• Published 1st Nov 2012
  • 4,172 Views, 1,525 Comments

The Darkness in our Souls - Black Light

Shadowmere knows fear, he knows hate, and he knows darkness. In fact, he knows everypony's.

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Chapter 52

Chapter 52

I turned to face Flare and Cloud. “So now all we need is to reset the date for the ceremony.” I told them. “When are the things you ordered arriving?” I asked.

“Um, tomorrow.” Flare answered.

“…tomorrow?... And how long until some of the things you ordered spoil after they’re delivered?”

“Well… some will spoil before the end of the day.” Flare answered.

“…the end of the day?...How are we going to get everything set up by tomorrow!?” I asked with a shout. “…wait a moment.”

“You have an idea?” Flare questioned.

“Eeyup.” I answered turning around. “Pinkie.”

“Yeah, boss.” Pinkie responded peeking out from inside an old suit of armor.

“…not gonna ask. Come here.” I said pointing in front of me. Pinkie disappeared inside the armor and then stepped around from behind me so she was in front of me. “Still not going to ask. Pinkie, I’m putting you in charge. Get the invite list, and go wild.”

Pinkie started to smile widely. “Okie Dokie Loki” And she was suddenly behind me again speaking rapidly with confused Flare and Cloud getting all the information she needed.

I let out a relieved sigh. I’ve seen Pinkie set up a surprise party in under an hour and somehow get the invites to everypony in that short time. I’m positive that she’ll be able to set everything up nice.

I notice Pinkie nodding quickly and she ran out of the room, most likely to start handing out invitations. Through the same door, I saw Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Skies all walking through looking behind them, no doubt at the party pony that had just ran past them.

“I heard that y’all were back, what’s up with Pinkie?” Applejack asked.

“Well, there’s been a change of plans. Flare and Cloud’s wedding is no longer going to be at the church they had originally planned instead we’re having it here… tomorrow.” I answered.

“Tomorrow, how do you expect to… Pinkie?” Applejack questioned

“Pinkie.” I responded with a small nod. “Back to the planning though. Where do we want to have the ceremony? There’s the here in the main hall, the garden, the front entrance. What do you think?” I asked.

Flare looked at Cloud. “Well, I do like the outdoors.” She told me.

“Garden it is then.” I responded. “Next order of business-” I started.

“Wait, what about Pinkie, doesn’t she need to know where it is so she can decorate and put it one the invitations?” Flare asked interrupting me.

“Trust me, I don’t know how, but she probably already knows.” I told him.


“Believe me, we will probably never know, so it’s best not to ask.” I told him. He just nodded, still slightly confused. “Now, I trust you have a cake.” Flare and Cloud nodded. “Alright, Pinkie will probably spruce it up when it gets here. Applejack, I trust that I can count on you for refreshments?” I asked turning to the farm mare.

“Darn tootin’. I’ll get Spike to send a letter to Big Mac, telling him to bring up some of our best.” She told me making her way over to Spike.

I nodded smiling, if things continue to go smoothly it should be a great wedding. A thought dawned on me and I walked over towards the Princess. She leaned down to hear what I had to say to her and I whispered my idea to her, wanting to keep it a surprise.

“Hmm, yes I believe that both should be able to be arranged.” She told me with a smile that I returned.

“What should be able to be arranged?” Flare asked.

“Oh it’s nothing important.” I told him. He looked at me unconvinced. “Fine, I just wanted to see if I could use the kitchen to try my hoof at my mother’s recipe for brownies.” I lied to him hoping he would believe me.

“She taught you the recipe for those delicious slices of heaven?!” He asked excitedly, apparently he did believe me.

“Yes, and I wanted to try and make them.” In truth she did teach me the recipe for them. I would’ve made them before, but I never had the supplies for them and the one time I did I set the kitchen on fire. Not my fault, no one told me those ingredients were that flammable.

“Well, in that case that should be required.” He said licking his lips and walking back over to Cloud.

I turned and looked at the princess. “Care to make me not a liar?” I asked.

