• Published 1st Nov 2012
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The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 14

Chapter 14

We all sat at the table outside of the restaurant. Spitfire had gotten Soaren and Fleetfoot to come along with us. “So you’re telling me she not only saved you from falling, but she also preformed the Sonic Rainboom at the same time.” I asked. Spitfire nodded her head and Rainbow Dash had cocky ‘I told you so’ grin on her face. “Well I have to say I thought you were lying when you told me, but I guess I should have believed you.”

“That’s right I’m the fastest flyer in all of Equestria and let nopony tell you any different.” Rainbow said.

I took a bite out of my salad before saying. “Don’t worry I don’t think anypony will challenge you.” Then I felt the slight pounding in my head it was weak but it was there. I put a hoof to my head and said. “Oh man I’ve got a massive headache I think I need to leave and get some painkillers.” I said looking at Rainbow who gave me a knowing nod.

“Oh don’t go know we still haven’t had desert. I hear they have great pie here.” Soaren said.

The pounding was getting stronger and stronger. I was able to fight back, but I wouldn’t be able to completely beat it unless I had no distractions. “Sorry but I really have to go. We'll have to catch up later.” I said getting up and starting to walk away, but then the pounding gave me one last powerful hit. I felt my consciousness start to fade. I started to pass out, but before I did I felt the pounding subside. Then I realized the darkness wasn’t trying to take control. It was trying to get me to pass out, but why? Then I hit the ground and fell unconscious.

3rd Person

The black stallion hit the floor. Rainbow Dash flew over quickly asking if he was alright. She tried to wake him up, but nothing was working. She had a look of fear and confusion on her face. The Wonderbolts quickly came over.

“Come on we need to get him to the hospital. Let’s go pick him up and take him to the hospital.” Spitfire said to Fleetfoot and Soaren.

“Wait, we need to take him to Ponyville.” Rainbow said.

“What? Ponyville? Why there? The Cloudsdale hospital is much closer.” Spitfire asked.

“Listen I can’t tell you why, but they won’t be able to do anything for them there we need to get him to Ponyville. That’s the only place he can get help.” Rainbow told them.

“Alright I trust your judgment. Let’s go we need to move quickly.” Spitfire said taking Shadowmere under one of her shoulders. Soaren did the same while Fleetfoot hooked his hooves under Shadowmere’s legs. Then they all took off.
The trip took only a few minutes. When they got to the hospital Spitfire took him inside while Rainbow Dash flew off to find Skies and the rest of her friends. Shadowmere was taken into the hospital and given a bed. They hooked him up to some equipment and started to examine him.

1st Person

The first thing I felt when I started to come to was irritation on my face, probably from when I fell. I reached out my power and found myself in a hospital again. I found they girls outside the door while there were some ponies inside with me, doctors most likely. I started to open my eyes and moved my hoof to block the stream of light. The wires that were attached to my arm came off and the heart monitor flat line. I heard the girls outside gasp, well they probably think I’m dead.... Why not put on a little show? I closed my eyes again and made my legs go limp. I heard the doctors start to freak out while I heard the door splinter as it was kicked open. I heard the girls run in start to call my name. I’m probably going to get hit for this.

“This can’t be happening Rainbow what did you say happened to him?” Twilight asked.

“We were just eating lunch, and then he gave the hint that he was about to lose control. He started to walk away and then he just collapsed.” Rainbow said her voice was cracking.

“There’s gotta be something we can do.” Applejack said.

“I don’t know. He defiantly isn’t a normal stallion. We don’t even know if this is a normal illness or if it’s just him.” Twilight said as she turned off the heart monitor.

“This can’t be happening we were all planning on going to the Gala, and I had made his outfit perfect. He can’t just be gone.” Rarity said.

Skies wasn’t with them. They obviously didn’t want to make her worry. I was thinking about what they were saying. They were true friend, they cared for me, they cared for Skies. I wish I could be a better friend to them it seems all I’ve brought to them is trouble. I was about to end the charade when Rainbow said one last thing.

“I never got to tell him how I really felt about him.”

Now I was truly lost what does she mean by that? Does she mean she loves me, or has she always hated me and just acted friendly because of her friends? She wouldn’t tell me that though, so why would it bother her if she never told me. That’s out of the question, but that only leaves that she loves me. That’s impossible though, all I bring is pain and suffering. Nopony could ever love me.

“What do you mean? If you don’t mind me asking I mean.” Fluttershy asked to Rainbow.

“He was always cool and level headed. He only ever got mad when ponies were hurting his friends. He was always loyal to everypony he met. At first I hated him I thought he was dangerous, but then I started learning more about him and I realized he just wanted to protect us. He didn’t care if we all hated him. He just wanted to keep us friends no matter the cost. He did something I could never do. I started to like him and then I got to know him better and better. I started getting feelings for him and I just couldn’t tell him. Now I never will be able to.” Rainbow said crying.

