• Published 1st Nov 2012
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The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 26

Chapter 26

We were waiting in front of a small podium waiting to be seated at one of the best restaurants in all of Canterlot, or at least that’s what Rarity told us. I was standing with my suit on, to my left was Rainbow and too my right was Flare Blitz… Wait, what? “Flare? When did you get here?” I asked him.

“About the same time they did.” He said with a smile indicating farther to the right. I looked over him and saw that Fleetfoot, Soaren, and Spitfire were all standing next to us.

“How did all of you come in without me noticing? This place has a door chime whenever anyone enters.”

“Don’t know. Maybe you were spaced out.” Spitfire responded.

“Well… alright then. How have you all been?” I asked, with the time I’ve spent around Pinkie not much can really surprise me...except for Pinkie.

We chatted for a few more minutes before the server came and told us that they had gotten a table for all of us. We walked to the table and being the chivalrous stallion I am I made sure to pull out Rainbow’s chair for her before I sat down next to her. The server came and gave us all of us menus. I looked over quickly trying to see anything that wasn’t too fancy for me; I was never really one for fancy food. I ended up ordering a small salad and we all ate, making small talk here and there and just enjoying ourselves. At the end of the meal Soaren, Flare, and I decided to split the check among the three of us, and we left soon after we had paid the bill.

“So, what now?” Rainbow asked.

“Well I don’t know about the rest of you.” I said spreading my wings. “But I’ve been cooped up in a library for the past week and I feel like stretching my wings.”

“I’ll join you. It’s been a while since we’ve been out flying.” Flare said.

“Alright, Rainbow do you want to come too?” I asked taking my suit off carefully so I didn’t upset Rarity.

“Nah, I think I’m gonna go take a nap.” She responded.

“Okay, we’ll see you all later.” I said taking off into the sky. Flare soon took off after me.

We were flying through the sky. I tried to think back to the first time we had done this. It was around eighteen years ago, when I was only four years old. We had just met in school only a few weeks ago but we were already the best of friends. I had always been slightly anti-social because of my paranoia, but I had never felt truly scared or worried around Flare. He just had a way of making ponies like him. I smiled a little thinking back to a time before all of this, when I was still ignorant of the darkness in the world. I saw that Flare was trying to get my attention; I stopped and saw that he was indicating for us to land. I nodded and we headed to the ground and landed next to a lake. I walked over and dunked my head into the lake taking a large gulp of the water as I did so.

I brought my head out of the water and turned to Flare. “So what’s new with you?” I asked.

“I’m getting married.” He responded.

“…Well… not the answer I was expecting, but good for you.” I said giving him a pat on the back. “Who is the unlucky mare?” I asked.

“Oh ha ha, it’s actually somepony you know.” Flare responded. “You remember Cloud Swimmer from school?”

I stopped and looked at the ground at the mention of the school. “Yeah, I remember her.” I said with a hint of sadness in my voice. “I remember all too much.”

Flare’s smile fell. “I’m sorry, I forgot how sensitive that topic is.”

I waved him off and put on a weak smile. “It’s fine, so how is Cloud?” I asked Flare.

Flare gave me a small smile. “She’s been doing well. We’re both working in Canterlot, and we’ve been doing pretty well.” Flare’s expression changed. “Listen Shadow, I know you may not like this, but I want you to come to the wedding.”

“Well why wouldn’t I like that?” I asked.

“Because… I want you to be my best stallion at the wedding.” I opened my mouth to say something but he stopped me. “That means coming back to Canterlot and meeting directly with Cloud.”

I closed my mouth. I understood what he was saying now. I really didn’t want to face Cloud with the circumstances that we last saw each other. I looked back at Flare. “I think it’s about time I faced my past. I’ve already been back to Canterlot. This is all that’s left.” I said a small smile starting. “You’re my friend and I promise that I’ll be there for you.”

Flare smiled. “That’s good. We should probably head back now.” He said looking at the sky. I gave a quick nod and we took off into the air. Along the way he started talking again. “So when do you want to meet with Cloud?” he asked.

“I think the sooner the better. It would probably be for the best to stop by tonight.” I said. I knew if I didn’t go soon my paranoia would kick in.

