• Published 1st Nov 2012
  • 4,172 Views, 1,525 Comments

The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 57

Chapter 57

They both stared at me. “You want to ask Dash to marry you?” Spitfire asked. I nodded. “...Told you.” Spitfire said turning to Soarin.

“Fine, you win.” He said passing a small bag of bits it to her.

“Wait what?” I asked surprised.

“Soarin and I made a small bet and I won.” Spitfire answered me.

I felt a slight twitch in my eye. “What was the bet?” I asked.

“Whether or not you two would acknowledge each other’s feelings and get hitched.” Spitfire said with a smirk.

My eye twitched further. “You were betting on my love life?!” I asked as more of a statement.

“That about sums it up.” They said smiling.

“Why do I associate with you ponies?” I asked putting my head into my hooves. Both Soarin and Spitfire just laughed. I looked back up with a small smile. I couldn’t really be mad at them. I looked over towards the clock. “Well I better go, need to make sure everything is still in place.” I told them.

“Good luck to you Shadow.” Spitfire told me as I started to leave. “With that mare you’re going to need it.”

“Trust me I know that much already.” I said as I left the room. I started down the hallway back towards the main hall. Luckily, it only took me a half-hour to run into somepony to guide me back to the garden. Many of the guests were beginning to arrive. Looking around I saw the three Apple Siblings setting up the refreshments stand, mostly small stuff. The majority of the stuff Big Mac brought up would be at the reception. I knew that Rarity was with Cloud prepping. Pinkie and Twilight were at the entrance greeting and checking off the guests who had arrived, respectively. Fluttershy was a ways off keeping her distance from the large group of ponies, I could see a few birds flying around her head. I looked around the garden further, but I couldn’t see Rainbow or Skies anywhere. I felt a small tap on my shoulder so I looked over to see who it was but I didn’t see anypony there. I started to pivot on my hooves looking even farther around, but still saw nothing. I continued to pivot so that I had actually made a complete circle twice before a thought occurred to me. I looked up and saw both Skies and Rainbow hovering over me with hooves over their mouths holding in a laugh. “…Well I just looked like a complete fool now didn’t I?” I finally said looking back down at the ground with embarrassment. I could hear both Skies and Rainbow above me laughing.

“I can’t believe you fell for that.” Rainbow said as she landed next to me. I felt Skies land on my back.

“It’s not that funny.” I told them still with my head low.

“It kind of was.” Skies said from on top of me.

“…Okay maybe it was.” I said lifting my head back up. “So is everything going smoothly?”

“As far as I can tell.” Rainbow said. “It’s too bad though.”

“What is?” I asked.

“I heard that the Wonderbolt arrived back in Canterlot late last night. It’s too bad that it’s kind of late to ask them to do some sort of performance.” Rainbow said.

Of course she would know if they were here or not, but I still want to keep it a surprise. “Yeah, that is too bad. That really would’ve been pretty cool to see them preform.”

“Oh well, they might not of even gone for preforming at a wedding anyway.” Rainbow responded.

“Who knows, I think it would all depend on who asked them.” I said thinking back to how I wanted Celestia to ask them.

“Maybe, but it’s too late now to be thinking about it. Anyway, come on I think AJs finally done putting up the stand I want to grab something before they’re out.” Rainbow said starting towards Applejack.

I followed behind slowly. Keeping a decent pace behind her. “You got Celestia to ask the Wonderbolts to preform, didn’t you?” I heard from my back.

“WHA-How did you- I mean- No!” I responded looking back at Skies who just raised an eyebrow in question at me. “…How did you find out?”

“Combination of when you answered Rainbow’s question and when you asked Celestia for a favor. I know you would never willingly try to cook anything in a kitchen besides pancakes.” Skies answered with a small smirk.

“In my defense, they are some pretty amazing pancakes.” I responded.

“You’ll hear no argument from me.” Skies said licking her lips. “Dang it now I’m hungry.”

I gave a small chuckle. “Go get something with Rainbow, I’m sure Applejack will have some great food for you to fill up with.”

“My thoughts exactly.” She said as she took off from my back and caught up to Rainbow. I smiled and kept at my leisurely pace.

“Shadow!” I heard somepony call behind me. I turned and saw Flare making his way over to me.

I turned to look at Rainbow and Skies, who had also looked over. “I’ll find you later.” I told them as I started towards Flare. “What’s up?”

“Oh you know the whole nervous anxiety thing, but that’s not what I came to find you for.” He told me. I could see that he had a slight sweat.

“Alright then, first calm down, take a deep breath.” He complied. “Now close your eyes and go to your happy place.” He closed his eyes and his breathing became a bit more even. “Good now what is it you wanted to tell me?” I asked him.

He opened his eyes. “Right, well you are my best stallion the thought occurred to me that you should probably meet Cloud’s bridesmaid, since she is, well-” He paused.

“She was a classmate wasn’t she?” I asked him. He nodded. “Who?” I questioned further.

