, but now why don’t you just tell me what’s wrong. You’re obviously thinking about something and you don’t like it, so what is it?” Discord asked.

“Alright, alright I’ll tell you. I’m just worried that the darkness might try to take control at the wedding and try to ruin it.” I told him.

“Oh no no no, that won’t do at all. If you cause chaos at the wedding I might lose my job.” Discord said chuckling.

“This isn’t the time for joking.” I said.

“Fine, fine.” He said dismissively. “Hmm, I wonder.”

“What?” I asked.

“Well, I think that there just might be something I can do to help.” He said. I raised an eyebrow in question. “Don’t give me that look, at least hear me out first.”

I rolled my eyes. “Fine what’s you idea?” I asked him.

“Well you are familiar with the term discording correct?” He responded.

“Yeah, the girls told me about that, you turned them against each other by reversing their main attribute right?” I answered.

“It’s a bit more complicated than that, but put simply yes.” He told me.

“Well, what does it have to do with anything?” I asked him.

“Simple, when I discord something it doesn’t have to be how a pony acts.” He answered.

“That answers nothing.” I told him.

I heard him sigh. “Fine, I’ll put it simply. I may just be able to discord your magic.”


“I don’t know if it will work, but think about it.” He said. “If I can reverse the attribute of your magic, then you won’t spread fear, and you won’t cause chaos at the wedding, I keep my job. If you do lose control it changes nothing, you’ll still cause chaos but I get to say I had a part in it and still keep my job. It’s a win-win.”

“Except for the ponies at the wedding.” I told him.

“Details, details. What do you say? Worth a shot?”

I started to think. If what he said was true, would it work? Could he even do that? What if it’s all a trick? “Why would you try to help me?” I asked.

Discord sighed. “Hey, I’m trying to help here. If helping you gets me a bit better reputation, then that’s less time I have to spend trapped in this stone block.” He told me.

His logic was sound, if he showed that he could help then I’m sure everypony would be a bit less apprehensive about letting him out. “…Alright. Let’s try it” I told him.

“Excellent. We shall start at once.” He said.

“So how are we supposed to do this?” I asked.

“Hmm.” I heard him pondering for a moment. “I need some sort of contact for this to work, so why don’t you start off by casting a levitation spell around part of my statue, preferably the hand. There’s no need to move any part of me, just surround it.” He said.

“Here goes nothing.” I said as my black aura started to surround the clawed hand. “So what n-” I started.

“Quiet.” Discord said. “It’s hard enough having to try and do this through a stone prison without having to concentrate on something else.

I nodded silently and waited keeping my levitation field around Discord’s claw. Minutes passed with no change. I was preparing to give up when.

“And here we go.” Discord finally said. “If this goes as planned we should be good now.”

I didn’t feel any different so I started to assume it didn’t work, but then I noticed my magic aura that was still around Discord’s claw. It was a light grey, my magic aura was black. I stopped my levitation spell and the grey aura vanished. I looked around and saw a small plant, using my magic I tried to lift it into the air. Once again the grey aura appeared around the plant instead of my normal black. Something was certainly different, if only the color. In my mind I could feel the darkness, he seemed confused, but not really changed. He didn’t feel that different to me.

“So?” Discord questioned.

“Well, you certainly did something. My aura is grey now, I don’t know if that means anything though.” I told him.

“Then, we just have to hope for the best.” Discord responded.

“I guess.” I said turning away. “Thanks for trying though, we’ll see if it did anything.” I told him starting to walk away.

“If it does, tell me the details.” He called back as I left.

I spent the one or two hours before breakfast just walking around the castle. Mostly for the reason that I had no idea where I was. It started as just wanting to find the kitchen, now it’s evolved to just trying to find something I recognize.

“How am I this bad at finding my way around?” I asked myself. My stomach growled. “I bet everypony else is eating breakfast right now.” I sighed, now was not the time to dwell on it. I need to focus on getting out of here. I said turning the corner only to bump directly into something and fall flat on my back. “Ow, what was-? Rainbow!” I said excitedly standing up and hugging her. “Thank Celestia you’re here, I’ve been lost in these corridors for the past two hours.”

“Hey, hey, calm down.” Rainbow said pushing me off and putting me a hoofs length away. “You’ve seriously been lost for the last two hours?”

“Yes, now please save me. I’m starving.” I answered.

Rainbow just rolled her eyes. “You know typically the damsel in distress is a mare.”

“Well that’s just stereotyping.” I responded, getting a laugh from Rainbow.

“Well, come on. I’ll take both of us to the dining room.” Rainbow said, I smiled. “Let’s go.”

“Right behind you.” I said starting to walk leisurely next to Rainbow.

“So what’s new?” She asked me while we were walking.

“Well I had a talk with Di-” I stopped as my head exploded with pain. I fell to the ground pressing my hooves to the side of my head.

“SHADOW?!” Rainbow shouted.

I felt the darkness start to stir. What was this? I’ve never felt this much pain when he tries to take control. I need to get out of here. I need to get Rainbow away. I lifted up my head to tell Rainbow to get away, but as I did so. Just as the pain started it stopped. I tried to move but I couldn’t. I wasn’t in control anymore. I started to prepare myself. ‘Alright he’s in control, no big deal I still can stop the fear.’ Inside my mind I saw Rainbow’s hoof on my shoulder shaking me. My vision started to move and my eyes met Rainbow. I saw the shock in her face and felt the magic leave my body. I reached out with my own senses to stop the fear… but it didn’t stop. ‘Why isn’t it stopping it worked before? Why isn’t it stopping?!’ I started to panic. I felt the magic enter Rainbow’s mind and I felt myself begin to be dragged in. ‘No.’ I thought in defeat covering my eyes so I wouldn’t have to see.

When the pull stopped I uncovered my eyes and prepared myself for the worst.

What I found instead was a bright open meadow covered in fresh flowers, grass, trees. This did not seem like a nightmare. Looking around I saw a spec of Rainbow sitting on the hill, next to it was…

‘…is that me?’

Author's Note:

Three words.


That is all.
~Black Light

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