• Published 1st Nov 2012
  • 4,172 Views, 1,525 Comments

The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

  • ...

Chapter 111

Chapter 111

I groaned as I lifted myself from the ground. "That hurt." I said reaching up and clutching my head. As soon as I felt my head I froze. I pulled my head back and looked in front of me. There was no longer a hoof on me. I smiled. "So the journey changes my body? I'm going to have to take note of this." I stared at the new appendages on the ends of my legs...arms, they're called arms, minotaur's have bodies like these. I sat down on the ground. "Hmm, I've used a scry spell to look through before, but it's so different actually being here. What are your thoughts?" I asked aloud. There was no response. "...Deo?"

'I don't like it here.' I heard him say.

'What's wrong?'

'There's almost no magic here at all, I'm just barely able to survive off of the fears around me here. It's not good for me to have this little, I'm going to be very weak here.' Deo told me.

'Well then rest up, I should be able to do pretty good on my own, don't push yourself.'

'I'm not completely useless you know?' He told me.

I chuckled. 'I know.' I responded. 'So what do we know?' I asked.

'Well from what we saw through the mirror from before, the main population is bipedal, they have a similar structure to minotaur. They posses much less hair, seemingly only on the tops of their heads. Beyond that not much is clear physically. The term human was thrown around a few times.'

'Aren't those the things Lyra always rants about?'

'Seems you might've wanted to listen to those rants now don't you?'

'You didn't listen to them either.'

'Let's just see if we can find out more somewhere nearby.'

"Agreed." I said as I tried to stand up on two legs. I wobbled and fell over immediately. "This is a bit harder than I thought it would be." I tried to stand up again managing to keep myself from falling this time. Slowly I began to put one hoof, no foot, one foot in front of the other. "Well the moving is relatively similar, it's just the balance I really need to worry about." I began walking in small circles getting used to the form I now possessed.

'Any day now.' Deo said after a few minutes.

'Listen, if I want to blend in I need to be able to move normally.' I told him. 'Anyway, I think I've got enough that I won't be falling over every few steps. Let's get an idea of where we are.' I started to look around. I seemed to be in the middle of a park, in the center of which was a large statue that's based was reflective like a mirror. Walking over I put one of my hands against it and phased through the stone. I pulled my arm out. 'Well, we found the other end of the portal.' I turned around and saw a large building in front of me. 'and what is that?'

'some sort of castle, fortress perhaps? It certainly has the size.' Deo suggested.

I looked at the front of the building, near the edge of the staircase leading up to it I saw a plaque. 'Canterlot High School'

'A school? Who needs a school this big?'

'It could be helpful though.' I told him.


'A school this large must have quite the library. What better place to learn more about everything?'

'One problem, you expect a place to be unlocked. It's the middle of the night.'

'True, but that doesn't mean much.' I thought walking over to a trash can along the edge of the path. Looking in a saw a stack of papers held together by a paper clip. I reached in and removed the paper clip. 'Such useful things, always thrown in the trash like they're nothing.' I thought smiling. I moved to the front doors of the school. I knelt down and looked that the keyhole on the door. "Pin tumbler lock. I'd say three, maybe four driver pins. Shouldn't be too hard to crack this."

'I forget sometimes how many bad habits you've learned.'

'I wouldn't call this a bad habit.' I told him. 'Just a frowned upon skill.'

I pulled the paper clip in front of me and unfolded it so it had a small hook at the end of it. I ran the paper clip along the inside of the lock. 'Yeah, just three driver pins.' I pushed up on one driver pin testing it. On it's way down I felt a slight resistance I quickly used the hook to move it to the side slightly. With a few tests the pin stayed where it was, but I could feel it give a little. 'Found the shear line of one, two more to go. This might be harder than an Equestrian lock a bit more advanced.' I looked at my...hands, I believe, as I worked on the next pin. 'Have to admit, it sucks not having magic, but these are quite a nice substitute. They're very dexterous.' I thought as I felt the next pin get into place. The third pin can soon after. Quickly I bent the other end of the paper clip around into the keyhole to give it more strength and turned it to the side. The plug began turning, but the paper clip snapped as I applied more force. I sighed and took the other half of the paper clip out. 'At the very least the plug is loose, I just need to turn it a bit more.' I began to look around for something I could use. Then I spotted something sitting next to the statue in the middle of the park. I walked over to it and as I got close I began to make it out. 'A bag.'

'You don't say.'

I rolled my eyes and picked up the backpack. I unzipped the first pouch and looked inside, there was a small pocket knife sitting inside. 'That'll work.'