“Breeze Dancer.” He told me, I thought back.

“Yeah, I remember her. Light blue coat, white mane, special talent in sky ballet, unnatural fear of the color chartreuse stemming from… never mind, that’s kind of personal.” I said remembering what I could about her.

“Yeah that’s her…chartreuse?” Flare responded.

“Don’t ask.” I told him.

“Fair enough, so will you go see her before we start the ceremony?” He asked me.

“Of course I will.” I told him. “I’ve already confronted my parents, Cloud, and you. It’s not like this is unnaturally hard for me to do because it brings up the worst moment in my entire life.” I started ranting. Stopping myself quickly I took a few deep breaths. “What I mean is, yes, I’ll go and meet her.”

“Are you sure?” Flare asked.

I nodded. “Yeah, it’s something that I need to do.”

“Alright, she should be nearby.” Flare said walking off.

I followed behind Flare as we weaved through the garden looking for Breeze.

“And what’s wrong with the color green?” I heard a small voice ask. I turned my head and saw the Crusaders walking through the garden. I could tell by the voice that it was Applebloom who had asked the question.

“There’s nothing wrong with the color. It’s just I’ve heard Rarity say that there are very few ponies who can make it work.” Sweetie Bell told her friend.

“Well, what about Fluttershy. Rarity made her a green dress didn’t she?” Scootaloo asked.

“Yes she did, because like I said-” Sweetie started but I walked out of hearing distance. I had a small smile as I watched the small little argument unfold. Such a strange topic to have an argument over. I turned my attention back to Flare and saw him waving somepony over. Looking over I saw a mare walking over towards us.

“Hey, Breeze I wanted you to meet my best stallion, he went to our school as a foal so you’ve probably already met.” He said indicating to me.

“Well then it’s good to-” She stopped midway to shaking my hoof. I could see it in her eyes, she had just recognized who I was.

“Hey, Breeze.” I said raising my hoof in a small wave. I could tell her mind was working frantically to try and work everything out. I gave a small sigh. “I think you should explain.” I said to Flare. He gave a nod and I walked a small distance away to let Breeze and Flare talk. After a few minutes I felt a small tap on my shoulder. I turned and saw Breeze standing there with Flare.

“Hey Shadow.” She said. “Haven’t seen you in a while.”

“Around eighteen years.” I responded.

“How’ve you been?” She asked slightly hesitant.

“Better, life’s certainly taken an unexpected turn.” I answered. “Not to say it’s a bad turn.” I added on with a small smile. Breeze was fidgeting slightly, I sighed. “You don’t have to force yourself to do this you know.” I told her.

She was surprised. “What- what do you mean?” She questioned.

“I know that you’re probably still scared of me, mostly because of that day.” I said, seeing her grind her teeth a little. “I know it’s probably hard to just talk to me, especially after all this time.” I told her. “So I’m telling you now that you don’t need to force yourself to do this.”

She took a deep breath. “I know I don’t need to, but I want to, slightly.” She said. “I knew that even though you left one day we would run into each other again. There’s only so many places you can go in Equestria.” She said.

I gave a small nod. “I don’t expect you to forgive me for what happened, but like I’ve told Flare and Cloud. All I really want is a chance to prove I’m better than back then.” I told her.

“I’m willing to give you that chance.” Breeze said with a small smile, which for the first time during the conversation didn’t seem forced.

I looked over in the direction of the main square and saw a small clock tower. “We’d better get to work, not much time before the ceremony.” I said.

“Right” Flare said. “How do I look?” he asked me.

I looked him over. “Do you want the truth or false hope?” I asked.

“…Truth.” He answered after a pause.

“You are a mess.” He looked at me surprised. “Your bowtie is askew, your tux is buttoned wrong so the buttons are mismatched, one of your cuffs isn’t rolled, and to top it all off you seem to be unable to close your mouth.” I finished, he had gone slack jawed during my small little rant. Apparently I did learn a few things from Rarity. I looked around. “There’s a small bathroom over there, go fix yourself up.” I told him, he scurried off to fix his suit. I started wandering around the garden trying to find something to do. I opened my mind to the world. It was strange, I could still feel the ponies around me, but the emotions I felt were muddled. It wasn’t clear cut like before. If I really dug deep I could still feel the fears but they were much more general and harder to connect to. I started moving around. Bugs, Ponies, Loneliness. There’s Discord, strange though his is actually kind of clearer than normal. Almost like he’s not in the stone anymore…. It couldn’t, how did the girls say he got out last time, a small argument between friends, right?... weren’t the Crusaders headed over toward the statue garden last time I saw them?...Oh Buck.

I turned quickly and started making my way to the statue garden. Alright it’s right around here, I’m going to turn the corner and the statue is still going to be there, it’s still going to be there. I turned the corner and-
It was still there.

“Oh thank Celestia” I said as I walked up and patted my hoof against the statue.

“…This isn’t supposed to be hollow”

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