• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 194: What We Missed And Cherished


"You look exhausted, Twilight! Uh, no offense."

"None taken. Ahh..."

"Any reason you're slouching on the couch like that?"

"Oh, no reason, other than something beginning with 'J.'"

"Yeah, I figured. What's he done now?"

"Well today's Hearts and Hooves Day as you know, and Jack... Well, he's been using today as an excuse to make up for our absence apart together."

"Huh. That doesn't sound too bad."

"Don't get me wrong, I find his attempts to amend past mistakes, particularly on a holiday like this, sweet and endearing. Unfortunately..."

"I love you."

"Oh. Thank you Jack..." Twilight smiled warmly as the golden alicorn made a swift departure from the room straight afterwards, the former accepting the box of chocolates.

"Jack had taken it upon himself today to shower his partner with gifts."

"What, like flowers? Chocolates? Presents?"


"Well how's that a bad thing?"

"It's not that, Starlight. The intent to undo his wrongs is appreciated, but this..."

"I love you."

"Oh! Thank you again Jack." The Princess blinked in sincere flattery by the bouquet of purple and blue roses, while the Warrior made another swift departure in a gold and blue blur.

"So, what's the problem?"

"Unfortunately, Jack's not backing down from fully expressing his desires to appease and earn my affections."

"I thought he already has them?"

"I love you."

"Thank you, Jack..." Twilight was close to sweatdropping this time, taking the book wrapped in a neat decorative tie, just as her partner left the room swiftly again.

"And he always will."


"Ah... Unfortunately, the insistence of swooning me every five minutes is starting to grow a tiny bit tedious, considering he's just been visiting the study-"

"I love you."


"- every -"

"I love you."

"- four -"

"I love you."

"- minutes."

"I love you."

"So you understand what I'm going through right now."

"Hmm... Sounds to me that Stardust still feels horrible about leaving everyone behind on his crusade, you especially, Twilight. I think he's just eager to prove that his feelings for you never wavered especially after so long."

"I think that's been proven enough the moment that stallion proposed to me the second we reunited."

"Point taken. Speaking of which, when are you two actually going to act on that?"

"...I don't know. There's still too much going on for me to contemplate the very concept. Jack and I will have a sit down and proper conversation about that when there's time."

"So why not today?"

"I... Erm..."

"Hmhmhmhm, fair enough."

"I-In any case, Jack doesn't have to keep 'proving' himself like that. He's expressed his affections by several, equally wonderful moments in the past."

"But maybe it's never enough for him. Maybe, a small part of Stardust still thinks he's unworthy of you, and is trying to do everything in his power to prove, not just to you, Twilight, but himself of being worthy to even be close to you."

"So that's it? He still feels 'unworthy' and is desperately attempting to convince himself?"

"Stardust never made it a secret how persistently self-loathing he is, in spite of his recent uplifted mood and interaction with others after coming home."

"Hmmmmm... Well, obviously we can't have that, can we? To tell the truth, Jack's not the only one whom feels undeserving of his partner."

"Which makes you both perfect for each other. So Twilight, what are you gonna do for the holiday?"

"Uhh, well, I wanted to do something special, just for both Jack and I. Any suggestions?"

"...Maybe something you know only the two of you would enjoy. A private at a location special between you two?"

"That's... Brilliant, Starlight! And I know just the place!"

"That's what I'm here for-"


"I love you."


"Hehehehehehehe. You two are so adorable together."

"And don't come back until evening."

Ow. Landing sharp on my equine posterior after that ungraceful drop via magic out the front door, meeting the top of the small steps into the castle home. Twilight was quick to shut the doors before I could even make an attempt back in.

Well... That was effort of appeasing my girlfriend-slash-fiance down the drain. You'd think the alicorn would be more tolerant after, once again, tying us together for a couple of weeks once Starlight and I returned home back then after being late from helping out a species get some nice shuteye.

