• Published 1st Nov 2012
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The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 45

Chapter 45

We were all sitting around a campfire made in the center of the campsite we had made for the night.

“So do you think you can do it?” I asked Prowler.

He just laughed. “Shadow I have an entire pack of timberwolves at my disposal. If they can’t find them then they don’t exist.”

“Good.” I said smiling and reaching into my saddlebags and pulling out a piece of cloth. “I thought I might need your help one day so last time we had a run in with the Shadow Servers I took this from one of them. It may not be fresh, but I’m pretty sure that it’s the only thing any of them ever wear, so it should still have a good scent to it.” I said tossing the cloth to Prowler.

He caught the cloth in his hoof and gave a slight whistle. A timberwolf came around and took the cloth from him. “Alright, I’ll get the scent spread around the pack and send out a small scouting group tonight to see if we can find them and go after them in the morning.” Prowler told me as we watched the timberwolf walk away into the forest.

“I’ll still never understand how you managed to tame timberwolves.” I said. “The only timberwolves I’ve ever come across never seemed to give me any time to even try to run let alone tame them.”

Prowler just chuckled a little. “Truthfully I don’t even know how I do it. It’s just my talent. Still there are a few animals out there who aren’t so fond of me and let me tell you their claws sting like a b-” Out of the corner of my eye I saw Rarity’s gaze become very menacing as she looked at Prowler, who instantly brought one of his hooves up to cover his cheek. “b- bad pain.” He finished his sentence smiling innocently like a foal who got caught with his hoof in the cookie jar. I began to chuckle but then Rarity turned her glare towards me and I instantly stopped and sat up as straight as I could with a stoic expression. Rarity sighed and her gaze finally softened. Both Prowler and I let out a sigh of relief.

“I would like to propose that we go to sleep now before Prowler and/or I make another mistake and end up with swollen cheeks.” I said to the rest of those sitting around earning a laugh from most and even a small chuckle from Rarity. “I’ll take that as an, all in agreement.”

Everypony got up and started towards the makeshift tents they had made, while Prowler started off into the clearing where Leaf was. Skies and I both sat around the fire watching them all go.

“Hey Shadow, where are you and Skies sleeping?” Rainbow asked me.

The rest of the girls turned around. “Hey she’s right, I haven’t seen you set up a tent of even pack one.” Twilight said.

“Well to answer your question, Skies and I are going to be sleeping where we normally sleep when we travel.” I told them.

“Where’s that?” Rainbow asked.

“Well, there’s a nice tree right over there that has great coverage.” I said pointing to the edge of the clearing we were in.

“You plan to sleep out in the open?! With only a tree for coverage?!” Twilight asked.

“Basically, yeah.” I answered.

Rainbow looked surprised for a moment. “…Yeah, no.” She said.

“Pardon?” I asked.

“I’m not going to let you two sleep out here under a tree.” She told me.

“It’s really not as bad as you might think.” Skies responded. “We’ve done this for years when we were traveling before. My brother makes an excellent pillow.”

“She’s right, I do make an excellent pillow.” I said with a smile. I saw that Rainbow wasn’t amused so I became a bit more serious. “But she is still right, we’ve done this type of things for a long time, and nothing bad has ever happened.

“I don’t care. You’re my coltfriend and I’m not going to have the both of you sleeping outside, in a dangerous forest, with only a tree for cover.” Rainbow told me forcefully.

I was going to argue back, but I noticed the look in Rainbow’s eyes. I had seen this look before, there was no way I was going to argue my way out of this. I sighed. “Alright you win, I won’t sleep under the tree. That brings the new question of where we will sleep.”

Now everypony had stopped and was starting to think. “Well the tents aren’t too big, but I think they could probably keep two ponies protected without being uncomfortable.” Twilight said to all of us.

“So you’re saying that we’re going to need two sets of ponies to bunk together?” I asked.

“That’s the idea.” Twilight answered.

“So that brings the question who’s going to sleep where.” I said. “Because I don’t know if Skies and I can bunk together. If we did we would be kicking one of you out of your own tent and I don’t think I would feel right doing that.”

“So instead you’d like to split the two of you up and have both of you share a tent with a different pony?” Twilight asked to clarify. I nodded.

“Well, I could look after Skies. I mean, if that’s okay with you two.” Fluttershy said.

I looked at Skies. “I don’t have a problem with it.” She told me with a small smile.

“Alright then, since Skies is going with Fluttershy, I guess I’m gonna be with Rainbow.” I said looking to her for conformation. She smiled and nodded. “Good now all this debating has made me tired, so I’m going to turn in for the night.” I said standing up. Rainbow came and stood be me and walked with me as we moved towards the tent she had set up. Skies went over with Fluttershy to her tent.

I walked into the tent and moved towards the back of the small tent and laid down there so Rainbow had more room towards the front. It was all for nothing though because after Rainbow had come in she walked towards the back of tent as well and laid down next to me. I smiled and extended one of my wings over her so the she would have a little more warmth for the night. She smiled at me and got a bit closer so that my wing was able to cover a bit more. Soon enough I heard her breathing become slow and stable and I knew she was asleep. I stayed awake slightly longer trying to keep myself away from the nightmares for a bit longer. Rainbow hadn’t been around me when I got the really bad night terrors. Many times I would have powerful spasms and wake in a cold sweat. I didn’t know if it would disturb her if I did have a few of them this night, so I wanted to wait a bit longer so she could get as much sleep as possible. Eventually my eyes grew heavy and I drifted off into the realm of nightmares.

~~~One Sleep, Many Nightmares, and Some String Later~~~

I woke with a slight start as my most recent nightmare ended. I had a slight cold sweat around my head but from what I could tell Rainbow was still asleep and hadn’t been disturbed. I stood up and sidestepped my way around Rainbow and stepped out of the tent. I looked up into the sky and saw the sun just now rising over the horizon. I looked over to the side of the camp and saw Applejack already awake and doing some morning exercises. I nodded to her and went and sat at the now doused campfire I picked up a stick and started poking around the logs that were still not completely ash. A little bit later the rest of the girls were awake and Prowler had come back as well with a special timberwolf following behind him. It was a timberwolf that had its magic fuse with an apple tree and now was able to grow apples from its body. They weren’t as good as Sweet Apple Acres apples, but they were still a good breakfast.

“So, did your scouts come up with anything useful last night?” I asked Prowler.

“We’ll find out in a moment.” He said as a small group of timberwolves made their way into the clearing and walked over to Prowler. After giving a few growls and barks Prowler smiled, sent the timberwolves on their way, and turned back to us. “Alright, we found them.” He said.

I nodded. “The only problem I have is that I don’t know if they’ll have the book there. The chances our relatively high, but not one hundred percent. It’s the only lead we have right now though.” I said.

“Well if they don’t have it then we can find out where they hid it.” Rainbow said

“Yes we can.” I responded. “Alright, everypony pack the camp up. I want to be there and inside before midday. We’re gonna get ourselves a book.”

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