• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 18,898 Views, 1,952 Comments

A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Nine: Idle Visit

Dear Stardust Balance,

How are you? I hope all has been well during your stay in Ponyville. My faithful student Twilight Sparkle has informed me that you, alongside her, have too had your fair share of adventures. And I wish to hear how you've been getting used to your new lifestyle in person.

I, Princess Celestia, hereby invite you to attend a royal afternoon tea, tomorrow morning at ten A.M. exact; reserved only for you, myself, Princess Luna and another who I am certain you shall get along with swimmingly, since you have clearly become good friends with my student.

Should you agree, please ask Spike to send an acceptance letter of your approval. And if it will make you feel more comfortable, you are free to take company with you to join us. Upon your journey into Canterlot, an escort shall be awaiting your arrival at the Canterlot train station. He will easily identifiable I am sure.

I hope to hear your reply very soon.

- Princess Celestia.

First it was a thunderstorm. Two days later it was a train ride.

And I loved both. Right now I allowed myself a content expression while sitting back enjoying the ride, as the rather colourful train proceeded to take I and various other ponies to the ruling kingdom that was Canterlot. Canterlot... pft, either paying homage to or just blatantly ripping off 'Camelot'. Just thinking about the word alone that this kingdom was called was ridiculous enough. I don't think I could ever say it without cracking a smile. Thankfully I had this long seat to myself, as my side-glances were enough to prevent any ponies from thinking about joining me. I get a seat all of my own, and it's a window seat.

What more could you want?

I admit, I did not expect Celestia to even write such a formal request to me asking for my presence so soon. I previously believed she would SAVE her questions for that gala that's going to happen sometime in the future. Oh well, whatever game that monarch was playing, whatever her goal was, I will be cautious at all times; more careful than I've ever been so as to not reveal too much.

May as well get the whole thing over and done with before the day is done.

Despite the invitation's recommendation, I chose not to bring anyone with me; Twilight was needed back in Ponyville for any episodes that could happen while I was gone, and Spike had just returned home yesterday. Plus there was no logical reasoning behind taking any of the others with me. So in the end I woke up earlier than I've ever been up in the town, departing out of the library before anyone even noticed.

Ahh, there it was.

The large majestic-looking kingdom was in clear sight from my window now, the only sign of the place before getting closer was the castle attached to the nearby mountain. And I briefly wonder; how will I get up there? There must be a way up for Earth Ponies or something.

I'll see when I get there, as the populated town loomed closer by every passing mile, I felt some measure of both anticipation and nervousness well up within me. Of course I've met Celestia before, but that was under informal circumstances.

To be utterly honest, I'm not entirely sure what to expect out of this.

The first thing I noticed about the train station I've arrived to was its CLEANER and higher-class design than the station back at Ponyville. That alone gave me a reason to roll my eyes as I walked out of the cartridge; it was to be expected, but I couldn't help but think that if a simple transportation station was to be reflecting the beauty and elegance of the kingdom, imagine what the rest of the town would look like.

I can't wait...

Slowly leaving the carriage on wheels to across the station, already repressing the urge to just find a quiet spot and hide from the huge kingdom before me, my eyes carefully glanced over every other pony I can see either exiting or boarding the still train.

Well, I've finally arrived. So where's that escort the princess mentioned...?

Oh well, since I have no clue as to what my guide looked like, I suppose he/she will recognize me as the crowd disperses moment by moment. May as well keep walking around the station a little as to not get in anyone's way. Surely Celestia gave the escort a description of the visitor-

"Excuse me: Stardust Balance?"

Ah. Right on cue.

I gave a small sigh of relief before turning around to greet the evident stallion, and-


White body. Royal-looking clothing. Dark-ish-blue eyes. Multiple-shades-of-blue hair. The obvious posture of someone not to be trifled with, and looking at the stallion before him who was only a few inches shorter than he was.


The prince - sorry, soon-to-be prince - released a small bemused smile towards me; I must have allowed my shock to be reflected on my expression. "At ease friend, I have no ill intentions; I've been sent by request of Her Highness Princess Celestia to escort you to the castle."

Of course. Of all royal guards or servants, that monarch sends this guy instead. Why, it's as if the world was telling Celestia to take every step and measure possible to spite me. Why else would she send this guy to meet me here?

A raised curious brow after a period of silence. "Are you already aware of my identity, sir?"

Oh I recognize you alright, you contrived stallion. Instead of voicing such I let out a tight smile and replied casually, trying to get rid of this one-sided tension. "I am merely taken aback that my assumption was wrong; I was expecting a guard clad in armour or something similarly royal."

A quirked smile. "Is my clothing not royal enough to your eyes?"

"Not where I'm from, no. Sorry."

"No need to apologize, I shall introduce myself then." The white stallion bowed formally. "My name is Shining Armor, Captain of the Canterlot Royal Guards. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr Balance."

"Ah yes... you." In my defense I never anticipated being picked up by him of all guards, I thought he was busy setting wedding plans with that mate of his. So excuse me while my vocabulary isn't at my best at this moment. "Yes I've heard about you. It is an honour that you of all royal employees would be asked to escort me, Mr Armour."

"Please, just Shining will do- hmm, is something funny?" Was it that obvious? Of course it was, I was struggling to contain the laughter that threatened to burst out over his ridiculous name, my muzzle releasing short chuckles while I fight to maintain my composure.

I mean come on, 'Shining Armor'? That's not a name, that's more of a title. Who names their own kid that? It's just begging to be mocked and demeaned. Unless his parents knew of the future he was going to have, which is very unlikely.

"Oh nothing, nothing my friend."

"If you say so sir..." The stallion - I don't think I can call him 'Shining Armour' even in my mind without busting a gut - said uncertainly, before clearing his throat and adopting a business-like tone. "Well then, let us not keep Her Highness waiting then. Please follow."

I nodded, walking behind the soon-to-be prince out of the station towards the rather lovely-looking town, filled with so many walking and talking ponies of different forms and colours. Good grief, that anxiety was already returning, slowly replacing the amusement of my escort's name. I never do well with crowds... or going outside in general for that matter. I knew I should have brought someone with me, but I had no intention in wasting any of their time so... yeah I'm beginning to regret it alright. But still, I kept my head high while walking among these friendly ponies, doing my best to ignore the curious looks sent my - or should I say my escort's - way. Thanks again for this Celestia.

Really, thank you from the bottom of my cold bitter heart..

"I must admit I'm a bit surprised." Ah great, casual conversation. The curious-sounding stallion glanced over his shoulder. "Princess Celestia invites individual ponies, but it's obvious you are also foreign. Not that it's any of my business, but are you perhaps a representative of your land?"

You're right, it isn't any of your business. "If that was the case my people would've picked a better representative." I remarked lightly.

Shining Armor though... God bless his soul.

"I've had that exact reaction myself when I first walked down these halls." I heard the royal captain state, as my gaze focused on the interior of the halls around us as we moved across. "Just wait until you see the throne room; that's something to behold."

