• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 121: Star Deprivation

Ughhhh... Tired...




"What's up with you?" Spike inquired bewilderingly at my entering state, greeting me with a befuddled look upon my arrival into the kitchen. The dragon pointed with his spoon. "You look as though you were trampled by a horde of Pinkie Pies."

"Good morning to you too Spike..." I muttered sourly, leaning forward onto the table opposite the eating lizard and plopping my head onto my hoofs, sighing/yawning again. "Just really exhausted is all..."

"I'll say," My brother concurred in bemusement, tilting his head. "Let me guess, Twilight woke you up again?"

"At bloody five in the morning." I confirmed with slight annoyance. Scratch that, I was beyond annoyed. Once again the mare continues to torture me by abusing our relationship in new interesting ways. "She wanted me to help out organize a few things in the library... For the next couple of hours. Her idea of spending time together... Couldn't have waited until later when I was more willing to..."

"Heh, join the club." Spike offered in both amusement and sympathy to my grumble, taking a spoonful of cereal and consuming the crystal shards in milk. "On the bright side, since you're here, it means Twilight no longer needs your help. Now you can spend the rest of the morning catching some shut eye."

Oh Christ Spike, don't jinx it!

"And he'll have plenty of time to rest once we're completely finished."


"Language." Twilight admonished, despite only hearing my reply through our head. Spike looked between us in puzzlement at that. The purple alicorn, entering the kitchen, made a 'tsk'ing noise. "Honestly, this overexaggeration is really unneeded Jack. And you say I overreact." Spike closed his eyes, desperately trying not to smirk.

And failed, instead motioning again with his spoon. "I still don't get how you two can communicate through magic like that."

Oh please Spike, don't get her started...

"It's really quite simple Spike." Arghhhh! "Oh hush up you. Anyway, the most obvious conclusive answer are the ties connecting us, metaphorically speaking of course, which strengthened over time spent together and the hardships we've faced as a team. Jack here has the ability to reach through these mental links to 'talk' with others either close by or from a vast distance. And said distance will grow the more he practices."

Spike blinked, taking this all in slowly. "So... Can he do this at will or...?"

"According to our grouchy friend-" Who's right here, mind you, not paying zero attention to this conversation in the slightest. "- The sole reason Jack and I are communicating without intent are, exceptionally, because of our personal connection being, well, the strongest." Twilight sounded both admittedly shy and proudful upon confessing as such. "Say, this incites a thought; later today, why don't we focus on perfecting your mental training hun?"


Head pounded straight into the surface of the table. My ears picked up on Spike's chortling while Twilight sighed in amused annoyance.

"Oh don't be like that. It'll be fun!"

I concur. While you are already up, we can proceed with the suggested training posthaste.

My exasperated pained tone was muffled, "Oh kill me..."

Fate had mercifully taken pity on me. On the same day Twilight chose to have me suffer further, both she, alongside Fluttershy, were called away by the magic map to solve a friendship problem I knew all too well; the situation between two questionably insensitive rival families because their respective founders were two greedy [BEEP]s.

Yeah... Not gonna touch on that one. But as I was too tired to bother writing a list or handing our advice before they left - They could handle it with or without my help anyway - my initial thoughts were to thank the Gods and skip merrily straight to bed. My body collapsed into the comforting mattress in sweet blissful relief.

Your childish antics never cease to humour me.

Oh do be quiet you, I'm in no mood right now.

Hm. Shame I could care less about your desires. Your human urge to sleep in as much as possible is to be noted and scorned.

Humans need more sleep than ponies! Besides, it's not my fault Twilight thought it a brilliant tactic to have me pulled out of bed at five for some assistance in the library.

You are to blame, however, for choosing to court the Princess, and therefore putting yourself into this self-proclaimed dilemma of your own volition. You've no one to cast fault upon but yourself.

Well, that I don't regret.

Being abruptly awoken?

Dating Twilight. Now, pulling the covers over my exhausted body, it's time for some well-needed rest. Do me a favour, Sombra, and keep quiet while I try to get the sleep I've been denied much ever since my return to this world.

Ahh... Comfy...

