• Published 1st Nov 2012
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The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 51

Chapter 51

We had arrived in Canterlot a half hour later just like Twilight had said when we left. I left the train and looked around the station. A shiny purple moving through the crowd caught my eye.

“Twilight!” the voice called out.

“Spike?” Twilight said surprised hugging the dragon slightly. “What are you doing here?... and who’s watching the library?” She asked the last question with a little more seriousness.

“I left Owlicious, in charge.” Spike answered.

“Who?” I questioned.

“Hey that’s a pretty good impression of him.” Spike said.

“Who?” I asked a bit more confused now.

“Yeah, you can stop now.” Spike said.

Not I was getting annoyed slightly. “Who is Owlicious?!”

Everypony looked at me slightly confused. “Wait you’ve never met him?” Spike asked.

“No! That’s why I was asking who he is.” I told them.

“…Well… then that was a very strange coincidence.” Spike said.

“What was?” I asked confused yet again.

“You saying who. Owlicious is an owl.” He answered.

“…How did I not realize that?” I said aloud questioning myself.

The girls shared a laugh. “Well anyway, this actually might be beneficial.” I said. “I was going to head to the castle and tell the princesses that we’re back, but since you’re here I can go ahead and head over to Flare’s place and talk about wedding planning. Since now I can just send a letter.” I told them.

“I’ll go with you.” Rainbow said landed next to me.

“And you can’t do planning without Equestria’s greatest planner.” Twilight said walking over by us, Spike not far behind.

“Or its greatest party planner.” Pinkie added bounding next to us.

“You all can go and do that. I’m going back to the castle to get some real food and sleep in an actual bed.” Skies said. The other girls all agreed and started walking towards the castle

I waved good-bye to them as they walked away, and the four of us in the other direction. As they left I found myself looking back over my shoulder more and more.

“What’s wrong?” Rainbow asked flying down next to me.

“Yeah, you seem a bit out of it.” Spike said before breathing fire on a scroll that Twilight had written to the princess telling that we were back and that we would tell her about our journey when we returned.

“It’s nothing, it’s just… Well, it’s just hard for me to be away from Skies.” I answered.

“…Wow, you are really overprotective.” Rainbow said walking next to me.

“Hey!” I responded as the three around me started to laugh. It lifted a small weight of my chest with them laughing and soon I joined in as well. The rest of the walk was much more lighthearted for me.

When we approached Flare’s house I could hear a lot of scuffling and moving around in the house. With a little confusion I approached the door and knocked. When Flare opened the door I could see that he was in a slight panicked state. “Hey, Flare… What’s going on?” I asked with some pause.

“Oh it’s terrible!” He told me. “Cloud and I, were planning on having our wedding at this church not far away, and we already set the date for everything, but the church was just bought out and demolished!” He told me. “We don’t know what to do, we can’t reschedule any of the deliveries and in the time it takes to find and set a new date most of the orders will go bad!” He was very panicked.

I took a moment to think. “Alright I have an idea.” I told him.

He quickly grabbed me. “Good, come on, come on! If you have an idea Cloud needs to hear it too.” He said ushering me inside and into the living room leaving the others at the door. They followed behind and sat next to me. Both Cloud and Flare were across from us. “So, what’s your idea?” Flare asked me.

“I think it would be better to better to just do this. Spike-” I said startling the small dragon next to me. “-take a note.” I told him mimicking what I had heard Twilight always tell him, she seemed to catch on and gave me a small glare, to which I responded with a smile while Spike took out a quill and a sheet of paper.

“Dear Princess Celestia,

I have just learned that one of my friends has come across a problem. He plans on marring the mare of his dreams, but the church they were planning on having the wedding at has been shut down. I was hoping that there was something you could do to assist in this predicament.


The world’s greatest non-female Alicorn,


I finished dictating the letter and Spike looked over it again to make sure everything was correct. He opened his mouth and blew fire onto the scroll. Out of the corner of my eye I saw both Cloud and Flare staring at us with complete surprise and a little disbelief, I wasn’t sure if it was because of the fact that Spike burnt the letter, or that I had just directly asked the princess for help, either way they were confused. “Bit narcissistic at the end there Shadow.” Spike said turning to me.