Tch, I've seen that room. Nothing special there but just that cliché throne room you see everywhere... but with more colour.

Still, I had to admire the classy decorations and furniture around me, reminding myself that I was, for the first time in my life, walking inside a castle; though this time still ruled by a living monarch, fictional or not. Of course there were many castles in England and Wales, but those were just ancient parts of days of old. This was rather impressive, to me anyway. What makes it all the better was that I was about to meet a ruling princess inside her own castle... but truthfully it would've been grander if it was a Queen I was meeting.

Hang on...

"Please wait here, I will inform the Princess you're here." Armor then said - I find addressing him both vocally and mentally as 'Armor' than 'Shining' assists me more in keeping a straight face - as we arrived by a large pair of doors, where anyone with half a brain knows what room was within. As the white unicorn then knocked on them, entering through the small opening and leaving in the hallway with two other guards defending the doors to the sides, I swallowed some nervousness.

No, you'll be fine Stardust... you've met Celestia, and Luna if she's in there too, before, and I doubt there's going to be attempt of mind-reading or interrogation as soon as I go inside. What's the worse that can happen? I doubt I'll be banished to the moon, or get decapitated and then trapped in a glacier or get locked inside a cage guarded by a Cerberus. If they do deem me a threat, then I'll have to formulate a plan just in case things go sour in there.

Fortunately, thanks to my cautious state (while others call it 'paranoia'), apart from worrying what was going to occur in my visit here, I've been doing exactly that, planning, during the train ride to Canterlot. Of course I don't believe I can take on the princesses or the royal guards; the Ursaminor and dragon were one thing, this was an entire new level.

I would just need to distract them long enough to make a quick escape, starting by analyzing the throne room immediately upon entering-

Without warning the large doors opened, and I raised a brow in surprise. Huh... thought they'd slowly open for dramatic purposes. Quickly clearing my throat before they opened fully, I adopted a posture fitting enough to look respectful when in the presence of monarchs. Though I really shouldn't be bothering; it's not as if the smiling Celestia or her curious sister had gained my respect anyway.

Walking at a slow pace towards the throne, I kept my eyes fixed straight, focusing only on the two princesses instead of the blank-faced guards and aimlessly-walking servants around them, or Shining Armor observing from the side of the steps, observing me with slight interest. But Jesus everything in my forward sight was huge! Kinda empty, as seen in the show, save for the throne itself and the room's occupants, but gigantic nonetheless.

And there she was, in all her glory.

"Stardust Balance." The tall white alicorn finally addressed as I was within casual hearing distance, halting my own body to where I would presume would be a suitable place on the red rug. "I was beginning to think you weren't coming." Her welcoming smile seemed to brighten considerably as I took a light bow. Whereas Luna remained staring openly at me, whose dark blue mane, since I last saw it light blue, copying her sibling's with her hair doing that weird flowing trick while sparkling.

I think I liked it better when it was down...

Anyway, just gotta be careful not to screw up here.

"Hello Celestia." I replied politely.

...Well that wasn't difficult.

The reactions afterwards began with a tray carried by a shocked servant crashing to the clean marble floor, numerous gasps echoing the throne. A huge quantity of guards dropping their jaws with widened eyes of disbelief, breaking out of their still postures and glancing in my direction. Servants gawking in horror. Shining Armor with an expression so priceless I'd have to tell his sister about it when I return.

Though I guess now it would be a matter of if I go back, considering my small crime just now.

But I had no clue if that would be the case, since I'm not sure if Celestia's apparent amused expression meant me getting thrown into the dungeons or not. Her sibling meanwhile matched the many expressions of the room's occupants rather well, albeit more shocked-looking than the rest.

You know, despite the potential danger of my display of flat-out disrespect, I'm finding myself very humoured here.

"How dare you!" One of the white guards, clad in golden armour, yelled in understandable rage, pointing at me as though I was vermin. "To address Her Highness so... so blatantly, with a smile no less; do you have no idea who you're talking to?!"

...Well, since I've already screwed up faster than I've ever done in my entire life, may as well roll in dignity with it, beginning with a half-heated shrug. "Do you have any idea who you're talking to?"

The guard was just blistering now at the mocking tone, opening his mouth and obviously was about to issue a command to the troops to surround me. Oh yeah? You want some of this-?

"That's quite enough." Our heads looked up to the peace-gesturing Celestia, gazing down upon her subjects, and me, calmly. "There is no need for such attitudes. Stardust is a guest, and I expect you all to treat him as such." I raised a brow; after that act of disrespect, although completely unintentional, she expects her guards to just go along with- oh of course she does, she's the ruler.

"But... Princess, he-"

"I'm aware of his lack of respect, thank you my loyal guard. But I can handle this." She switched her regal stare to the nearby servant, observing the scene with the same amount of shock and disbelief as the other occupants, before standing to attention upon immediately seeing her gaze on him. "Is it all prepared?" At the courteous nodding, that serene smile returned, and I felt myself for whatever reason stand to attention as Celestia looked at me. "Now then, with the greetings out of the way, dear sister, Stardust, Shining, why don't we discuss more over some tea?"

I nodded in clear agreement, ignoring the disapproving gazes of Armor and Luna hurled in my direction. Imagine the tall alicorn's reaction to the fact I disliked tea.

"You're fortunate these are different circumstances Stardust, otherwise I would have been forced to set an example of discipline against that bold act."

"I'm just going to assume you're kidding. Ah thank you." I took the glass cup set on a small plate being offered to me via floating politely. I'm getting some small amusement here from the befuddled expressions at how I'm sitting on the chair by two of the other three room's occupants; they sit like horses while I sit like a human, so to me it wasn't anything to be curious about.

Eh, Twilight and Spike gave me those exact looks since I've moved into the library.

After that accidental fiasco within the throne room, the two monarchs and captain of the guards escorted me to a much smaller room I speculated was Celestia's study, identifying from the shelves filled with scrolls, books and letters. Everything seemed to be in a neat order; I guess she ordered her servants to tidy any mess before our arrival. And how nice, a little fireplace for us all to sit close by on our comfy chairs surrounding a table with a tray on top as we discuss.

Speaking of fireplaces, I have to ask that studious unicorn back in Ponyville why even having one and using it inside a tree was in any way not considered to her as a safety hazard.

"Whether I jest or not is irrelevant; you would be wise to present either me or any other monarch in Equestria with respect, should you desire your space instead of being thrown in a dungeon. Luckily I am not so crude."

"Praise the lords that you are the ruler of all then." I said dramatically, ignoring the expression of disdain sent by the as-of-yet-to-be prince. "If it eases you all, that display earlier wasn't intentional."

"Pleased to hear it." Celestia stated sincerely as the spoon swirling inside her cup of tea by itself finished, also feigning ignorance to the looks of her royal sister and loyal captain. "Yet I must politely insist next time it won't happen again."

