• Published 1st Nov 2012
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The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 3

Chapter 3

"Please no don't do it, you know the reason. Don't do it please I am begging you."

I found myself pleading with Skies the plan she had concocted to get back at me would ruin me and I would never ever be able to live again. So I was begging her to not to execute her diabolical plan it would be terrible.

"I'm sorry brother but you must learn from your mistakes, and this is the best thing I know to do that."

By now there was a large crowd gathering in the town center to witness whatever this white filly was planning on doing. Skies slowly turned around and starred into the crowd before shouting.

"Attention everypony I have an announcement to make. My brother and I have just arrived in Ponyville." after she said that I could have sworn I heard a loud gasp come from one pony but I brushed it off since nopony seemed to have been affected by it. Skies continued her speech "I have some very interesting information about my brother Shadowmere."

"Please Skies I'm begging you don't do it"

My cries were ignored as she continued "For as long as I could remember my brother and I have been traveling, and one thing has remained the same. Every night when he is asleep my brother sucks his hoof!"

That's it my life is ruined everypony in town knows. Dang it Skies you know the only reason I do that is because my powers give me nightmares. But I can't tell anypony about that so now they all think I'm just suck my hoof for no reason. I came out of my thoughts and was greeted by laughter. Everypony was rolling around clutching their gut laughing as hard as they could.

I had enough I shouted out "That's it I'm going back into the forest"

And I was met with a collective gasp. I know I didn't imagine that one because I could feel the fear coming from the crowd. I turned back to the crowd and sure enough I saw their faces were filled with fear.

I decided to delve into this "what's so bad about the forest we walked all the way through from Manehattan." another gasp "I mean seriously we even slept in there." and another gasp followed by the sound of many fainting mares and one stallion. "Will somepony tell me what's so wrong with that forest."

"That is the forest Everfree, and it is hardly a safe place to be" a strangely out of place zebra stated.

"And that's important how?"

This time a stallion swept forward to explain "That forest is unnatural. The weather works on its own and all the animals fend for themselves."

"Well that is unusual, but how is it dangerous?"

A mint green mare steeped forward to speak "Well in the forest there are many dangerous creatures."

"What you mean like manticores and timberwolves?" I responded.

"Yes exactly like that." the mare said back.

"Eh, I've dealt with worse. They aren't that hard to get away from. Now Ursa Majors those are tough guys to get away from."

And more mares and stallions hit the floor unconscious.

One of the remaining stallions a pegasus with a black coat and a kind of striped light cyan mane asked "You fought a Ursa Major?"

I responded "Well not fought, ran from, and it I said Majors, plural, it was a pack of Ursa Majors. I didn't even think they traveled in packs."

And now even more ponies had fainted. The few that remained were frozen with mouths hanging open. "I didn't know it was that big of a deal. Ursas are just like large bears, and they aren't that scary in fact. They are rather friendly if you don't make them angry actually."

And everyponys down.

"Well since there are no more questions I think I'm going to go get something to eat. You coming Skies?"

"Of course. I never pass up an opportunity for food" she quickly responded.

"Yeah I know you don't. Well come on, I'm pretty sure I saw a sweets shop on my way back from the town hall. "

"Alright then what are we waiting for let's go"

Our walk to the sweets store was uneventful based on the fact that everypony was passed out in town square. As we came nearer we saw the building at the edge of the street. It would be hard to miss considering it looked like it was made out of sweets, but a quick taste test by Skies proved otherwise.

"Ow that hurt."

"I warned you"

"Yeah yeah lets just go inside."

As we reached the door I noticed something was off. The lights in the building were off, but the sign on the door said open so I decided to test the door and sure enough it was unlocked. So I pushed the door open and started to go inside to look for a light switch. I ran my hoof along the wall and found the switch.

I flipped the switch into the on position "SUPRISE!!!!"

I jumped off the floor screaming "SWEET MOTHER OF A CAKE LOVING CELESTIA!!!!!"

As I was in the air I felt something. Something I was very familiar with, it was fear, but this was different it wasn't my power this was actually my fear. For the first time in a long time I had felt my own fear. As I landed I looked around and saw the store was filled with ponies, balloons, and other party supplies.

"What is going on, and why are you all here I thought you were passed out in the town center?" I asked.

All at once all most everypony screamed “Yeah, but nopony misses a Pinkie Party!"

"A party what for" I questioned.

"A party for being a new pony in Ponyville silly" I turned my heads and was met with a pink pony that was standing on... the ceiling? "My names Pinkie Pie and I always throw a party when a new pony comes to Ponyville."

I realize this mare was responsible for all this. She was responsible for letting me feel my own fear. I hadn't felt it in such a long time i started to believe that i had lost it. I quickly grabbed the pink pony and pulled her into a hug. "Thank you, Thank you so much. When you all popped out I felt something I hadn't felt in a long time. I Fear, I felt my own fear again."

"Well you're welcome but why is feeling fear a good thing?" she asked as I released her from the embrace.

"That is a long story that I'm not very comfortable telling. All you need to know really is that I haven't felt my own fear in a long time."

"Well in that case LETS PARTY!!!"

As those words left her mouth a loud music filled the room and everypony was having a great time. Pinkie then grabbed Skies and me by our hooves and dragged us over to a table where five other ponies were already sitting. She quickly placed Skies and me in two chairs before sitting down herself.

