• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 119: Twelfth Day of Hearth's Warming




"Hm. Still no."


"How about... No."


The alicorn addressed chuckled at Spike's pouting look. "Sorry Spike. Looks like you'll have to wait until the following morning." The dragon bowed his head in exaggerated depression, prompting Twilight to continue, "Why don't you enjoy the gifts you unwrapped tonight? Don't worry, the presents won't be going anywhere."

Spike faintly nodded, slouching out of the reading room to do just that. "Yeah, I'll go read one of the countless books Twilight always gets me, every year..." Heard that, but I smirked regardless, resuming my attention on the open pages before me. Twilight shifting from behind, our backs leaned against one another on the couch, to get more comfortable.

Ungrateful twerp.

In Spike's defense, Twilight spoiled him with allowing the baby dragon to open his gifts a day early. Call me old-fashioned, but I prefer the more traditional way of celebrating tomorrow; my own presents to both Spike and Twilight unwrapped and prepared for the special holiday tomorrow.

That's right baby. Tomorrow, it's Christmas!

"You shouldn't tease him like that." Twilight remarked behind me, reading her own book.

Smirking, I responded, "It'll make him more excited for tomorrow. I'm more worried about the pay off."

"I'm sure it'll be worth the wait," Twilight reassured kindly, "Judging by the size of your gifts I've witnessed, Spike's going to love what you got for him, as will I."


Twilight's soft laughter was bliss to my ears. "If anything, I should be the one concerned with my gifts for you. You claimed you didn't want anything this year, but..."

"Hey, so long as it's not clothes, love, I'm all good."

"Well then honey, aren't you going to be pleasantly surprised tomorrow morning," She replied with even playfulness, "And yes, you will be getting up early for this Hearth's Warming, before you start to comment."


I'm certain they'll enjoy your gifts.

No matter how pointless they seem.

There is no such thing as meaningless for this time of festivities, my friend. Hearth's Warming is a celebration of peace and family, where all gather to enjoy being in the company of their loved ones in unity and prosperity.

Not to mention, express false modesty concealing the greed of gaining gifts and expressing ungrateful disappointment when it's something unwanted. Like with that dragon just now.

Hey leave Spike alone. To be fair, Twilight keeps giving him the same presents every year. I'd be flat out exasperated too. Although... Books were far more preferable to receive from loved ones than clothing.

Feeling her back head press against mine, Twilight sighed in content. "Jack... I'm glad you're here."


I could picture the radiant smile from behind me. "With you celebrating Hearth's Warming with us... With me, it feels like our family is complete." My breathing slowed considerably, the book forgotten in my hoofs for a long moment. "Happy Hearth's Warming Jack."


With a small, gratified and content smile, I leaned my head back in turn to glance at the ceiling, returning quietly in kind, "Merry Christmas Twilight..."

Who needed material goods? I had my best present right here.

"Come on Stardust! Hurry hurry hurry!"

This must be how Mum felt...

I sighed, quickening my tired pace somewhat to catch up with the excited dragon, the one responsible for bouncing on my sleeping state and dragging me out of bed. Spike wasted no time in getting up upon dawn's light - it's six AM, for crying out loud! - and awakening everyone else in the household castle.

I.E, Twilight and I.

Speaking of the mare, she waited for us in the throne room, greeting us with a brightened smile, inciting my awakening body to function more and more in turn as I smiled back. Spike, meanwhile, hurried by the mare around the thrones towards the tree... And dropped his jaw in awe.

"Wow... I wasn't expecting this much!"

Surprise surprise!

The Christmas - I'm sorry, 'Hearth's Warming' - Tree was my idea, and we had a hell of a time setting it up and placing the decor all over the thing. Spike had the honour of placing the star on top. Regarding our work briefly with pride, I moved towards the beaming mare, casually saying to a flabbergasted Spike, "Looks like Santa declared you a very good boy Spike."

The dragon grinned.

I laughed lightly, greeting the proud Twilight with a gentle embrace and a small, heart-stopping kiss. "Merry Christmas."

The alicorn smiled blissfully as our heads leaned back after the intimate moment. "Happy Hearth's Warming."

Spike, meanwhile, tapped his foot impatiently. "Save the gushy stuff for later! Let's open these babies already!" Spoken like a true child. At my humoured nod, the dragon immediately tore into his presents beneath the tree, ripping through the wrapping paper as though he was on a time limit. Twilight and I exchanged fond amused looks, before moving to join the dragon, opening our own respective gifts.

Things only got better from there.

"Wow!" Spike's head poked from the mess of shredded colourful paper, holding out a white box. "A 3DS, and it comes with Pokemon Sun! Thanks Star!"

Hah! If he liked that, just wait until he opens the biggest present.

At hearing that, Twilight's head turned to me while unwrapping her own present, raising a brow. "Dare I inquire as to the method you used in getting these otherworldly items?"