"No promises." I shrugged, being completely honest myself. Why not consider it as payback for not dealing with the whole dragon fiasco yourself? Yes I'm still mad over that. "It really considers on if you earn my respect over time or not." And from what I've heard about you from other MLP fans, my dear Princess, and your impressions to me since I've came to this world, I highly doubt that will ever happen. "Now, why have you requested my presence here, really?"

Time to get to the heart of the matter, and I swear Celestia's eyes brightened at the question, with a flicker of interest.

"You could at least be more formal with your question..." I heard Armor mutter in disapproval from the side, while my gaze was focused on the white alicorn, who looked back at me evenly.

Well at least all the anxiousness I felt earlier diminished.

"Oh. Allow me to rephrase myself." I began, inwardly delighting from the corner of my eye at the side-glare as the taller stallion sipped on his drink. "It would satisfy my curiosity to discuss the true root as to why I have been summoned to your kingdom, Princess Celestia. Also... why Mr. Armor here accompanies us in this room." Especially while the rest of the castle's occupants are elsewhere.

I swear, I'm uncertain whether to be flattered or a little disappointed that Celestia doesn't consider me enough to be a potential threat to have guards within or protecting the outside hallway.

Taking her own sip, Celestia took a moment of satisfactory of the warm drink before talking, both mine and Armor's intrigued attention fully on her calm posture. "I believe Shining Armor deserves to know and understand the situation, before any wrong conclusions are made. Hmm, you seem surprised Stardust."

Well I was, you're actually doing something close to wise for a change. But instead of rudely pointing that out I shrugged. "I just... never thought of that as all."

"My loyal guard here is in fact Twilight's-"

"Older sibling. I'm aware."

"Oh." Thankfully the blinking alicorn didn't press for details. "Then you agree with informing him about this ordeal?"

...Ah screw it, why not. Either the confused stallion observing our conversation will be skeptical at first before believing anything the monarch says, or will react in a way I will find absolutely comical. Or something else. Plus it wouldn't do any harm for Twilight's brother to be informed about the whole situation beforehand, so no quick assumptions would be made and reckless actions wouldn't be taken.

Very well, bring on the thunder.

At my firm nod, Celestia nodded back as Armor finally took that opportunity to speak up. "Pardon me for interrupting, Princess, but what is it you wish for me to know about?"

"Shining Armor, allow me to introduce you to Stardust Balance, resident from another world far from our own. He is currently residing with Twilight in Ponyville, so as to better understand our world and its inhabitants." Celestia took a gulp of her warm tea, relinquishing the taste while happily feigning notice of her words slowly processing in the captain's head. She continued while looking at me with interest. "Speaking of which, in answer to your former question, Stardust, I wish to know: how is your time in Ponyville progressing?"

I shrugged, restraining the smile to leap on my face as the shocked Armor kept looking back and forth from me to the monarch. "Eh, can't complain. The residents are currently tolerable."

"...Is that all?"

"It's all I can think of, really."

"No thoughts on your housemates, or any other pony within the town in particular, or perhaps Equestria itself?"

Just as I was about to reply with genuine un-enthusiasm, Armor spoke up again, his tone filled with surprise and disbelief. "Hold on a second. Excuse me, Princess Celestia, but are you telling me this stallion sitting here, sharing tea with us, right now, is in fact a different life form altogether from another world?"

"Indeed I am."

"...And he's living with Twilight."

I added casually. "And Spike, if that eases your concern."

"I'm sorry, but that just makes things seem worse to me." The white unicorn shook his head, glancing at me with a mixture of emotions. "He looks like your everyday pony to me."

"Blame your world for that." I stated blandly. Funny thing, I've actually gotten very use to being one of their kind. Having four legs wasn't such a pain, in fact I'd dare say it was even fun. For the past month I've been adapting to this new body, and I'm both troubled and relieved I've grown use to this temporary horse form so quickly. I figured it would have taken me more months or so.

But still, that didn't mean I craved my old body back. Despite this new form having many qualities other than my true form, no spots all over my body and the warmness from this bodily fur as examples, I still miss having hands to use and electronic systems to use them with... Don't give me that look, right now it's the only reason I can think of for wanting my human body back.

Oh, that and so I can eat meat again... when I tried to devour fish in this form a few weeks ago I vomited... violently.

"Princess, I must protest against this; if you what you say is true, how do we know this alien won't potentially harm Twilight, Spike or anypony else? For all we know he's dangerous, and should be kept in a more guarded area so we can keep an eye on him."

I found myself nodding. "I agree with him." Ignoring Armor's surprised expression thrown at me, I set the now cold drink, which I never took a sip of, down on the round table, then leaned back and clasped my two front hoofs together calmly. "How do we know you can trust me not to harm a single hair on anyone's head while I'm stuck in your world?"

"If there was any hostility from you, I would have sensed it." Oh, so you can sense the emotions of others now? God with every passing minute in her presence I'm convinced this royal calm mare was a Jedi in disguise; it would explain so much. "Regardless, I don't believe for a moment you have any intention of hurting anyone. You have been brought to Equestria for a reason. And while we are on that subject, have you learnt anything more about your arrival here since we last spoke, Stardust?"

"Well that voice that speaks to me in my mind gave some vague answers about the matter a month ago."

This time her expression changed to intrigue. "Hmm... you never mentioned last time of any voices in your head."

"Must of slipped my mind." I shrugged indifferently. "He calls himself Specter, and apparently the cause of my being here was all thanks to him, stating I have to carry out a few tasks for him if I ever want to return home."

The tall white alicorn was obviously taking in these words with intrigue, sitting back on her seat before taking a moment to reply. Luna meanwhile had said absolutely nothing during our conversation, simply quietly sipping her drink and observing us all. I wonder how she's coping right now, adjusting to the new time period and changes of Equestria since a thousand years ago.

Armor continued to eye me distrustfully, and I had to admire that caution of his. But still, I despised being stared at, so I sighed and faced him completely, my tone firm. "I understand your wariness, Armor. And whether you believe me or not, I care little. But I have no intention whatsoever in hurting anyone in this damn world, especially your sister."

"And how do I know that?" The stallion folded his front raised hoofs, having set his tea down earlier and still looking at me with clear disdain. "What would relieve me that you won't dare harm a single hair on Twilight's head?"

Because she's my favourite pony. "What could I possibly do to harm her? Someone who took down Nightmare Moon, lullaby-ed an Ursaminor to sleep, and survived facing a giant dragon?" I gave the blinking white alicorn a pointed look before continuing. "Your world turned me into an Earth Pony; what possible actions then could I take to hurt her or anyone else?"

He had a counterargument ready, and you gotta respect that caution. "You can be deceitful, for all I know. You could be tricking her into trusting you, and you could be using her for your own ends."

This time it was Celestia who spoke before I could, having evidently observing the argument calmly. "You need not worry, Shining. I would never throw my beloved student into harm's way if I didn't believe she wasn't capable of handling the matter. You must trust me on this."

As the stallion reluctantly conceded with his Princess' rather weak point, the alicorn continued to address me. "Did this Specter tell you what your first task entails?"

