• Published 1st Nov 2012
  • 4,172 Views, 1,525 Comments

The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 48

Chapter 48

I woke up the next morning early and started taking some supplies out of my bags. I made a small fire and using the food supplies I had I started making breakfast for everypony. I needed to do something to get my mind off of what had happened yesterday. What I was making may not have been fancy, but because of how long I had been doing this, even with limited supplies, it was still nutritious and filling. After I had finished I ate a little of the food leaving most of it for the girls. When I finished eating I got up and went to sit over by the edge of the clearing. I just needed some time to think.

Soon enough, the girls started to get up one by one, with Skies being the first to wake up. She went and started to eat, leaving me by the edge of the forest. She knew I didn’t want to be disturbed. The rest of the girls were a bit more hesitant about just letting me sit there, despite Skies reassurances. However, once Rainbow got up she had no hesitation. As soon as she had finished eating she came over and sat down next to me.

“Hey, you all right?” She asked me.

“I don’t even know anymore.” I answered. “Prowler was possibly the one friend I ever had before I found my way to Ponyville.” I told her. “And what’s worse is that I can’t help but feel that it’s my fault.”

“Shadow it’s not your fault.” Rainbow told me.

“And why isn’t it?” I asked. “It was my idea to go after the Shadow Servers, It was my idea to ask for his help, and it was me who left him behind in that circle.”

Rainbow leaned against me. “You can’t keep thinking like that. Not everything has to fall onto your shoulders. You can let others bear some of the weight too.” She told me.

“I know I can, but there are some things that I don’t want others to bear, loss being one of them.” I responded.

“Shadow we’ve all had to deal with some loss before, and we’re able to make it through because we have friends to help support us.” Rainbow said to me.

“I know, I’m not really used to that yet. Normally it’s just Skies and me, so I’ve normally been the one who carries all the weight. I’m not used to letting others help me quite yet.” I told her.

“Well then you better get used to it pretty quick, because none of us are going to let you carry all of the weight yourself.” Rainbow said gesturing to all the rest of the girls behind us.

I smiled. “Alright.” I said. “…but, there is one last thing I need to do.”

“What’s that?” Rainbow asked.

“Be the bearer of bad news.” I said lowing my head slightly. “Hey Twilight, any idea what the nearest town is?” I asked behind me.

Twilight slightly surprised by my question took a moment. “Well considering the direction we went to get here. We should be close to Manehattan.”

I sighed. “Of course that would be the closest town.” I said putting one hoof to my head.

“Well now what’s wrong with Manehattan?” Applejack asked. “My Aunt and Uncle Orange live there and it ain’t so bad.”

“Maybe for you, but considering that it was the last town I was run out of just months ago I think it seemed a little bit less entertaining for me.” I told her.

“Oh, I’m sorry for bringing it up.” She responded.

“Not your fault.” I reassured her. “As much as I want to avoid it, I have to go there.”

“Why’s that?” Twilight asked.

“Because a train would be the fastest way to get to Fillydelphia.” I answered.

“Fillydelphia? Why Fillydelphia?” Twilight asked.

“Because that’s the town where Prowler grew up, and where his parents still live.” I told them, suddenly when I said ‘bearer of bad news’ made a lot more sense to them.

“You’re going to tell them what happened?” Rainbow asked.

“Well if I don’t who will?” I responded. “And no-” I said stopping Twilight from speaking. “I will not let any of you, or any of the guards or authorities do this. He was my friend and I should be the one to tell them.”

“…Alright, but we’re going to come with you.” Twilight said.

“That may be required anyway.” I told them.

“What do you mean?” Rainbow asked.

“Let’s just say that the ponies there might not be to enthusiastic about me coming back, and having a good word put in from the Elements of Harmony might help a little.” I answered.

“Oh, that’s probably true.” Twilight said.