“Alright, follow me I’ll take you to the house.” Flare said taking a quick turn to the right. I followed behind him trying to clear my mind. If I was going to meet her I wanted to not do anything stupid. We were flying for a few more minutes before Flare landed in front of a small two story house. He walked up to the door and turned to me. “Alright I’m going to talk to her first. I want you to follow me in, but don’t let her see you straight away. I’m going to take her into the living room and then I’m going to come get you, Okay?” I gave a small nod. Then Flare opened the door.

We walked into the house and Flare shut the door behind us. He indicated for me to stay put and walked around a corner. I heard him call up a set of stairs calling Clouds name. I heard her coming down the stairs and greeting him.

“Hey Cloud would you come into the living room for a minute. I want you to meet with somepony.” Flare said.

“Alright, who is it?” Cloud asked.

“Just wait one second for me to answer that.” Flare said as he came back around the corner and nodded with his head for me to come over. I hesitated for a moment before walking around the corner with Flare. “Cloud you remember Shadowmere from school, don’t you?” Flare asked Cloud.

She didn’t need to answer. I saw it in her eyes… Fear. Her eyes were fixed on me. She didn’t move, she seemed petrified. I gave a small sigh. I should’ve known this was how she would react. I slowly walked up to her, and I saw her flinch as I got closer. I decided to break the silence. “Cloud… I am truly sorry about what happened at the school all those years ago. I didn’t want any of that to happen. I know that you will probably never forget the fear you felt that day.” I looked back at Flare for a second before returning my attention to Cloud. “I don’t think anypony will be able to forget the fear they felt that day... I’m not asking you to forgive me. I know that I will have to earn that in time. All I’m asking is that you trust me that will try my hardest to never let anything like that happen again.”

Cloud sat there for a few moments letting what I said sink in. After a few moments she seemed to relax a little. “I understand. It seems that Flare trusts you, so I will to. However, I don’t know if I’ll be able to forgive you for what happened that day.”

I gave a small smile. “That’s fine with me.”

Cloud returned the smile but with some hesitance. “Shadow, I still don’t really know. What did happen that day?” Cloud asked me.

I gave a small sigh, I had a feeling this was coming. I opened my mind and felt her fear. I knew that if I didn’t tell her the real truth she would never trust me. “Alright pay attention, it’s not the happiest story, but it is complicated. It all started one day before school after Flare had rudely woken me up…” I said starting my story. I told Cloud as many details as I could, keeping only the most personal details out of the story. I told her the truth about the school incident, my disowning, learning about my power, the first time I met Skies, all the different towns I had traveled to, and I finished by telling her about my acceptance into Ponyville. “… And that’s my story.” I said looking at Cloud who had a mixed look on her face. There was still fear, some sorrow, pity, anger. I could sense her feeling all these things as well. “Please don’t feel angry at those who have shunned me. I’ve been able to forgive them, so I don’t want you angry at them… Unless you’re angry at my father, then go right ahead and keep on hating.” I said getting me a slight smile out of Cloud. “So Flare I think there was something that you wanted to tell Cloud about.” I said to Flare.

Flare gave a nod and turned to Cloud. “Cloud, I was hoping that Shadow would be my best-stallion at our wedding, but if you oppose then I won’t argue.”

Cloud looked to me then back to Flare with a pondering look. “I… I don’t know. This is kind of a lot to take in right now. I’ll need some time to think about all this.” She said back to Flare.

Flare looked to me; I gave him a small smile and a nod. He turned back Cloud. “Alright, take as much time as you need.” Both Cloud and Flare embraced each other. They ended the embrace and Flare turned to me. “You should probably head out. You don’t want to worry Rainbow.” Flare said to me.

I gave a small chuckle. “Yeah, that would probably be for the best.” I said as Flare and I walked towards the door of the house. He opened the door and I left saying my good-byes. I flew back to the castle and gave the guards a nod as I walked through the hallways. I eventually made it back to my room and saw Skies already asleep I gave a small smile and moved over to the bed. Before I got in though I saw the book I had taken from the library sitting on the side table.

I picked up the book, this book held some secrets that I needed to find out….. Secrets I'll find out tomorrow, I thought with a yawn as I put the book on the table and started to drift into sleep.

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