• Published 1st Nov 2012
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The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 28

Chapter 28

I was walking with the princesses to the down the hall to the main dining area for breakfast. We had spent a short time walking around the garden discussing Discord and what to do with him. We had finally come to a decision and were on our way to tell the girls what we had decided. We entered the dining room and saw the rest of the girls already sitting down. The girls looked up and greeted us.

“Good morning Shadow, are you feeling better?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, you seemed really worried when you woke up this morning.” Rainbow added.

“I’m fine.” I responded. I looked behind me and saw the princesses giving me a nod to go on. “But the princesses and I had a talk in the garden and we came to a decision.”

“Really, and what’s that?” Twilight asked.

“Well…” I started and then I explained.

“YOU WANT US TO DO WHAT?!” Twilight shouted as I finished.

“We kind of want you six to release Discord from his stone imprisonment.” I answered sheepishly.

“Yeah, that’s not happening.” Twilight responded.

“Oh come on Twilight, the princesses and I had a long talk with him and-” I started.

“Wait. You talked to him?” Twilight asked and I gave a nod. “How?!”

I looked to the princesses for an explanation. “My most faithful student. We have been able to talk to Discord ever since his imprisonment. Shadowmere on the other hoof is able to communicate to him because of his telepathic abilities. We understand your worry on the subject, but we believe that Discord deserves a chance. Shadowmere here convinced us of that fact in his defense of Discord.” Princess Celestia said.

Then all the eyes fell to me. “You defended Discord?” Rainbow asked obviously surprised.

“Well… Yes, yes I did.” I answered.

“Why?” Twilight questioned.

I thought for a moment. Why did I defend him? “… I think I did it because nopony has tried to give him a chance, and everypony deserves a chance.” I answered.

“But he’s not a pony!” Twilight said loudly.

“She’s right. He is pure evil. How can you even think of defending him?” Rainbow asked me very accusingly.

I winced. I could take anypony being mad at me, anypony, except for Skies and Rainbow. “He isn’t evil.” I said quietly my head down. “He’s just different…like me.”

What I said obviously affected all of the girls. “Shadow, we didn’t mean it like that.” Twilight said. “And anyways you are different yes, but he’s different from you.”

“Yes he is. He’s different in the way that his magic hasn’t been used to hurt anypony.” I responded my head still towards the ground, and that shut everypony up. I knew I should’ve stopped but I needed to speak my mind. “He has control of his power, unlike me. He has never had his power hurt somepony, unlike me. He has the ability to use his power for good, unlike me.” I said punctuating my sentences forcefully each time I said ‘unlike me’. I looked up and looked at the rest of the girls. “My ‘power’, if you can call it that, has caused so much pain, but you tell me how much pain has Discord’s power caused?” Twilight seemed about to respond but I cut her off. “Before you answer, really think about it. How much pain did he really cause, and how much of it was just ponies freaking out because they didn’t understand what was happening.” I told them.

I stood there with my eyes closed as I finished my rant. I didn’t know how the girls would respond to it. “I’m willing to give him a chance.” The statement snapped me out of my mind. I was surprised that somepony was agreeing with me, but more surprising to me was who had said it. I opened my eyes and saw Fluttershy standing in front of the group, who shared my surprise.

“Fluttershy… thank you.” I said with a small smile forming. She gave me a shy grin and moved next to me. I looked to the rest of the girls. “Please just trust me on this.”

The girls shifted uncomfortably for a second before Rainbow stepped forward. “I’m not going to say that I agree completely, but you are my coltfriend and that means we need to trust each other.” She said giving me a small smile which I returned. Rainbow moved next to me.

The four other girls didn’t seem convinced. They remaining four got into a small huddle and started discussing the idea with each other. The girls eventually turned to me, and Twilight started to speak. “What makes you think he won’t do the things he did last time?”

“I don’t have any reason to believe he won’t.” I answered.

“So why? Why should we let him go?” Twilight asked.

“Because despite what you may think he is close to living his greatest fear every day.” I responded. Getting me stares from all the girls as well as the princesses. “He may be a spirit of chaos but he still has a fear, and I can tell what it is. His greatest fear is being alone. Nopony to share his chaos with, Nopony to laugh with, Nopony to talk to.” I looked to the princesses. “You may not see the importance of it, but if you two didn’t go and talk to him every so often he would’ve probably lost the remaining sanity he has left.” I told them all.

The girls all looked surprised and Twilight looked back to the three other girls, who all gave small nods. She then looked back to me. “Alright, we’ll go along with this.” I smiled. “But if he starts to do anything that even has the possibility of hurting somepony we will not hesitate to seal him again.” Twilight finished.

“That’s all I need, just a chance.” I told her. “So how do we want to do this?” I asked.

“Before we actually release him, we’re going to need to take some precautions just in case. Finding a suitable place, preparing the elements, and other such things.” Celestia answered.

“In the mean time we suggest you all get out and do something fun to pass the time.” Luna told us, to which we all nodded.

The princesses gave us a nod and left the dining room to their quarters.

“So what do we do for fun?” Rainbow asked.

“I don’t know. I should probably go talk to Flare and Cloud so we can get things organized.” I responded.

“Flare and who?” Rainbow questioned.

“And organized for what?” Twilight added on.

“Oh, that’s right I never got the chance to tell any of you.” I said. “You see Flare’s kind of getting married to an old friend named Cloud Swimmer. I’m supposed to be the best stallion at the wedding.” I answered.

“A wedding? Oh, that sounds marvelous. You must let me come with so I can make them an outfit for the wedding.” Rarity said. I was going to say no but she just kept staring at me.

“Okay.” I finally said giving in.

“If you need help organizing it, I’m sure I can help.” Twilight told me. “I mean we have done this before.”

I raised an eyebrow. “You all have planned a wedding before?” I questioned.

“Yes, my big brother’s in fact, the Royal Canterlot Wedding.” Twilight answered.

“Wasn’t that the one that got invaded by changelings?” I asked.

“…yes” Twilight answered.

“Was that part of the plan?” I asked her.


“Good let’s keep that out of this plan too.” I said playfully.

“So you’ll let us?” Twilight asked with a large smile.

“The better question is, would you girls even let me say no?” I responded.

“Good point.” Twilight said.

“Well I need to go talk to him. I guess you all should come too.” I said walking towards the door. “By the way, if this all goes south, I am not taking any blame for this. Now let’s go.” I said as I started out the door, but a large growl from my stomach stopped me. “After I get some food.” I said turning back around and walking towards the table. The girls all shared a laugh as I sat down and started into my breakfast. I heard a yawn behind me and I turned and saw Skies walking in the dining room with a mess of a mane. I gave a short laugh and she came and sat next to me eating her breakfast quietly.

When we were done we all walked over to Flare’s home. I walked up to the door and knocked on it. I heard some hoofsteps move inside and I waited. Flare soon opened the door.

“Oh, hey Shadow. What’s up?” He asked when he saw it was me at the door.

“Well, I was just coming by to get things planned out for the wedding, and it would seem that in the process I also somehow brought along a group of wedding planners to help out.” I said as I indicated to the mares behind me.

“Wait, you six know how to plan a wedding?” Flare questioned.

“Yes, we planned my big brother’s wedding. Why is it so hard for everypony to believe that we’ve planned a wedding before?” Twilight said slightly annoyed.

“You just don’t seem the type.” I answered. “So come on, you all should meet Cloud.” I said as I walked inside. As I did so a thought occurred to me. ‘The mares behind me our pretty famous. How will Cloud react to meeting them?’ I thought to myself. ‘Oh well, let’s find out.’

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