"Okay Shady these ponies here are my bestest friends in the whole world" Pinkie said.

As they introduced themselves I used my power to learn a little more about them.

"Hey there, my names Rainbow Dash, fastest flyer in all of Equestria." the cyan mare boasted. She was scared of not being able to protect her friends.

The white mare next to her went next "Hello Darling my name is Rarity. I own Carousel Boutique, and I personally make all the clothing in the shop. You should stop by one day I'm sure you would look quite fetching in a tux." She’s scared of dirt and messes...really.

"Oh..um ..hi .. I'm Fluttershy. I take care of the animals" the yellow pegasus quietly whispered. Well I found out where that long list came from when I was in the forest.

"Howdy I'm Applejack I run Sweet Apple Acres with my family. We got the best apples in all Equestria." She’s scared of having to keep secrets from others.

"Hi my name is Twilight Sparkle. I'm the town’s librarian." And finally scared of disorganization... Wait what did she say her name was.

I choked up a little "Wait you're Twilight Sparkle, as in the Twilight Sparkle, the personal student to Princess Celestia herself?"

"Well yes I am, but I didn't think anyone around here would really know that"

"Well I get around a lot. I've traveled all over Equestria. I pick up bits of information here and there. Well you told us your names so I'm Shadowmere and this is my little sister Bright Skies."

"Hi it's nice to meet you" Skies quickly responded looking around.

"You can go play with your friends from the school Skies. I'm sure you would much rather prefer that." I said to her.

"Really I can?" I nodded my head "Thanks big brother I'll see you later." and just like that she bolted off into the crowd.

I spent the next few minutes talking about things with the mares. Pinkie seemed focused on finding out my favorite treat which I said was a quadruple chocolate cupcake a chocolate cupcake with chocolate chips inside covered in chocolate icing topped with chocolate sprinkles. Twilight wanted to know more about the Ursa incident, but I politely declined because we only escaped because of my power.

I was about to answer Rainbow Dash's question about the Wonderbolts. When I felt it. A feeling I had felt recently in Manehattan. It was about to break loose. I quickly jumped out of the chair and shouted at the top of my lungs "SKIES! NEED YOU, NOW!!!"

Knowing what was happening she ran quickly through the crowd that had stopped to stare at me. As she got to me I felt the pounding in my head get louder and louder I didn't have much time. I charged a teleportation spell to take me to the outskirts of town, and released it In a flash I found myself out of Sugarcube Corner and instead on a hill under a large tree. I saw Ponyville way in the distance. Hopefully this is far enough away.

~~~At Sugarcube Corner~~~

Back in Sugarcube Corner all the ponies were wondering what just happened.

Twilight called out" Girls we need to go see what's wrong I should be able to trace his magic and teleport us to him."

"Well then let’s go we won't abandon our new friend" Rainbow Dash replied.

"Okay I've got his trace here we go." and in a bright flash the six mares were gone.

~~~Outskirts of Ponyville~~~

"Come on brother don't lose control you can fight it."

I was slowly beating back the presence in my head. As long as I didn't get distracted I should be able to control it. As I finished thinking that a bright flash distracted me and I saw the six mares running towards me. Of course.

"NO!... Get back you ...need to leave now" I managed to say while holding back the darkness. I could tell there was no stopping it now. I could only delay it.

"No we are here to help you can tell us what the problem is." Twilight responded

"No you can't help you need to leave now. We don't want you getting hurt." Skies stated for me.

I looked up and saw them all standing there with determined faces staring at me. I turned around trying to keep the darkness from looking at them.

"Listen buddy were friends and friends help other friends with their problems." Rainbow Dash said.

"You...don't understand you...can't help...it's too late...just run now before I can't stop it." I forced out of my throat.

"Can't stop what?" Twilight questioned.

My mane and tail started to flare up. "It's too late." I stated my voice cold and dry void of all emotions it seemed to echo around the hill.

I saw everything that unfolded next. I saw it from behind my own eyes, but I had no control over my body. I turned around and looked into the eyes of Twilight, and I saw the scream on her lips before it had even left her mouth. She fell on the ground screaming and I felt the tug at my mind I was going into her worst nightmare.

The scene started to play out I saw the same six mares that were on the hill with me standing in a castle with the other five mares wearing some sort of necklaces while Twilight stood in front wearing a large tiara. Standing in front of them was a mare I had read about in many stories the fearsome Nightmare Moon. The scene quickly changed to a battle as the mares shot a powerful rainbow at the living nightmare. The rainbow hit the demon square on and as the smoke cleared... Nightmare Moon still stood, laughing. She then charged the six mares and began her attack. She was destroying them kicking them around and slamming them with her magic. Then thing took a turn for the worst, she summoned a large spike that protruded from her hoof and proceeded to start stabbing the mares. One by one the mare started falling their bodies bleeding from every cut Nightmare Moon had given them. Finally only Twilight was left sitting in pools of her friends’ blood crying madly. "Sha.." Nightmare slowly approached her next victim. "Shado..." she raised her hoof once again summoning the spike, and she swiftly lowered it towards her final victim.

"SHADOW!" I finally heard clearly the scream of the one pony I hold dear. Bright Skies was shouting for me.

My mind receded back into my body and I gained control once again. The last thing I saw were five frightened mares tending to the sixth that was laying on the ground sobbing loudly. My final thought 'This is going to be fifteen isn't it?'

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