Tch. Appears as though my own assistance to disrupting your erratic sleep pattern is unnecessary.

Yeah... Wait-

"Uh, Star?"

Bleary eyes turned over to a finger-twiddling Spike. "Yeah Spike...?"

The dragon grinned rather sheepishly. "I need some help with the PS3."

What? "...I already set everything up for you...?"

Spike shrugged helplessly. "I don't know how to charge up the controller."

Oh God. I sighed deeply. "Insert the small cable which connects between the controller and the console. Problem solved." There. With that, I tossed over to the other side of the bed, mission completed.

Now, finally, I could-


Oh you gotta be kidding me...

"Spike, you've seen me do it before..." Was my grumbling voice admist closed eyes, refusing to turn back to face the dragon.

"Well yeah, but that was a while back..."


Fate is a cruel mistress no? She gifts and obligingly condemns you in kind.

Shut it you!

Kicking the cover off me, I abruptly shot out of bed and gestured for a blinking Spike to follow. A few minutes later, I helped with his oh-so daunting task and, upon his gratitude, headed straight back to bed, settling onto the mattress and pillow with a content smile and closing eyes.

Ahh, NOW I can get some much-needed shuteye-

"Stardust! It says it's updating! What does that mean?!"

Oh Christ...

"Means it's updating! Just give it a moment!" I called back hoarsely, ignoring Sombra's crude snickering. Please don't ask for help again, please don't ask for help again, please don't ask for help again...

Oh, please do, little dragon.

"I think it's broken! It shut down after the white bar filled up!"

Damn you Sombra! "It's resetting Spike! Don't worry!"

"Oh! ...Could you check just in case?!"


Not my typical idea to get some shuteye, but the castle was clearly off-limits for rest right now. In the end, Spike got impatient from the constant updates and decided to use my PS4... In my room... Where I was trying to sleep. Resorting in me [BEEP]ing off elsewhere, and that someplace else was right here, under the sunlight.

That's okay though. I had my fedora to block out the light, and if I just tune out the voices of passing by ponies, I might finally be able to-

"Stardust? That you pal?"

Oh Goddammit...

Growling at the harsh rays of blasted light now pointing into my clenched eyes, the sun was proceedingly blocked by the face of an amused blue pegasus. Rainbow commented with a smirk, "Heh, never took you for the napping type. At least when you're not getting knocked unconscious sometimes."

My muzzle twisted unpleasantly. To say I was in no mood for Rainbow's games right now was saying it lightly. "I'm not napping..."

A raised brow. "Then what do you call this?"

"Sleeping." Before you pulled my hat off that is...

"And the difference is...?"



"...I'll let you know when I'm not too exhausted to give a [BEEP]."

With that, I turned to the side, taking as much comfort as I could on this unorthodox attempt of sleeping. Conversation over Rainbow Dash, I've nothing more to say to you. Hopefully she took the hint and would leave me to go pester someone more tolerant at the moment-

"You do know you're napping on a park bench, right?"

"Sleeping, and your point...?"

"Not exactly the most cozy of places."

"Again, point being...?"

"And in broad daylight."


Rainbow made a bemused noise. "What, was Twilight so mad at you this morning she made you 'sleep' in the park?"

"Nope." Was this discussion still going? My annoyed eyes glared upwards to the unfazed pegasus, whom was still holding my fedora. "Twilight's out for the day with Fluttershy, which lets me take advantage of getting all the sleep I've been missing out on."

If that's what you wish to call it.

I flinched. You're enjoying this aren't you?

Rainbow frowned. "Is that so?" Yes. Yes it is. Please go away now, not to be rude but... Yeah I just want to rest in peace, and not in the deadly kind. But my stomach sunk in despair at the cat-like grin spreading across Rainbow's face. "You know... You've been hanging out with Twilight alot more than your good old pal Rainbow Dash. Maybe we can use this to make up for lost time having fun instead."

"Sleeping, Rainbow... And how about no- GAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

In answer to your previous inquiry, Jack, yes. I am very much enjoying this.

[BEEP] you.