"Indeed; I must begin making friends with your world's inhabitants, beginning with Twilight and her friends."

"I see..." Celestia looked down slightly in clear contemplation for a moment before looking back up." Well then, Stardust, I must thank you; you have given me much to dwell upon. I've never heard of someone named 'Specter' before, perhaps more information will be found somewhere in Canterlot's grand library."

Oh, which reminds me. "Speaking of information." I began rather hesitantly. "I looked around Twilight's own library in Ponyville for any information to possibly send me home." Though I haven't done that for a while now; having given up because it was clear there wouldn't be anything reliable about the subject there.

"And have you discovered anything?"

"In short, nothing."

Celestia seemed to share my disappointed expression with a similar sigh. "I must regret to inform you then, Stardust, that I too have been researching for any clues as to how to send you home, or about your state in general."

"I get the feeling this doesn't sound well for me..."

"I'm sorry, but I have currently uncovered nothing significant. As I said last time, this may take a while. For now I believe it's best you abide this Specter's rules. But on the bright side; I'm certain with how much time you have spent in Ponyville, you've already grown close to my faithful student and her friends."

"Ah, I suspected as much." I admitted with a tinge of bitterness in my tone, ignoring that last sentence of the alicorn's completely. There goes my last shred of hope to defy that voice and retrurn home to where my worried-sick family was waiting.

"I am truly sorry, Stardust. I know this must be severely disappointing to you."

I shrugged. "It's fine, none of this is your fault or anyone elses but that damn voice."

An amused, yet still apologetic smile. "Very well. We will discuss more later, as my dear sister and I have royal duties to attend to. For now, why don't you go out and explore the kingdom? I'm sure there will be plenty of things out there that will pique your interest."

Oh I highly doubt that. But I slowly nodded anyway, stretching my limbs casually. "Why not? I have all the time in the world."

"I don't doubt that. I will send a letter to Twilight telling her your stay in Canterlot will be extended a little then. I shall also provide you with an escort so you won't find yourself lost in the rather large town-"

"I'll do it." Our heads immediately turned to the blunt stallion, and I raised a brow at the surprising gall of him. Armor then cleared his throat and bowed lightly at his bemused monarch. "With respect, Princess, I would like to accompany our friend here and show him around the kingdom."

I restrained the urge to snort. Obviously to keep an eye on me and make sure I don't cause any trouble. And I don't like the way he said 'friend'. But I kept my gaze evenly against his own, emphasizing that I knew exactly what he was up to.

"A sound idea, Shining Armor." Celestia concurred, and I simply shrugged at her inquiring gaze. Two can play this game, my cautious friend. Though I wonder how he'll react as to exactly how much concern and fondness his sister had over me. And believe me my friend I never asked for such. While I'm not approving of the caring Twilight showed towards me, I think I might get a laugh out of it if Armor here learns about it. "But before you go, Stardust, I would like to inform you that I will be visiting Ponyville sometime soon in the future."

...Erm, okay good for you. "That's nice." I said uncertainly. I don't see why she even bothered telling me this. What did this alicorn want me to prepare a welcome party beforehand? Have your own student do it!

"A moment, if thy might inquire." And she speaks at last! Just as we about to get up, three heads quickly turned to the previously-silent Princess of the Night, blue intrigued yet nervous-looking eyes observing me as she proceeds with her question. "Why does thou wish to return to his world so earnestly? Surely this world doesn't bother thou so?"

Ahh, Old English. Gotta love it.

Smiling at the old traditional usage of words, I replied honestly. "I have a family back home, Luna-" I continued while she blinked at the disrespect. "- And there is nothing of more greater importance than family."

The blue monarch took in my words slowly, before nodding in agreement.

"Words that can never be more true." Celestia concurred approvingly, and Armor looked at me with a mixture of from what I could gather wariness and interest.

There's a lot of interest going around here today...

You know I'm amazed Celestia didn't inquire about the whole Ursaminor and dragon incidents.

Either she was waiting for the subjects during our conversation to be brought up back at the castle, or Twilight never informed the monarch about my parts in the the whole ordeals. Really wouldn't surprise me much, that mare mostly writes her letters to the princess about the lessons she's learnt from spending time with those other ponies. Myself? I never learnt a single thing during my stay here, other than to be more discreet.

And look how well that's working out for me.

Right now I was currently walking alongside the wary older sibling of Twilight, who casually waved and greeted back to any passing pony who knew him while showing me around the kingdom; briskly pointing out various shops and homes filled with Canterlot's most successful ponies outside the monarchy.

"It's a beautiful town, don't you agree?" Ah, back to making conversation instead of throwing me less-than-subtle wary distrustful glances in my impassive direction.

Eh, just to humour him, and anything to get rid of this awkward tension the taller stallion was emitting. "If it was less crowded." I admitted, which was why my eyes kept fixed forward for no eye contact with any citizen.

Another glance. "You're not fond of crowds?"

"I find myself in discomfort around them; I prefer my own solitude and space."

"Like libraries then."

I nodded plainly. "Like libraries."

The white unicorn nodded to another waving pair of ponies passing by who knew him before speaking again. Well at least from the tone Armor was attempting to be civil despite his clear own discomfort of walking beside a visitor from another world. "I'll be honest... I'm still processing over the information Princess Celestia told me about you."

"Dare I ask about your thoughts?"

Armor waved off the sarcasm. "In all my years of learning that anything can be possible; this never crossed my mind. Here I am, walking beside a living alien and showing him around Canterlot... this is completely surreal. For once I almost doubted the Princess's words entirely." He concluded with a shake of the head.

"Hm. Sounds to me that anyone will believe what that monarch says."

This time a faint smile. "I guess so."

Yes if there's one thing I've taken note about the inhabitants of Equestria during my time spent here; they're gullible to a fault. They're not stupid, clearly, but even I'm not so hopelessly naive as everyone else. At least the cautious captain displayed some disbelief over the matter of what I was.

"So... if you're not a pony then, what are you?"


Armor took a moment to think before continuing. "I've never heard of that species before..."

"I'd be surprised if you did." I shrugged casually as the taller stallion nodded politely to more friendly-seeming ponies. Luckily even in the streets filled with multicoloured horses we weren't within casual earshot, but I kept my eyes glancing in every direction just in case someone decided to listen in. "No such kind lives on this world." And thank God too-

"Does she know?"

That sudden question caused me to blink and this time look at him fully. "Excuse me?"

That was then we finally made a full stop in our walk, somewhere in the middle of the vastly wide pleasent kingdom, Armor's attention on me with stern unwavering eyes. "Twilight. Does she know... about this?"

Ah. "No."



"And why is that?"

"The less anyone knows, the better." I simply replied, on the outside unfazed by the stare but inwardly admiring the stallion for his clearly trained expression of intimidation.

"...I see." What, just like that? My eyebrow raised as the white unicorn inexplicably turned away and looked off to another direction, obviously in thought over something. "She knows who you are... but not what you are."

"Indeed..." I said cautiously. Was this going somewhere?