Grumbling lightly to myself, I rose on all fours awhile carefully tucking in my golden wings, sighing. I could just go back in whenever, but Twilight sounded all too stern regarding keeping me outside until the appropriate time of the day. So either I was that irritating trying to shower the lavender alicorn today with gifts, or Twilight was planning something for the evening of Valentine's Day.

Not that I deserved the latter. Oh yeah, Valentine's Day ya'll! God how time flies. And yes, I still refused to address the holiday to the pony equivalent of such; Hearts and Hooves sounds ridiculous, like most endearing things about this world.

Well, half endearing, the other half of exclusive things about this world more a hindrance and pain to my brain. Straightening my cape, I sighed wearily before gazing out to clear blue with few clouds, pleasant for the day. Great, I'll get to walk around spectating many couples in bliss and enjoying one another's time while, as always, feeling hopelessly sorry for myself. What a way to partake in Hearts and- Valentine's Day.

Sorry, slip of the tongue there. In any case, what to do in the meantime? Rarity would likely be swarmed by admirers, one of whom being Spike, the dragon having left earlier this morning with some excuse of 'hanging out with Big Mac.' Applejack's probably busy working, Pinkie setting up Valentine's party requests, Rainbow napping on a cloud or being bothered to death by a zealous Zephyr. Starlight's still inside, so that just left...

Yeah, why not? I imagined Discord hasn't exactly got it through his thin thick skull the genuine bond between the Master of Chaos and a certain animal carer. Plus, what kind of monster would leave Fluttershy on her own for a day of affection?

Nailed the guess that Discord wasn't devoting time and energy to the yellow pegasus upon my arrival. To my bitter exasperation.

"More soda, Stardust?"

"That would be lovely, thank you Fluttershy."

This time, instead of bottles, I finally decided to use the pegasus' purple china, the cool fizzy drink pouring into my cup delectably, myself taking another polite sip. Ahh. Something tells me any offsprings Fluttershy may someday have will host a lot of tea parties, the mare opposite me by the table having her steaming own drink contently refreshed.

Just to check, I had to ask for clarity's sake, pausing between sips. "So, Discord hasn't visited at all today?"

"Not really." Tilting her pink flowing mane in adorable curiosity. Almost as cute as Twilight's. "I think he might be busy today."

Like Hell. "No secret cards or anything?"

"Umm, I don't think so."

"Or chocolates?"



"I don't think so... Should I have?"

Yes. "Just checking." Fluttershy blinked, puzzled but continued enjoying the moment with a friend as time passed happily, myself taking another sip. Oh Discord, why couldn't you just see? Today of all days?

Ah well, more biscuits for me, not to mention a plate of delicious, warmly baked chocolate chip cookies ordered from Sugarcube Corner. And boy warm they were, chewy and melting in my muzzle for me to elicit hums of enjoyment. Fluttershy didn't seem to mind, smiling pleasantly by my reactions to the treats before speaking up herself.

"So, Twilight asked you to stay out of the castle until sunset?" No accusation, no judgment. Fluttershy was all merely curious, with the faintest note of concern, as was exactly in the mare's gratifying character.

Lowering the cup to before my clothed gold chest, I allowed a tight light smile. "Regrettably, I think my attempts of making amends with Twilight got the better of me..." Road to Hell was paved, after all, was good intentions.

Or maybe that was mere exaggeration, in relation to how utterly bad I felt in not being with my Princess this very moment.

Genuine blinks of puzzlement, Fluttershy mirroring my motion with a soft question. "You're still making amends, even though we've all forgiven you?" Maybe you have the most, Fluttershy, but with some like Twilight, and even Applejack and Rainbow... Yeah, something tells me nothing's been completely mended yet.

Sighing, I set the china back upon the tiny cup mat, regarding the tender blue eyes comforting my very soul. Offering to her a wry grin. "I'm not sure that I'll ever be properly forgiven for my actions, my dear." Either by them or myself.

What a way to spend Valentine's, huh? Feeling ridiculously sorry for myself! But the animal lover, as always, didn't mind in the least, setting her own warm cup down with a soft frown of worry but kindness, the bearer of compassion humming quietly as though contemplating something. "Well, if you really want to do something today that expresses both your love, and determination to right your wrongs, maybe you should do something special."