With a low grumble, I shifted on the haystack, a much more comfier place to rest than the park bench outside. Ever since Rainbow practically abducted me earlier by sending me flying under her hooves, I managed to escape, taking refuge in a place I was certain she couldn't track me in. With a loud yawn, my body started relaxing, cape used as a quilt and fedora resting by the side. Luckily, Balance has decided to finally cut me some slack and grant me the rest I so desperately needed.

And then I spoke too soon.

"Well ain't this a surprise?" Applejack's bemused tone echoed through the barn, my back turned to the approaching Earth Pony. "Unless I'm very much mistaken, this pony lying on ma haystack just happens to be Stardust Balance."

"You'd be wrong... I'm not here."

My tired mind imagined the mare rolling her eyes. "And it just so happens to be the cranky side of my friend showin' its ugly self. Ain't that lovely?" Oh God... Please, just let me sleep. "What are ya doin' nappin' in the barn Star? Not exactly the best place to get some shuteye peacefully ya know."

"Sleeping, Applejack..."

"...What's the difference?"

Kill me...

"Just do what you came in here to do, I won't be a bother. I just want to catch up on rest... Please..."

And fate finally took pity on me. Applejack's befuddled voice lowered in amusement and empathy. "Alright then sugarcube. I'll leave you to it." Thank you, someone who understands! After numerous sounds behind me of hay and tools being moved around, Applejack's voice called out, "Sleep well!"

"Thanks..." My voice was cracking now, barely able to respond. But that didn't matter, the sleeping realm was well on the horizon-

"Oh, by the by, Big Mac and Granny Smith will be usin' the barn later on to deal with cow manure. Hope ya don't mind the smell."

I never ran so fast in my life in an exhausted state.

And while Sombra was unabashedly chuckling at my misfortune, it wasn't long before my aching limbs crumbled under exhaustion and had me lie flat on the ground, begging for sleep. Every single part of my body was burning now, the unrelenting sunlight above inciting my sweat and shallow breathing.

Require some assistance?

Think you can... Offer some...?

If I had a physical manifestation, certainly... Or most likely not.

Thanks Sombra... You're a pal.

This could've been far more simplified if you had taken the repeated recommendation of your parents. The King proceeded to scold. Irritable as it was hearing them drone on with useless subjects, they were correct with your erratic sleeping patterns. Perhaps if you indulge actually sleeping in early, this wouldn't become an issue.

But that never works! It STILL takes me ages to sleep regardless...

And you have your childhood to blame there. Majority of night wasted on playing electronic games and late conversations with your siblings. Again, something you refuse to accept fault upon.

I don't deny... My stupidity as a child... But...

Oh this heat was killing me-!

"Oh my! Stardust?"

And of course! Rarity has to show up and see me in this state too!

Unfortunately, my fleeing limbs from Sweet Apple Acres led me nearby the famous boutique. The unicorn was inspecting a package outside before noticing me, as my neck craned to face her. Rarity furrowed her brow at my helpless position. "What, may I inquire, are you doing lying on the ground like this? It hardly makes an adequate resting place you know."

Are these mares gonna judge me for sleeping on anything...?

You bring that on yourself, once again.

"Oh you know... Tasting the dirt. Quite a flavour, you should try it yourself."

Ignoring my dry smile, Rarity observed my state wearily. "There are better places for napping darling. Have you considered, perhaps, your own bed?"

Oh ha ha! Leave the sarcasm to yours truly. "Sleeping, Rarity..."

"I see no distinction." Ugh... The unicorn moved towards me with a pitiful smile, extending a hoof out. "My, you look positively exhausted!"

"A gold star for noticing..."

"Come on, take my hoof Stardust. We're going to give your exerted body the proper rest and relaxation it's blatantly pleading for." Oh thank you, thank you Rarity! But my hopes immediately shattered by the planning grin on the fashionister's face whilst dragging me along. "Through your long-awaited spar treatment!"

...I felt like crying...

And now you're making a fool of yourself-



...Thank you...

With his Highness finally shutting his patronizing muzzle, I settled into my temporary bed. The room was dark, no windows nor sunlight, which suited me just fine. No one here to bother me, they'll never suspect this as my hiding spot. Rarity's so-called solution to my dilemma only worsened things from there; almost drowned in the warm spa pool, basically. And I spent the majority under the torture of those spa mares begging for death.