I shrugged. "Starswirl."

Spike practically shouted, "Wait, is this... A Playstation Three?! Stardust you're the best!"

"...Like I said, Starswirl." I added meekly to my expectant girlfriend. Twilight shook her head with a lovable smile, proceeding to open her own first gift.

And, as predicted, loving the contents waiting for her. Twilight's grin widened in excited realization. "The whole book set for Harry Potter? You didn't!"

I smirked rather smugly. "Maybe I did." Alright, time to open my own gifts. Rubbing my hoofs in anticipation, I pulled the closest one with my name on it towards me, my own methods of ripping up the paper a mixture of Twilight and Spike's.

And I got...

Well well well.

"The entire Daring Do collection." I looked over to a beaming Twilight, smirking humouredly. "Thanks love." Even though she knew I wasn't a fan of the series, she still persisted in trying to make me like the books.

Alright, what else...?

'Harry Potter and the Cursed Child."

...Tch. Thanks Starswirl.

A mini fridge. Useful.

A friendship bracelet... Ah they're a riot.

Still, I was grateful for the effort put in regardless, smiling at all my gifts. Not a shred of gifted clothing anywhere, with the exception of Spike's new Organization XIII black coat, eagerly adorned by the dragon with its custom size to fit him. Once the relentless shredding apart of paper was complete, I moved over to sit beside a content Twilight, both of us observing the gleeful Spike trying out his new 3DS with the grin only an innocent happy child could display.

Twilight, upon my arrival, promptly rested her head on my shoulder, inciting me to mirror as such with my cheek placed atop her forehead. The mare sighed peacefully. "I thought I'd never have the chance to do this again..."

Hm? "Do what again?"

She smiled. "Enjoy Hearth's Warming, with you here."


As though sensing my slight pang of regret, sparking eyes glanced upwards to see me. "But now, you're here with us again. With Spike. With me... And that, Jack, is the best Hearth's Warming gift of all."

"...You know what Twilight?"



With a grin, Twilight opened her muzzle to respond, but was interrupted by the distinct sound of knocking from downstairs. And somehow, by magic, we could hear it all the way from up here. "I'll go get it," She said, standing to leave... But not before planting a small peck on my cheek.

...Best. Christmas. Ever.

"Best. Hearth's Warming. Ever!" Spike echoed my enthusiasm vocally, playing with his new presents eagerly. And yet, upon my approach, the dragon paused briefly to deliver a swift welcoming hug to my pony chest, squeezing in pure joy. "You're the best big brother a dragon can have Star!"

With a sincere smile, I replied merrily, "Just as you're the best little dragon brother a human can have Spike." The baby dragon grinned proudly, resuming his focus on the 3DS. "If you want, we can set up the PS3 in your room later today."

Spike looked as though it was just announced Christmas would start all over again tomorrow.

Ha ha...

Hey Starswirl. Sombra.

Yes Jack?

Don't even say it...

Merry Christmas.

You repulse me.

And to you as well my friend. Happy Hearth's Warming Jack, Sombra.


We shared amusement at Sombra's embarrassed growl - shut up, Sombra, that's exactly what it is - before the signatures of my girlfriend and two others approaching the room prompted my attention towards the doorway. Upon that, they swung open, revealing the two ponies come to visit their daughter this holiday.


And, spotting me, both ponies grinned happily. "Stardust!" Twilight Velvet exclaimed rather excitedly, the three equines hurrying over towards us and- Ugh! I was greeted by the tight embrace only a loving parent could give. The unicorn mother of Twilight Sparkle released me eventually, eyes bathed in warmth. "We were told you came back, but I needed to see it with my own eyes."

Night Light chuckled. "We both did." And walked forward, giving me a firm yet friendly hoof shake. "After we heard you were gone, we were worried about the implications. Welcome back son."

I couldn't help it. I was grinning like a madman. Anything else happening that can make my holiday better? Still, I sent the pleased Twilight a brief amused look. "You never said they were coming."

Twilight blinked, before replying with a small smile through our bond. "I wanted it to be a surprise. Looks like I succeeded."


The two parents were still waiting for me to respond, so I happily obliged. "It's great to see you both again," I answered genuinely, shrugging rather apologetically. "If I've had known you were coming, I would've gotten some presents for you two as well."

The two unicorns shared amused looks, along with their Princess, before smiling back at me. "Stardust," Light began earnestly, "Just you being here, on Hearth's Warming with us, is a gift enough."

Wonder how Pinkie and Applejack are doing. Right now they're probably up to the bit where the latter's family leaves the rock farm after attempting to force their traditions down the other family's throats. Neither side pondered over mixing their methods of celebrating the holiday together until the end. It's amazing, another reminder how these ponies typically operate on a one-track mind.