Special? "Do you have anything in mind?" I asked, sincerely curious with a tinge of hope. I've already given Twilight chocolates, flowers, cards, new books, star charts, finished chores in Spike's favour and poetry all in one day. What else could I do, especially when I couldn't come back home until sundown?

Tapping her pony chin thoughtfully, all too adorably that it caused me to almost chuckle, Fluttershy gazed to the right where a family of birds were nestled together, sharing their own tiny gifts for the holiday. Ah great, as if me walking through Ponyville watching all those couples be so happy, imagine how alone Fluttershy feels observing her animals friends express affection to one another.

"Oh, I don't feel alone." [BEEP]! The bonds were getting much stronger. Fluttershy smiled at me in reassurance, gesturing to all the little critters happily enjoying themselves. "I have all my wonderful friends here to spend Hearts and Hooves Day with." That doesn't make me feel better! But the yellow pegasus was quick to divert back to the original discussion. "Anyway, I have a small suggestion that might help you get back in Twilight's good graces further." Oh? I eagerly leaned forward, taking notes if I could. Curious enough for Fluttershy's cheeks to brighten in pink a little by the sudden action, stammering slightly, "Y-You could... Do something related to what Twilight cherishes most."

Cherishes most? "You mean, like friendship related?" Fluttershy slowly nodded, and I leaned back in my seat, plopping stallion elbows on the wooden surface, clasping hoofs together and leaning my features against them.

The idea has merit, the only question being, what exactly?

Was half-tempted to ask Bon and Lyra for any ideas, the two evident couple also best friends in their own right. But having spotted them in town earlier, thoroughly delighting in each other's company, I decided the better of it, leaving them to it. Who was I to interrupt a couple's sweet time for my own vanity? I'll have to look for other sources, walking through the love-filled streets to the brim of energetic couples and red and pink decor, focusing myself rather on the ground and the objective in question.

As opposed to gritting my teeth and feeling like burning all the Valentine decorations shared throughout the town. Right, task at hoof! Think up someone who could help with this dilemma!

If Whooves had half the courage, he'd be currently occupied sharing the holiday with Derpy than to help.

Octavia... Nah, better safe than sorry. Besides, it's been a long speculation that she and Vinyl had something going on.

Big Mac? More than likely devoting the day with Sugar Belle.

No clue where Sombra and Radiant were, probably halfway across Equestria at this point searching for the missing pieces of a fallen Princess still. Cadence and Shining were probably more busy than most. Celestia I wouldn't turn to for advice if my relationship with her favourite student depended on it. Luna might offer help, but I wasn't confident I could afford the luxury of reaching Canterlot to and back before the day was over. Sunset? Time works differently between worlds, so it's probably not Valentine's where she was? Sunburst wouldn't know [BEEP] about romance.

Couldn't tell ANY of the Mane Six, or Starlight, what I was trying to do otherwise that'd just ruin the whole point of a secret friend surprise. Spike was likely still with Rarity, and Discord was God's know where.

Dammit, I was running out of time. Starswirl, you have some ideas right?

...Starswirl? Starswirl! God dammit this wasn't the appropriate time to up and vanish from my mind! What are you spending Valentine's Day among the DEAD or something? You and Mistmane got something going on, huh?! Come on, one time I was putting aside my resentment for your actions here!


Fine. I'll keep looking for answers myself-


A card stand, looking nothing out the ordinary, attracting my attention. Well, what mainly caught my abrupt turn of concentration belonged to some certain cards that might as well solve all my problems at once.

Friend cards.




Good God, that's it!

Without even buying anything, I made a swift turn and mad dash down the street, the chilly afternoon breeze against my bearded, eager features. Gotta find the Crusaders, and they wouldn't be hard to track down!

That they weren't! Apple Bloom answering the hurried knocks to the treehouse door with a surprise blink before grinning. "Howdy Stardust! What can we do for ya?"

