• Published 1st Nov 2012
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The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 5

Chapter 5

I woke up to the feeling of getting kicked in the chest.

"Come on, get up we have work to do."

I recognized that voice, but that doesn't make any sense. I opened my eyes and looked into the two magenta ones starring back at me.

"I thought you told me I should just leave Rainbow." I said back to her "and what do you mean by we have work to do?"

"Well you signed up for the weather team and I plan to hold you too that." was her answer.

"Why are you even here. I am pretty sure out of all of the girls you hate me the most." I told her.

"That probably was true, but then I followed you back here after you left the hospital. I heard all the stuff that you said to your sister. You were trying to protect us, so you can't be all bad."

"I told all of you to leave me alone. I can't be trusted, everypony who comes near me gets hurt." I said with my head filled with memories.

"You may think that, but right now everypony is fine. Twilights even hold up in her house trying to find a way to help you. The least you can do is give her a chance, and also I want you to work your flank off on the weather team to prove that you are worth the effort." Rainbow Dash said to me.

I opened my mind to the world and looked inside of her. She wasn't afraid of me anymore, instead her fear was replaced by sadness and pity.

"If this is your way of saying that you feel sorry for me not being able to have a real life, and want to try and help me by giving me a job I guess I will accept." I told her

I saw her mouth drop. She didn't expect me to find out her true motive so perfectly. I let out a small chuckle.

"You seem to have forgotten I can look into your mind. I can sense the pity coming from you, and I don't need you to feel pity for me. I can tell you really want to try and help me though." I said to her "but if I start to lose control I am leaving and you will not come looking for me, you will stay far away, understand." she shook her head up and down "Good"

"So how much of my conversation with Skies did you hear last night?" I asked wondering how much she could have gathered.

"I heard it all. Something is bothering me though you said you didn't want anypony else to go through the experience of losing a friend. What was that about?" she asked.

I sighed "it was a long time ago when I was still living in Canterlot with my family. I still didn't even have my cutie mark or my power, but I did have a friend, a best friend, we were always together. Until that one day, the day I earned my cutie mark.” I grimaced as I thought of that day. After a lot of begging I reluctantly recounted the tale to Dash about that fateful day at the school. I finished the story and I could see that she was almost crying.

"You mean your best friend abandoned you and your parents disowned you because of that?" she asked.

"Yea and I haven't been home or seen them since. For all I know they could be dead." I responded.

"That's just wrong. A pony should never abandon another pony. They should always remain loyal especially to their friends." she said I could feel the anger coming from her.

"Don't feel angry at them please." I said calmly. She looked at me dumbstruck. "I've already forgiven them for it. Heck, I've forgiven everypony that has ever been mad at me or done me wrong. "

"How can you just forgive them just like that." she asked obviously confused.

"Well think about how you felt when Twilight was affected by my power. You were really angry at me weren't you?" she nodded her head. "well after years of that happening to me I grew used to it. Ponies were always afraid of me and I knew it. I would be too if I was in their position. My power, though it has many negative aspects, has given me at least one positive thing. I can understand ponies far better than anypony else, so I have always been able to look at a situation through another pony's eyes. By doing so I've always found ways to forgive them." I explained smiling a little to myself.

"Wow, that's pretty cool, but I don't think I'll ever be able to truly forgive another pony for abandoning a friend." she said back.

"I would never expect you to. It goes against everything that you are." I joked

"Yea your right, well come on we don't want to be late for work." she said starting to flap her wings. She flew up to the treetops before stopping and turning back to me "By the way, where did Skies go of to did she go to find some breakfast or something?"

As she spoke those words my heart stopped. I stood up quickly looking all around and didn't see any evidence of Skies anywhere. She would never wake up this early, let alone just leave without telling me. I looked around again. Looking for anything too give me a clue. Then I saw it and I knew exactly where Skies was, but I wish I didn't. I walked over to a large tree and saw a drawing of a horseshoe painted in blood.

"Oh no, please no. Anything but them. Why, why are they here how did they find me?" I pleaded to nopony in particular

"What happened, where’s Skies?" Rainbow asked worried by the tone I had spoken in.

"When I was in Las Pegasus I had a run in with a gang. They might have taken me to their boss and my powers came out when I looked at him. From then on he declared me his enemy and has been hunting me down ever since. Now they found me, and they have Skies." I said tears coming to my eyes if they had Skies there was nothing I could do. He knew my weakness and he was using it against me. I felt myself slide to the ground I had nothing left now. All that keeps me going is gone now.

*Slap* "Snap out of it I'm going to get the rest of my friends. We are going to go after them and we're going to get Skies back." Rainbow Said.

With that she flew off into the town to get the rest of the girls. I didn't want them to get involved, but I knew if I wanted to get Skies back I would need their help. I stood back up and felt a rush of emotions and my mind snapped. What was once sadness and despair was replaced by anger and fury. They had taken the one thing I hold close to my heart and I was going to stop at nothing to get her back.

I heard a twig snap behind me. My magic flared and grabbed the offender, and pulled them out of the forest. A pony came skidding out of the bushes, and I could tell by his attire he was part of the Crimson Hoof gang. I lifted him up to my eyes and stared deeply into them letting the hate i felt for him seep in before I said

"You are going to run back to your little hide out, and you are going to give your boss a message."

"and what's...the message" he choked out.

" Tell him, I'm coming for you Red Wing. I am going to make you suffer till you scream and beg for me to kill you, and if I'm feeling generous I just may give you your wish. "

I dropped the stallion to the ground and he rushed off into the bushes. I felt a presence behind me and turned around and saw the six mares standing there. Shocked by what they had just heard me say.

"Well you’re all here so let's go. I have dreams to crush and nightmares to give." I said my voice filled only with hatred as I walked into the direction that the stallion ran off in.

I heard the girls start to walk behind me and I looked off into the distance. It is time for our rematch Red Wing, and this time I am going to do more to you than give you a simple nightmare.

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