• Published 1st Nov 2012
  • 4,172 Views, 1,525 Comments

The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 13

Chapter 13

I woke up and moved my hoof up to block out the sun that had woken me from my nightmares. Even though I had to suffer nightmares every night I still preferred that to waking up. I finally got out of my bed and went down to the kitchen to eat. After I had eaten I walked out the door and flew to the zone on my schedule for the weather today. As usual I was the only pony there, I had proven myself enough that they trusted me to take on a zone all by myself. When I was done I flew down to Sugar-cube Corner for a cupcake. As I walked in I saw the girls all sitting around a table talking about something, so I went up to the counter and ordered a cupcake before going and sitting down with them.

“Hey Twilight can I borrow Spike so I can send a letter?” I asked

“Well sure. Why?” she asked.

“I was hoping I could send a letter to Celestia asking her to raise the sun a little bit later.” I said with a smile.

Twilight smiled a little before responding. “Well I don’t think that will work.”

“Too bad, so what were you all talking about?” I asked.

“We were talking about going to the Grand Galloping Gala.” Twilight answered.

“Huh? That’s right it is coming up. I had completely forgotten about it.” I said.

“Well we were all going. Why don’t you and Skies come along also.” Twilight said.

“I don’t know if that’s the best idea considering I got sent to jail the last time we were in Canterlot.”

“Oh come on. It’ll be cool. I mean even the Wonderbolts are going to be there, and you know how awesome the Wonderbolts are.” Rainbow Dash said.

I actually knew many of the Wonderbolts personally because I had to constantly move towns, and in many of the towns I went to the Wonderbolts were performing. I’ve been to many of their shows and talked to them alot. However, I didn’t want to tell Rainbow that.

“Of course I know them. I’ve seen their show a couple of times.” I answered.

“Then why do you not want to go?” Rainbow asked.

“That is true I’m sure that the Princess would make sure you don’t get arrested again.” Twilight reassured me.

“I’ve even repaired your tux. It would be a great opportunity to see if it still fits correctly.” Rarity said.

“Well okay, I’ll go, but you know my rule. If the darkness starts to try and escape I’m leaving with Skies immediately.” I said. All the girls smiled at me happily.

“Well then darling, please come with me so we can get your tux fitted correctly.” Rarity said as she walked towards the door.

“Alright.” I said. While I turned my head towards the other five and mouthed ‘Help Me’. The girls suppressed a laugh as I walked out the door. It didn’t take long for us to get to the boutique and refit the suit. When we were done I said good bye to Rarity and started towards the edge of Ponyville. I had nothing left to do today. Skies would finish school them head to the market to help Applebloom and Applejack sell some apples, so I had the rest of the day to myself. I decided I was going to go for a flight on the outskirts of the town since it had been a while since I had tried my luck at trick flying. I reached the edge of town and spread my wings and took off. I flew up higher and higher until I was just below the cloud layer. I started searching for a good cloud testing their durability and flexibility until I came to a good one. I moved the cloud into position and punched a hole in the middle. I then started to spread the cloud outward until it had formed a large ring. I did this a couple of more times until I had formed a small obstacle course. It was one of the courses that I had designed a couple years back. It was one of the older ones, but it was still one of my favorites. I flew back towards the point I had decided to start from and got into a starting position. I looked in the distance and saw a small thunder cloud. I charged a small magical blast and shot it towards the cloud then I waited. Then there was a large thunder clap and I took off flying quickly in-between the rings and around pillars. I passed through one ring then I shut my wings and started falling towards the ring I had placed far below the rest of the course. As I neared the ring I opened my wings again and swooped under it and back up. The rest of the course didn’t take long for me to complete. I was flying back towards the starting position trying to beat my record. I touched the cloud and stopped the timer I had kept track of in my head, forty eight seconds.

“Dang, three seconds from the record” I said out loud.

“Heh, that was pretty fast.” A voice said behind me.

I turned and saw Rainbow Dash flying next to the cloud I was on. “Thanks, I’m a bit rusty though haven’t done much trick flying in a while.”

“Yeah, I can tell. You’re taking a lot of the turns slower than you should.” She responded.

“I know. So what brings you out here I’m sure you didn’t come out here just to see me flying.” I said.

“Yeah I was actually on my way to one of the Wonderbolts show in Cloudsdale.” She responded. “Hey I know why don’t you come along?”

