• Published 1st Nov 2012
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The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 41

Chapter 41

I was sitting on the couch in my home reading one of the books I had borrowed from Twilight. I had been released from the hospital after a day’s rest, that was a few days ago. I had spent most of that time inside my own home, leaving only when I absolutely needed to. The girls had come by many times to try and get me to go out and do something fun, like a picnic or go bowling, but I never felt like it. I was starting to become a recluse, and who could blame me? Because of me, somepony was forced to commit suicide. That isn’t something that just fades away with time.

I felt the darkness inside me stir and I felt him began to seep through. My right vision blacked out and my right hoof moved of its own volition and turned the page of the book I was reading.

“So I take it since this has all blown over you’re feeling better.” I said to the darkness.

“Yes you could say that.” He answered as we finished the page we were on and he turned to another.

“So tell me what are you going to do now? I’ve found a way to keep you from spreading your fears so there’s not much left for you that you can do.” I asked him.

“Well I suppose the only thing for me to do is to try and find a way to overpower you, and if that doesn’t work I guess I’ll just have to wait out the rest of your life and then move onto the next pony. I can’t simply choose to leave a body once I’ve bonded to it. I’m released only after they die.” The darkness told me turning the page of the book.

“I’m still a bit confused over how another darkness came into existence if you know there can be only one at a time, and you did say this was the first time that this has happened.” I said to him. The darkness stopped mid-page turn. “This is the first time it’s happened, right?”

“Actually, thinking back. This might have been the second time.” He answered.

“What do you mean? When was the first?” I questioned.

“It was a long time ago, maybe two or three hosts before you. I had a run in with the Shadow Servers, but this time I had come to them. Not because I wanted their help, but because I had heard that their new Alpha was trying to proclaim that he was me. I can’t stand imposters. I came to the Shadow Servers hideout, found the Alpha, killed him painfully, and then left. Thinking back on it now though, there might’ve been a small truth to what he had been saying.” The darkness told me finishing turning the page.

“How so?” I responded.

“Because it was exactly like this recent event. Back then I began feeling weaker, at the time I thought it was just that I hadn’t fed on fears in a short while. Now though, thinking back it does make sense. He was immune to my powers, and when I killed him I felt a surge of energy when he took his final breath.” The darkness answered.

“So you think this Alpha was another darkness that was created?” I asked him.

“Yes, I do.” He answered turning the next page.

“So it actually has happened more than once?” I said aloud. “The question still remains though, how did another darkness get created?”

“…Wait a moment, could it be that- it would make sense.” The darkness said muttering to himself.

“What would make sense?” I questioned.

“Back then when the Alpha claimed to be me, just a few weeks before he had taken over, the Shadow Servers led an infiltration team to raid the Canterlot Royal Library.” He answered.

“So what does…the book.”

“That’s what I’m thinking. I think that there may be a part of that book that could be telling the Shadow Servers how to create a darkness.” The darkness responded to me.

“Do you really think that’s possible?” I asked.

“I don’t know if it is or not, but it’s the best lead we have got to go on right now.” The darkness answered.

I levitated a book mark over and put it into the book we had been reading. Shutting the book as I did so. I levitated and put the book back onto the book shelf. “In that case we need to get that book back before they create another darkness.” I said.

“Agreed, I don’t want to have to go through that again.” The darkness said.

I got off of my couch and walked over to the door as I began to open the door the darkness receded into my mind and I took full control of my body again. I started walking down the street nearing the market. I saw Applejack and Skies at the apple cart and I walked up to it.

“Shadow? I-”

“No time.” I interrupted. “Emergency meeting, Twilight’s, now.” I told them and they both nodded. Applejack would get Rarity and Fluttershy, while Skies would get Pinkie. That left Rainbow for me. I sighed, Ever since that day I’ve been kind of out of it. Rainbow could see that and we hadn’t talked all that much recently. I just hoped she had or still could forgive me. I spread me wings and took to the skies flying in the direction of the cloud home that I knew. It was a short flight and I landed in front of the door. I knocked lightly on the door and after a few seconds the door opened.

“Shadow?” Rainbow asked surprised by my presence. “What are you doing here?” She asked giving me a hug.

I gratefully returned the hug. “Well, I’ve found out some rather disturbing news.” I felt the darkness start to act up in my mind. “Okay, okay, we’ve found out some rather disturbing news.”

“We’ve? You mean you and the darkness.” I nodded. “Well what is it?”

“Can’t explain here. Gathering everypony at Twilight’s. Will you come?” I asked.

“Of course I will.” Rainbow said to me. I smiled and turned to take off, but a hoof holding my shoulder stopped me. “Shadow tell me, something else is bothering you. Something that has to do with me, isn’t there?”

I looked away for a moment before turning to face her again. “Tell me do you still want to be with me?” I asked.

“What do you mean?” she responded.

“I mean do you still want somepony like me as your special somepony. Because of me an innocent mare is dead. That isn’t something that can just be brushed off.” I told her.

Rainbow sighed and put her hooves on my shoulders so I was forced to look into her eyes. “Shadow, nothing that happened back then was your fault. You can’t blame yourself for it.”

“If it isn’t my fault why do I feel so guilty about it?” I asked her.

“Because whenever something bad happens you look back on it and think that there should’ve been more you could’ve done, but in the moment there really is nothing you can do. We’re all still just ponies. If we keep looking back at the things that could’ve happened. We never look forward and see the things that could happen.” She answered me.

After soaking in what she told me I started to chuckle. “That was pretty deep, especially for you.”

“Hey, I can have my moments.” Rainbow said. “Now back to the original question.” She continued, stepping forward and placing her lips on mine and keeping us close. Eventually she broke the kiss. “Does that answer your question?”

“I don’t know, I think I might need a bit more convincing.” I told her. She punched me lightly on the shoulder and we shared a small laugh. “We should probably head to Twilight’s now. The others are probably already there.” Rainbow nodded and we flew down from Rainbow’s house and started towards Twilight’s.

When we entered Twilight’s home we saw that everypony was already there sitting around a small table. We took the two remaining spaces and everypony turned their attention towards me.

“So what’s this emergency meeting about?” Twilight asked.

“It’s about Starry Night.” I answered. The girls all lost a bit of their happy attitude when I spoke the name. “More specifically the second darkness that inhabited her.”

“Alright what about it?” Rainbow asked me.

“We’ve realized that she wasn’t the first.” I told them.

“We’ve?” Twilight questioned.

“My darkness and me.” I answered her. “We believe that sometime before, the Shadow Servers found a way to create another darkness.”

“So they found a way to make another darkness before?” Twilight asked. I nodded. “So if they made one before you think somepony else found a way to make the darkness again?”

I shook my head. “No, we think that they made this darkness as well, and we also think that it isn’t going to be the last they try to make.” The girls all gasped slightly.

“But how?” Rainbow asked.

“The book.” I answered.

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