I made my way back to the door flipping open the knife and turning the lock the rest of the way. I walked inside the school and locked the door behind me. I looked around and saw a few signs handing from the ceiling. I saw one that said library and began to follow them. Eventually I came to another door labeled as the library. I tested the door and it opened. 'Unlocked...seems that these humans are just as trusting as ponies...or some are just forgetful.' I opened the door the rest of the way. I walked into the library and began to explore the aisles looking at the different sections. 'Science, Fiction, Mystery, History that'll do.' I began to pull a few books off of the shelf. 'Let's get to learning.'

I slowly began to stir as I started to hear a sound. "Ex-"

'What happened, did I pass out reading?'

"Excu-" I heard and began to wake up more. "Excuse me."

I opened my eyes and saw somepony...'no someone, remember what you read Shadow.' "Oh, hello." I said sitting up as a few book fell off of me.

"What are you doing here?" She asked me.

'Crap, need to think of something quickly. This is a school, use that.' "Oh sorry, I guess I fell asleep studying yesterday."

"You fell asleep and spent the hole night in the library?" She responded.

I reached up and scratched my head. "Yeah, I have a big test coming up. Before now last time I slept was two days ago." I lied.

"Two days?" The women asked surprised.

"It's a really important test." I told her.

"You kids, you need to sleep more if you really want to do well in school." She told me.

I chuckled nervously. "I'll keep that in mind." I told her.

"Well you should get going, class has already started. You don't want to be any later than you already are."

I smiled and stood up. "Right, I'm sorry for the inconvenience." I said standing up. I grabbed my bag and left the library quickly. I sighed.

'Gotta be more careful. That could've ended much worse.'

'I can't believe you fell asleep reading in the library.'

I rolled my eyes. 'Let's just get out of here, I won't fit in with any of the classes here. It's probably best just to go.' I began to walk towards the entrance to the school.

"Excuse me." I heard from behind me.

I turned around quickly...Oh dear...That's Celestia.

"What are you doing out of class?" She asked me.

'Class...does she think we're from here...Is she the same Celestia?' I asked myself.

"Ahem, I asked a question." She repeated.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I wasn't feeling good. I was planning on heading home right now." I told her.

"Do you have a note from the nurse?" This Celestia asked me.

Think quick. I reached into me pocket and them looked down in mock surprise. "Wha-I-I thought I had it in my pocket." I lied.

Celestia looked at me. "Alright, head home. I hope you feel better." She said. turning around.

I sighed and started towards the door.

"Oh by the way, What's your name?" Celestia asked me.

"My name. It's Deo." I told her.


'I think it's better not to use my real name here.' I told him.

"Well then Deo I suggest the next time you want to skip school you try to come up with a better excuse." She told me smirking as she walked away.

I stood still for a moment, then chuckled a little. 'Well she may not be the same Celestia, but she certainly acts the same.' I turned to face the door. '...Is that Twilight?'

'She's probably just this worlds version.' Deo told me.

'She's walking on her hands and legs.' I told him.

'...I stand corrected.'

Author's Note:

I apologize for the late upload, it's finals week here. Got a lot of stuff on my mind.

Comments ( 10 )

It seems that using Equestria Girls has made this story very difficult to write.

I'd just like to take the time to appreciate this story.
The main character's a pitch black alicorn OC, he's got the dark past that everyone loves to see, he's shipped with one of the mane 6, and plenty more.
This story has >100 chapters
almost 200k words
and 181 upvotes to 44 down votes.
Well done Black Light. Well. Fucking. Done.

I will now disappear for like, 20-ish chapters again. :pinkiecrazy:

Not exactly, It hasn't been the story itself. It's been real life that's been making writing hard. I've been pretty stressed for time since starting college so I've been taking a short break to allow myself to get a decent enough backlog to keep myself from getting too stressed out. I do apologize for the hiatus, but I really need this.
~Black Light

5636615 Stress can really take it outta ya. Hopefully you feel calmer and more relaxed soon.:twilightsmile:

Just so you know, I still wait until the next chapter.

I think I spent over 30 minutes reading old comments up to page 16.

Good times.:twilightsmile:

How's college going?

111 chapters as much as i enjoy long stories this one is fcking huge

also enjoy this video its pretty good

Huh, been awhile since I read this bad boy, might as well do a third re-read. As Mario would say, "Here we go!"

No it can't be... It can't be over i read this from the beginning to here in 2 DAYS with nothing more than mountain dew and doritos just for it to stop HERE!!! Either an update happens or somepony gets hurt...:pinkiecrazy:

Reread the entire story and the comment section.

Still like it and hoping for more.

And god am I cringy with my earlier comments.

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