"Apple Bloom. Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo." The first of three stepping aside to grant me entry, the two other fillies standing before a poster of some colts with pointed arrows. Ah none of my business to wonder about, grinning to all three once they gathered together, gesturing by wings and limbs. "You three wanna help out a friendship problem for Hearts and Hooves Day?"

While two looked enthused by the prospect, Sweetie, by contrast, shrugged tiny white shoulder with a somewhat downtrodden expression. "I guess." Must be some school romance going on or something. Young relationships were the most painful to deal with.

Scootaloo, in answer, clasped her friend's side with a wide reassuring grin. "Aw cheer up Sweetie Belle, this might be just what we need to re-energize!" Before smirking back in a eerie resemblance to Rainbow. You know, my past brotherhood with Spike could be compared by their sibling-like relationship, Scootaloo and Rainbow. "Lay it on us Stardust!"

Glad to hear it! "I need some friendship cards - non romantic but still expresses affection - done for each of my friends."

Bloom blinked. "Even Twilight?"

I opened my muzzle, before pausing, realizing a friendship card for Twilight might send all the wrong messages, especially after everything I just gifted to the breathtaking alicorn this morning. Too inappropriate.

"Nah." Shaking my head in the with a humoured smile. "I'll handle Twilight myself. Can you three get them done?"

Scootaloo scoffed in good nature. "Can we?" Grinning with radiant confidence, sharing an ecstatic expression with the other two. Even Sweetie was looking more cheerful every passing second. "I've got the best one in mind for Rainbow!"

"I've got somethin' in mind for Applejack! Sister knows best!"

"And I know what Rarity would love to read from a card." The white filly stated while feeling better, if her heart and smile were any indication. "Count me in."

Excellent. A sentiment Apple Bloom echoed jovially. "Alright Crusaders, let's take a break from looking for the secret admirer and make the best friendship cards in all of Equestria!"

Secret admirers... Guess those are legitimately prominent even in the equivalent of elementary schools.

Done! The blue envelope slipped into the bottom crack of the bedroom door like a charm, sensing Starlight resting peacefully within. Won't she be in for a surprise the next morning? If the mare wasn't simply laying on her bed reading a book right then or something.

It almost wasn't easy, what with the bonds increasing for the others to somewhat pick up my presence once in close proximity. Pinkie was a difficult challenge alone to sneak around when she's close by, but regardless, I got the job done. The hoofmade friendship cards delivered without too much pressure, and I made a mental note to bake some reward for the Crusaders as thanks for their efforts, first thing tomorrow. The cards certainly were suitable and creative, with each cover bearing the marks of good friends.

Looking forward to seeing their faces tomorrow. Spike was with Discord, as I spotted passing them earlier, with some lighthearted party going on in town. I'll pick the dragon up later, though I trust Discord enough, at least, to keep an eye on one of his only few guy friends.

Or else.

All in all, I'd call that a good afternoon of spending Valentine's by making certain my friends weren't left out... Rarity aside with the bags of admirer messages I spotted while sneaking into the boutique. Don't even ask me regarding how precisely I managed to stealth around successfully whilst simultaneously near tripping over my loose wings-


Hm? My head snapped upwards, identifying the wafting voice echoing down the darkened halls, by a bright presence of affection and eagerness awaiting in another room. Twilight, calling to me through our bond.

"Jack, come to your Princess..."

Like an obedient warrior, I obeyed, making a rather hasty pace towards the library itself where her heart was emanating from. Ah boy, was this the result of patience? The emotions pouring out of the beautiful mare were that of excitement, love, delight and... Nervousness. Guess the lavender alicorn had some brilliant surprise and was apprehensive of my reaction.

Bah! Whatever it was, I was more than confident I will fall on my pony knees and, as always, thank whatever Gods rule this universe for their greatest creation currently calling for my unworthy presence. Everything regarding my surroundings were a near blue from my half-dash towards the entrance to the grand, round library, swallowing a gulp of my own and taking a brief pause.