"The decorations here are really lovely Twilight." My girlfriend's father commented cheerfully, glancing around the walls, ceiling and table of the dining room as we all had lunch. "That creative spark you got from your mother strikes again."

Twilight beamed at the glowing praise, sat with me across from the two parents. Spike, meanwhile, was multi-tasking like crazy, eating and playing with his 3DS - It begins - with intense concentration. Careful Spike, tighten your frown any further and it might get stuck that way. We all exchanged amused glances at the dragon's focus, enjoying ourselves with a good brunch meal after opening all the gifts. Suffice to say, Spike was even more happy to rip apart presents for him delivered by Twilight's wonderful parents.

"I wouldn't take all the credit; Jack and Spike helped with decorating the whole castle." Indeed. From interior to exterior, and it was exhausting, let me tell you. As though hearing that, Twilight slyly sent me a look. What? It's true.

"Ah." Light nodded, azure eyes switching to me with humoured approval. "Then I trust you assist Twilight with a lot of things then, Stardust?"

"Oh yeah, all the time." I smirked, an amusing idea ringing in my head. "When Spike's not around or too lazy- I'm sorry, tired to pick up the slack." The dragon made no acknowledgement to the teasing. "It falls to me to help Twilight out with physical and emotional issues."

"'Emotional?'" Velvet raised an intrigued brow.

"Oh yes." Twilight, meanwhile, was beginning to look less amused by my playful words. I leaned forward somewhat, continuing to clarify. "Have you seen how much she panics over even the simplest little things? One time, she almost lost it because she couldn't find a subject to write for Celestia."

The alicorn coughed. "Okay, I think we've established that-"

"Not to mention, one time she almost doomed the time space continuum by traveling back to warn her past self about literally nothing."

"Alright Jack, they get the picture-"

"Let's not forget, also, Fluttershy looked after the Celestia's pet Phoenix and immediately concluded that the Princess would banish them both for it."

"That was one time-"

Not gonna lie, loving the growing annoyance on Twilight's face as she attempted to compose herself. I nodded sagely. "Yes, I'm afraid your daughter can be quite exaggerate at times." And sent the fuming mare a faint smirk. "But that's part of what makes her so hopelessly adorable."

And, flustered.

The two unicorns shared highly amused expression, Light nodding in agreement. "Yes. I seem to recall, when Twilight was as young as a filly, when she panicked over her favourite novel being missing for five days, only to discover she had forgotten about it in a cabinet. Do you remember love?"

"Oh yes." Velvet smiled in nostalgia, both regarding their blushing daughter with loving gazes. "Twilight was close to tearing the whole house apart to seek out her missing beloved book."

Ah, poor Twilight. Getting mercilessly picked on here by both her boyfriend and her parents. The alicorn attempted to cough again, prompting my laughter. "Hahahaha! Still, I wouldn't have it any other way."

The unicorns shared that laughter, agreeing with my fond words. "And neither would we," Velvet replied lightly.

Light added, "And I'm sure we'll have many other stories to tell, once our Prince and his wonderful Cadence arrives to enjoy the day with us."

Shining and Cadence? Coming here? Twilight took note of my surprised expression, grinning at the prospect. "It'll be great to spend Hearth's Warming with my whole family again. Though I wish all my friends were here in town to celebrate the holiday with, I couldn't be more happy enjoying it with you guys." We all smiled at that... With the exception of Spike, who was playing with the handheld device still. "In the meantime, while we're discussing flawed character traits, how about we address my wonderful special somepony's need to find any and all methods to unnecessarily tease me."

"'Unnecessarily?'" I echoed, looking to the smug mare with a small grin. Challenge accepted. "I have no idea what you're talking about love. Riling you up is entirely justified."

Twilight smirked, a glint in her alluring violet eyes. "And what sense, dare I ask, does irritating me to no end accomplish?"

"Seeing your beautiful passion." The mare's eyes widened comically, inciting me to humouredly add, "For example, albeit pointlessly, defending the name of this holiday in Equestrian terms."

Twilight scowled, not entirely serious. "That's because it is generally called Hearth's Warming, Jack."

"Nah, Christmas sounds better."

"Hearth's Warming sounds more logical."

"This isn't about logic, Christmas is less like a mouthful."

"Through reducing one syllable?"


"How very simplistic of you."

"You know I'm anything but simple, my dear Twilight."

An unladylike scoff. "You're one of a kind, we've established that much."

"Thank you... Christmas stills sounds better though."

Shake of the head. "Hearth's Warming."


"Hearth's. Warming."

"Christ. Mas."

Any further argument to happen was prevented by the merry laughter of another mare. "Hmhmhmhm. I can see what you meant, dear, by this stallion intentionally driving you up the wall," Velvet said brightly, "Your father was very much the same when we were younger ponies, isn't that right Night?"