"So, for all she knows, you're just a pony living inside her house. with no suspicion regarding your origins whatsoever."

Oh I don't know about that my friend; your sister has placed me under her radar for quite some time now. It's both amusing and irritating. But just as I was about to voice those thoughts, a different familiar voice cut me off, aimed directly at me.

"You!" Both our heads immediately looked at the left to the oncoming blue unicorn walking towards us with intent, calling over her should at a group of ponies observing her. "Trixie will be back to present her incredible skills in a moment, my dear admirers." Oh lovely, just what I needed; her of all ponies.

And I was so enjoying this already coming-migraine from the suspicious captain of the royal guards watching us curiously.

"Trixie." I nodded in casual greeting as she was within hearing range, an expression of slight irritation on her features.

"Stardust Balance." Oh you remember me, I feel elated. A hoof pointed in my direction. "You have some nerve showing your face around here." Truly a charismatic female pony of her time. "And here Trixie believed you would be hiding away in a cave from the rest of society."

What a petty jab. I shrugged indifferently as my tone came out dry. "What can I say? I take peo- ponies by surprise." Inwardly I smirked at the narrowing of her pink eyes.

"Clearly you do." Seeming to ignore Armor's interested presence entirely, the blabbering boastful mare quickly looked around the area. "Tell me, is that mare Twilight Sparkle here with you?"

"Aww, and here I thought you were just coming over to say hi." I smiled politely at her unamused glare. I can respect that she at least got straight to the point. "But no, Twilight is back at Ponyville. I'm here on my own."

A lengthy sour pause before the blue spoke in clear disdain and disappointment. "I see." And I blinked by the sudden leaning forward towards me, a pointed hoof against my bright yellow chest. "Well you tell that foolish mare then, that the great and powerful Trixie still plans to return to that wretched town of hers, and show her once and for all who the greatest magical unicorn in all of Equestria truly is!"

"...Very well." I agreed as she leaned back, relieved I had my own personal space again. "Anything else?"

Obviously not expecting such a blunt response, Trixie quickly recomposed herself with a heavy frown. "As a matter of fact, yes; no matter what you think; the great and powerful Trixie owes you nothing." With that, she quickly turned and stomped off like an annoyed child.

At the sight of the arrogant unicorn returning to her crowd of deluded ponies, both I and the baffled Armor exchanged glances. "'Owes you nothing?'"

I waved it off dismissively. "I saved her life from being finished off by an Ursaminor attack, taking the blow myself."

Clearly he did not expect such an answer, by the rapid blinking of his blue eyes. Then suddenly Armor took it upon himself to this time look into my eyes - what is with ponies and their need to invade personal space? - as though checking for any deceit. Well I assure you my friend, you will find no lie from me about the incident.

"You're not lying..." Finally leaning back, ignoring my raised irritated brow for being so close to me just then, the tall captain shook his head again in disbelief. "You mean to tell me that not only are you from another world, but you survived a battle against an Ursaminor too?"

"Pretty much." Don't worry I'm as confused as you are.

"You're either brave or foolish."

Just imagine his and the Princesses reactions to the fact apparently I'm affected differently by magic, according to Twilight. I'm still wondering that myself. I dare say the situation was more surreal to me than the others and this stallion before me... oh wait, that's because it was.

Because unlike these ponies, I hold a more firmer grasp over logic-

"Shining? Is that you sweetie?" And our conversation gets interrupted again! Wait... 'sweetie'? Uh what now? Both our heads turned to the source of the voice again, this time originating from a different unicorn approaching us eagerly with another.

Evidently from the eyelashes the one who called out Armor was a female. Fur that was a dark shade of grey. Purple and white stripes of mane and tail. Blue clear eyes gleaming with joy at the white smiling stallion beside awaiting them.

The stallion walking alongside her with equal happiness had dark blue fur - nice - with a darker blue mane and tail - even more nice. And yellow eyes. Clearly from the postures and how close they were it was a couple walking towards us-

Hang on... I know that mare.

Yeah, from the MLP app game I had on my tablet a long time ago before I deleted it.

God I miss my tablet...

What was her name again...? Oh well can't recall, but I do know this grey unicorn, standing right in front of me and embracing her son, was the mother of Twilight Sparkle. And that means the male unicorn watching the scene with me was obviously the father.

I took a step back, allowing the family their loving reunion moment. This wasn't something I anticipated on my way to Canterlot at all. First Twilight's brother, then her parents. My eyes quickly looked to another direction when I noticed the male parent glancing at me while the three chatted away. Oh no don't mind me, I'm just someone your son is escorting around the town, Mr and Mrs... eh I'll probably find out in a moment.

I swallowed a lump of awkwardness clawing at my throat, begging me to just walk off and not be somehow included into their conversation-


I blinked rapidly in surprise by the close proximity of the grey unicorn regarding me with warmness and curiosity. "Well hello there. I don't think I've seen you around Canterlot before."

Yeah well when this is over I plan never to return to Canterlot again for the life of me. I threw Armor a cautious expression when he cleared his throat politely. "Ah... mother, father; this is a resident from Ponyville I'm currently showing around Canterlot. Stardust Balance, meet my parents: Twilight Velvet and Night Light."

...One moment. I need to think about what I just heard.

Twilight Velvet and Night... Light. Night Light? Night Light? Shining Armor and now Night Light?! That's even worse than his son's name! I'm torn between laughing or just gawking at the three. Is it... is it traditional for the males in Twilight's family tree to be named after real life objects or fairy tale terms? And here I thought Armor's name was just a last-minute thought of Faust's. But this? This was just hilarious and baffling.

And Twilight Velvet? Isn't it confusing for your daughter's forename to be after your own? Shouldn't that purple unicorn be instead called 'Twilight II' then? And finally? How exactly does the naming of ponies in this world even work? Obviously not like back home; it seems the inhabitants of Equestria love naming their offspring's after their favourite words or something.

Feeling a rather rough nudge at my side from an irritated white stallion, I snapped out of my stupor and realized my staring was either discomforting or bemusing the pair before me. "Um, a pleasure to meet you both." I forced out as politely as I could while the mare shook my offered hoof friendly before doing the same with her husband. "Huh..." I said out loud by complete accident.

"Hmm, is there something wrong?" Night Lig- no I can't possibly say the whole name in my mind without busting a gut.

But oh well, since he asked. "You're blue." I instead pointed out, and he blinked at my blunt observation. "Best colour in the world."

"Ah." This time he smiled. "And you're gold; a fine colour for a young stallion to be escorted by my son." ...I wasn't exactly sure what to make of that statement, and that's coming from me. "So, you come from Ponyville then, where my daughter has departed to a while back."

"Indeed." I nodded as our hooves released from the shake.

"Do you happen to know her?"

"Twilight Sparkle? Of course."

"Oh splendid! How is her time in Ponyville then?"

"Oh. Well great, couldn't be better; she's made lots of friends with the residents there and helped out a lot of ponies."

"And Spike?"

"Him too."