Just needed to collect myself... Inhaling through nostrils, straightening my own nervous posture, setting my muzzle firm in a horrendous attempt of hiding the eager smile, and brushing my blue cape and clothing.

Okay. Here we go.

With a bold front, I entered the candlelit room, safely placed away from the many wondrous shelves. Still finding it difficult to compose myself- Dammit! Ow. Tripping over a wing, again, while stepping into the library, landing with disgruntled embarrassment and praying that Twilight didn't laugh at that. Nope, what came instead was an adorable, endearing giggle.

"We're gonna have to fix that."

"Yes..." I grumbled, rising from the ground, forcibly stuffing my gold feathers into the clothing. Not gonna have them ruin... Tonight...


It was a blast from the past, but never ceased taking my breath away. For Twilight was there, in a former radiant outfit not seen since our first time at the Grand Galloping Gala. All too long ago. The light blue dress, with some white blended in. The flawless mane gorgeously styled, with the star accessories planted fittingly into the top of the purple shades of hair. The non-pierced sparkling earrings appropriately matching those equally sparkling eyes expressing nothing but pure endearment, nothing like the nervous but hopeful expression on a lavender unicorn seven seasons ago. Twilight Sparkle, still matching a dress that brought about the beginnings of my feelings for the mare oh so long ago.

Or... Perhaps it was love at first sight, and I was a fool to have never realized it even back then. But now, I can rectify that error at present and forever, meeting the approaching grace of perfect beauty and intelligence halfway into the room, my limbs compelled by the tunes of my heart. Yeah yeah, cheesy, but befitting of what could, already, be one of the best nights of my life.

And hopefully, Twilight's too.

Her beautiful cheeks flushing a light pink by my stunned reaction, unable to restrict the musical chuckle and the breathtaking smile, those orbs brighter than the stars telling me she knew exactly what I was feeling at the present moment. Of course, our link and all.

Gulping a tad, I hastily reached into my coat pocket, desperately pleading that the small gift picked up along the way home wasn't ruined a little by the movement to now. Luckily, or maybe fortune blessed me, the small white rose wasn't possibly damaged in the slightest, and I knew I did something right by the spike of warm affection following the reveal of the delicate plant.

Which elicited my own grin, helping neatly place it right atop Twilight's beautiful right ear, once again causing me to inhale sharply and freeze on the spot. By God... How was it even possible for this mare to become more flawless every passing second? It doesn't make any sense?

...But it didn't need to.

"Twilight, I-"

A soft, but stern lavender hoof placed gently against my parting bearded lips, stopping me before I could even start. "Let's not bring up past errors or uncertain futures." That melodious voice of wisdom stated tenderly, Twilight tilting her head as my entire body melted when the hoof was soon replaced. By gorgeous, divine purple lips that would never, ever be tiring. Then, pulling back by an inch, Twilight then smiled with her own dazed, and blissful expression flawlessly mirroring my own. "But focus on the present. On one of the most wondrous nights we could ever have."

Sounds good to me...

Smiling in acceptance, I then took a few steps back for enough space to give a stallion's bow, which Twilight returned with an adorable curtsy. Goddamn that was adorable. The following hours of the peaceful holiday, in one another's equine arms, lightly dancing the night away, making up for something we never had the chance to do in our first gala. For oh so several reasons.

"Happy Valentine's, love..." I whispered in that soft, comforting mane belonging to the mare resting her features on my chest, contently dancing on hind hoofs. This hasn't happened for too long, and I hope we could dance again more often now.

The sigh of utter, quiet joy was invigorating to my own thrilled bliss, followed by the equally tender, enthused voice reveling in the moment. "Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, honey..."

I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream... I know you, the look in your eyes are so, familiar a gleam...

