• Published 1st Nov 2012
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The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 36

Chapter 36

I was walking back into town with Starry Night following behind me. I could tell she was trying as hard as she could to keep as many fears as she could out. Many of the ponies in town were staring at us. They were used to me walking through town, but they had never seen her before. I was approaching Twilight’s home and I turned around to face her.

“Okay now listen. We’re going to meet some of my friends. They already know what our power does so you don’t have to worry about letting it slip, but every other pony in this town is unaware.” I told her and she nodded to show she understood. I gave a small sigh and opened the door. The first thing I noticed was that the entire house was pitch black. “Oh no”

“SURPRISE!!!” I barley heard through the sound of a cannon firing off in my face. I soon found myself lying on the ground a few feet away from the door. Skies was next to me laughing while Starry Night was frozen in surprise near the door.

“PINKIE!” I shouted standing up dizzily. “What did I tell you?”

“Brush my teeth twice a day.” I heard from atop my back.

I turned my head and found the pink mare sitting on my back wearing Applejack’s hat. I rolled my eyes… at least I think I did it’s still a bit fuzzy. “The other thing.” I told her.

“That firing cannons point blank can be very dangerous.” She said jumping off my back.

“Yes that one.” I said rubbing my head and ears.

Pinkie just smiled and bounded away towards Starry Night. “Hi I’m Pinkie Pie. Who are you?” She asked cheerfully. Starry Night didn’t respond she was still frozen. “Hello” Pinkie said waving a hoof in front of Starry Night’s face.

I walked over to where they were standing and put my hoof on Starry Night’s shoulder. She shook off her shock and looked at me. “I think we should go inside.” I said to both her and Pinkie. They both nodded and walked into Twilight’s house. Skies followed behind me shutting the door as we went through. I ignored every attempt of the girls to talk to me and instead went over to the couch and laid down letting my mind start to piece itself together again.

“Pinkie, I think you broke him.” Rainbow said to the mare walking over and sitting down next to me.

“Nothing a Pinkie grade cupcake can’t fix.” She said as I suddenly found my mouth opened and a cupcake was put in my mouth. The pink mare started to help me chew.

I scooted away from her quickly and swallowed the cupcake, which was quite delicious by the way. “I’m up, I’m up! Cupcake’s all gone, see.” I said opening my mouth. Many of the mares shared a laugh at my expense. I shut my mouth and gave a small grimace. Today was not going my way.

“What-what’s going on?” I heard Starry Night ask.

“Insane ponies.” I answered. “That’s what’s going on.”

“Are you saying we're insane?” Pinkie asked me accusingly.

“Are you denying it?” I countered.

“You win this round.” Pinkie said with a slight glare that vanished soon into a large smile as she bounced around the room.

“I suppose that it’s time for introductions.” I said walking in the middle of everypony. “Girls, this is Starry Night. Starry Night, these are the girls.” I said indicating to the group before walking away and laying back down on the couch.

“I think we warrant more than just being called ‘the girls’.” Twilight said to me.

“Well don’t look at me. I’ve had a rough day already.” I told her putting my head into the couch and pillows to block out as much noise as possible. I heard muffled voices though so I assumed the girls were introducing themselves a bit more than I did. I felt a hoof poke my side and I lifted up my head from the couch and saw my sister standing next to me with the rest of the group behind her looking at me. “What now?” I asked.

“Well I guess we’re just trying to figure out what to do next.” Skies told me. “We wanted you input.”

“Alright I’ve got a great suggestion.” I told them. “Let. Me. Rest.” And with that I put my head back into the couch. A purple aura surrounded me and I started to cling to the couch as best I could, but considering my opponent I didn’t have that much of a chance. I soon found myself floating above the couch and facing the group. “Come on, let my rest.” I pleaded. The girls shook their heads and I sighed. “Fine you leave me no choice.” The girls looked at me confused. “If I am not released posthaste I will disclose all of your greatest secrets and/or fears.” I told them.

Many of the girls were very surprised. “Are- are you blackmailing us?” Twilight asked.

“Blackmail is such a mean word. I prefer just saying I’m using my knowledge to its full advantage.” I said with a playful smile.

After I had made my threat, that I had no intention of actually following through on. I was soon returned back to the couch. However, while my journey away from the couch was quiet, my return trip wasn’t quite as smooth. I was now laying back on the couch, but my head was now embedded between the cushions. After a bout of struggling I successfully removed my head.

“…Well, I did ask to be put back on the couch. I really should’ve been more specific about condition.” I said with a little amusement.

The girls all shared a small laugh at my expense, but I did join in this time so I guess it’s okay.

“Now will you please just give us a suggestion about what to do.” Twilight said to me.

I gave a small sigh. “Alright, Starry Night’s power emerged not too long ago, so chances are she’s going to lose control a lot more often than me. It took me years to learn how to hold back the darkness, but I think that if I started to teach her it would take a much shorter time. I think that for now it would be best if she stayed in Ponyville with us until I’ve taught her how to control her ability more, and then once she learns what happens next is up to her.” I told them all.

“See was that so hard?” Twilight asked me smugly.

“Yes, now can I rest?” I responded.

“No, we still need to figure out a lot of other-” Twilight started but was interrupted when she saw me close my eyes and begin to rub my head.

“Now’s not the best time.” I said to them. “Twilight I think I need to be on the outskirts. Probably need to bring Skies and Starry Night too.”

Twilight nodded and quickly began to charge up her spell. In a flash the three of us were soon standing outside Ponyville. It was then I stopped rubbing my head and began to walk home.

“Brother what are you doing?” Skies asked. “You need to-” but she stopped herself. “You just made up losing control so you could avoid more conversation didn’t you?”

“What? I would never do that.” I replied sarcastically.

“You’re hopeless.” Skies said shaking her head.

“Maybe I am, Maybe I’m not. As long as I get me sleep I’m perfectly okay with either.” I replied with a yawn.

“You know I’m sure Twilight probably expected you to try and run away.” Skies said to me.

“Yes, but do you think that she would expect me to fake losing control and using her magic to send me away?” I asked her with a proud smile.

“I don’t really know. Twilight’s pretty smart. I’m almost positive she probably set up something to catch you if you decided to run away, and I’m pretty sure she thought of all ways you might try to and tried to find out which way was most likely.” Skies answered me.

I rolled my eyes and chuckle. “I don’t really think that’s much of a problem.” I responded. I let out another yawn and looked over at Starry Night who had remained quiet the entire time Skies and I talked. However I was not prepared for what I saw. Where I expected a black alicorn mare to be there was instead a purple unicorn mare giving me a very annoyed expression. I turned back to Skies. If I pretend she’s not there maybe she’ll go away.

“You know I tried to warn you about this.” Skies said to me. “You might’ve had time to run if you had listened.”

“Yes, but you know I’m an idiot. Why didn’t you just tell me plain out?” I whispered to my sister.

“Because then I wouldn’t be a very good secret agent.” Was her answer.

I was confused for a moment before it hit me. Skies knew me better than anypony. She knew what I would do. My own sister betrayed me to Twilight. Soon my body began to glow a light purple and I felt the teleportation spell charge up. With a final breath I began to yell. “NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”

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