“Of course you can use the kitchen for your brownies. Just make sure you save one for me.” She told me with a smille.

I returned the smile and made my way back over to the group. “Now what do you two have in the form of attire?”

“Well since we were just planning a small little wedding at the church we rented a plain suit and dress, but now if we’re having the ceremony here those won’t fit the location at all, but I don’t know where we could get something in our budget that would be fitting to have a wedding here.” Cloud said starting to pace again. I quickly stepped forward and put a hoof on her shoulder to calm her.

“This is probably the easiest to rectify.” I told her casting a glance back at Rarity, who was already taking a measuring tape out of her saddle bags.

Rarity started trotting forward happily. “Now both of you come with me, I’m going to make sure you look fabulous.” She said as she started to walk with them out the door. I saw Flare cast me a worried glance, I mentally chuckled. He always did hate having to go out and try to find clothes. I just smiled and waved at him as he left.

I let out a content sigh. “Things seen to be going much better than expected.” I said aloud. “Well, time for me to go and try to make brownies.” I said making my way to the kitchen. I wanted to start early since I doubted they would be perfect the first time.

~~~Da Da Daa Da Da Da Da Daa Daaa, Super String to the rescue… I mean
One cooking attempt later~~~

I was quickly levitating a bucket of water over to the stove and dumped it on one part of the raging fire I had started. “Why does this keep happening?!” I shouted.

“Shadow are you all right. I think I smell you brownies bur-” Twilight was saying as she walked in with Rainbow and saw me in the middle of an inferno.

“I think it’s a bit more than the brownies Twilight!” I shouted back at her, running over to the sink I had running. "AND NOW THE SINKS ON FIRE! HOW DOES THAT EVEN HAPPEN?!!" I started to run around in a circle not knowing what to do now. Eventually I just gave up and put the bucket over my head and cowered on the ground. A sudden burst of water blasted on and around me drenching my coat and I expected the entire kitchen. I slightly lifted my makeshift helmet off my head and looked towards the door. Pinkie was standing there holding a large fire hose that she was just turning off. I stood up off the ground and levitated the bucket over to the storage closet. After I set it down I made my way over to the doorway where the girls were standing, being careful to avoid the cooking equipment around me.

Twilight was standing in the doorway her eyes wide and twitching slightly. Soon enough she spoke… well shouted. “HOW IN ALL OF EQUESTRIA DID YOU SET THAT WATER ON FIRE, AND FURTHERMORE AN ENTIRE KITCHEN. I THOUGHT YOU WERE MAKING BROWNIES?!”

“I was making brownies.” I told her. “But all kitchen equipment apparently hates me with a passion, and I don’t know how I set the water on fire. Apparently I’m just that bad in the kitchen.”

I could tell that Rainbow was somewhere in between falling onto the floor laughing or reprimanding me for setting a kitchen on fire. Meanwhile Pinkie was over by the oven… comforting it I think. She did work closely with other ovens, maybe it’s just a baker thing….or a Pinkie thing.

“Wow… I never knew you were really that bad at cooking.” I heard from behind Rainbow and Twilight. I recognized the voice, but I didn’t really believe it.

Both Twilight and Rainbow stepped out of the way and turned around to see who had spoken. “Mom, what- what are you doing here?” I asked.

My mother stepped through the door. “Truthfully I don’t right know. She just came to me and told me to come with her.” She said pointing at Pinkie. “Now I understand why.”

I turned to Pinkie. “How did you know to get my mom?” I asked her.

“Oh that’s simple, I got a furrowed brow, floppy left ear, tail twitch, floppy right ear, floppy left ear, and a front right leg jiggle. That means one of my friends is having trouble in the kitchen, and right know I knew you were in a kitchen so it just made sense.” She answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“No further questions.” I said turning back to my mother. “So… feel like helping me make some brownies?” I asked.

“Of course dear.” She told me, and looked at the kitchen we were in. “Let’s go to the one just down the hall though.”

“Good idea.” I said walking out of the room with my mother.

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