Or, begging for it to be over with, whichever came first. And proceeded to hightail it out of there first opportunity. I mean dear God, it's as if the world was trying everything in its power to make me suffer just for staying up late... Can't it find some mercy in its heart to have me just one single moment of desperate sleep?

"Hi Stardust!"


That goes my answer.

"Pinkie, God damn you!"

The Earth Pony smiled upwards, neither fazed by my rightful indignation nor me hanging from the ceiling light after her sudden appearance in my face. "What are you doing in my secret party planning room silly? Don't you know this isn't a bedroom?"

"Didn't stop me from trying, until you showed up."

Pinkie giggled childishly. "Gosh you can be ludicrous at times Star! There are plenty of places where you can nap! Trust me, I tried sleeping in here once, you do not wanna nap near a box full of horns." An exaggerate shudder.

"Sleep, Pinkie..." My voice was dying by this point. That's twice I screamed in one day. The energy I still used was astonishing.

Pinkie tilted her head with eye-wide innocence. "Hmm, what's the difference?"

All I'm feeling right now, was agony...

"Why are you here, Pinkie...?"

The pink mare grinned cheerfully. "I'm just here to get the supplies for Scootaloo's Birthday party."

"Lovely-" A crack above me.

...Oh god no-!

"Dammiiiiiit- Ow!"

My poor arse landed roughly on the ground alongside the broken light and bits of the ceiling. Pinkie, however, looked a million times more ecstatic than I did pained, annoyed, and practically dying from lack of sleep. And to have me suffer ever further because the universe is a tyrannical [BEEP], the mare gasped in inspirited delight.

"Huuh, I know! Since you're here, let's plan the afternoon party together! I know you're good to organizing stuff almost as much as Twilight- ...Stardust? Are you pretending to sleep?"

"No Pinkie..." Defeated voice was barely a whisper. "Just thinking that maybe Tirek had the right idea..."

"Streamers, check!"


"Red balloons, check! Those are her favourite."


"Three-layer sponge cake in oven? Double check!"


"Hired clown? Psh, too easy! Check!"


But my misery only worsened, from the sound of another voice entering the store, "Pinkie dear have you seen- Goodness gracious me! Stardust, what in heaven's name are you doing?" Slam, despite Rarity's protests. "You'll get yourself a concussion repeatedly doing that."

"That's..." Slam. "The main..." Slam. "Idea..." SLAM.

"Alright sugarcube, enough's enough." A firm orange hoof prevented my back head from banging against the wall any further, greeted by the green bemused eyes of Applejack. "What are ya doin' torturin' yerself like this?"

Oh I don't know. Fate seemed to be the mood of making me suffer the whole day through...

"This is where you've been?" Rainbow asked. "You bailed out on me earlier."

"Oh the tragedy..."

"Ah." Rarity thinned her muzzle. "Witty Stardust has made another appearance."

The blue pegasus scoffed. "When does he not?"

"He was helping me sort out all decorations for Scootaloo's Birthday party!" No, Pinkie, I was praying for sweet sweet death while you were jabbering on the entire time I've been here.

"Ya do know that's not until tomorrow, right Pinkie?" Applejack commented, pulling me to stand despite my weak protests.

"Well duh! But I wanted to host the surprise party early since she has school tomorrow. It's the perfect plan!"

Oh God. These four in the same room. Someone help me...

"Hey, if it's a party for Scootaloo, I wanna help." Rainbow started flying around, inspecting the boxes of goods herself. "And we have to make this party as cool as possible. Luckily, you've got the Queen of Coolness right here."

My head... Pounding...

"Oh honestly Rainbow. I think we can trust Pinkie to set everything up perfectly. Speaking of which, darling, what time do you intend on setting everything up? I must know to add it into my schedule."

"Oh, later this afternoon."

"Yes but what time?"

"...I dunno."

End the pain...

"What do you mean by not knowing Pinkie? You're setting up the party, if I'm not mistaken."

"With my help!" Rainbow added boastfully.

Applejack smiled humouredly. "Well, we can decide the time right here and now. How about, say, four in the afternoon?"

