• Published 1st Nov 2012
  • 4,172 Views, 1,525 Comments

The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 82

Chapter 82

The five of us were sitting in the chariot. Twilight was looking over her notes. Rainbow and Skies were asleep. Bright Wall and I were off to the side discussing pancake recipes. I tell you, that stallion knows his pancakes. Of course at some point the conversation shifted to me and my ability. It made sense for Wall to know since if I did have an episode he'd probably be the only pony around that had the training to stop me, without resorting to lethal measures that is. Eventually all of us fell asleep, the guards told us that they would wake us if we were still asleep when we were approaching. I was still in the get up Rarity had made for me, which made sleep take longer to come to me, but I got there eventually.

True to their word the guards managed to wake us before we arrived. They got us up when we were around fifteen minutes away. The five of us made ourselves presentable and prepared to land. Before we did though I decided to give the other three a few guidelines.

"Alright you three listen up. Griffin's have never been known for being all that peaceful, but they do have a sense of honor. Don't insult them, Don't challenge them, and, for the love of Celestia, do not eat any food you don't recognize." I told them Skies and I had been in a few griffin towns before, I knew what some of the things they served were. The three gave me a set of nods and we began our descent.

As we drew closer and closer the Griffin capital became more and more visible, and saying that this town was large didn't do it justice. The central castle wasn't any larger than the one in Canterlot, but the rest of this city made Canterlot seem like nothing more than a small village. It was astounding how vast this place was.

The chariot landed in front of the castle and we exited. The guards pulling the chariot left and the five of us approached the castle gates.

Two griffin guards stood there wielding spears and wore thick golden armor. They stopped us before we entered.

"State your name and business." One said staring at us.

I returned the stare. "I am Shadowmere, I'm here to replace the ambassador that was hospitalized recently. These four are my entourage." I answered the griffin. He seemed satisfied and allowed us to pass through. Rainbow approached me after we walked in the gate.

"Entourage? Really?" She asked. me.

"Hey, if you want to be a successful politician you need to uphold the image." I told her.

"It still sounds demeaning." She said.

"I know, and I'm sorry." I told her.

We approached the large castle and were led to the main hall by one of the servants. We entered the large room and found the Griffin Emperor there.

I approached first and gave my greeting with a small bow of my head. "Greetings Emperor, My name is Shadowmere. I am the new ambassador from Equestria."

"Ah, Mr. Shadowmere, we have been expecting your arrival. Please allow some of my servants to take your things to you rooms." He said as he ushered some forward and they took our things. "Hmm, Shadowmere. That name sounds familiar. Have you been here before?" He asked.

"No sir I have not, but some time ago I was responsible for the return of a group of fugitives. Perhaps that is where you have heard the name?" I suggested.

"Ah yes, I remember now. The group that fled to Equestria. If I remember, you revealed their true nature and captured them." The Emperor said.

"That is correct. I was fortunate enough to have been in a border town before the incident and saw their faces on the wanted posters. I recognized them as soon as I saw them." I responded.

"That was quite fortunate." The Emperor said. "Ah, but I have kept you long enough. Surely you are tired from your trip. Please allow my daughter to show you to your rooms." The Emperor said. "Guard fetch my daughter at once." He continued to one of his guards. "She will be her in a moment."

A few moments later a side door opened and a griffin walked in. She walked next to the emperor and turned to face us. Surprise was the last thing I expected to see on her face. "Dash?" She asked staring at my marefriend.

"Gilda?" Dash responded.

I looked back and forth between the two for a few moments. "Wait...you two know each other?" I asked surprised.

The Emperor raised an eyebrow. "Interesting, Am I correct in assuming this pegasus is one you meet during your studies abroad in Equestria?" He asked to his daughter.

Gilda recovered and turned to her father. "Yes father, Miss Dash was one of the few ponies I befriended while studying."

The Emperor had a small smile. "This is excellent. I hope you don't mind, but I wish for you to escort them to their rooms. Is that acceptable?"

"Of course father." Gilda said with a small bow. She walked down next to us. "Follow me please."

We did so and walked behind her as she led us out of the main hall. As soon as we left the main hall behind Dash trotted up next to Gilda.

"Miss Dash?" She asked.

"Please don't ask. I have to keep up the whole nobility thing while in front of my father, he can be rather strict at times." Gilda responded much less formally than when I first heard her.

"Huh, Seems like the princess doesn't like being a princess." I said with a chuckle.

Gilda faltered and turned around. "Oh crap, I forgot you were there! Uh, I mean-I didn't mean to say-Crap!" She said slightly panicked.

"Worry not. I'm not too formal myself. Never had much interest in all the formalities." I told her. "Anyways, any friend of Dash is a friend of mine." At this both Gilda and Dash looked away from each other. "...Did I say something wrong again?"

"No, no it's nothing it's just...Gilda and I didn't exactly say goodbye on the best of terms." Rainbow said.

I looked back and forth between the two who were not looking at each other. "Well it looks like you both regret that." I said to their surprise. "Neither of you are happy with the way things ended the last time. That alone makes me think that you two can easily make up." I told them with a small smile.

The two were silent for some time.

Gilda was the first to speak. "I'm sorry for calling all your friends uncool Dash. It's just, I don't get that much time away from the kingdom and all the formalities. I don't get much time to be myself. I was kind of stressed when I came to visit and I took it out on you and your friends."

Dash walked up with a small smile. "It's alright. I'm sorry for pushing you away like I did. If anything that really was uncool of me." Rainbow responded. "So still friends?" She asked extending a hoof.

"Yeah." Gilda responded bumping Dash's hoof with her talon.

"So, Gilda if it isn't too much trouble. Would it be possible to move my stuff into Shadow's room?" Dash asked.

Gilda looked at her surprised. "What's this, trying to get it on with an ambassador. Never thought that was your type." Gilda joked causing me to falter.

"One, he wasn't always an ambassador and Two, I think that I'm entitled to do whatever with my coltfriend." Rainbow responded.

Again I faltered. "Don't I get a say in this?" I asked.

"No." The two replied bluntly.

I backed away and stood next to Twilight and Bright Wall. The three of us trying to ignore the rather vulgar jokes and many innuendoes the two in front of us were making.

"If we ignore it, it'll just go away right?" I asked to Twilight silently.

"I wish it would, I really wish it would." She responded.

"You sure landed yourself one strange mare." Bright Wall told me.

"I'm not sure if that's good or bad." I responded.

"I'd say good it I were you." Rainbow said in front of me.

"Yes Ma'am! Very Good!" I responded making myself stand as straight as possible.

"That's good you've trained him." Gilda said.

'Well if I thought this was going to be a peaceful, I'm probably going to be very disappointed.' I thought and sighed inwardly.

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