“No it’s just fact.” I responded. “Have you even heard of another male alicorn… ever?”

“Okay, fair point, but still-.” He started to tell me, but was interrupted as he breathed a short blast of fire and a scroll came into existence with a pop.

I used my magic and opened the letter reading it over. I would be lying if I said I didn’t let my surprise show as I read threw the letter getting the attention of all around me. I passed the letter to Twilight for her to see, and her eyes grew wide with surprise as well.

“Well everypony,” I said. “Looks like we’ve got a private meeting with the princess to go to.” I said with a smile. “And Cloud fainted.”

~~~One Walk and Visit to the String Store Later~~~

We were standing outside the castle with Cloud pacing very quickly in a small circle.

“Oh, I don’t know, the princess I don’t think I’m dressed for this, maybe we should go back. I mean I-” Cloud was saying but stopped as Flare stood in front of her.

“Cloud don’t worry. I’m sure everything will be fine.” He told her. He then looked at me. “It will be fine, right?”

“Don’t worry, it will be better than fine.” I said starting up the steps. “Well, come on. We don’t want to keep the princess waiting.” I told them pushing open the door walking into the main hall. The others following close behind me. The princess was sitting on here throne with a smile as we came in. We all bowed as we came close to the throne.

“You may rise my little ponies.” Celestia said. I looked over at Flare and Cloud, they were indeed nervous.

“Princess, I would like to introduce two friends of mine. Flare Blitz and Cloud Swimmer.” I said to the princess indicating to both Flare and Cloud.

“It is a pleasure to meet you both.” The princess said

Both Flare and Cloud were speechless for a time. “Oh, um. It- it’s a pleasure to meet you as well.” Cloud finally said.

Celestia had a motherly smile, understanding the nervousness of the two of them. “Shadow, I understand you got my message, but did you tell what I said to Flare or Cloud?” The princess asked me.

“No princess, I thought it would mean more if you told them directly.” I answered.

The princess nodded slightly. “Flare, Cloud. You plan to wed soon correct?” she asked.

“Yes, your highness.” Flare answered.

“And the church you planned the wedding to be at has been closed?”

“Correct, your highness.”

“Well then I believe I have the perfect solution to your problem.” Celestia told them.

“Really?” Flare asked. “What is it, if I may ask?”

“It’s really quite simple, I will wed you, right here in Canterlot Castle.” Celestia answered and Cloud fainted again. Celestia looked surprised. “Was it something I said?”

We managed to wake up Cloud relatively quickly because Pinkie pulled out a cupcake and used it much like a smelling salt.

“Well now since that’s settled. What do you say to the princess’s offer you two?” I asked Flare and Cloud.

“Well, uh, I don’t, I mean.” Cloud started fumbling over the words just trying to comprehend what the princess was offering.

“We would very much appreciate that princess. Thank you very much,” Flare said stopping Cloud.

“Of course, any friend of Shadow’s is a friend of mine. He is of course, how did you put it? ‘The world’s greatest non-female alicorn’” Celestia said looking at me.

“Hey, it’s true. I have not met another male alicorn, or even heard of a male alicorn.” I said. “Not to say that I’m the first, I think. Have there ever been any male alicorns before me?” I asked the princess, she would know better than anypony.

Celestia chuckled slightly. “To my knowledge there has only been one other male alicorn.” Celestia told me. I waited slightly, and Celestia said nothing more.

“Well?” I asked.

“Well what?” Celestia countered.

“Aren’t you going to say who he was?” I questioned.

“No.” Celestia answered giving me a grin.

“Now that’s just mean.” I said pouting. Using my power I opened up my mind slightly and directed it towards Celestia… I felt sadness coming from her, I retracted my senses to myself. I didn’t need to dig any deeper into this. Celestia looked at me, she hadn’t changed expressions, but in her eyes I saw thanks. Yeah, she would know what I was doing.

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