"An adequate choice, Applejack, though perhaps I recommend postponing the event until, shall we say, seven. We'd need time to get everything prepared for Scootaloo without forgetting anything."

So... Damn ... Tired...

"Psh! Relax Rarity, you got me! I can get everything up and ready in under an hour! Then we can celebrate Scootaloo's Birthday all day!"

"Her Birthday's tomorrow Rainbow Dash."

"Point being...?"

Eyes were burning... Muzzle was dry... Head felt as though it was splitting open... Never felt so exhausted in my life... And these mares... Weren't helping... In the slightest... Must... Resist... Shouting... In pain and... Irritation...

Do it Jack... Just give in...

"With all of us working together, this will be Scootaloo's best party yet! What should we have as the theme? Pegasi? Ooh! Or cutie marks! Or about friendship, with how tight she, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are with one another. Oh, idea! How about we make the party themed about all their misadventures when trying to find their cutie marks? They'll love it! We can have memories of the time they did that play, or when Apple Bloom had cutie pox, or when Scootaloo tried to act brave to impress Rainbow Dash, or that time when they had bad dreams about getting the wrong marks and were helped by Princess-!"



Four stunned mares stared in my fuming direction, Pinkie snapping her muzzle shut after my infuriated call. Teeth grinded, eyes twitching uncontrollably, voice raising to match perfectly how [BEEP]ing exhausted and just done I was. "HAVE YOUR GODDAMN [BEEP]ING PARTY PLANNING WITHOUT ANNOYING ME TO NO END, FOR [BEEP]S SAKE!" Enough was enough. Without awaiting their gaping responses, I fled from Sugarcube Corner as quickly as possible, what little energy was left to get me out of that nightmare.

I had to get away. I had to... Had to get some sleep...




"...Ya think he's awake?"

"Could be. I don't know."

"Should we check? I could go get a stick."

"I'm not sure that's such a good idea. Maybe we should leave him be."

"He is in our tree house Sweetie."

Oh, I heard them perfectly, to my eternal chagrin. The floorboards made an uncomfy resting floor, but I had to make do. Hopefully these fillies wouldn't rat me out, and I can finally, at last, without interruption, get some sleep.

And, if I'm lucky, these three will leave soon...

"Ugh! Check out those bags under his eyes; no wonder he's sleeping on the floor?"

"But why here and not his own bed?"


"No idea."

"Hm... Crusaders, I think we should just carry on with business as usual and leave him be. Let's just be veeeeeery quiet so he won't wake up, alright?"

"Sure thing."

"Yeah. He's scary enough when he's awake. I don't wanna be here if someone tried waking him up."

Tch... I appreciated that respect though-

"Hey girls!"


"Her Pinkie Pie! What's up?"

"Looking for Stardust, and there he is!" Footsteps approached my dog-style sleeping position, trying hard not to wince and failing miserably.

Please don't notice. Please don't notice. Please don't notice-!

"Wow, that's some good acting there!"

[BEEP]... Kill me...

"Pinkie, I don't we should try waking him up-"

"Pfft. He's not asleep! I know when someone's faking or actually resting." Even without opening my eyes, it wasn't difficult to imagine the big [BEEP]-eating grin plastered on the Earth Pony's face. "Rise and shine Stardust! I'm here to apologize; you gave us quite the scare back at Sugarcube Corner, you know."

My only response was to moan. I was all out of energy over every aspect of my body.

"Oh wow! Sounds as though you're really really exhausted." Pinkie noted, once in a lifetime where she applies common sense to her words. "No wonder you're so cranky. Guess we weren't doing you any favours by making you help us out, huh?"

I couldn't answer. But yes Pinkie, that's a hundred percent correct.

"Please say something Star. Everyone's worried about you!"

Oh Goddammit...

This time, with concentrated effort, bleary eyes struggled to open to meet the curious gazes of Pinkie and the Crusaders, muzzle opening and closing in vain attempt to speak. Somehow, my cracked voice succeeded, screaming three times on the same day finally getting to me.

"Check out those red eyes..." Scootaloo mumbled.

"I just... Want... To sleep..."