The blue stallion smirked at the memories, cuddling up to his wife briefly with a fond reply, "Yes, those were the times. It was one way of expressing how much I cared about you. And it's apparent as to how much young Stardust here cares for our little Princess. I sincerely hope that affection remains to the point of engagement."



Night shrugged lightly at the squeaking response. "I just want you to be looked after for, Twilight. The way I see it, you both complete one another. And besides," His tone dropped slightly, "I'm not recommending a marriage anytime soon. Just some years ahead will do."

"Dad!" Pfft! Twilight's face was a beet red now, glaring in embarrassment at my laughing state. I couldn't help it - Okay, maybe I could - this was hysterical! It's great when there's someone else beside me to tease this easily flustered mare to no end. "There's no plan for us to get married just yet!" 'Yet?' As though repeating her own words in her head, Twilight stammered in vain attempt to correct herself, "I- I mean. There's still so much ahead for us in the future, and- and we don't want to rush these things and-"

Oh Twilight. The alicorn was blushing like a tomato, ceasing her cute rambling by me placing a comforting limb around her, smiling at her head-bowed state. "She's right. There's no need to rush thing, sir. Though I would be the happiest stallion alive - if not already - to wed your Goddess of a daughter, I still consider myself highly unworthy to even court her to begin with."

Not that that isn't halting you from currently trying.

At that, mixed with my adoring look and her parent's exchanging knowing looks, Twilight abruptly stood up, a sheepish, nervous and flustered expression all over her as her magic picked up the barely-finished plates. "Time to wash up, I think! Why don't you all catch up and... Stuff."

Velvet took pity on her youngest, rising to join her. "Let me help you dear. After all the effort you put in, it would be impolite not to assist." And together, mother and daughter departed from the room - the latter rather hurriedly - leaving one pony, one human turned into a pony, and a dragon still fixated on his game.

Once out of sight, Night turned his head back to me with a light smile, voice slightly apologetic. "I think the notion of marriage is too much even for Twilight to contemplate."

I shrugged. "Can't blame her. At her age, I'd be embarrassed as well."

Night smiled, but said nothing more. For a moment, silence elapsed through the room, only the sound of button-mashing from Spike echoed. Guess we had to wait for the mares, and for Shining and Cadence to arrive, then the real fun can begin. If Twilight was embarrassed now, oh boy, have I got stuff to share with them about her. It'll be the miraculous Christmas dinner ever.

"You still think yourself undeserving?"

Hm? ...Oh right. Shrugging, I responded with an honest smile, "I am not so conceited as to declare myself the one true worthy pony for her."

The unicorn cocked his head thoughtfully. "She seems to think otherwise."

"Twilight's made mistakes before," I said jokingly, gesturing with my hooves. "But even so, I would never reconsider cherishing my time with her for anything else."

"Pleased to hear it," The father admitted with earnest approval, "Because I want nothing more than the best for my children. And considering everything you've done for my little Princess, and even my son and daughter-in-law, I can't imagine finding anyone more worthy to keep Twilight happy."

A brief image of a rock star wannabe and a camp clown popped up. "Neither can I." Leaning forward, Night mirrored the movement, curious as to what I had to say. No room for hesitation here. "I can't... Promise to be the best person for her, Night. I can't vow to always be there for her, to keep her happy and satisfied everyday. I can't swear that we'll agree and make up on everything, nor can I be certain that our relationship will be eternal. I can't promise to be the very best for your beautiful Princess." Then, tilting my head back, my eyes closed for a moment, taking a breather, before resuming with a confident raised voice, "But I can certainly try."

It astounds me, knowing precisely what you're saying, and yet claiming things no parent of your Princess would approve of.

Honesty's the best policy. I'd think Night would appreciate that at least.

Examining me, as though thoroughly searching me, the taller stallion opened his muzzle to speak. But even my senses alerted me before a certain grey pegasus flew headfirst into the room, prompting my stunned blinking. The mare crashed straight into an unanticipated yelping Spike, rolling the two across the floor.

Yeesh. Even on Christmas, the dragon can't catch a break.

"Happy Hearth's Warming!" Derpy was quick to recover, smiling toothily at the three of us before her expression shifted from cheerful to worry. "Stardust, we got a problem!"

And it looked like even I can't catch a break.

Oh who am I kidding? This was karma for teasing Twilight.

Derpy, Twilight and I hurried towards where the others were waiting, rushing through the white town streets and trekking over the crunched snow, passing by many concerned ponies who were fleeing from whatever was endangering the town this time. Honestly, of all times, something comes up today? And worse, I don't even know what we're facing; the episode during this time took place on Pinkie's rock farm! It didn't take long for to reach our friends. Rarity, Sweetie Belle, Rainbow, Scootaloo, Fluttershy, Bon, Lyra and Whooves were regarding something else as we turned a corner.