I nodded then let out a small whistle. A few moments later a timberwolf came out from the forest and stood next to me. I gave a small nod to him and he started off into the forest again with the rest of us following behind. The walk was short but it seemed to take forever to reach the edge of the forest. I kept thinking about what would happen when I got to Manehattan. How would they react? Would they still be afraid? Would they try to attack me? Would they hurt Skies? The more I thought the more scared I got that I wasn’t doing the right thing. The young timberwolf stopped as we reached the edge of the forest. A little ways away I could see the entrance to Manehattan down the trail. I took a few deep breaths to calm my nerves and then I stepped out onto the road and turned towards the town of Manehattan.

However, as I stepped from the bushes I heard a loud gasp and I saw a young mare walking on the trail with a basket full of berries. I also knew that I had remembered seeing her the night I had been run out of town, and it was apparent she remembered me. She dropped the basket she was carrying and ran back towards the town. ‘Great, now they know I’m coming.’ I thought to myself.

I slowly started walking towards the town using my power to feel the fears inside. I could feel the gathering of ponies near the entrance as well as the fears that surrounded them, the fears of me. I continued walking towards the large gate that signified the entrance to the town. I sighed as I got closer and saw the mass of ponies surrounding the gate. Forming a semicircular wall to keep me out. I walked through the gate and stopped in front of the ponies.

“What are you doing back here, you monster?” I heard one of the stallions say.

“Trying to leave as quickly as possible.” I answered him with a monotone voice.

“Then turn around and walk away. It’s that simple.” The stallion told me.

“But it’s not, I need to leave on a train.” I responded.

“Yeah, like we’re going to let that happen.” I heard from somewhere else in the crowd. I could tell from their fears that they had a combination of anger and fear. They wanted to hurt me, just plain out beat me to a pulp, but they were too scared to do so. I could tell that they were too far absorbed into their fear. I wasn’t going to be able to change their minds… but I know some ponies that aren’t me.

“Fine, I’m just going to stop this conversation that’s not going to go anywhere and just get straight to my trump card.” I told them. “Elements of Harmony.” I said gesturing behind me as the girls that had been following behind me finally came to the attention of the crowd. I could feel their gasps of surprise.

“Applejack dear, what are you doing with this monstrosity?” I heard a stallion say from the crowd.

“I’m going to guess that is your Uncle Orange you were talking about.” I said turning my head to Applejack.

“That’s right, but don’t you worry. I’ll talk some sense into ‘em” Applejack told me as she walked past me. “Alright, now I want all yall ta simmer down and listen for a moment!” She shouted above the crowd quieting them down. I could hear the whispers spreading through the crowd about how the Elements of Harmony were with me. “I know that yall had a rough time last time Shadow here came around, but I can tell you it’s not his fault. He’s had a rough time himself and he’s sorry for the trouble he’s caused. So please, just let us through. All we want is to get to a train station so we can leave.” Applejack told the ponies.

The ponies began to wonder what to do. They distrusted me with their very souls, but they believed the element of honesty completely. They were very conflicted.

“Applejack, how can you speak of this monster in such a way? Because of him your aunt had to go to the hospital, she still hasn’t completely recovered. Applejack was surprised slightly by now knowing that I had sent her aunt to the hospital. She would’ve argued but Rainbow beat her to it.

“HEY! Don’t call my coltfriend a monster!” She shouted. Once again I heard the gasps echo through the crowd. I reached over and put my hoof around Rainbow’s neck calming her down.

“Listen, I don’t want any more trouble.” I said to the crowd. “I just need to get on a train so I can leave.” The crowd began to whisper around. After a short while the ponies started to back away and made a hole for me to walk through. “Thank you.” I said as I walked past the ponies and started towards the train station.

I bought my ticket from the ticket booth and started to get on the train. “e-excuse me, s-sir.” I heard behind me. I turned and found a young stallion standing behind me. “I- I was told to give this to you.” He said putting a box down in front of him.

I picked up the box with my magic and opened the box. Inside I found a small container of Rocky Road ice-cream. I smiled. “Thank you.” I told the stallion, “And please tell Rocky that I’m grateful.” I told him. He nodded slightly and ran off back into the town. I sighed slightly and boarded the train. I took my seat and looked out the window. This might be a long ride.

Author's Note:

I lacked time to proof-read for spelling and grammar mistakes, so...Dark Reminder I'm counting on you.
~Black Light

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