• Published 1st Nov 2012
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The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 31

Chapter 31

I sat in the dining room waiting for the princesses. I had sent a guard to tell them that I needed to discus something with them. I hadn’t been waiting long but I was still anxious. The door opened and I turned my head quickly. Both the princesses walked in the door. I got up and quickly, trotted over, and gave a quick bow.

“Hello Shadow, our guard said you wanted to see us.” Celestia said.

“Yes, I’ve been thinking about some things and it’s starting to worry me.” I responded.

“Well, what is it you’ve been thinking about?” Luna questioned.

“Well, it started as seeing my own nightmares instead of other ponies. Now I'm actually having good dreams. My power has been changing. I’m worried that I might be losing it altogether.” I answered.

“You are not very fond of your power though. Why would it worry you if you were to lose it?” Celestia asked.

“Because it’s what makes me, me.” I told them. “It’s even what my cutie mark represents. If I lost my power it’s basically like losing who I am. I’m worried that if I lose it I would become nothing.”

“I see.” Celestia said. “You fear that you’re losing yourself.” I nodded. “I can see why that would worry you.”

“It wouldn’t really bother me as much if I knew what was happening, but as it is I’m in the dark.” I said. “I don’t like not knowing what the darkness is planning. He’s normally so straightforward, but if this is his doing, I don’t know what his final goal is.”

“Well let’s try and think it through. His main goal is to take over everything, correct?” Luna asked.

“Right, and he does this by causing fear in ponies.” I answered.

“So how would giving you good dreams get him closer to this goal?” Celestia asked.

I thought for a second. What would he gain? I mean this is so confusing. I was even forced to come to the princesses for help... and if the princesses were suddenly incapacitated the ponies of Equestria would go into a state of chaos and fear... He knew. He knew I would come to the princesses for help. As I thought this I felt it. The pain in my head started quickly. I was so distracted by worry that I hadn’t been paying attention to him, and he used the opportunity to slowly take control without me noticing. My legs fell out from under me as I brought my front hooves up to put over my head. I heard the princesses step closer to me in worry. I tried to bring up my mouth to tell them to get away, but all that came out was a moan. I felt the darkness start to come over me. My vision started to black out, and I felt my mane and tail flare up. I was about to lose control and go after the princesses.

My body stopped trembling. I tried to move my leg to get up, but I had no control. I was just a spectator again. The darkness was in control now. My body started to move, and the darkness let out a chuckle. The laugh echoed around the room in an eerie fashion. I heard the princesses say something but it was distorted for me, but apparently not so for the darkness because he responded.

“I’m sorry, Shadow’s not here right now.”

He looked up suddenly and stared into the princesses’ eyes. I was afraid, what was the darkness going to do to the princesses. I felt the darkness’s senses start to seep into the princesses he was taking over... But he wasn’t. A blazing light appeared in my vision. The darkness screamed in pain. A small circular rock appeared beside the large light. I looked at them and started to recognize them. It was the moon and the sun. I looked towards the princesses again out of the darkness’ vision. Their eyes were glowing with power. I realized what was happening. The princesses were trained against psychic battle, and they were stronger than the darkness. They were attacking him right back. A sudden blast of light from the star brought light through all I could see. When my vision returned I was looking at the floor. I brought my hoof up and rubbed my aching head. I quickly realized that I was in control again. I felt through my own mind and found the darkness. He was weak and almost completely out of strength. I looked back to the princesses and saw their eyes start to return to their normal color. I stood up quickly and backed away. I was scared. I had seen the power the princesses had, but that’s not what I was scared of. I was scared because the darkness had taken control quickly without me even knowing. It could happen again, and the princesses wouldn’t be there to stop him. I turned around quickly and started to run away. I ran through the throne room doors and turned the corner. As I did I saw Rainbow out of the corner of my eye as I ran past. I heard the princesses and her call after me, but I didn’t stop. All I could think about was how the darkness was putting all of my friends in danger. Before I knew I could at least contain him so nopony got hurt, but now I wasn’t so sure I could anymore. I saw an open window and I took the opportunity and jumped out of the window and started to fly off in the direction of the Everfree. I kept flying until I was a good distance away. I turned around and looked back at the castle. I felt my tears, I had started getting used to a normal life, but yet again the darkness had found a way to take it away from me. I flew down next to a tree and used my magic to pry off a large piece of bark. I used my magic to carve a message into the piece.

Dear Everypony,

I’m sorry I have to go, but I’m becoming too dangerous. The darkness is getting stronger and I don’t know how to fight him. This time nopony got hurt, but the princesses won’t be able to be there every time. Please don’t follow me. Most likely it will only get you hurt.

Skies, I’m sorry, but you can’t follow me this time. I want you to stay with the girls. You can handle yourself now.

I’m sorry, but I have to say goodbye,


I looked back towards the castle as I set the piece of bark in the ground. I saw the Rainbow blur come out of the window and I turned and started into the forest with tears in my eyes. I was rushing through the forest keeping as close to the shadows as I could. I was running quickly and turned I noticed the clearing a moment too late and tried to get out of the light before I was spotted, but I was too late. I was tackled to the ground. After a few rolls I came to a stop and looked up at who had tackled me. I saw two eyes that were blurred by tears.

“I take it you saw the sign.” I said averting my eyes.

“Yeah, I saw it, and I know you saw me chasing after you. So why didn't you stop?" Rainbow asked through her tears.

I scooted out from under her and stood up. “I just hoped I would be able to get away without hurting you anymore than I already have." I answered. "I tried to get away without you seeing me, but I knew that you would catch me.” I said to her.

“If you knew I would, then tell me why. Why are you leaving?” Rainbow asked.

“Because I’m becoming the monster that I’ve tried to keep chained inside.” I answered.

Rainbow brought back a hoof to hit me, but she slowed before she hit and her hoof simple touched me chest. She lowered her head and I could see her tears. I moved forward and brought her into an embrace. “I told you you’re not a monster.”

“Not yet.” I said. I came out of the embrace and looked Rainbow in her eyes. “Rainbow, I’m losing the battle. The darkness is starting to become more powerful than I can control. I have to leave. If I don’t I’m just going to put you and the girls in danger.

“You don’t have to go. You can come back to Canterlot. We can help you.” Rainbow said.

“I don’t think anypony can help me right now.” I told her. “I have to leave Rainbow, at least until I feel confident that I have control of my power.”

“You think I’m just going to let you leave.” Rainbow said to me.

“You don’t really have the option to stop me.” I told her leaning in close and kissing her. I started to charge up my horn and teleported away. I found myself back at the sign I had made. I turned and started off into the even denser forest than I had just come out of. I turned around and said good-bye one last time before I started into the trees.

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