Beforehand we asked Night and Velvet to stay in the castle with Spike. If whatever's entered Ponvyille's a threat, we wouldn't want them to get involved. Approaching the group, I swerved around their stunned states to get a better view of the opposition-



You're genuinely shocked by this arrival?

Yeah... Forgot that this animal turned up every Hearth's Warming here.

Twilight gasped, vocally expressing more surprise. "Is that a Sabre Frost?" True enough indeed, the creature made of ice and snow, in all its glory, glared down before us with open ferociousness. Ice fangs, ice whiskers, ice claws, body mostly composed of pure white snow with the exception of a furry blue-white striped tail with a spear of ice at the end of it. Clean bright blue eyes focused on us intently, and yet, strangely enough, I felt no hostility from it.

At least... Open hostility. For now our friend was... Wary.

Still, I had completely forgotten about encountering this magnificent beast long ago.

"We waited for you to get here," Bon explained rather cautiously, blue eyes staying on the beast as she spoke up, "Since you made pals with it last time."

"'Last time?'" Twilight echoed curiously, glancing between us.

Lyra proceeded to clarify, sounding more cheery despite the present circumstances, "Yeah! Last Hearth's Warming when it came here, Stardust calmed it down and made us friends with it!"

A soft growl.

Scootaloo gulped. "It doesn't look very friendly now..."

Rainbow, meanwhile, rolled her pink eyes, clearly more irritated than afraid. "This thing always visits Ponyville, every Hearth's Warming to eat anything with sugar in it. I don't understand why ponies are sacred, it's more concerned about its sweet tooth than us!"

Rarity nodded. "It typically expresses no malicious intent, only for when one gets in its way. Still, the appearance alone is quite intimidating."


"Fluttershy, can you convince it to leave?"

"Oh, I don't think it wants to even if I tried..."

"I say, we either lure it away or scare it off! I ain't letting some sugar-hungry beast ruin my Hearth's Warming!"

"Though I do concur with that sentiment, Rainbow, I advise caution. Our friend here doesn't seem to be ready to pounce."

"Rarity's right. If anything it looks like it's waiting for something... Jack, what are you doing?!"

Oh, now they noticed. Among their discussion, I was steadily approaching the Sabre Frost, icy eyes regarding me carefully. This creature was more intelligent than assumed, openly cautious, and attacking only when needed. Well, good thing I had no intention of hurting it. Instead, I slowly reached out through Balance, intending to connect with the snow beast as soon as I was closer.

But first, gesture of peace.

"Derpy, muffin."

A convenient treat landed right into my waiting hoof, and I proceeded forward, more confident in my approach than my first encounter with the beast. Back then, I was far more suicidal, but not I was more certain to what I was doing.

"He did this last time too," Bon commented in wonder.

"Did what?" Twilight inquired.

It was Whooves who answered for the Earth Pony, "Steadily approached the best to make peace with it. It was awe-inspiring then, I hope the results are just as positive this time in turn..."

With a small smile, I was about three feet from the beautiful snow feline. "Hello old friend." I greeted, confident this was the exact same creature I crossed paths with so long ago. My limb extended gently, attempting to coax the observing animal. "Here, have a muffin. I know you love your sugar rush."

Happily, it obliged. The muffin was gone in a matter of seconds, open hoof left unscathed.

Damn... That was fast.

"It worked!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed in relief.

"That it did Sweetie." Rarity agreed, sounding both gratified and curious.

Yes, thankfully it worked, just like last time...

"What is going on here...?!" Ah. Seems they followed us here. But I ignored Night's baffled statement, keeping my eyes on the beast observing me with a softer expression now. Alright, time to move in for the kill.

Not literally.

The beast stiffened, but didn't protest to my hoof physically placed on its chest, closing my eyes in concentration, paying no attention to the gasps of surprise and wonder at the golden glow surrounding myself and the beast.

And I could feel its emotions.

Pride... That's a given.

Caution... Understandable.


Fear... Not of me, but of...

An image popped up. A Sabre Frost in similar design, but resting in a cave outside the town. And then something else came through, recollections of events from long ago, during a previous Hearth's Warming. Where it merrily consumed sugary substances on food stands open to the public.

And where a younger, nervous Earth Pony boldly made friends with it.

It was looking for me...!

And from the glint in its eyes as the connection ceased and golden glow died down, that was confirmed. Upon me stepping back, the Sabre Frost turned and began walking off... Then paused upon a few feet away, looking over to me with expectant blue eyes.

I do believe our friend here wishes for you to follow.

Yeah... Should I?

...Yeah probably.

"What was that?" Velvet asked in awe.

"Balance...!" Twilight answered, a tone matching her mother's.

Alright. Glancing over to the others, I nodded with a serious frown. "It's okay now. You can all return to celebrating Hearth's Warming. I'm just gonna go see what our friend over there wants me to see. I'll be back soon Twilight."

