• Published 1st Nov 2012
  • 4,172 Views, 1,525 Comments

The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 60

Chapter 60

I pulled up the umbrella and opened it over my head. Discord had walked into the wedding quite noticeably followed by an army of living water balloons. That bounced along behind him in a single file line.

“Hello everypony.” Discord said suddenly stopping, the balloons stopped moving forward but continued to bounce behind him. I could see that crowd of ponies beginning to freak out, but they didn’t panic quite yet. Looking towards Discord again I got an idea. I extended my magic and grabbed one of the water balloons levitating it the long way around to me. I dropped it in my hoof and held it behind my back. “Many of you already know who I am.” Discord continued. “For those of you who don’t you should probably stop living under a rock.” I felt a slight tugging at my hoof and saw Skies hovering behind me holding part of the balloon. I let go of the balloon and Skies flew up into the sky with the water balloon in her hooves. “I am her to give my congrats to the happy couple. I hope you don’t mind, but my invitation seemed to get lost in the mail. I also decided to invite some friends of mine.” He said turning and indicating to the multitude of balloons behind him. “Hey… where’s Splash?” He asked.

I stepped forward. “I wouldn’t worry. I’m sure he’ll be dropping by soon.” I said with a smile turning everypony’s attention to me.

“What do you mea-” *Splash* Discord was suddenly drenched in water, the case of a balloon hanging from one of his horns. I looked up and saw Skies hovering a far ways above Discord with a grin.

I suddenly heard laughing and I turned to look at Discord. “Oh that was a good one. ‘dropping by’ how could I not see it coming?” Discord asked in between his chuckle. “But… you do realize now it’s my turn?” He said snapping his claw. All the balloons stopped bouncing and started to hover in midair. I could swear it seemed like they all turned and looked at me. I slowly lowered my umbrella in front of me like a shield peeking over slightly. “Hmm, clever… but pointless all the same.” Discord said pointing his finger to me suddenly sending the balloons flying at me and lightning speed.

“AAAAHHHHHH- Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle” Escaped my mouth as I was flooded with water.

The flood stopped and I was standing there drenched, the entire garden was silent as they stared at me. I slowly looked up at Discord who was smiling. “You do realize, this means war?” I told him.

“Quite.” He said with a snap of his claw. A large pile of water balloons appeared in between us.

And then all Tartarus broke loose.

I scooped up around five balloons in my magic while running straight at the massive pile. I tossed the first two at Discord as I reached the pile. Grabbing some in my hooves I tossed three up to Skies who caught them in the air. I continued to send a few balloons every now and again towards Discord as he started spawning more and more in his hands and tossing them at me while dodging the ones Skies was trying to drop on him.

“SHADOW! What do you think your-” *Splash* Dash was interrupted as I sent a balloon that drenched her in water. “…So that’s how you want to play it?” She said as she smiled. In a blur she was no longer at the alter but at the large pile scooping up a hoofful of balloons and landing next to Discord. I ducked as a balloon suddenly flew right by my head.

I smiled from behind my cover and used my magic to launch a few balloons blindly. A few shouts told me I hit somepony, but it didn’t sound like Dash. I looked over the pile and saw Rarity standing in between the two small teams that had formed. I looked like she was trying to stop us before I… oh no.

“OH. IT. IS ON!” She suddenly said levitating ten balloons at once and aiming them all at me. I gulped and ducked behind my cover as I heard the splashes.

“Wha- What’s going on?” I heard Cloud ask, very confused.

“Oh what the heck? Things are already insane might as well enjoy it.” Flare said next to her as he suddenly flew and landed next to me.

“Same plan as the legendary battle of Fort Kick Flank?” I asked him.

“You know it.” He said smiling.

I stood up and started to fire off a continuous stream of water balloons at the other team that had formed. I started spinning my wings in circles quickly as Flare followed behind me tossing balloons into the radius of my wings and sending them flying high like a catapult. Thus they couldn’t rely on their cover to keep them safe, and they couldn’t charge because of my stream of balloons sent by magic.

Celestia began to get upset at our display. “I DEMAND THAT YOU CEASE THIS ACTION IMMEDIAT-” *Splash*

Everything stopped. I ceased tossing my balloons from both magic and wings as both I and everypony, and draconequus, looked out from behind cover to look at the drenched princess.

“HUZZAH, HOW MANY POINTS DO I RECEIVE!?” The entire weddings attention turned to a certain blue alicorn that had just entered the garden and seen the chaos. “What? Did I do something wrong?” She asked seeing everypony staring at her.

“…Discord, would you mind conjuring up another balloon for me?” Celestia asked the draconequus, now staring intently at Luna. “And don’t hold back on the water.” She told him. The lord of chaos snapped his talon and a water balloon easily twice my size appeared next to Celestia, it was encased in a golden glow as was Celestia’s horn.

“QUICK! LUNA GET TO COVER!” I shouted at her getting her attention and waving her over. She did not hesitate and in a flash teleported behind the cover that Skies, Flare, and I had retreated behind. We were ducking behind the cover out of Celestia’s view. “Alright, now Luna you need to teleport yourself, Flare, and Skies away I have a plan, but none of you can be here for it.

“Well what is it?” Flare asked me.

I just gave him a smile and nodded to the princess. She teleported away with as small a flash as possible. It helped that at the same moment Celestia decided to teleport behind my cover with the giant water balloon in tow.

“Now you will- wait, where did the others go?” She suddenly asked looking around seeing it was only me.

I levitated out a small needle that had been bothering me since the wedding started. I had forgotten to remove it before the ceremony started. I guess it’s a good thing I forgot about it.

I saw Celestia’s eyes widen as she saw the light reflect off of the needle. “Now that I have a bargaining chip, let’s say we negotiate.” I said standing up. The entire wedding was now staring at the two of us.

“…So what is the goal of this negotiation?” She asked me.

“To distract you from the fact that the needle has slowly been levitating closer to the balloon.” I told her with a smile.

Her eyes widened further as she caught the glint of the needle right above the balloon. I smiled and gave a salute as my horn glowed brighter and a flashed away from Celestia. The levitation spell dropping.


As I reappeared I heard the splash and I looked over to Celestia who was now drenched mane to tail in water.

“…SHADOWMERE!!!” Celestia shouted at me.

“I regret nothing!” I shouted proudly beginning to run away. I was suddenly picked up in a golden aura. “I regret everything!”

“You certainly will be soon.” Celestia said quietly to me, which was surprisingly more intimidating than when she was shouting at me. “Now listen to me you’re going to-” *Splash* Celestia’s magic faltered and I was released. Looking up I saw Rainbow flying innocently above both of us. I turned and started to run away.

“I regret nothing again!” I shouted running away. I ducked behind a table that had Luna, Skies, and Flare behind it. Looking over I saw the rest of the wedding just sitting there dumbfounded. “Well, you can either just sit there in the line of fire, or you can choose a team and let the reception begin a little earlier, and a bit more exciting, than was planned.” I told them.

“Hey, if I joined in I’m pretty sure it’s all going according to-” *Splash* Flare was interrupted by a balloon impacting his face.

I looked towards the source and saw Cloud standing there smiling.

And then Tartarus broke loose again for the second time that day. This time with many more ponies though.

“And thus the great battle of Canterlot Gardens was recorded in history that day as the most destructive battle ever fought on Equestrian soil.”

“Will you at least use a different monologue than the one we used at Fort Kick Flank?” Flare asked me.

“And why in the world would I do that?”

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