"Oh?" The mother of the purple unicorn, whom the pair were obviously proud of, smiled pleasantly. "Are you a friend of our dear daughter's then?"

No exactly friends... I mean, she's the closest I would consider as one in regards to the town's populace of those multicoloured horses. "...Yes, you could say I'm well acquainted with her." I replied honestly... and immediately regretting it by the raised brow of the dark blue unicorn.

"Indeed? How acquainted?"

...Oh good God not them too. I did not come to Canterlot just to meet with the whole family of Twilight and be asked these ludicrous questions and implications. Rarity was bad enough with the disgusting teasing. What next, I'm going to meet Twilight's cousin? "Well I... um..."

Minus ten points for hesitation Stardust; way for making the situation more awkward than it needed to be.

"Oh come now dear, don't embarrass the poor young stallion." Phew. "Those inquiries should be ones asked by me instead." What?! "So do tell us then Stardust, exactly how close are you to our beloved daughter?"

They can't be serious... and my infuriated feelings at the repulsive questions incited me to glare right back at the observant Armor's own. This is your fault you damn stallion. No, Celestia must have foreseen this scene coming and wanted to exact payback for my informal greetings to her. Well congratulations you useless monarch, now I've got three of your student's family members making stupid assumptions about me. Thank God at least two of them aren't aware of how close I was living near their beloved daughter.

"Ohoho!" Velvet then suddenly let out a giggle. "We only jest good sir. No need to look so uncomfortable by us." True enough even her mate smiled in amusement at the state of me.

Why do these things happen to me-?

"Somepony! Anypony! HELP!" Ah, yes, something to distract the tension. Oh hang on this sounded urgent. All four of us quickly turned our attention then to a calling adult beige-coloured mare, looking wildly around the streets for evidently some form of assistance. "Anypony! Please... my foal! Before it's too late!"

Foal...? Foal... wait... foal in pony-talk translates to baby... oh God!

But the noble captain of the guards already rushed to the panicking unicorn before I did. "Ma'am, what's wrong? I can help you." Armor spoke both briskly and yet kindly at once. Ah finally, someone with clear authority around here.

"Captain Armor! My- my baby! Trapped in my house! Please come with me!" The white determined stallion nodded and followed the frightened mare until they were out of sight, obviously heading towards where the cloud of smoke was coming from-!

Cloud of smoke? This time rising upwards... and she mentioned an infant... no...

Oh no, not while I'm here.

"Wait! Let Shining take care of this." I heard the worried voice of Velvet behind my hardened posture.

The hell I will. My eyes quickly glanced at the concerned pair, who blinked in surprise at my changed expression. "I'd rather damn my entire life than do nothing when a child is in danger." That said, I turned back and ran in hurried pursuit of the white stallion towards the obviously-burning house.

Well, I was right. It was a burning house all right.

Despite how fast I ran, there was no exhaustion welling up in my being, just pure determination to assist with the crisis in any way I can. Quickly running past various multicoloured ponies either watching with horror or trying to water the house down with hoses, my eyes looked around during my run for any sign of Armor, passing by protesting horses trying to prevent me from going anywhere near the towering fire. Nothing so far.

But that beige unicorn who cried for help earlier was just nearby the front door, eyes fixed on the open house with no indication of budging, despite two pony guards clad in golden armour reflecting the nearby flames attempting to push her away.

That suggests Armor was already inside...


But just to check, I quickly stopped by right next to the watching frightened mare. "Ma'am?" I asked as I approached the worried unicorn. When she didn't acknowledge me I continued my inquiry. "Has he already gone in to rescue your child?"

A quick affirmative nod, knowing exactly who I was talking about, without even glancing at the person questioning her. But at least I got my confirmation now.

My eyes gazed back at the building, already I can feel the heat on my fur, warming me up to a degree I never felt back as a human, thanks to this current body of fur around me. Perhaps this is what it felt like when you just arrived into a desert. My eyes squinted as the light of the fire and smoke assaulted my eyes even though I haven't entered the falling house... yet.

Now, any sane person who wasn't a keeper of peace or a firefighter wouldn't even consider going in there while others were handling the crisis.

But I'm not sane.

Quite the contrary, it just might be a debate of who would have a bigger mental instability: me or Pinkie Pie.

That'll be put to the test; should no one emerge from that house very soon.

Immediately a firm hoof hit my shoulder as I approached more closer to the falling house - what is it with these touchy-feely ponies? - inciting me to look to my right at the golden guard attempting to prevent from going forward. "I'm sorry sir, but nopony is allowed beyond this point. it's too dangerous."

Well good thing I'm not a pony then. I smiled wryly. "I seem to find myself in danger alot, my friend." Ever since I arrived in this damn world.

"Even so." The guard was clearly not amused. "We already have Captain Armor in there; anypony else who wants to help can by not interfering. The captain's orders-"

The news caused me to roughly shrug the hoof off me, my widened eyes on the guard in disbelief. "Wait, you mean Armour is in there alone?"

His own eyes narrowed at obviously the disrespect towards his commanding officer. "I repeat, his orders. Don't worry citizen, Captain Armor is more than capable of handling himself; we will provide backup should the captain remain in there longer than we expect. We urge you to have faith in his abilities."

Longer than they-?! No. no, I'm not having this. There is a baby trapped in side this burning building as we speak, yet that reckless stallion insisted everyone else wait outside while he conducts a heroic rescue? Oh I know I know, this is a cartoon; there might be a hundred-percent chance he'll escape inside the falling house with the baby riding safely on his back.

But there'll be hell to pay if I just sit back and do nothing to help! No, my conscious won't allow me to sit back and enjoy the show while an infant is trapped in there, being rescued or not.

And faith in his abilities? Pah! I saw clips of those two wedding episodes.

"Hold this." I thrust the cape I tore off me into the arms of the surprised guard, who immediately realized the stupidity I was about to instigate.

"Sir! You can't go in there! It's the Captain's-!"

"I take orders from a higher authority." I snapped at the golden pony, who recoiled in surprise at my harsh bold tone, before clearing his throat and asking with a hint of interest in that guard-like tone.

"And who's that sir?"

I glanced at the guard for a second before turning my gaze at the burning house, the heat feeling stronger than earlier. With one confident word, I stated who the higher authority was before running into the fiery building that was sure to kill me... if it wasn't in a world where no one can possibly die in that fashion.


Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!

I winced at every step I took on the hard wood, feeling the sting of the heat penetrate my skin while I walked through the house with caution. There must be blisters in my hoofs already - though that may just be a simple exaggeration on my part - as I moved around, carefully passing by flames sticking out from various areas of the ruined walls and wooden floors; carpets already burnt to a crisp so I can't stop to take a minute to rest on one and give my pained hoofs a break.

So this is what a burnt house truly looks like from first experience... Ow!

I'm already regretting this... but an infant's life is at stake; I can't just walk away from that. Armor may be a unicorn, a captain of Canterlot's royal guards and the brother of arguably soon-to-be the most powerful mare in all of Equestria, but he wasn't invincible.