Surprisingly, and yet not so, Rainbow answered in her stead, "Yeah right! As if you get to have all the fun, I wanna see what it wants too!" And everyone else nodded, some hesitantly so, others reluctantly upon encouraging looks by their friends.

I.E Whooves from Derpy.

...Welp. One thing's guaranteed, things were getting a million times more interesting this year.

The jog had gradually changed into a full on sprint. I would've been miles behind if, you know, I wasn't in tune through the magic of Balance. The Sabre Frost had guided us outside the town, as predicted, towards the edges of the Everfree Forest, taking us around the entire forest to an eventual bottom opening beneath a mountain. We paused there, the beast and I, and waited for everyone who followed to catch up. Once they joined us, panting and all with the exception of Rainbow Dash, we continued with entering the cave under the snowy mountain without a moment's hesitation.

Well, no hesitation on my part anyway. I didn't afford waiting for anyone, not with the urgency clear on the animal's feral features.

"Ooh!" Rarity gasped in awe. Indeed, the glittering frost coating the interior of the cave was pretty majestic to look at. And the ice helpfully reflected the light from outside so it wouldn't be too dark for us not to see anything.

It only took right steps inside, however, for me to sense it.

There was another creature in the cave. And our friend here was guiding us directly towards it.

Still, I sensed no hostility from our icy friend escorting us, so I continued playing along, walking deeper into the sparkling cave. But if need be I will get everyone out of here should anything occur.

When we managed to reach a rather wider end of the frosty cave, then I sensed hostility.

And worry...

...And fear.

For by the wall at the end opposite our surprised positions, lying down in a resting position, another Sabre Frost snarled in our direction with distrusting caution. And yet, once the other who brought us here approached, the sneering animal relaxed its features and accepted the comforting head lean of... Its mate.

"Huh? There's something moving right there!"

We all followed where Lyra was pointing to. True enough, a small bundle of whiteness was curled between the protective limbs of the laid Sabre Frost. And I think anyone can deduce what exactly it was, explaining the ferocious hostility the animal was presenting with is face.

"Is it a baby?" Sweetie exclaimed in collective surprise and elation, no doubt earning shared excited expressions from the others. My focus, however, was more intent on the curled up animal, frowning severely.

Something... Wasn't right.

Evidently. Why not indulge your senses and investigate the cause for this disturbance. Or save us the trouble and leave these mindless animals to their own insignificant dilemma.

On Christmas, Sombra, no one is insignificant.

The laid Sabre Frost growled intimidatingly in my direction, after I only took a few steps forward, halting me quickly. Better wait until given the word. As though hearing that, the Sabre Frost which took us to her emitted a softer growl, inciting his mate to glance at him. Reassurance, I'm guessing. The two stared me down with very calculating expressions... And the female seemed to have relented, the male backing up as if giving the all-clear.

Thank God. Carefully approaching, as to not startle nor aggravate either - especially the female protecting her cub - my hooves led me between the two animals, slowly sitting down to get a better look. And now that I was closer, I could see the more clearer details of the baby Frost, eyes shut tightly and presumably sleeping, its chest breathing in slow beats. It looked to be peacefully resting.

But something was wrong. I sensed pain. Fear and pain... Originating from the cub in question. My gaze switched over to the observing others, settled on one particular pegasus who services were needed. "Fluttershy, come here. I think there's something wrong with the cub." She nodded, gently joining our postures and taking a careful seat beside me, giving the mother Frost a hesitant smile. I then faced the female beast, hoping she understood. "This is my friend. She can help with your child."

The mother looked understandably uncertain, prompting Fluttershy to pitch in with reassurance, "I can do my best. If there's something wrong with your precious little cub, I'll do everything I can to make him feel better." Her persuasion and skills with animals taking effect, Fluttershy had won over the beasts approval in a heartbeat, the female Frost relaxing somewhat and leaned back. With a grateful smile, the yellow pegasus gently reached down to properly inspect the sleeping baby creature.

"How long is this gonna take...?"

"Shh!" The other collectively hushed the impatient Rainbow, thankfully.

I didn't have to wait too long for Fluttershy to make her assessment, as the pegasus gasped softly and placed the curled up ice kitten carefully back down with a pure worried expression. Neither a good sign.

"Well?" Twilight inquired, walking over to join us with everyone else. Yes, I too would like to know the results.

Concerned blue eyes regarded me. "He's not breathing properly." Wait... What?! Fluttershy shook her head, looking back to the baby. "The pacing of the heartbeat isn't matching the usual pattern..."

...Oh [BEEP].

Well... That's an unfortunate development... But even Sombra sounded slightly perturbed by the news.

"Is there anything we can do?"