“I don’t know I don’t have a ticket.” I said

“You don’t need one this is a public showing. It was actually just a practice for the Grand Galloping Gala, but they decided to instead let ponies come and watch.”

“Well I’ve got nothing else to do today might as well.” I said. I normally wouldn’t go to see the Wonderbolts show, but I decided to accept this time. It had been a while since I had actually seen one of their shows.

“Great, come on. If you’re too slow I’ll leave you behind.”

“All right lets go” I said taking off.

“Hey, Cloudsdale is in the other direction.” Rainbow yelled after me.

“I knew that.” I said turning back around and flying in the other direction.

The flight to Cloudsdale took around ten minutes, and when we got there the place was swarming with other pegisi trying to see the show. We eventually made it too the stadium and got some pretty good seats. I sat down next to Rainbow while she was going on about how she was the Wonderbolts biggest fan and that one day she would be in them. I had drowned out all the things she said until I heard her say.

“Hey I’ve never seen them set up for their performance like that, but why does it seem familiar?”

I looked up at the skies where the Wonderbolts would be flying. I knew exactly what they were setting up for it was one of the courses I had designed for them years ago. It was also the exact course I had been flying not even an hour before. I looked over towards Rainbow with any luck she wouldn’t make the connection, and if she did hopefully she didn’t ask me about it. I told her I was a fan maybe she will think I saw it at one of there shows. Wait she said she’s never seen it before and she’s been to every show she wouldn’t believe that. Well I can only hope she doesn’t make the connection.

“Oh well, I can’t think of it. Maybe it will come to me later.” She said.

I let out a sigh of relief. My secret seemed safe for now. The show started and the Wonderbolts started to fly around and do a few flips and tricks. Dash was watching them all intently. Then they flew over to the starting position on a cloud. Dash looked and got a deep in thought look on her face. I looked over and saw a pegasus pushing a storm cloud over to the arena. After a few seconds he hit the cloud and the storm cloud went off. The Wonderbolts started to fly through the course taking turns sharply and straight-aways fast. Then they got to the drop, they closed their wings and started to fall. That’s when I saw Dash get a look of realization on her face. I quickly looked towards the arena right as I saw out of the corner of my eye Dash look at me. I acted focused on the show trying to ignore her. The Wonderbolts were falling and I looked towards them. Then Spitfire look up into the audience, and for an instance we locked eyes. This time she got a look of realization on her face. It was only for an instant though because they had reached the bottom ring and started the rest of the course. Okay maybe I can hope she didn't see me, but she looked like she knew me. Okay so she noticed me hopfully not a big deal, but now I need to think of an excuse for Rainbow that she will believe. I used the rest of the time to try and think of a good excuse. Eventually the show finished and I finally turned to face Dash.

“Hey, mind explaining why that course looked exactly like the one you were flying before?” She asked as we were walking out of the stadium.

“Well, they were flying a practice course. Any practice course needs to test the skills of all types of flying. I was flying a practice course before so it wouldn’t be surprising if they were similar.” I said hoping she didn’t relize that they weren’t similar, they were exactly the same.

“I guess that makes sense.” Dash said seemingly satisfied.

I let out a short sigh of refief. It looks like I was in the clear.

“Yo Mere.” I heard a voice call from above me. I recognized the voice, and it meant that my lie was about to be broken.

“Hey Spitfire” I responded weakly looking up at the leader of the Wonderbolts. I saw Rainbows jaw drop as Spitfire flew down to us.

“You know Spitfire?” Rainbow asked looking at me.

“Well… I suppose it’s about time to drop the act. Yes I know Spitfire as well as the rest of the Wonderbolts. We know each other pretty well and the reason that course you saw them flying looked so similar to the one I was flying was because it is the exact same course. I had designed it for them a couple years back. Now I am hungry and I am going to leave before you recover from your shock.” I said starting to walk away before I was stopped by a hoof on my tail. “Dang it I didn’t leave fast enough.” I said looking at Rainbow Dash who seemed to be slightly angry while at the same time happy. She seemed to be looking at me with anticipation, like a young foal waiting to open their presents on their birthday. I looked back at Spitfire. “Would you mind eating with us? I don’t think I’m leaving here without doing something like this for her.” I asked.

“Yeah sure, Dash can be really persuasive when it comes to the Wonderbolts. I’ll get a couple more of the team and we’ll go eat.”

“Alright… wait you called her Dash... You know the Wonderbolts too?” I said turning to Dash who had stepped of my tail. “Well now I feel kinda stupid.”

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