• Published 1st Nov 2012
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The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 53

Chapter 53

I was standing in the kitchen with my mother. We hadn’t seen each other since the incident at the restaurant, so it was slightly awkward waiting in there. I could still feel some fear coming from my mother, but it had lessened since the last time I saw her.

“Could you pass me the whisk dear?” She asked me and I levitated the whisk over to her, she took it in her magic and started to mix the batter that was in the bowl. “So you still don’t quite have the talent for cooking?” She asked.

“Well, I’m perfectly fine when cooking over a campfire, but in an actually kitchen things can sometimes get… erratic.” I answered.

“Yes, I remember the first time you tried to make hay fries.” She said chuckling.

“Okay, that one wasn’t my fault, Flare mistook the lighter fluid for vegetable oil.” I told her.

“What about when you tried to make homemade bread for the first time?” She countered.

“Okay, I’ll admit, that one was my fault. I did not know the yeast expanded that much.” I said turning away.

My mom just laughed. “Strangely enough though, you somehow have no problem making pancakes. Quite the opposite in fact, they’re the best pancakes I’ve ever had.”

I picked my chin up. “I’m quite proud of my pancakes, thank you very much.” And it’s true I was. Mostly because it was one of the only things that I could make in an actual kitchen without everything catching on fire.

My mom chuckled again. “How did you survive on your own on just pancakes?”

“I don’t survive on just pancakes. I’m a perfect cook as long as it’s over a campfire and not one of these monstrosities you call an oven.” I told her.

She smiled at me. “Yes well from what I’ve heard you aren’t going to be cooking much over a campfire since you finally found a real home to stay in.” She told me.

“Hey, I made sure to think ahead on that point, and I had a campfire pit put into the backyard.” I told her. “I don’t need to cook with an oven a long as I have that.”

“I’m not sure that’s exactly legal, it seems like a fire hazard for obvious reasons.” She said with a smile walking over and putting the brownie pan in the oven.

“So what if it is. What can they do to me? I’m personal friends with the princess, and I’m also pretty sure that having me cook in an actual kitchen is an even bigger fire hazard.” I responded.

“Probably, but try explaining that to somepony else. I don’t think they’ll believe you’re that bad.”

“Then I’ll just have to prove it to them, as long as I can do it somewhere that isn’t my home.”

My mother turned the oven on and took a timer from on top it. She turned the dial and put it into her saddle bags. “Shadow would you care to walk with me.” She said a slight bit more serious.

“Sure.” I told said following her out of the kitchen and towards the garden. As we entered I could see Pinkie practically flying around the garden setting up tables and streamers and a whole load of other party supplies. I continued to follow my mother going to a more secluded part of the garden, the memorial section. Great, I’ll have to deal with him again.

My mother finally stopped and turned to face me. “Shadow… I’m sure you know that I’m still scared of you.” I nodded to her. “I don’t want to be, but I can’t help it. Mostly because I don’t understand it. Could you just explain to me exactly what it is that you power is and how you got it?”

“Of course.” I told her. “From what you’ve heard you already understand my power has to do with fear right?” She nodded. “Well it’s not only fear. I’m able to sense and feel all the dark emotions of others. Fear, Hate, Evil, Jealousy. I can feel them all.” My mother listen intently. “Of course that’s just the first part, because of this, there’s also another part of me. I just call him the darkness, but he’s made his goal in life to spread hate and fear throughout the world. That day at the school-” I started shaking slightly from the memory, my mother also showed a slight bit of worry. “That day was the first day he came out, any time I’m like that whenever a pony looks me in the eye, he uses it as a window into their soul and makes them live their greatest fear. Before I had gotten used to him and was able to fight against him, but he still was able to slip through many times. That’s mostly the reason that I’ve been on the run for so long. Recently though I’ve found a better way to fight him. I’ve learned that even if he takes control I can still control the fear and keep him from corrupting ponies. Because of this he hasn’t come out recently, he doesn’t want to waste unnecessary energy. I can feel it though, he’s been using his time to try and find a way to counter me and continue to spread fear.” I finished explaining. “Is that what you wanted to hear?”

My mother nodded slightly. “Yes, it does help to know the full details. Thank you for telling me.” She said stepping forward and giving me a hug that I gratefully returned.

“Ah, what a lovely reunion. I’d shed a tear if I could.” I heard a voice say.

I could feel my eye twitching as I ended the hug and turned around to face the large statue that was behind me. “You just had to ruin the moment didn’t you?” I asked him.

“It’s what I do best.” Was my response.

“Shadow? Who are you talking to?” My mother asked.

“Oh forgive me for not introducing you. Mom this is Discord, Discord this is my mother, Velvet Stitch.” I said to the two of them.

“A pleasure to meet you madam.” Discord said.

I looked to my mom waiting for her response.

“Um, Shadow that’s a statue. Are you feeling okay?” My mom asked me.

I blinked a few time. “Oh, right. You can’t hear him. Uh, how do I explain this?” I asked myself aloud. “Alright first things first, clarification. I am not actually insane, this is actually Discord who’s trapped in stone. I can hear him because of my power being slightly telepathic, the princesses can clarify this further, and as a reminder he is actually real and I’m not just hearing voices in my head.” I told my mother.

“Smooth.” I heard Discord say.

“Oh, shut up.” I said turning my head to the statue. A sudden ringing noise took my attention and I looked towards my mother who was pulling the timer out of her bag. “Ah, saved by the bell. Let’s leave quickly and take care of the brownies before I really do go insane from listening to him.” I said walking back towards the gardens exit.

“The garden’s exit is the other way.” Both my mother and Discord said simultaneously.

“I knew that.” I said turning around and walking the other way. My mother following behind shaking her head with a small smile.

The trip back to the kitchen was relatively short, but as we approached I could smell the chocolate deliciousness that was my mother’s brownies, and apparently I wasn’t the only one because Flare was standing at the kitchen’s door looking quite excited. Upon hearing our hoofsteps he turned around.

“Oh, Miss Stitch I didn’t realize you were here as well. It’s nice to see you again.” He said noticing my mother.

“It’s good to see you too Flare, and do you really think that Shadow would be able to make brownies all on his own?” She asked. I would feel insulted, but even I had to admit, me making successful brownies was a bit of an impossibility. “So I hear that you’re getting married tomorrow, congratulations.”

“Oh, thanks but how did you-” Flare started to ask when my mother levitated out a pink letter.

Flare and I looked at each other. “Pinkie.” We said at the same time.

“She gave me one when she came to get me to help Shadow try and make brownies. How she found me though I don’t know. I was sitting at a restaurant when she came walking by wearing a fake moustache and carrying my check with the invitation on it as well.

“Just accept it as Pinkie being Pinkie. We will never understand her.” I told her.

“That’s right.” I heard a bubbly voice say from behind the kitchen door. I opened the door and found Pinkie standing on the other side. “Hey Pinks, came to get a taste of my mom’s brownies.”

“Yep, I would never miss a chance to try a new sweet. They sure smell delicious.” Pinkie said lifting her nose to the air and seeming to hover off the ground slightly.

“What but how? I locked that door before we left.” My mother asked very confused.

“Like I said, we will never understand her.” I said with a smile.

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