Funny thing - Ow! - I never imagined myself doing something like this in reality. Argh! Sure many of us dream of performing heroic acts and deeds like saving someone from a burning, falling apart building, but that's the thing about fantasy and reality; it's never what you truly expect from the latter.

Argh, son of a-!

I felt my features continuously contort in mixtures of pain, irritation and determination. Let's see, clearly I was in the main hallway, as the upstairs to my displeasure was inaccessible, blocked by numerous debris. So I'd have to find another way up should the infant be up there. And the wood beneath feels unstable enough-

My mind screamed 'DANGER!' and incited me to quickly take a step back, flinching multiple times as piles of falling wood with a number of heavy-looking equipment (I swore I saw a toilet admist them) from the upper floor fell through the smoking ceiling in front of me... and somehow creating a gaping hole within the first floor as the debris fell straight through. After taking some deep breaths - while coughing rather violently for it - I resorted to taking slow breaths then before leaning forward and looking down at the black hole before me, seemingly leading down to Equestria's core.

...How does that even work-?!


The pained shocked yell caused me to immediately look up at the stallion from the other side of the hallway, separated from reaching me by the hole produced from the debris just now. From the looks of things no injuries, as he seemed to be standing up staring at me in surprise just fine.

Good, he's alright...

Hold on, is that something on his back? I squinted hard as my vision confirmed it; Armor was carrying something, hopefully someone, on him as he looked at me with mixed expressions of distrust, worry and firmness.

"Where's the child?!" I yelled as the cackling fires was already beginning to rise in sound and heat. And I felt some relief in this deadly situation when Armor nodded to his back as a small head perked up over his shoulder, staring at me with evident fear as the foal's arms were wrapped around Armor's neck tightly. I called out again, ignoring the suspicious expression the tall stallion still cast towards me. "Can you find another way around?!"

Wouldn't matter how high his status was in the kingdom; I doubt anyone can easily jump over this hole.

But I felt some sinking feeling within my gut at the negative response, yelling over the cackling flames as well. "This hallway is the only way across!"

"What about the back of the house?!"

"Nothing but a concrete wall! Far too dangerous to exit there with this colt on me!"

"I was afraid of that..."


I shook my head, now was not the time to give up before I could even plan something! "Are you capable of jumping over?!" I asked next after the stallion was seemingly done with soothing the terrified child holding onto him. If there was no other way around; this may seem like the only option remaining.

If Armor had it in him...

I frowned at the sight of hesitation, looking at me as though I was bonkers while saying something I couldn't hear over the growing fire surrounding inch by inch. But I think, judging by the expression afterwards, I got the gist behind his reluctance to the idea. "If this is about your distrust of me; we can sort that out later! Now, are you capable of jumping over or not?!"

"Yes!" He finally answered with unwavered certainty. "But I can't jump over with him attached to me, far too dangerous! But there is another way!" Well in the face of possible death some optimism with do nicely. "Hold out your front hoofs!"

...What? But I quickly obliged rather hastily at the stern irritated look from across the large hole. Okay, now what-?

"Now catch!" HOLY-!

I felt my features contort from immediate panic to relief straight afterwards as the child landed in my arms, magically floated at a rather fast speed from the white unicorn concentrating. Well that was reckless, but not quite as reckless as jumping over with the child intact.

Geez kid, you are heavy...

Yet the look of fright stayed on the child with the small hat's face at the unexpected lift to his new holder, and despite the situation around us I felt some new resolve.

The resolve of saving a child...

"I've got him!" I yelled over the now-roaring fire, somehow getting worse. Just where was this world's fire brigade?!

"I can see that!" Armor yelled, this time more force added to his voice. "Now get him out of here! I'll meet you outside!"

Don't need to tell me twice! I quickly turned around, making certain beforehand the child was holding on my neck tightly, and ran straight to the nearest exit, which thankfully wasn't too far, disregarding the possible more holes created from the pressure of my stomping hoofs.

Gotta get out! Gotta get out! GOTTA GET OUT!

Ow! Damn heat! Argh! This freaking hurts-!


Running through the black smoke there wasn't there earlier to the open doorway. Then as more relief to my body, I felt fresh air penetrate my lungs as all four of my limbs landed roughly on the stone floors of the outside world, quickly inhaling the welcoming oxygen.

"Mommy!" I felt the pressure of the small pony lifted off my back, causing me to glance over my shoulder as the boy leapt into the waiting embracing arms of his parent.

Have I ever felt so accomplished in my life? No! That's twice now I've risked myself for the safety of an individual; first that arrogant blue mare and now a child. Around me I heard cheers from the crowds who were evidently observing the burning building with worry. Yep, that's right: I, Stardust Balance, got a child out of a house on fire. This is the first, and probably last time, I will ever do something like that again.

Hang on...

Slowly, even with the crowd yelling out in relief and joy and the mother of the colt thanking me loudly, my eyes slowly turned to the still burning building, wondering the same thing the guards around me were asking: where was Armor? Surely he would have made the jump by now-!

Uh oh...

Alright I'll give him four seconds to get out... time's up!

Ignoring the surprised yells and protests, I hurled myself back into the waiting house, black smoke surrounding as I felt the stuff penetrate my lungs.

Twice now! Twice I've entered this falling-apart house! But no time to mentally berate myself for it; I need to find Armor, fast! God forbid, as I told Spike during the bear incident, that I would allow anyone to be harmed under my watch. Passing through the fog, I did my best to ignore the violent coughing I was emitting while my squinted pained eyes struggled to see through the hallway where I last saw the stallion-

And there he was... about to fall!

Or at least, if I hadn't been there to catch him.

My body leaped forwards and extended, hoof quickly grabbed onto his slipping limb while the unicorn hanged over the hole, obviously having not quite making the jump over and was slipping on the front floorboards, front half of his body hanging on before I showed up.

Must. Get him... up!

But good grief, and I thought the colt was heavy! It really didn't help with my already failing state; the intensity was beginning to become too much; any moment I might pass out from the gas around us...

But hell; if I'm going down, at least I can save one more life before doing so!

As I tried to pull back, my other front hoof grabbed onto him, ignoring the shocked expression on him for saving his life. Yeah, praise me for the feat later you contrived pony!

Thankfully his surprise quickly wore off as he used his own free hoof to push himself forwards, and together we managed to get the unicorn up from the hole, Armor then standing up with fast recovery before looking at me with perplexity and... was that a bit of respect in his eyes?

But with firm nods to each other, the two of us left the burning house, running through the hallway as the cliché event behind our determined rush happens where the falling ceiling follows before you escape.

And as soon as we made it to the outside world once more, the pair of us violently coughing before collapsing as the pressure took its hold, my behaviour which was even strange to myself had me smile up at the blue beautiful skies above while we were being surrounded by cheering ponies.

Then one glance at the white unicorn looking to me also, mixed expressions of his face, so nothing new there, I felt a laugh escape my slowing coughs... followed by Armor copying my reaction to the ridiculous day we had just been through.