Humming loudly to myself in the midst of my own room, the fresh memories of lat night motivating my current actions, slow-dancing currently with naught but thin air. Twilight left for the School of Friendship earlier this morning, mentioning after we slept comfortably on the closest couch with a blanket following the content night that the students had homework to hand in regarding the unique relationships and similarities between romance and friendship. Leaving me to walk around, have breakfast and just imagine the lavender mare in my pony arms with a great stupid grin on my face, unable to cool down on the happiness.

Why would I, even? I honestly believe the smile wouldn't be going away for a long, long time. Last night was amazing. Nothing had felt quite so invigorating, fulfilling and breathtaking since pouring my heart and soul to the Princess I love via a proposal amidst our fateful reunion.

Speaking of that, I should have a sit down alongside Twilight regarding me popping the question back then. The mare had been explicitly avoiding and shying away from the subject when either I or anyone else brought it up. I mean, if Twilight didn't actually feel ready, I understood and respected her decision. It was rather spur of the moment back then.

But for now, enjoying the moment and safety of what last night had brought to my brightened heart, emphasized by a blissful twirl during the one-sided dance. My eyes closing briefly in harmony, somewhat thankful the wings were deciding against, for a change, being a large inconvenience.

And I know it's true. That visions that seldom all they seem... But if I know you, I know what you'd do. You'll love me at once! The way you did once, upon a dream... Ah, Lana Del Ray's version trumped-

SLAM. "Dad!"

All good things come to a close, myself sighing lightly before getting down on all fours, looking to the dragon who so ill-politely barged into my room in my mid-happiness, Spike pausing with wide, befuddled green eyes in reaction to my entertainment. "Manners, Spike." I gave a half-smile as the flustered son then nodded hastily before leaving to close the door, before loud knocking was heard. Much better. "Come in."

So the good lizard did, getting straight to the point. "Dad! You gotta help! Everyone else is busy at the school, and you have nothing better to do with your time, so come quickly."

"...Ignoring that unintentional jab, Spike." I raised a hoof with a mild raised brow, more curious than annoyed from the sudden urgency by both voice and heart. "What seems to be the problem?"

"It's Discord! He's been acting... Well, not himself." I mean, was Discord known to have a coherent personality? Draconequus can be a walking jigsaw at times, and often literally. Spike picked up upon my skepticism. "I mean, not like himself-self, and it's scaring away other ponies at the park!"

Scaring ponies? That's a novelty, I almost snorted, taking a moment to use Balance and stretch my senses, a light curious and wish to investigate. "Spike, ponykind would find a dandelion frightening if it drifted onto those nose- Oh God!"

Ugh, just what was that repugnant smell?! No not physically, but through Balance! A disgusting smash of tainted amusement and startling bitter amplified from the user of chaotic magic. It smelled like a whole locker of wet gym socks! Damn!

Smart enough to pick up what precisely I scrunching my nostrils at, my scaly son nodded hurriedly and proceeded to start running out the door, calling for me to follow. "Quickly, Dad, before it's too late!"

Before WHAT'S too late, exactly? Suddenly, the happy mood vanished to be replaced by starking apprehension and concern. What could have possibly set Discord off to emanate such waves of disdain and bitterness? Grabbing my glinting cape, I immediately pursued after the young dragon, hoping whatever it was wouldn't be too serious. Perhaps a friendship issue, or a misunderstanding. Any alternative might be far too worse.

For Discord to be [BEEP]ed... I might have my work cut out for me.

Oh GOD! The smell was a billion times WORSE the closer we got. For there the Lord of Chaos was, in all his slump glory, hunched atop a tree stump in the center of the lush park... Which was rapidly decaying by the presence alone. Christ.

A baby storm cloud about thirty centimetres above the horned head, pouring down on the disgruntled figure exuding neither amusement or a sense of mischief. No, this was something else entirely, it couldn't possibly the same person? Could it?

Spike and I cautiously stood at the edge of the outer circle of decayed plant life, the pair of us sharing a wry glance as Discord's back was turned to us, myself still not entirely clear what the situation behind that clear bad mood originated from. Shrugging helplessly, Spike swallowed some nerves before calling out. "Discord. You uh, feeling better?"