Pinkie blinked, smiling still. "Stardust, sleeping's great, but you can't do it all the time!"

"Tch, why not...?"

"But can't you just use your bed then?"

"Everyone's... Stopping me..."

At that, Pinkie brightened up visibly. "Oh! Well why didn't you just say so to begin with!" Before a light bulb went off in the inspirited mare's mind. "I got it! I know what the theme is now!"

"'Theme?'" Apple Bloom echoed in question.

The pink mare looked to them with a very satisfied grin, immediately speeding to the doorway out of the rather roomy tree house. "You three, help Stardust get up and to the castle! I've got an idea!"

My confounded tired gaze switched from the exit, to the three uncertain Crusaders... And using what little energy I had left to scowl. Great, not only have I lost my ability for peaceful relaxation, but my dignity's next.

When I was fully awake again, I'll mourn for my loss then.

Loss of exhaustion?

No, loss of pride... Being practically carried by these three Crusaders, who resorted as such by pulling my slouched arse via a toy wagon across the town for all to seem being taken back to the castle. The sun was glaring into my bone-dead state, and everything surrounding my blurry vision was... Well, exactly that.

Fate, at least, took pity by making the trip back seem more quicker. The Crusaders pulling me through the gaping doors into the majestic castle I nowadays called home. After all this... I'm getting some soda. Scratch that, two sodas. Hell, three, or four. It's gonna take a lot to forget everything that happened today.

I believe alcohol is the cure there, boy. Though I fail to comprehend how your idiotic species can withstand such brainless-inducing sustenance's.

You and me both... Was that the dining room...?

Why were they taking me there-?





I've witnessed many stranger things in Equestria, stranger than this. Gathered friends and family alike, all waiting for us... In pajamas... On numerous beds all over the room... And the sun had yet to completely set. The fillies expressed my slight confusion through a chorused "Huh?" But my dead tiredness caused more indifference from me to care.

My attention was moreso on the beds around me.

"What's going on?" Scootaloo asked in puzzlement.

"Welcome guys, to our surprise slumber party!" Spike announced, and Pinkies finished the next statement for him.

"Where we're all sleep, tell stories and have fun to our heart's contents!"

...You've gotta be kidding me.

The Crusaders, however, were much more enthusiastic by the news. "Cool!"

Rainbow looked smug, whereas Rarity smiled pleasantly from her place atop an elegantly-designed mattress. "Originally this was intended as a surprise early Birthday party for you Scootaloo dear. But after hearing a certain friend's dilemma, we decided on something more... Shall we say, relaxing."


"Here, let me." Applejack took control of the toy wagon next, dragging my arse all the way to me bed... Recognizing my own blue quilt and pillow. "Rainbow, mind lending a hoof?" And together, both mares proceeded to carelessly throw me onto my mattress with satisfied smirks. "Woo-ee. You sure been eatin' a lot of chocolate there Star."

"No hard feelings right? For making you hang out with us when you were completely exhausted?" Rainbow asked in slight hope.

Again, too tired to care. "I feel as though I'm the one who should apologize, for yelling at my friends earlier for no reason. And I will do so." The grown mares looked relieved by this news. "...After I wake up. Snoozeland is calling."

For now, nighty-night.

"Well." Rarity sounded less annoyed and more amused by my unceremonious drop onto the pillow. "I never."

"Guess humans need a lot more sleep than us ponies do." Applejack observed casually.

"A human? What's that?"

"We'll tell you when you're older, Sweetie Belle dear."

"I'm starving! I think there's brownies in the fridge!"

This... This was much better. Now, I could finally earn the sleep I had been waiting for the whole day. And as the ponies and Spike began departing the room to help themselves - With my brownies, mind you, but right now I could care less - that left me to catch up on the Z's I needed before they came back. At last, my body could rest, and I wouldn't have to wake up until late tomorrow. I hoped anyway. With how much I've been woken up early in the morning, my body was begging for sweet release into the realm of rest.

Then, fate decided to troll me one last time.

"Hey, we're back- Hm? Why are all these beds in here? Jack, what are you doing? It's too early to be sleeping in."

My muzzle released a quiet choked sob. Ohhh Goddamn you...

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