And finally, we found ourselves laughing hard, taking bliss in our success in saving the nearby child and ignorant to the confused expressions of the guards and townsfolk alike.

"I was wrong about you, Stardust; today has clearly shown me that." Armor stated in front of the small group, all who decided to come over to the station to see me off, as evening had already come. "You're brave AND foolish."

After the rather dangerous, yet admittedly somewhat exciting, incident with the burning house earlier today, which I'm convinced now this world just won't allow me to catch a break, both I and the stallion managed to somehow slip away from the cheering crowd, that had both mine and Armor's exhausted states surrounded, with aid from the royal guards. I enjoyed the gawking look on the stallion's face when I said we should just simply continue with the tour.

Then the parents of his and Twilight's caught up with us, expressions filled with concern for the health of Armor's and... mine. I kept blinking rapidly at the repeated inquiries about if I was alright alongside their son. But the real shocker was being embraced by the mother for saving her son's life; the soon-to-be-prince describing in rather nauseating detail what occurred inside that house as we walked along the streets.

Suffice to say, I inexplicably, and unintentionally, got them to like me.

And to top it all off we later discovered that, as the two older ponies decided to accompany and later treat us to lunch, the parent and her child that we rescued thanked the pair of us dramatically. I was so caught off-guard by everything that's happened today that all I could do was shrug relentlessly while Armor smoothly told the grateful mare we just did what we had to, nothing more, nothing less.

A bigger relief to us all was when the mare reassured us that house was instead her own mother's, who thankfully was out at the time, and both her and her son was just visiting Canterlot to see the colt's aged grandmother. We all laughed when the mare said her mother was eventually going to the elderly's home sooner or later anyway.

I outwardly displayed awkwardness when it came to questions about myself, quickly steering the conversation as best I could from the intrigued ponies.

But on the inside I felt more accomplished than ever.

"Well." I answered with a humoured shrug to Armor's statement. "What can I say? Repeating my last words from earlier: I take others by surprise."

"Evidently." He replied with a touch of amusement before raising an inquisitive brow. "But are you sure you need to go back already, even when we haven't returned to the castle yet after we first arrived? If you're worried over what Princess Celestia would say about your heroic actions today I'm sure she'll be completely positive about them."

I shook my head. "That's not the reason." More of the circumstances why relating to a gut feeling me sticking around Canterlot any longer today would put me through more action. And I've had more than my share of such today. I could immediately return to my room in Ponyville upon arrival back and spend the rest of the day reading some of those storybooks Twilight was kind enough to lend me. In fact, that's what I'm going to do, no questions asked.

Sod whatever event/crisis was going on back in Ponyville. I don't care if Zecora the Voodoo Zebra was visiting the town and inadvertently causing unnecessary prejudice against herself.

'Voodoo Zebra'... I don't believe a single person on my entire planet would ever have imagined putting the two words together.

I continued my vocal train of thought. "But I do appreciate the tour you have given me around Canterlot, you, Miss Velvet and Mr Light."

Don't make a Death Note joke. Don't make a Death Note joke. Don't make a Death Note joke.

Having no clue to my restrained laughter, the mare by the side nodded happily. "It was our pleasure."

"It was the least we could do after you saved our son's life." Light added with as equal enthusiasm as his mate.

Speaking of mates, thankfully I had yet to encounter the lover of Armor's, and pray I never will face-to-face. From my limited knowledge over this world, my brother informed me Cadence has the power of forcing love from one pony to another.

Or she heightens their feelings and makes them realize who they truly love, or something like that.

Either way, I'm not fond of others who have people, or ponies for that matter, act against their will.

"Do be sure to visit again. We would love to learn more about one of Twilight's new friends."

"Perhaps." Was my sincere reply to Velvet's polite statement. But I hope I will never have to come back. Nothing personal; I still want to go home. Plain and simple. And by home I meant Earth, not the library.

"It's a shame you're choosing to go without saying goodbye to the Princess." Armor pointed out then. "I think she was eager to learn more about you and where you... originate from."

Yeah. I bet she was.

"'Originate from?'" Light echoed in confusion. "But aren't you from Ponyville?"


Armor quickly covered for me after the hard glare I was sending him. "Ah, yes. See mother, father: Stardust here isn't truly from Ponyville, he's just staying there for a while because..."

"...Because Celestia ordered it so." I finished for him. "As part of a test for Twilight. Top secret though." I added then when the dark blue stallion opened his mouth. But they seemed to buy our explanation with interested nods. If they weren't looking I'd have smacked Armor over the head for that slip-up.

And myself for mentioning their daughter like that.

"...You must be good friends with the Princess since you address her so." All heads turned to the mare who finally spoke up, having been watching the exchange of words quietly. Yes we met her halfway towards the station, and for some reason the boastful unicorn decided to follow us. Trixie appears unfazed by the attention, instead staring at me with a contemplative frown.

I might have some idea what she's thinking about...

"You could say that." I shrugged, before hearing the loud whistling of the train, prepared for departure, behind me. Time is short. It's been fun here... well not really. "I must take my leave. It was nice meeting you all."

"The feeling is mutual." Armor then said rather sincerely. Yeah that tone of his around me tremendously changed after I saved his arse in that house- hmm?

The corner of my eye caused me to turn at the approaching beige mare and her little dark-brown colt, both having kept quiet during my escort to the station. I never even got their names. But the real surprise was when a basket suddenly was being held in front of me, covered in a towel and, judging by the close smell, there was food in there.

When did they take the time making this?

"For saving both my son and the captain of the royal guards." The tall, rather attractive-looking ma- stop that! I mentally shook my head while slowly taking the basket off her waiting hoof. "You are a brave stallion sir."

"...I couldn't possibly accept this." I protested lightly, staring at the object uncertainly. Truth be told, I find it hard to accept gifts from anyone. Their gratefulness would have been enough.

"Please, you acted like a true hero today along with Captain Armor." Said stallion, watching the display, smiled pleasantly at my state.

My reply was immediate. "I'm no hero."

And before they could reply, likely in protest over the truth, another sharp whistle from the train informed me time was very short now. Okay enough sentiments. I'll take this gift, and probably give the entire contents to Spike if anything inside wasn't chocolate... or had chocolate with nuts in them. Nodding in thanks to the grateful mare, I quickly shook the hooves of everyone but Trixie's, who just continued looking at me.

Okay I'm growing kinda disturbed about it now...

And as I finished by patting the hat covering the kid's head gently, who smiled toothily at me for it, I was about to turn before Armor spoke up one last time. "Really though, thank you. If you wouldn't have been there, I might have fallen through that hole."

"...It was my pleasure." I replied with a small smile paling to the white stallion's own. "You can return the favour some time in the future I'm sure."

"Make sure my daughter is safe!" Velvet called out, still believing that excuse both me and Armor conjured up concerning her offspring, while I boarded the train where its carriage doors will close any second now.

Scoffing loudly, I called over my shoulder. "Miss Velvet, I think it would be more the matter of your daughter taking care of me!"

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