• Published 1st Nov 2012
  • 4,172 Views, 1,525 Comments

The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 109

Chapter 109

I stood with Erebus and the Darkness in the sitting room chuckling as Celestia left in pursuit of Luna.

"I guess we're not getting banished today." I said with a smile.

Seven heads peaked around the doorframe as I sat back down, Erebus and the Darkness choosing to move to the corners of the room. Twilight was the first to come in. "What happened? We were waiting outside and then Luna decided to listen in to your conversation. Then, she just bursts out laughing suddenly." She said as she sat down across from me.

I smiled. "It has to do with what Erebus broke, Luna probably thought it was pretty foalish of Celestia." I told her.

"So what did he break?" Rainbow asked sitting next to me.

"You may get this more than the others." I said looking at Twilight. "Erebus tore Mr. Fuzzybottom in half." I told them.

Twilight got a look of surprise, while the others just had looks of confusion.

"Mr. Fuzzybottom?" Rainbow questioned.

"A stuffed animal that Celestia got from her mother." I told them.

Twilight simply shook her head, while the others simply looked even more confused.

"Did you actually take what she said in the library seriously?" Twilight asked looking over at Erebus.

"To a point we did, we remembered it being discussed so we decided to take a chance and check there for an answer." He responded. Twilight simply shook her head. "Considering that it was where we found the answer we do not regret the choice." Now Twilight stopped moving.

"...You mean...that what you were looking for was actually in there?" She asked almost in disbelief.

Erebus nodded. "There was a journal stuffed inside of it. The journal discussed the elements, some of their applications, and why they had been kept so secret. We only got through part of the journal since we were in a rush, but that was enough."

Twilight sighed. "It would appear that everything Gaia says has more than just one meaning to it." She said with a small smile.

I chuckled. "Oh you have no idea." I told her.

"What do you mean?" Rainbow asked.

I paused for a moment. "...I don't actually know." I said with confusion. "The words just came to my mind and I said them."

"Well that's not worrisome." Twilight said.

I just shrugged. "Well I feel great, relatively, so I don't care that much."

Rainbow looked over her shoulder at Erebus and the Darkness. "So how long are you three going to stay like that?" She asked.

I looked at the other two. "We don't really know." I told her. "We only returned to one body after we passed out last time. Preferably though I'd like it to last a while."

Twilight looked at me with some confusion. "Why's that?" She asked.

I looked down at my chest . "Well for one, only having one of these feels much better." I said looking at the scar. Twilight's eyes widened slightly looking at the scar she then turned her gaze to the other two looking at the two scars that they had. "Being able to spread out injuries is quite useful don't you think?" I said with a smile.

Skies lifted one hoof up to the scar that was on her chest. I reached over and rested my own hoof on her shoulder. She got a small smile and sat down next to me.

"So any bets on how long it takes Celestia to catch Luna?" I asked.

"Shadow! Don't you think this is fairly serious?" Twilight scolded.

I just stared at her for a moment. "Celestia is chasing her sister because of a secret stuffed animal. I'd say that's one of the most foalish things I've ever heard." I told her. Twilight fell silent and I started to chuckle. "It doesn't really matter though. What does matter is that I've been asleep for a week and haven't had anything to eat in that entire time." I said as if to add to my statement my stomach decided to make it's own voice heard at that moment.

Twilight sighed. "Even after everything, food is still the first thing on your mind."

I just smiled. "But of course."

Rainbow chuckled. "Come on I'll take you to the dinning room. I'm sure we can convince the chefs to make something."

"Well then what are we waiting for?" I said standing up. Rainbow left the room with me close behind. The others followed behind me. It didn't take long to get to the dinning room. The chefs were kind and made us all a nice meal to eat. Surprisingly both Erebus and the Darkness decided to get a plate as well. All the girls tried, and failed, to take inconspicuous glances towards the Darkness as he ate. I could tell that he was getting annoyed by this, and it didn't take long for him to show it to the others.

"Yeah, I'm eating okay! What's wrong with that?!" He asked glaring at the girls.

The girls all faltered for a moment. Twilight was the first to recover. "Well, it's just...We didn't thing you...did eat." She said.

The Darkness just let out an annoyed sigh. "I don't have to, it doesn't mean I can't." He told them.

"Well what happens to the food?" Twilight asked. I looked at her for a moment. She's going into experimentation mode isn't she.

"Don't know, don't care." The Darkness said putting his food down. "I'm going for a walk." He said as he started to leave the room.

"No scaring anypony too bad." I told him.

"Yeah, yeah." He said waving a hoof dismissively as he left.

Twilight looked at me. "Are you sure that's a good idea? Letting him wander all on his own." She asked.

I looked over at the doors as they shut. "I don't think it'll be an issue. He's been getting better, especially compared to how he was when we first met." I said to them. "I think he's just conflicted over what Gaia said."

"Gaia!?" Everypony but Twilight asked in surprise.

"That's right you didn't hear the story." I said thinking back. "Well it goes like this. While I as on my vacation I came across a temple, inside the temple Gaia had magically sealed her mind inside of it. We talked a little and she gave me the coin." I told them. They all stared at me with some surprise. "The real kicker though, is that she talked about the first Darkness. She said that he was her friend, and that he did everything in his power to help ponies." I said. "I think that got to the Darkness, he's having a bit of an identity crisis I suppose."

"An identity crisis?" Rainbow asked.

"Well for as long as he can remember the Darkness has been an entity of evil trying to take over or destroy Equestria, but now he's heard that the first Darkness was about as far off from that as can be." I explained. "Right now, he doesn't know who exactly he's supposed to be."

"You certainly seem to have quite the understanding about what's happening to him." Twilight said.

I smiled slightly. "It's because of the element." I told her. "I share a mental link with him and can feel what he feels. Right now he's rather annoyed because he knows I'm telling you all this...And a little bit angry, because he knows that it's true." I finished with a sigh. "Life is never easy is it?" I asked.

Rainbow wrapped one of her legs around my neck. "No, not always, but that's why we have friends. To help us through our life." She said to me.

I was silent for a moment. "...Well what do you know. Another rare moment of philosophy with Rainbow Dash." I said with a smirk.

Rainbow just rolled her eyes. "I don't know why I would expect any different from you."

I just chuckled, then with a small sigh I looked towards the door. "I'm not sure he has anypony like that, do you Deo?" I said quietly.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT?!" I heard a voice shout through the castle.

I just started to laugh. "Well, maybe you do."

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