The answer came in a low snort. "Just peachy." Followed by his entire head turning into the literal food for a brief moment, then back to the draconequus hiding his features from us.

Was it just me, or was the mountain so far away in the distance that Discord was focused entirely on doing its own dance with a giant rock cane and top hat? Well, glad to see some part of the spirit of chaos recalled his nature.

"Um..." My wonderful son refused to give up just yet, offering a sheepish grin. "Is there anything we can do for you?" No answer, followed by Spike's tiny sigh. "Guess not."

Well, let's not give in just yet, I gazed around idly, looking for any hopes or clues regarding the ill and unusual grouchy behaviour from the draconequus of mischief. The former was more befitting as my motif, so what could possibly affect Discord's typically chill, indifferent character to provoke that side of him? A friend fallout? A certain pink-haired pegasus? I frowned, closing my eyes briefly to get a good lookin for Discord's disturbed heart.

Welcomed by such corroded emotions of bitterness, disgust and... Sadness? Jesus Christ Discord, what happened to you?! Quickly opening my eyes with rapid blinks of shock, tilting my head in befuddled concern for the friend on the stump. Okay, I wasn't even going to attempt getting closer and using Balance to clear away such blackness. Because, for starters, we don't know if what works on regular creatures will work on the likes of Discord, and who knows how the draconequus will react in the present, more unstable-than-ever state should anything enter the circle clearly messaging for anyone to just leave him be.

Still... Discord was our friend, and we're both majorly worried for the normally amused creature. Fluttershy would likely be devastated from the view alone, and that couldn't be permitted. Just have to think of something.

Spike then gasped, as if struck with inspiration. "Keep him company." Before the dragon rushed off elsewhere without sharing his intent, leaving just the two of alone. Alright son, I'll trust whatever plan you have will be better than my own.

Mostly due to mine is steeling my [BEEP]s and approaching the grumbling Discord with the risk of touching his furry brown chest. Nothing else that could be done, but if Discord was still in there, then...


A reaction unlike his brief responses to Spike, before the draconequus huffed without turning to acknowledge me face-to-face. "Oh, if it isn't the herd lover." Herd lover? What the Hell? "For all your teases about us, you sure do enjoy swooping in last minute to take whatever you think's yours."

Goddamn, the waves of disdainful emotion thrown at ME of all people was putting my senses on edge, body frozen a little at whatever Discord's petty anger could do on me. Balance alone wouldn't be a match for this incarnation of chaos. I had to either try running, or caution with my words.

"I'm sorry, I'm not sure I-"

"You humans, thinking you can take whatever you want." The mountain so far ahead beginning to melt like butter. "Pah. It's your right, I suppose, with your kind being the 'lords' above their creations..." Discord scoffed lowly, prompting my further mixture of worry, annoyance and hopeless confusion.

"Discord, you're not giving me much to work with here."

The first answer? Blowing a serpent two-foot long tongue, before retracting that and folding his arms, straightening at last and huffing with head held high. Okay...? Second answer came in the form of a scornful sadness. "Why should I give when you just help yourself to taking...?"

I don't under-

"Especially somepony so precious to me..."

So precious... What? "Discord..." I gathered myself, blinking once before narrowing my hazel eyes. "Is this about Fluttershy?"

There it was, the roll of feelings that caused my physical body to stagger backwards from the sheer, overwhelming response via the heart, Discord finally whirling around to sneer with a loud, animalistic hiss. "What do you think? Don't even take me for a fool, Stardust!" Cue clown costume, and I in a... Ringmaster attire? Discord became forcibly cheerful. "Only I can fool myself."

Squirting water into his own features, then boom, said costumes vanished in an instant, and- Whoa!

The draconequus straight up, literally, in my face as a bear paw pocked my chest. "Not some washed-up little man who bites off more than he can chew." What the bloody Hell is he going on about! What was his issue?! Those teeth with one, upper sharp fang grit, drooling right close to my utterly baffled and disgusted face. "Promise me..." The voice softened, only by a margin. "You'll take good care of her..."