My mind was a jumbled mess. How could she love me? I’ve never had anypony love me this way. I was sad I didn’t know why I was sad, I just was. Why should I be sad I know the truth? I’m dangerous all I would bring is problems. We could never be together, it would never work. Then, I got an even larger pang of sadness, and I realized why I was sad. I was sad because I knew we couldn’t be together, I was sad because I wanted to be with her but I couldn’t. I was sad because I loved her too. I opened my eye a little and saw the six mares crying quietly. ‘Well once they realize that I’m faking they’re all going to be upset, so I think I should just get it over with.’ I sat up in the bed with my eyes completely open. At first nopony noticed me, but then Twilight decided to look up one last time and saw me sitting up alive and well. She gasped and all her friends turned to see what it was that startled her. Then they all had the same reaction when they saw me.

“Well this has been unbearably awkward, so I think I’ll be leaving now.” I said starting to get out of the bed, but as soon as my hoof touched the ground I fell onto the ground yet again. “It would seem my legs are still asleep, so I think I’ll just lie here for a few minutes.”

“But…but you were dead. Your heart stopped.” Twilight said.

“No, my heart monitor got disconnected and I just decided to go with it.” I said.

“So you heard all of that?” Rainbow asked she had a mix of happiness and anger.

I lowered my head slightly avoiding her gaze. “Yea, I did.” Suddenly I felt a hoof connect with my cheek. I heard the girls gasp as Rainbow retracted her hoof. “I probably deserved that.”

“Yeah, you did.” Rainbow said. Then she knelt down and put her hooves around my neck. “Why would you pretend to do that?” she asked.

“I didn’t realize how you felt. It was only suppose to be a joke.” I said slightly angry at myself for my stupidity.

Rainbow sat there with her legs still around my neck in an embrace. “Just please don’t do anything like that again.”

I looked from Rainbow to the rest of the girls and then I asked the girls. “Okay, now I’m confused is she suppose to be mad at me or glad. Because I’m getting mixed messages here.”

The girls had a little laugh and then Rainbow said. “I’m glad you’re alright.” Then her tone changed to anger. “But if you ever pull a stunt like that again. There is no way I would forgive you.”

“Noted” I responded quickly. I stood up now that my legs were awake again, and I started to walk towards the door. I looked back at Dash and saw that something seemed to be bothering her. “What is it?” I asked.

“Well…” she started. “You heard how I feel about you, so what do you feel about me?”

I tried to think what to say. I knew that I really did have feelings for her, but I also knew I couldn’t let her get close to me. I thought back to the day Red Wing had taken Skies. I knew I had more ponies that were angry at me then just him. I didn’t want to get Rainbow involved in that. “Rainbow-“ I started. “I don’t want to lie to you. I do have feelings for you.” I saw her smile as I said this, and I heard the rest of the girls say ‘aw’ “But-“ Rainbows stopped smiling and looked at me confused. “-I don’t want you to get involved with me.” Rainbow now looked at me sadden. She seemed on the verge of tears. “Don’t misunderstand me. I don’t want you to get near to me because I don’t want you to get hurt. You all remember what happened with Red Wing. He isn’t the only pony who’s angry at me. I’ve already put you all in danger by calling you my friends. If the ponies that were angry at me realize how I feel about you. They wouldn’t hesitate to exploit it.”

Rainbow was holding back her tears and trying to remain collected “I understand there’s just one thing I want to do before we leave here.” Rainbow said.

“Alright then what’s th-“But I was cut off as Rainbow pushed her lips against mine. I tensed up at first, but then I relaxed, I closed my eyes and I pushed back. I felt her lips against mine and I didn’t want it to end. I don’t know why but I instinctively reached up my hoof and wrapped it around Rainbow. I brought her body closer to me. I felt her heart beat against mine. I felt happy doing this; I didn’t feel the fear that surrounded me. Instead all I felt was love. I don’t know how long we stayed like that, but eventually we pulled apart. Rainbow quickly looked away and walked out of the room. The rest of the girls followed her out. They all had different expressions. I knew the next few times we saw each-other it would be awkward especially between Rainbow and me. I slowly got back into the bed and for the first time in years, I cried. I cried out of happiness for finding somepony to love. I cried out of sadness because I knew this would probably be the last time we would share any emotional connection. I cried because I had hope. And I cried because I was suffering. This day has changed everything, but if it’s for better or for worse, I don’t know. Only time will tell. Someday maybe we will be able to be together, but for now we can't.

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