Fluttershy shuddered slightly, either from the cold or the state of the cub. I'd pick the latter. "He'll need proper care and treatment, but we might not make it in time. And flying there might only escalate his condition." She added after Rainbow opened her muzzle. "We need to steady the heartbeat first, before bringing him back to my house to get him looked at properly."

'Not make it in time?' What did she mean, 'not make it in time?'

Take a wild gander Jack...

...No. No, Hasbro wouldn't... Would they?

This would be too cruel, even for them. And these are the same [BEEP]s who gave us Equestria Girls. But I didn't think they'd be this twisted. Something must be done, immediately. Starswirl, if there's a time where you're needed, it's now more than ever!

The voice sent a soothing wave of warmth and patience, It is not I who the cub needs help from, but you. Listen carefully, Jack, for this is considerably another lesson in Balance. The magic is connected through the heart of all that lives, the physical implications are of no exception. You can steady the slow beating yourself, but must do so with precise care and pure concentration.

...Alright. What do I need to do?

I felt the smile. Place your hoof above where his heart would be, I will help guide you from there.

...Understood. "Everyone. Whatever you do, don't disrupt me from this." The other blinked, Night and Velvet looking particularly flabbergasted at the no-doubt golden hue overtaking my irises. Doing as my teacher instructed, I placed a physical hoof over the curled up cub with care, closing my eyes in beginning focus.

Strangely enough, although it wasn't real, it felt like there was another hoof atop my own, helping me out.

Balance is a key to opening countless possibilities. My line of sight was welcomed by blazes of golden light, Balance with my conviction and Starswirl's guidance directed towards the fragile heart of the ill cub. It can restore disharmony, whip order into place, settle disputes and prevent numberless wars. Long ago, before the time of intelligent creatures, balance was never a tool to be used and disposed. Only one pony was chosen to wield its gift and bring balance to an imbalanced world. And now, it chooses again. You see, my student, the magic doesn't merely have the ability to restore; it also possesses the power to heal.

And while Starswirl provided his lecture, my mind was not entirely under my complete control. It was as though some other force was driving it, shaping its focus and keeping the more sensible parts concentrated on mending the cub's soft beating heart. I wasn't complaining too much, more intent on help saving this baby animal before its too late. I can't fail. I won't fail.

And that, my friend, is what a true wielder of Balance believes.

The golden light had disappeared, and, as if abruptly awoken by a trance, my eyes slowly opened, blinking since I was a little disoriented by the experience. I was greeted by the curious and concerned stares of all my friends, some even looking as though they witnessed the second coming of Jesus.

Fluttershy, meanwhile, gasped more vocally this time, inciting us to regard her and the cub she held before they could proceed to ask questions. "His breathing! It's okay!" At that, multiple voices rung out in surprised elations and cheers.


"I don't know what just happened, but it's a miracle!"

"Always full of surprises!"

"Where's Pinkie where you need her? This calls for a celebration!"

...I did it... Somehow I managed to save a baby cub from... Well, I don't want to imagine otherwise.

Fluttershy, however, made a shushing gesture, features sharpening for a brief moment while the two Sabre Frosts cuddled their resting baby. "We'll need to take him back to Ponyville, just in case. I'm gonna need lots and lots of sugary treats." Derpy grinned, providing the excellent substitute in Pinkie's absence.

"I can't believe you did that Spike. How hard was it not to burn your charger like that?"

The dragon pouted, accepting the plug and cable with a petulant expression. "It was an accident, I swear!"

Uh-huh. "Now try not to set my 3DS charger on fire too." It was a hassle getting to replace such things. Spike saluted, shouting gratitude as he hastily exited my bedroom to eagerly charge up his game device and continue playing. Well, at least he's making good use of my gift. Shaking my head in exasperated affection, my gaze switched over to the hung photo on the wall, depicting my other bizarre family back home.

Joe would've had a fit if Spike burned his own charger...

...I sighed.

Everyone else was having a rather joyful party in the main dining room, after the Christmas Dinner. Celebrating the fact the baby Sabre Frost would be A-OK, according to a confident Fluttershy, we all decided to spend the rest of the day together. All my friends and second family, while the family of Sabre Frost enjoyed themselves with consuming all the sweets for themselves and their baby provided by Derpy. And it relieved me to see the cub was fine and safe. He had good parents who loved him dearly.

Thank God. All was right in the world. Today was spent saving the life of a fragile cub. That feeling of accomplishment stomped over any present I've gotten this year so far. My family in this portrait would be proud.

...Wonder how they're doing.

Was it Christmas right now, where they were? I'd had to have been gone for a pretty long-[BEEP] time then, if that's the case. It was only, what April since I departed from Earth back to Equestria? One home from the next. Well, regardless of the difference in time and months between, I still wish everyone the very best Christmas...

...On the bright side, had I been stuck back there, I would've probably gotten nothing but chocolate and clothes this year. And I'm sorry, but to my eyes, they don't count as legit gifts; disappointment waiting to happen.

