• Published 1st Nov 2012
  • 4,172 Views, 1,525 Comments

The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 87

Chapter 87

"I want to know now." I said pacing in the dinning room.

"You said she could have all the time in the world to tell you." Twilight responded. "It's only been fifteen minutes. Have some patience."

"Twilight there is some big important secret that I could know, so I want to know. You can't say you aren't curious." I told her.

"Of course I'm curious, but I have the decorum not to freak out about it like you apparently." Twilight said.

"Seriously Shadow chill. Put a little faith in the princesses." Rainbow said floating next to me.

"You misunderstand, it's not that I don't trust the princesses, not in the slightest. I just like knowing secrets, I mean seriously my past seventeen years of life have basically just been learning secrets." I responded.

"You don't need to know every secret." Twilight told me.

"But I want to." I countered.

Twilight sighed and returned to her food.

"Shadow calm down. The princesses trust you. I'm sure that they'll decide to let you know whatever the big important secret is, you just have to be patient enough to wait it out." Rainbow said to me.

"Patience isn't really my thing." I told her.

She just looked at me a questioning look on her face. "Shadow, I've seen you sit and stare at a tree for an hour just to make sure a squirrel wasn't going to drop another acorn on you head."

"That was different. This is a big secret, that was the well being of my head." I responded.

"Brother you need to calm down. I'm sure it will all work out in the end if you just wait." Skies told me.

"Says the filly that snuck away to try and investigate and find out the secret ten minutes ago." I said, making Skies look away with a guilty look. "Don't think I didn't notice."

"She snuck away?" Twilight asked. "I never even noticed that she was missing."

"She's very good at sneaking, she's had to deal with me watching her for years. I don't miss much, and she's sometimes able to evade my notice. To normal ponies she can basically vanish on a whim if they're not completely focused." I told her. I turned back to Skies. "Now we're going to have to discuss your punishment for sneaking away."

"But brother!" Skies complained.

"None of that, now grounded one week when we get back." I said causing Skies to mope. I leaned down next to her and whispered out of everypony else's hearing. "Did you learn anything?"

"Only where the secret is being held." Skies whispered back.


"Locked supply room, second floor, far side of the west wing."

"Alright your off the hook, no grounding." I whispered before standing back up. "And don't you try to do that again." I said at full volume again. I sighed. "Now I'm thirsty because of all that lecturing. I'm going to go get some water." I said turning towards the door.

The door was suddenly encased in a violet aura and shut. I turned around and saw Twilight looking at me with disapproval.

"Twilight what are you-"

"Neither of you are very good at whispering." Twilight said interrupting me.

"...Well this is awkward." I said rubbing the back of my head.

"Yes it is. Now I'm going to tell the princess she needs to change the hiding spot of whatever the secret is while you stay here." Twilight said standing up.

"Before you do that I have one thing to say." I said.

"And that is?" Twilight questioned.

"...Teleportation." In a flash I was on the other side of the door. "Now all that's left is to-"

The doors to the dinning room suddenly blew open revealing a very angry looking Twilight, who I'm fairly certain had some flames coming off of her.

"-RUN FOR MY LIFE!" I shouted taking off down the hallway.

I wasn't even watching where I was going I was too busy trying to dodge blasts of magic from Twilight. I'm fairly certain that a stray blast had hit some suits of armor, it was hard to say because the armor seemed to be disintegrating into nothing. I soon began to try and evade her by teleporting, but she always managed to track me and teleport right after me.

I decided to try a different tactic. I charged a teleport and rounded a corner releasing the spell as soon as I did. When I arrived at my exit I immediately charged another and teleported right back. Hopefully the magic from the teleports would mask my current location. I arrived back at the corner and Twilight was nowhere to be seen.

'did it work?'

"SHADOW!!" I heard Twilight yell from some random point in the castle.

I smiled. 'apparently it did work.' I turned and began walking down the hallway. The thought then occurred to me.

"How am I going to find the storage room if I get lost when I think I know where I'm going, if I'm completely lost already?"

I sighed and rubbed my head. "Well this is great." I said as I rounded a corner and saw a guard standing there. I walked up to him. "Okay, I know that the guards have got the whole lottery thing to find out where I get lost at. I'm lost now so could you tell me where I am?" I asked

The guard chuckled slightly, a rare sight. "Certainly. Would never of expected you to find you way all the way out here though. Your at the far side of the west wing, second floor." The guard said.

'Couldn't be.'

"Really all the way on the west wing?" I asked feigning disbelief. "Well, it's certainly far away from what I was trying to aim for, but why are you out here. This place seems deserted.

The guard just rolled his eyes "The princesses want every part of the castle guarded even if nothing ever happens. Even a simple storage closet like this gets a guard." He said calmly. I could see beyond his façade though, he was tense in his answer hiding the truth.



"Well, I don't want to inconvenience you anymore. Could you point me in the direction of the main hall. Hopefully I can get back on track." I said.

"Of course, just take the first right and follow the hall straight down and you'll reach it in no time." The guard told me.

"Thank you." I said as I walked off. As I was walking down the hall I began counting my hoofsteps. As I rounded the corner I began to put the calculations together. I charged a teleport when I thought I was out of the guards range of perception and hoped that my math was right and that nothing large was blocking the door. My magic released and I opened my eyes. Directly behind me was a wooden door and in front of me was a room with a single object in it. A mirror.

'You do realize the princesses are going to be pretty pissed at you for this?'

'Learning big secret don't care, and furthermore why would you at all?'

'Both valid points'

'Glad you agree. Now, let's get to investigating.' I thought with a smile.

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