Promise to take care of... Fluttershy? Was something happening to the poor guy? Was he asking me to- No! No, what the Hell did the draconequus take me for?! Those feelings of jealously, envy, hurt and rage all mixing together like degraded ingredients to the worst baked result in the whole world.

He couldn't seriously believe for a moment me and his waifu were-

Speak of the angel and she shall descend. "Um, is everything alright here?" Both our heads whirled to the yellow mare with a nervous Spike at her side, glancing between us with clear confusion and worry. Immediately, Discord leaned back, the emotions in his heart brightening to exponential degrees before the situation was reminded by the sight of me. Such was progress.

"Oh. hello Fluttershy." His grin was close to mocking. "Come to see your special friend, have you?"

Yellow features and pink mane tilted curiously, oblivious to Discord's bitter anger. "All of my friends are special Discord. You as well."

"Tch, you'd like me to think so..." What the Hell, Discord? This was Fluttershy you were talking to! The latter clearly then picking up that something's amiss, but kept trying to smile anyway before taking note of the damaged plant life.

"Oh dear! What happened here...?"

"Uhh, a small fire! Yeah that's it!" Spike quickly announced in forced cheerfulness, waving his arms dramatically. "Yeah, that's the emergency I was telling you about. Discord volunteered to help amend the plants, and was hoping for your insight on doing it right!"

Fluttershy blinked in sincere surprise, before bashfully grinning at the draconequus whose heart then brightened some more in relieved joy. Good, progress! "Why, I would love to help! Though I do have a class to teach..."

"Ah don't worry, I'll cover for ya!" Spike reassured with a grin, before waving me over. "Come on, Dad, we need to quickly do... A thing! Yeah!"

Discord then snorted irritably. "Ah yes, because running away from your problems solves everything, doesn't it?"

"Mhm, like father like son, right Dad?" EXCUSE ME? I glared heatedly to the weakly laughing dragon, whom kept gesturing for me to come over. "We should leave the lovebirds at it, let's go!"

Her cheeks blushing considerably from the implication, Fluttershy then spoke up while pulling out a certain blue and pink card that was tucked in her yellow wing. "By the way, about this card..."

Discord's ire rose to twenty degrees by the mere sight and mention of it, and suddenly, I FINALLY understood. And already, the perfect remedy was in mind. "Oh, I see Discord finally gave you the card!" All three heads snapped to me in genuine surprise/shock, but I kept the act up with a wide grin towards the mischief maker. "Discord here was just telling me how scared he was for your reaction to his poured out feelings like that, weren't you pal?"

"I... I..." For once, the regular spirit that caused mass confusion was then the one baffled. How the tables have turned!

Spike was quick to pick up on it. "Oh yeah, that's right! And though it might seem like Dad's hoofwriting, the truth is that... Uh, Discord ASKED Dad to write it all down afraid of what Fluttershy here may think." Gently walking over to nudge the goat leg playfully. "It's not everyday Discord expresses his feelings. You must be that special, Fluttershy."

"Yep, everything written in that card was from Discord's own heart. And I have to say, he's quite the heartwarming gentleman when it comes down to it." Aheh, embellishing myself a little here, but whatever was working as the yellow pegasus tenderly approached the stunned draconequus, prompting both Spike and I to make a quick retreat and leave the lovebirds to sort their proper feelings out.

"Think she bought it?" Spike whispered amongst our hasty retreat from the park, inciting us to look over our pony and lizard shoulders to hear Fluttershy's request for confirmation and Discord's attempt of composed smoothness.

"...I think they'll be just fine now, son." As the whole plants where what was damaged and beyond sprung to life across the area like never before, the beautiful hearts belonging to both mare and spirit pleasing my own. Yeah, they'll be fine.

I can expect Discord's apology in the form of my entire room being stuffed to the brim with white roses later.

Good, with that brief crisis out of the way. "So Spike..." I started with some low teasing, idly draping a gold limb around baby shoulders. "Tell me all about your Valentine's..."

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