• Published 1st Nov 2012
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The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 80

Chapter 80

Trixie and I sat in the square. Swapping stories. As she had said it was not a happy tale. Her mother and her had been going to give her father lunch one day, but he had gone off to eat with some of his coworkers. While they were away there was an accident with the supports. They fell, Trixie tried as hard as she could, but she didn't have strong enough magic to move the beam. Her father and his coworkers returned thirty minutes after and removed the beam, but it was too late. Trixie's mother was dead. Her father quite his job and started drinking out of grief. He blamed Trixie for everything and beat her daily. Trixie became very depressed hoping simply for positive recognition, but she got none of it from her father. When she was old enough she ran away and started doing magic shows. The crowds cheered her on for her performances. She started out with simple tricks and then started to tell more and more elaborate stories. Eventually she began to get caught up with them herself. That was what got her in trouble the first time she came to Ponyville. Everything went downhill from that day on for her. She became conflicted in her own mind, and ponies began to despise her. That's when she turned to the power of the amulet.

Her story was indeed a powerful one. I felt it only fair to tell one of my own. She had seen the moment of my disownment, so I decided to start when it had all began. I told her the story of my cutie mark, the incident at the school, and even some times before then. She took the stories better than most. At the very least she didn't just stare at me with pity. It was more of understanding.

"Life can truly be cruel can't it?" She asked after my story was complete.

"Well it wouldn't be life without tragedy." I responded. "Most ponies only understand peace and harmony. It's difficult for those who know tragedy to fit in with them."

"How do you?" She asked me.

"What do you mean?" responded.

"Well, at first glance you seem to act just like everypony else. If you hadn't of told me your past I probably would never of even guessed the things you've been through." She told me.

I thought a moment. "...I suppose it's because I've managed to put the past behind me." I said to her. "Sure I will take all fault for those who I have harmed with my ability, but I don't feel any true guilt from it anymore."

"What allowed you to let go of the guilt?" She questioned.

"Well, my sister probably. When I found her, it just let me start looking to the future instead of dwelling on the past." I told her.

"Were it so simple." Trixie said with a sigh.

"You should stop blaming yourself too." I told her.

"How can I, it's my fault she's-"

"Stop right there." I said interrupting her. "You can't take on all this blame, I hardly believe that you should take any of it. You were a mere foal when it happened. You couldn't be expected to do something like that."

"Well then who is to blame?" Trixie questioned a few tears in her eyes.

I sighed. "The is truly nopony who can be blamed. They are called accidents for this reason. Because nopony could do anything to stop, control, or prevent it." I told her.

"...And what of my time with the amulet?"

"Well, I can't deny that you do have partial blame on that matter." I told her, and her head lowered. "But, that' s only because you gave into your regrets and fear, created by others. It is their fault just as much as it is your own. All in all, with that much blame going around nopony is really without blame, and isn't that just the same as nopony being responsible?" I said to her.

Trixie just shook her head and had a small chuckle. "You truly are a strange stallion." She said.

"Of course I am, there's no point in being normal. That's what everypony else is doing." I told her. "So what will you do now?" I asked.

Trixie let out a breath. "I don't really now. Perhaps I'll go back on the road and start preforming my show again. I can start telling stories again, but this time I'd like them to just stay stories." She said with a small smile.

"Is that truly what you want to do?" I asked her.

"...Well, there is something else, but it's something I'd rather not talk about." She said.

I gave a small nod. "You finally want to confront you father?" I asked knowing already. She stared at me with surprise. "Please I've seen my share of fed up foals finally standing up to their parents. I recognize the look. Heck, I just had my moment not too long ago." I told her.

"You confronted your parents?" She asked.

"Well, my father. My mother and I are on pretty good terms. My bastard of a father though...I don't think my opinion of him really need any more explanation." I told her with a small smile.

"So what happened when you confronted him?" She asked.

"Oh, I got thrown in Canterlot Dungeon. The chains really wear on your wrists and the food is terrible by the way." I told her.

"You got thrown in the dungeon?!" Trixie asked mouth hanging open.

"Oh yeah, Celestia let me out after a little while though. She's pretty understanding." I told her.

Trixie just chuckled. "I swear, does anything you do make any sense?" She asked.

I pondered for a moment. "...I don't believe so." I said with a laugh.

"So-" Trixie said becoming serious. "This...darkness as you call him. Do you regret becoming his host?" She asked me.

I was silent. "...I couldn't say." I told her. "For most of my life, I've known him to be a part of me. It's hard to imagine life without having him. The one time we did get separated I was told I was going to die without him." I told her

'I swear you couldn't be any more cheesy with this type of stuff. It sounds so scripted. Almost like you're just some character in a story.'

'Oh shut up, nothing here is like a story.' I told him.

"That must be rather difficult. Living with that thing inside you." Trixie said.

"Oh, he's not all that bad...Or at the very least I've just become desynthesized to him." I told her.

Oh, I think that's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me.'

"For the most part." I added on.

"You certainly don't seem that upset with him." Trixie said.

"Well, he's certainly not as bad as he used to be." I told her. "And I can't deny that he's been a great help in many situations."

If we're going to be completely honest, you're one of the best hosts I've been with. The darkness said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes.

"What's that about?" Trixie asked.

"Oh sorry, sometimes it get's hard to keep my physical and mental conversations separate." I told her.

"Mental?...Is the darkness talking to you right now?" She asked.

"Yeah, he's actually a pretty good conversationalist...As long as he's not trying to convince me to turn to the dark side and spread fear through the minds of everypony in Equestria...He can get slightly annoying then." I told her with a small smile.

Now I'm hurt. I think that's a very valid option.

"You certainly have had an interesting time." Trixie said.

"You don't know the half of it." I told her.

'Am I the other half?'

"Will you just shut up already?!" I said angrily.

Trixie just laughed. Knowing who I was really talking too. It felt good to talk to somepony who could truly understand the type of things I've been through. Without fear of pity, but just understanding. I smiled.

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