So I'm ungrateful. Sue me.

"I gather these are your family?"

I nodded, not even glancing over to Cadence. I needn't bother, she walked to stand beside me anyway. "Myself, my father, brother and two sisters, yes."

The Princess leaned forward, inspecting the black and white portrait in open interest. She and Shining had arrived shortly after we escorted the Sabre Frost family back to Fluttershy's cottage. "I imagine they'd be proud of you, after what happened today."

I shrugged, smiling humouredly. "I only did what needed to be done."

"Saving the life of a child? From how Twilight and my parents-in-law described it, it was nothing short of a miracle." Finally, we turned to regard one another, the tall pink alicorn smiling brightly, practically glowing. "I just wish Shining and I could've been there to witness this unique achievement."

"Speaking of children." Cyan eyes carefully glanced down, discreetly. "How is...?"

Understanding the question exactly, Cadence smiled down also, her expression more content than anything. "She's fine, and was kicking rather recently. That was a miracle I will cherish more than any Hearth's Warming present."

Couldn't blame you... "'She?'"

"Yes... Although we'd prefer to remain oblivious, I know in my heart the kind of foal she will be." With the face only a loving mother could adorn. It was clear how excited Cadence was to having her own child, and I, smiling like the idiot I was, forced myself to repress bursting out everything I already knew regarding her and Shining's beautiful creation. "She'll be a welcome addition to the family. Her parents, grandparents, aunt and uncle will love her very much."

"Yes... We will." My heart skipped a beat at the 'uncle' part, now grinning like a ridiculous mother[BEEP]er. "Be careful, I'm sure Aunt Twilight will spoil her rotten."

Cadence giggled at that. "Oh, I like to imagine that Grandma Twilight Velvet will be doing most of the spoiling." She tilted her head in amusement. "And what of Uncle Stardust? How will he treat his beloved niece?"

"Hah! I'll be the fun uncle who'll compete with the father for her attention!" We both laughed, enjoying these future scenarios. After a moment to calm down, I added with a bright smile. "Merry Christmas Cadence."

The alicorn nodded, the brief puzzled expression swiftly evaporating. "And a good Hearth's Warming to you, Stardust. We're proud of you to be part of the family."

"And I'm... Glad to a part of it." Really, how much more sincere can I be without my voice cracking at the welcoming acceptance from all these ponies? "Family to yours, family to my friends. Honestly... Never thought it'd happen."

Cadence smiled. "Life often leads us on the most unexpected paths."

"True. But I can honestly say, saving the cub aside, having all of you accepting me as a friend and family member... That is the best present I can ask for."

The Princess of Love brightened at that, eyes drooping in respect and care. "I'm sure everypony else will be pleased to hear that... Twilight especially."

At that, I chuckled. Oh most definitely. "I'd dare say she's the irreplaceable number one spot for beat-thing-to-ever-happen-to-me-"


...Ah. Fair play Cadence.

The alicorn smiled in adoring amusement at the purple mare suddenly and tightly embracing my side, burrowing her head into my fur. With a humoured grin I welcomed the cuddle, wrapping a soft limb around Twilight's neck happily. And then, I noticed Shining and the parents watching from the doorway, smiles of approval and fondness stretched over their muzzles. Velvet and Night was leaning against one another lovingly as they observed the exchange.

"The Princess and her Warrior." The blue stallion said out-loud, as though tasting the words on his tongue. "Long ago I'd have settled for a knight or royal guard to capture our daughter's heart. But now, I realize only a warrior would have the endurance and stamina to catch up with our energetic Princess."

Shining smirked. "Well thankfully, this royal guard managed to find his own gorgeous Princess." Meeting up with a loving Cadence. And the three couples in the room had a pure, beautiful moment of silently embracing one another, letting our faces and movements do all the talking for us.

This... This was an irreplaceable gift.

"You say you're unworthy to be with her, Stardust Balance." Night commented with a small smile. "And yet, the way I see it, it might be Twilight who thinks herself unworthy of you."

I snorted. Ridiculous. Yet the sheepish purple alicorn gazed away from me, smiling softly. And the mother added, "Especially after the miraculous spectacle today. If anything, I've only seen just how perfect you are to court our little Princess."

"Mom!" Twilight almost whined, cheeks reddening the more affectionate this conversation got. And while Shining looked displeased by the idea, it took Cadence to cuddle up to his neck to make the unicorn Prince briefly forget about what his own mother just sincerely said.

"This is a Hearth's Warming to remember." The father claimed merrily. Amen. We all nodded at that, myself pulling Twilight close to my side for another embrace. I can never tire of them. Yep, best Christmas ever. Then, the stallion narrowed his eyes at the sight. "Although I hope the news of my grandchild and rescuing the cub hasn't given you early ideas."


I was already rolling on the floor.

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